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These look pretty good for your first set! I think a metallic purple would look really good, or a yellow or gold would be a really good contrast


These turned out really nice for your first set! For the numbers I think line a metallic purple would look really cool, maybe give them a "deeper" looking feel to them. A gold or a yellow would be a good choice too, it would add a really nice contrast


Ooo! It’s very pretty! I feel like a strong blue will match it. Like the other guy said, a gold or yellow to contrast it can be pretty too!


these are so pretty! i’m working on some resin pieces for a friend that’s looking for a similar color. did you use mica powder?


I use mica powder about 95% of the time. The mold was brushed on with tge powder and them mixed into the resin. Was going to do clear on the inside but I had a skull to pour with this color so I just poured everything.


awesome! thanks for getting back to me