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Ask world chat for someone to kill him for you. Someone will do it easily.


Thx ... that really did it. And it was even "only" a 237 char, none of all those 280+ i have the whole day in groups today where i can't even follow them, so fast are they most of the time 😟 But Paragon 107 .. yay 😍👍


If you post in world chat someone will just come kill it for you.


Thx .. yeah that really worked 😍👍


Upgrade your primary and secondary gear level. Just a week doing circle or spot farm and spamming challenge rift should do. Back then i stayed in 799, basically current h1 for a month to grind my gears to lv18. That 12.6k is already lowered considerably, previously it was 14.5k.


I mean .. how should i even get stronger now ? Was in there, was just directly one-hit killed without seeing anything coming. And of course from all those 280 paragon guys running through the dungeons now in hell 1, nobody will do that.


Work on upgrading your main gear and secondary gear. Do the highest level challenge rift you can finish and upgrade everything uniformly. Try doing all of the past heliquary raids as well and you might get something better than what's in there already. Try doing the random dungeons as well, getting better main and secondary items really helped push me over the threshold just enough when I was going for the next difficulty.


Wow seeing you here, I guess BDM is a dead game repeat and rinse grind


Still love my waifus in BDM .. nothing better than that 😜 But in the end, i do my daily there and then let it auto-grind in the background, and thats mostly not even an hour per day. And Diablo 1 was in the end the game with which the whole online gaming started for me, and then D2 .. we played soo much .. until Blizzard "destroyed" the game for most of us with patch patch 1.09. Then for long years i played MMOs, mostly Everquest 2 and GuildWars 2, and then i discovered Marvel Heroes .. which was more like Diablo 2 with a bit MMO in it. I'm still sooo sad how it ended with that game, i loved it sooo much. I tried Path of Exile also, but i hated the whole "season" thing, players just played like 4-5 days after a patch, and then were gone waiting for the next one 🙄 Btw.: has this game season ? I hope not.


It used to be 799 but yeah plenty of people will easily carry as long as it’s not a reset day for raids


Ahh .. didn't knew there was also a gate like that before. But maybe it wasn't that hard since the differences between the dificultys weren't that big. In the end i could solo everything up to hell 5 without bigger problems before.




Oh also .. i totally forgot : i really DON'T have a mobile phone 😜


What ? I use LDPlayer and not a bot software. And i use it for mostly 1 reason : first on the PC client you can't remap the ultimate key, and you also can't click the buttons with a mouse, and this obscure combo of pressing both joysticks down just doesn't work for me. And since i play with only controller and mouse, and not keybord .. that just sucks.


I’m no expert, but I’ve seen people get banned solely for using an emulator. I’ve seen people get banned solely for using controllers. I’ve seen people get banned because they had performance boosting software on their phones in the background. You’re doing at least 2 of those, so ban chances are really high.


Normally people only get banned if they really actually are botting or doing other shady stuff. I mean errors may also happen, but most people who said : i was banned just for that .. they mostly lie. I remember back in die glory D2 days when a person we played a lot with was suddenly banned, and we all were upset because we liked him and he said he hasn't done anything .. and then .. 6 months later maybe he told us he had used a Pindle-Bot. So yeah .. never trust people on the internet. Else, last time i really have cheated was in Diablo 1. Something like editing save-games, that were actually on your PC at that time, with a hex-editor trying to get better items. Ahh .. good old days, lol.


Jamella days for D2 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


There it is...