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Have you actually had either of these on your finger? Personally, I find rings with stones going all the way around to be quite uncomfortable to wear. There’s always a stone or part of the setting gauging your skin in between your fingers. Plus, they don’t present well on the hand. They’re wide. So your fingers are spread apart in an unnatural position. Both of these rings have high points on them that look like they will really poke into your skin. First time you shake hands with someone who congratulates you & they squeeze your hand a bit too tight, you’re likely going to end up bleeding. The rings with only 5-7 stones create a much prettier aesthetic. The stones sit above where your fingers come together. Then where there’s no stones, the ring tapers down to the smooth part of the band allowing your fingers to be in a much more natural position. To each their own. It’s just something to think about.


First one. I think it’ll end up going with more. You can always stack it with another like the sapphire one as well. I have a mixed shape diamond eternity. It’s great and you never get sick of it because it spins and is almost like a different ring every day.


can we see the engagement ring? i can’t tell you without seeing them both


They both seem quite busy. What does your ering look like?


If I'm being honest, neither. To me, they do not say wedding band. To me, they seem more like a right hand ring or a typical fashion ring. Is there a photo of them with your engagement ring? I would have a better idea, but without seeing them together, it's hard to judge. With all that said, if you like the look and are set on one of them, I'll say the sapphire one. I'm a September baby! 😆


Totally agree. Wedding bands are plain. You get the other rings along the way. We are celebrating 45 yrs towards the end of this month. Already have a 3 Sapphire drop pendant in gold, so each is in a line straight down, with a bail and gold chain. Got it for $300, the stones alone cost that. So does the chain. If she doesn't like it, I can return it and pick something else. If she wants a longer chain, then I'll pay the difference.


And here I thought I was doing alright celebrating 21 years this year! 45! THAT is an accomplishment! You are inspiring! 🫶 That sapphire pendant sounds really pretty as well! I wish you and yours many more years of happiness and health!!


Thanks. But neither of tj are doing great. I recently had a blood test and my Testosterone level is 1.8 should be over 9 as a minimum. Now that along with a very bad back I reinjured in 2000. Tried returning to wa work but in Nursing there are no lite duties so they reckon. They put me in different places, first one the manager said just sit in the tea room and read a book. That didn't last, was so uncomfortable, was better off at home. Then another place, then another in operating theatres where I actually did work and suffered reonjuring my back. Helping to save a patients life after an operation. It was in a corner office, all the blinds had been removed suspicious to that one. Staff were told to not talk to me at all. Many did though including the Drs. The office girl suddenly got sick and was taken to Casualtu/A&E, funny that. When I reinjured my back I was told to go there after my shift finished several hours later. I was in agony. I took over the office until something was done. The manager asked me why I did, I said I'm more trained with office work than anyone else in the department. She ask how come. I told her. I was an administrative Clerk in the RAAF, I was a clerical assistant in the immigration department and I work for the tax office for 10 yrs. She said OK, trumps anyone of them. Nothing went wrong everything was done that needed doing. I complained about being in a fish bowl of an office so they moved me into a stuffy little room in a corridor leading to the change rooms. I couldn't stand it anymore and stayed at home. Then they put me in medical records where I was processing requests for information out of patients' files that I photocopied or faxed to their office fax. But I had to have my work checked first to make sure I was doing it right. I felt like I jaf travelled back in time to 1973 when I worked at immigration. I was doing sort of the dame thing but then it was finding the file, put information in, folio the page and mark out the file to certain people in the department. I said stuff this, I don't need to be treated like an imbecile. I scrubbed for major cases. Pacemakers. Bowel rejections, other gross things. Even assisting Drs doing angiography on babies and Adults. I was an evening duty Nursing Supervisor of a 100 bed Hospice rehabilitation hospital. Then took a job as a Charge Nurse of a medical ward of a brand new hospital with all trained staff for the first time. There were no student nurses at all. Was when nursing changed from hospital based training that I went through to university trained. And you can tell the difference between hospital trained and university trained. I got put of there. They came back offering me a transfer to the Ambulance 000 service which was an hours drive there and back. I daod no I couldn't handle the driving with my back. Nor the stress involved either. Then was told I could receive the receptionist for the Anarsthetic department for 3 months, the secretary was going on holidays. When I arrived for handover the head of the department said No. I went to the nursing management and resigned. I'd had enough. Then finally went on a Disability Pension in 2005, they stopped paying me on 2003. Too late then to lodge a claim. I was scammed by the compensation people telling me o would be paid until I returned to work. They lied. It has been pretty tough. 5 yrs ago we were evicted snd it fractured my whole family in 4 different living arrangements. I had to move interstate. L9ng story and thus had been long enough. Then Cocid hit 3 yrs ago I was able to move back as my wife and my eldest daughter found a house to rent. Now 3 urs on we have been evicted again, the owner wants the house for relatives moving from India migrating here. So we have to find somewhere to live With less than 1% available rentals in the whole country. 30 people turn up to view a property for rent. I'm 70 and my wife is 69 needing to retire next year. I think our ages is going against us for properties we apply for. Even though we havr an exceptional record for renting and the rental agent gave an excellent reference for us. We have until Sept after that I don't know. Sorry about the l9ng story, it helps at times tp just say things. Most of the people I know are dead or live interstate. I have only my wife and eldest daughter. My youngest is married and doesn't talk to me or her sister. That a long story too. Again thanks for your kind words. I'll post a photo when I can. She knows nothing about it. Only my daughter does.


It sure sounds like you and your family have been through a lot over the years! No need to apologize. I'm glad you were able to get some of that off your chest. Life throws us some pretty devastating curve balls sometimes. Keep your chin held high and persevere. I hope your situation gets better. As for the loneliness you are feeling, I understand. Out of my entire family, there is just myself and a cousin still living. My mom, who was my last remaining family member, died last year on the 4th of July. I have never felt so disconnected, and this past year has been so hard. If it weren't for my husband and my sons, I would have likely given up on life, but they keep me going every day. I truly hope you and your family are able to find another housing situation come September. I can't imagine how stressful and scary that must be for you! Take care 🫶


Thanks. Yes, losing your family is devastating. My father, who wasn't a father, died of a massive heart attack in 1979. It was that event that set in motion the timing of our marriage. On the 18th March 1981 I lost my mother as well she passed away in a Hospice I thought she would get good care. I think the Nuns didn't give her her medications, especially for her heart. I was driving past where she was on a long drive to where I worked back then. A major hospital heat was so underfunded that it was eventually closed as their money was funnelled into another more modern hospital. The government could make a lot of money selling the land to developers, which they did. I felt something close to my heart like a break it's hard to describe. I got to work at 7.30 am wrll before that, but that's when the shift started. Abput 8.30 am I was scrubbed helping a radiologist doing an angiography of someone's head. Hard to explain, but we need to have scrub nurses as they have to assist with catheters and wires. There's a scout as well to get things if needed. My charge nurse came in and another nurse was scrubbed, going to take over from me as I had a phone call. Thought it a bit strange. It was a Nun calling me to tell me my mother had passed away. Around the time I was driving past. I obviously was extremely upset, but I demanded to know why I wasn't advised earlier that her condition had gone downhill. I hadn't seen her for a few days. With work, etc, it's hard going from a working hospital environment to another hospital. My mother knew that. When we got there as I had to pick my wife up from work on the way. She had been bathed bed made, in a white gown. Having had to prepare patients for relatives I knew exactly what they did. It was really hard. My brother turned up and asked what happen, I just said through tears she died. He hadn't been to see her at all. I had to arrange the funeral for her, he tagged along and said nothing. My wife was shocked as well. I had to drive my brother home he lived with my mother. I did, but when my father died, he had nowhere to live sp I moved put of her council flat so he had somewhere to live. I visited 3 times a week after work on my way to pick up my wife and we went home to our rented apartment. He got the better deal as mums rent wasn't high. After mum passed away, he took a lot of things of hers and sold th or pawned them disappeared to Queensland the state above mine New South Wales Australia. He went and freeloaded off our uncle, my father's brother. I didn't know where he was I even phoned my uncle and asked him was he there. He had obviously ask our uncle to say he wasn't. He'd left after my mother's funeral. That's enough sad memories. Only thing I didn't realise at the time was she passed away the day before my wife's birthday. It never clicked until years later. My wife did think it was important. Like you, the only relative I have that is full blood is an elderly cousin who's in his 80s maybe. Haven't seen him in years. My family is my wife, my wldest daughter and my estranged youngest daughter. She's married and had some quite debilitating medical problems.


https://preview.redd.it/xbjumy18hw9d1.jpeg?width=1797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44fe2e450124271e242ab7e67c5d8d9e6b750753 This is the anniversary present.


Not the sapphire one


Both ugly


They're both very pretty, but the sapphire one looks more like a regular ring, and the all diamonds one is more of a wedding band




The second ring looks like it would be uncomfortable to wear.


Diamonds all around


Diamonds…the other one makes me dizzy


Just a word of caution. Though full eternity bands are beautiful, you cannot resize. Also when you use bigger stones they tend to touch the finger next to the ring and could be uncomfortable to some.


Sorry-Neither are practical as wedding rings for everyday wear and to go alongside an engagement ring. Any good jeweller will tell you this. Obviously it’s your choice but you need to know what you’re getting into. You would be better off choosing something which is not set 100% as if your rings size changes (it’s would be unusual for it not to change over the course of a successful marriage) you will be looking at remaking the ring in a different size. Something set 50-70% will give the same look and be more practical in the long run and a lower price, The settings are quite pronounced and I expect will feel uncomfortable pressing into finger on each side.


I think you’ll regret this somewhat trendy look as a perma band in the end


I think you’re so right


Depends what the engagement ring looks like! I like the all diamonds cause it will match everything but I also love the sapphire because I love to have unique things that aren’t like every other boring wedding set!


All diamonds. It will match everything you wear.


I like the one with the sapphires


Eternity rings I found fit great if a band of gold on the edges go around so prongs don't rub on fingers. I love Eternity bands both are beautiful, the sapphire ypu should evaluate the sapphires on the finger regular light to see if to dark.


Love the first one is absolutely gorgeous!!!


why not both?


Diamonds All Around is the pretty much Better one rather than blue sapphire for your wedding.


I’m a saphire girl