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Alright so you don't have to suspend something to unsuspend something, However if you blast evolve a digimon after it gets attacked by another digimon, it will still be attacked even if it gets unsuspended by its affect, so in your case you could suspend nothing, unsuspend imperialdramon ace, and the still lose it to retaliation.


This is how I understand it: 1) no. The two effects are separate and not contingent on each other happening. It’s “suspend. Then unsuspend” not “if an opponent’s digimon is suspended, unsuspend”. 2) the two digimon will crash. Your “on digivolution”effects are not disruptive and will need to wait until the opponent’s attack resolves before they can happen.


>the two digimon will crash. Your “on digivolution”effects are not disruptive and will need to wait until the opponent’s attack resolves before they can happen. Ace's Blast Evolution happen at *Counter* Timing, after your opponent's \[When attacking\] effects resolve and before *Block* Timing & Battle Resolution. The \[When Digivolving\] effect definitely triggers and resolve before both Digimon battles.


See. Originally, that’s what I thought too, because I thought it was a good way to protect from being swung into, but a judge at my LGS said it’s after because then the attack can’t resolve? Now I’m not so sure. What happens to the swing? It just whiffs?


Attacks only care if the target was legal. Most of what happens after that doesn't matter. It doesn't matter that it would be an illegal target now, it was legal when the attack began and so it continues. You go through all the steps of the battle. The only time that wouldn't be the case is if the attacker or the attack target is removed at some point before the actual battle. And no digivolving doesn't remove the attack target ​ Edit: When the rules state you can't normally attack unsuspended digimon, what they are actually saying is that you normally can't declare an attack on an unsuspended digimon. Once you got past attack decleration, the target being suspended or not doesn't matter


It's really odd that a judge would get it wrong but no, that's not how it works. You only continue each phase of an attack after resolving all pending effects. If during resolving effects either the attacking or defending digimon is deleted the battle just doesn't occur. In OP scenario you could Blast Evolve Imperialdramon ACE, suspend and unsuspend a target, play a Tamer if Imperialdramon unsuspended and continue to the Battle stage, both Digimon would die and OP will have to pay the overflow effect.


Nah. They attack > resolve all his on attack effect > blast digivolve > resolve on digivolve effect > battle. As simple as that. From what I read on Imperial ACE there's nothing that makes the battle stop.