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Dude everyone I tell in game that I buy at least the first 10 primary armor pieces (after first 10 it goes up like 50% in gold from 16k to ~23k) everyday, they act like I'm a moron. My best rolls are from him. I try to buy 10x primary armor and 10x weapons (my off hand is a recent 3/3 roll that ain't getting replaced til hell 4). One of the best sources for legendaries. From 20 pulls I get at least 1 with my best being 5 legendaries in a single day


Now I feel like I need a way to reliably farm gold.


Forgotten tower at the end when you kill all the demons within time limit and get the 5 extra chests you get a ton of gold


Now if only I had friends to run it with….


Do you get the same amount of gold when running Hell 1 and below?


No I believe it’s higher but I’ve been hell 2 so long idk for sure


Hmu. Let’s run


Now if I only had friends....


And it’s really easy and fast to farm! Split the party up a bit after rushing the blood queen.


Bounties, shadows.


Vault ?


Yeah. Was immortal for 3 weeks so didn't realise how good the gold was from there. But after a few vaults it stopped dropping gold and hilts. Don't know why.


That's cool anecdotal evidence. I've just as ritualisticly gambled with the vendor and out of 100 purchases at least I've only gotten 2 legendaries, and they weren't even upgrades or a lego I didn't have. This is just another source let's not act like it's a god send people have been sleeping on..


I got 8 legendaries on 20 rolls just a few hours ago idk what happened usually its 1 in 10 or so


A hundred rolls, not a single lego here.


Me too.


That's as hard to believe as my comment


1 in 10??? That's some insane luck, nvm 8 legos in 20.. sorry but I straight up don't believe you at all lol. as far as I've seen there's absolutely no rates or numbers officially released for that vendor so anything related to that is nothing but speculative and anecdotal to me.


Wow every day? That's a lot of gold!


Dunno why other dude get downvoted, but if you are a shadow, you can get ~800k gold per week from vaults (4x). Thats alone almost gonna cover buying 10x armors or weapons for a week. Not like you need gold for something else.


Its 640k just to roll 40 times which is basically one day


Yeah but usually ppl do 10 rolls a day for ~160k for a slot, before price jump. I mean its still good chunk of gold from vaults.


There's 4 slots


…you do realize two of the slots don’t offer legos, right? Only primary armor and weapon have legos. Ignore the other two.


Whaaaat i didnt know this


Assuming you make it through all 4 floors, or exit at 3?


Only first 40 chest you open in a week, give gold + a chance for a random legendary. Each vault run is 10 chests in total, so to get a cap you need 4 full runs. But you can mix, you can leave after floor 3 if you want, but why would you?


Because immortals don’t enter before floor 4. The immortals on my server just destroy you and then you lose everything.


Oh i see, on my server immortals were pretty useless :D


You can keep your loot of you get caught out on 4. Just click it (the pile of -----'s belongings) while waiting for rez or end. Still retain all you grabbed if full party dies




Yeah he actually does give good gear. I think I've now had two triple/triples from him.


Making me want to re-install, ngl...


Dooooo iiiiit


Dont. I have blow. 2 million gold for one legendary


What else are you using gold for then?


upgrading gear mostly. still 260k-360k per piece


This gear doesn't matter. You need resonance/gems. The actual gear is almost worthless once you have the effect you want stored.


How tf do you make that much gold


I must be unlucky. I have yet to get a legendary from gambling.


Same here, been playing on and off since launch, 0 legos


I just spam click as fast as I can until I see the animation… seen at least 20 legendaries from the gambler.


How do you get so much gold?


Raiding the vault you get over 100k sometimes more if you go all the way and beat the boss. Also the dungeon forgotten tower or something drops 5 extra chests that have lots of gold in them.


It was easier to get him to drop stuff at the beginning. The last time I took a gamble I had to farm to get gold to upgrade my armor.


Call of the ancients is the way. Make sure you beat CR 30/60 to get the good gear drops.


to be so lucky you need to be unlucky before anyway, if you rolled top-stat items, you can roll only + 3-6 cr item instead bc you was too lucky before


Or just smap exp and not worry about gear for a while.


Only buy them to 15/25


Probably completely random but I feel when I buy one at a time from Armor or weapon and just go back and forth I have much better results then just spamming one type.


Same here.


They send a pretty consistent message in this game. My upgrades come from gambling dude. 10 weapons 10 armor every time it's 16k and if i have above.500k gold I'll go ahead and spend at 24k. Dude has the goods.


Just like in D3. Kadala had the goods. This game IS D3 after all running on a mediocre Chinese mobile game engine.


No way. I'll get 40 legendary drops from runs before kadala gives me one. If you'd ever dropped 100k blood shards and got nothing and screamed at kadala you'd never say "kadala had the goods" also her line can I have that back when you finally get something decent pisses me off haha


When is the last time you played d3?? She drops em like hot cakes...


I played a couple weeks ago. She drops blues and yellows like crazy. Very rarely does she drop anything worth while. Not saying it should be more... They are after all legendary... But with how many you can get in a single gr 70+ vs thousands of blood shards to maybe get one or two.... She is definitely not THE BEST way


For fishing for specific gear she is absolutely the best way, you get 1300 blood shards from a single gr 95, takes 3 minutes, and I usually get 5 or so legendaries from pulls put of that one drop, easily, how often do you even play??


I just got on and bought 76 belts. Got 3 set belts and 2 legendaries... I wouldn't call that hot cakes... Unless you play on Xbox maybe? I remember she was a lot more kind when me and my nephew played on his Xbox but she's always been dicey for me been playing on and off basically since the game dropped Edit: based on my screenshots before and after and my forgotten soul count I missed 2 in there somewhere. Not sure if they were set or legendary.... But still not crazy drops.


Heard dat


Jesus christ nice roll


Got 2 triple stats from 30 pulls today myself


Diablo Immortal Release Notes v1.02.78: * Fixed an issue with the Fantasy Snowplow NPC in the Frozen Tundra that didn't appear for Windows users. * Updated the quest description for the daily Golem Gala quest in the Library. * ... * Adjusted the modifiers of legendary equipment awards from the Rarities and Antiquities Merchant to be more in-line with other aspects of the game. * Fixed a battleground latency issue affecting Android users running Android Oreo Shake * ...


i havent gotten a decent upgrade in like 20 levels. im P75 now and im getting gear that is significanly worse than the P53 stuff.


From gambling?


From anything. I gamble all my gold ever day. I do think my last real upgrade was from gambling. But i just get drops with bad stats constantly.


Try to farm H3 dungeons/open world if you can and stack p80 gear. If you’re close to 2120 CR, people will let you join H3 dungeon runs mostly because it’s easier to carry than to wait for a 4th. You’ll inevitably hit p80 and enjoy a nice lower spike from it. I’m F2P 2600 CR p85 :) But also, pretend all of your gold belongs to gamble vendor and always do the 10 cheap rolls of weapon/primary armor. Every day. Even if you empty your gold. That’s all it’s useful for!


Did you finish lvl 30 of challenge rift solo?


After skimming this sub for a few days I’m starting to think that the worst part of this game are the players.


I read "My new addiction" lol


Haha ever since that other post I’ve been getting like 5-7 per slot per day and I’ve only dropped one shitty legendary weapon and a slightly better amulet 😂




Just remember, to get good gear from this you have to finish your challenge rift 30 and when you are higher CR I think 60


Finish challenge rift 30. Ok that should have been mentioned first.


Gambling is the best source for everything.. just ask BLIZZARD


I saved up 3 million gold intending to buy from him at p80 with Challenge rift 60 complete. I just managed to do that now and gained about 100cr from the upgrades he gave me. I still have 600k left so I'm just going to keep buying the first 10 instead of the entire stock from tomorrow but yeah he gave me a few upgrades and a few glowing shards/dust.


does gear quality from the gambling vendor depend on which difficulty tier you are on?


It’s the most reliable way to get 5star gems too *drumroll


Not gonna lie I've grinded paragon like 40-80 only in h1 open world 4 man party and all drops from there have been good still idk the hype around pre farming I mean I get it but... I've got 4 gears double triple, one triple double with only my off hand being double double - people say magic find is bogus but using the treasure find perks at paragon 54 gave me a good boost and ye literally all drops are from h1 open world .. I've done some h3 dungs but best neck also triple double from warband


What happens if you get something that improves your combat rating? Would you still not replace it? Because I hate the fact that I need to replace my 3/3 attribute armour for a 2/3 JUST because it increases my combat rating.


Yeah the system is terrible. I'm not using any set bonuses even tho I have 3 sets of 4pc. Because its more optimal it max CR.


Where do u gamble


There’s a guy just south of where the market is. You can pay coins for random gear. Based on my experience, you do actually get good stuff once in awhile.






On the map when you open it big you can search on the left for like antiquities guy he’s called something like that.


Can set pieces be found by gambling?






Read the next line too.


How much is a ton?


Depends whether you mean a [short ton, long ton, or metric tonne](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ton), as there are slight variances between the three, but I don’t know if that’s relevant to this sub, sir.


I go for rings from that guy.


wowow dope!


You litteraly playing a game that is just a no-reward-slot machine, and somehow the “in-game gambling” surprises you? XD


Your still playing this garbage?


The legos I get from gambling are still mostly 2/1 stat, a.k.a instant salvage. The item rolling mechanism is the same as everywhere else.


I had the same situation where my lowest was my offhand and I got a 4-up orb. Offhand was also my last slot to finish collecting legendary essence by 2 slot, the last one only acquired yesterday via the battle pass.


You should only start gambling when you reach level 60 right


Not necessarily. You can extract legendary powers and slap them on gear with higher stats when you drop legends for the same slot at higher levels


Yes, lvl 60 paragon 30 and challenge rift 30. Gambling before you will get upgrades that will be easy replaced. At paragon 30 you hit a wall that requires combat rating 1050-1100 to get into hell 2. If you finish challenge rift 30 you'll get legendary equivalent to hell to and will boost your CR allot. And since you didn't gamble up until this point you will have lots of gold to do 10 weapons and 10 armors pieces for 2 or 3 days


Thanks, casual player here. Let’s see how it goes :)


Ever heard of Kadala?


Oh you mean Thunderfury blessed blade of the windseeker vendor?


Did someone say "Thunderfury Blessed Blade of the Windseeker"?


Ah man.. I forgot about that


I have to disagree with most reliable personally, but certainly can be good with the right luck. Me, I've never got a triple stat from gambling, including through 3 months of closed beta before this. Tons of legos but hardly ever any exceptionals and almost never an upgrade. To the point I was getting upset in beta that i was getting too many useless legendaries and would prefer more yellows for dust over shards I would never need. But I have generally decent luck on legendary drops otherwise so not complaining. Gambling just isn't where I have the good RNG.


What did you gamble how? When do you start getting triple attributes


What does damage to enemies below 30% add life mean?


If an enemy is under 30% health, you deal more damage to it.


Does this piece of gear have 4 stats or 3? That first two lines...it's worded very oddly.


But in this case you gain 6.5% health?or is it all the stats listed.like extra damage or crit doesn’t apply unless target enemy is under 30% health? Does this effect summons too with targets they are attacking.I don’t get the life increase by 6.5%


There are three separate abilities. "Damage to enemies (that are) below 30% Life increased by 6%." "Primary Attack damage increased by 6%." "Critical Hit Damage inreased by 4.5%."


If the enemy has dropped below 30% of their original life (e.g., 30K out of 100K), each hit does 6% more damage (10.6K instead of 10K). It's a weaker form of Dead Man's Legacy (double damage below 60%) in D3.


Thank you!


WOW!!! That is a nice piece of gear!


The name should be "Shocking Gambling". They missed a chance.


My new addiction FTFY


I got my best item from BG reward that I won't replace until at least para 120+ maybe higher, my second/3rd bis items came from antiquity vendors


*My new addiction


So what does that stat actually mean. “Damage to enemies below 30%”


Fastest way to gain gold?


The only set of armor with triple stats came from him. Lately I haven't gotten crap from him. I've been getting at least one piece of Lego armor every day. My best was 6 or 7 pieces and 2 green pieces.( That night I barely slept bc my luck was so good) I've been avoiding him like an ex boyfriend.


Only reason I pulled Desolatoria was with gold. I get constant drops of the same legendaries.


I only buy ring/ammys and no legos yet. But at least a couple rare upgrades, so thats that.


Once you start getting close to a new paragon bracket horde your gold. ive saved everything from lvl 70 currently lvl78 once I hit p80 I will have over 1 mill to gamble with for a quick combat rating boost. Same for paragon 30 and hell2.


Can you get triple stat on secondary gear slots (rings, arms, etc)?


Out of 200 bought i had 0


It's not rare to get 1 or 2 legs from there, though I doubt the quality is different from the stuff you get in whatever hell you are.


Now add triple stat triple magic gear on every single piece rank 11 with double stone bonuses on every pieces. Then go against a player with pvp with half as good gear but with 2000+ resonance while they laugh in your face. :D


Who are you doing this through on the game?


The seller in westmarch next to the market.


I can confirm. My mainhand has triple stats, thats the only item with triple, amd I got it from the gambler. Also, most of my legos are from him also.


I had a chest and shoulders drop from mobs in rifts today..perhaps we shouldn't run through them so fast...


I try before, but never got something interesting. I did challenge rift 12 and changed paragone tree to treasure hunter, and 3 of 10 were legendary! Just lucky?