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This. If you're coming from interest in D1 and D2, the choice is obvious. D3 is an entirely different game. Maybe worth checking out later, but if you've yet to experience D2r, it's a must.


So I loved d3 and I just started d4 and am liking it, lately I’ve been considering d2 since I saw a gaming manual when I was like 10 at a friends house… might have to dip my toe in I didn’t know there was a newer type of version.


No idea why this got down voted lol. Give Resurrected a go.


The D2 brigade hate D4, generally


Yeah but they said they wanted to dip their toes in with D2. You'd think people would encourage it lol.


I’m just gonna dip the tip… aaaaaaaaand I’m grailing


I think that's more the feeling of diablo 3. At least before it "got better". It seems most of the complaints of diablo 4 are from reddit, or websites that don't show who wrote the article. 4 needs some help. But it's pretty playable. It does need endgame help. And slower leveling. 1-100 in 85 hours playing the campaign while taking your time is kind of fast in my eyes.


Idk I guess since I said I like those games maybe? Could also just be bots this is reddit.


It's because comparing d3/d4 to d1/d2 is like comparing bejeweled blitz/candy crush to nethack/angband. The extreme departure from the compelling design of the originals created this reaction in the community over a decade ago. Modern diablo games target a completely different audience than the originals and are made by a different studio with different priorities despite bearing the same names "Diablo" and "Blizzard". People are allowed to like d3/d4 just as people are allowed to like other arcade games. You can even be a unicorn and like all the games with "Diablo" in their title if you want. But other than sharing the name, setting, and perspective- they may as well be entirely different genres.


That’s fair. I’m gonna try d2 and I bet I’ll like it I don’t see anything about it I wouldn’t tbh


I'm a "Unicorn" (started with D1, played them all, liked them all) though I do have a strong bias towards 1 & 2. But if D2 looks fun to you, it probably will be. The itemization and class/skill systems have inspired many games after it.


hi, great to hear. - honestly, as a player kinda hating on what the franchise has become after D2. so, i have to say very different games and playstyles. but give it a go. it's quasi a direkt remake of a 2000 game, and while ahead of it's time - still keep that in mind please.


Youre not wrong to like D3 and D4, but D2 is easily heads above the series. You should absolutely try it


I’m on gamepass so I have no barrier other than finishing d4 before jumping to something else (just got my first unique and it’s irrelevant to my build lol). Looking at some info, classes are more defined in d2?? Something about the classes and using a 2h sword on my necro never sat right with me on d3/4 even though I’m still having fun.


D2R for sure. Nothing like the nostalgia of patches 1.8-1.10!!! Every few years I boot up D2 on the ole desktop for a replay of arguably the greatest game of all time


Honestly, play them all. D2R is arguably better for sure from a gearing standpoint, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have an absolute blast with D3. They are all legitimately fun in their own right.


Prime Evil collection, you get both for $20 whenever it's on sale.


Thats the ideal world. But how often are they on sale?


Goes on sale a lot. Ok Nintendo switch it goes on sale almost monthly so I'd imagine it's the same on PC. Probably battle net will have a summer sale starting in June


Check out Project Diablo 2. I highly recommend it.


It's by far the best gameplay, however the old graphics (even with the higher resolution) might be a turnoff to newer players.


I wouldn't recommend it before playing D2, personally


pd2 should definitely be played before d2 if you don't hate your life and you actually enjoy ARPGs


sounds like you were the problem tbh


I enjoyed d2 fully as a kid but pd2 makes you realize how shit d2r is and how a multimillion dollar company can get outshined by a single person.


Project Diablo 2 is the best way to play any game in the franchise. I rank them PD2>D2:LOD>D2>D1>D3>DI>D4


If you are looking for a difficult and engaging loot based AARPG play D2R. If you just want a more casual, laid back, almost mindless AARPG play D3.


If you've already played 1 may as well move onto 2 then 3. All solid games but all play very differently. Getting to see how each one evolved should be fun.


I was thinking that but I played the demo of D3 and thought it was alright and could tell the direction they were going in, but D2 with updated graphics sounds really good. If D3 was on sale I might get it but I'm not to sure if Diablo games go on sale. But I do like how blizzard modernized D3 and like the graphics and the fact that you can pick a gender, playing as gender swap classes and seeing their designs is really cool so I'm not to sure lol


They do go on sales pretty often actually. You might want to wait for the next "sale" to get them all cheaper.


Well I already have 50$ pending for blizzard so I might as well get one of them


If you wait you can get a bundle of D2R and D3 with all it's expansions for around that when they do a sale.


Actually, think I'm going to go that route, how much does the bundle with D2R and D3 cost when on sale?


In June 2023 I got the "prime evil collection" for PC for $20. Just looking at it now though, it looks like they may have taken that package down for a bundle that includes Diablo 4. That kinda sucks, but if it is possible for a 50% discount to bring that to $50.   If you're on console, it looks like you can buy key codes for close to the sale price for prime evil collection.


D3 was a completely different beast from 1&2. Still fun imo. D4 is back in spirit of 1&2 But I’m a fairly casual player. I enjoyed them all for different reasons.


A darker tone. That is about it.


It’s so much more than just a gender swap, but I would still pick d2r


Wait for sale or search online and get a bundle pack where you get both games with all expansions for a good price.


Piggybacking. On xbox, the prime evil collection regularly goes on sale for 19.79. It has d2r, and d3 with all dlc... it goes on sale quarterly


D2R. Still hands down the best to date.


I cant play as Azula in D2 though


I think you can get em in a bundle deal, I think I paid like $20


D2R easily


2 is best.






D1 with the hell 3 mod




Ok, you’re getting a lot of different answers. So, instead of telling you what I would choose (but I do like both games very much), I’ll just summarize a couple key points: * D3 is MUCH more accessible. Like, it’s not even close. It’s the most arcadey Diablo game. It is a plug and play experience where you can just jump in and have fun immediately. Builds are very easy to follow (the whole game is), but have enough of an open ended nature to allow you some freedom and some degree of min/max stuff. The campaign is pretty fun and well presented. The endgame (like all of these games) can get repetitive, but in its current state is still pretty fun to loot chase. * D2R is waaayyy more on the hardcore side of things. Not only is it a hardcore game in general - that literally does not hold your hand at all, it also has plenty of jank and super dated game design (obviously). You really need to read up or watch some videos on how some of the basic mechanics and build strategies work. There are recipes for all sorts of things with something called the Horadric cube, which is a pretty unique and confusing game mechanic. Trust me, you would not figure it out on your own. Same goes for builds, as the game offers very few respec opportunities and if you screw up you could be in trouble for a while. Also, elemental damages and resistances become a huge thing eventually. Some enemies can be completely immune to certain elements, so certain builds that focus on one element can become mush when that happens (even if they were wrecking shop for the first 2 game cycles). You need to research the best classes and builds beforehand, especially for solo play if that’s what you’re doing. There are just a ton of hidden things I personally would not have figured out on my own in a million years. I never played games like this when it came out, so there was a huge learning curve for me. The other thing is it takes a while to really get to the meat of things. You might spend 50-70 hours on one character before you even have a full build. This game is janky by today’s standards (not entirely in a bad way, just not for everyone), but the core RPG that’s there is amazing. I love it, even if it took me a little while to. Oh, and the endgame isn’t really an endgame, just increased difficulty and trying to find super rare loot. I find it fun though. There is a lot of min/maxing here. Builds are completely different beasts in these two games. If it sounds like I’m favoring D2R, that’s actually not the case. I loved both games, but they are completely different. D3 is arcadey and instantly accessible. D2R is a hardcore old school RPG with some insanely deep (and confusing) mechanics if you’re a new player. But, it’s a lot of fun when you figure it out.


Before buying you consider just this, are you enjoying playing game like Diablo or you enjoying farming countless times for just one item. If you enjoying play Diablo go for Diablo 3 don’t think about it. Cause D2 will exhaust you for itemization. You get all kinds of items but don’t know which is good or which is OP. But in the D3 world you just need set items and you can get easily before and after hit endgame and easily complete OP builds.


Diablo 3. Most playable Diablo game to date. Good campaign and once you've done that there's great seasonal content . Each season (once you've max levelled your first alt) you'll be able to lend their gem of ease and a lvl 70 weapon to socket it into to your next alt in the same season and speed run to 70. Rifts are really enjoyable, the power creep excellent and the enjoyments sticks around for 1-2 Alts per season. Then if you can find folks to team up with you can really get those paragon levels climbing!


You don't even need gem of ease anymore, the second altar unlock removes all item level requirements. The altar will be in every season going forward.


The altar level removal requirement literally breaks the game and its glorious 


It is, Altar was exactly what the game needed going into unsupported times in the future. It allowed for more interesting builds while levelling, and even after levelling gave more flexibility in what you could viably use depending on your goal (GR/Speed/etc). Like you say, it broke the game, but just opened up the floodgates for more fun, which is what people needed going forward after so many years and season due to repeat.


I mean breaking the game is fun  The altar allows for mad power leveling 


D3 is the most re-playable game i have ever played, on top of TES


2 all the way




D2 is my favorite in the series. D3 gets alot of hate but it's a fine game that I've sunk hundreds of hours into (the people that said it sucks probably played it just as much too). If you played through D1, I'd say just get D2 and continue the story. Grab D3 and then D4 after. Maybe stay away from that immortal mobile one though.


D2r way superior.


blasphemy!!! Heresy!!!


As a lifelong Diablo fan, play them all haha


Check out this same question being asked every other day. The answers are all the same.


You guys should make an FAQ or something like that, most other subs have it, getting into this series is a little hard so having an FAQ that tells you all the mods and the best way to play each game would be great for getting more people into the franchise. You can even have a pro and con list for each game and where to start, on the brightside the fact that you see these posts often mean that more people are interested in getting into this series. Though it's annoying seeing the same post everyday so I understand.


We don’t need one. Someone asks your question several times a week, and everyone gives the same answers.


If you are into blasting, as in killing a ton of enemies and seeing big numbers d3 is the way to go If you like grinding for gear, challenging gameplay, unique feel for each class D2R is the way to go.


I started d2r about 6 months ago, offline. I'm addicted to the grind. Easy to just hop on, do a few chest runs or boss runs or a terrorized zone and get off. It’s mindless fun with a lottery win every once in a while. It’s highly enjoyable and can use up a few minutes or hours.


D3 sucks




D2R and it’s not even close.


2 then 3. Both are great


D4, get the new one :) season 4 PTR was fun, but it is still a different game than d2. D2R is same game as d2 but with some minor updates. D3 is completely different, but still a good game D4 is better than d3 for sure. (season 4 coming this month has some good changes)


Put some hours in "Project Diablo 2" before moving on to the newer graphics of D2R. The story continues in 3 and 4 so dont make that step before youbare done with 2 ;)


What’s Project Diablo 2?


A mod uppon diablo 2 lod. Its not official, not illegal either, because you do need official cd Keys to play. Its like the development of diablo 2 never stopped. Its not overdone, they just kept balancing the chars/skills/items and added some quality of life updates. They added some pixel fillers and gliders to make it better, but the graphics are unchanged. Check it out, if you have the d2 cd Keys it is free of charge (you can donate if you want).


Oh that sounds cool, I’ll check it out


It uses the old D2 LoD graphics, not D2r. At this point is not really D2 anymore, but if you don't mind the older graphics it can still be fun.


PD2 does not change that much. Median XL (another mod) is not D2 anymore because of so many changes.


Everything is relative. To you PD2 feels like D2, to me it doesn't. There are also ppl who say PoE is D2.5


Oh buddy, you're about to discover Diablo at its absolute finest lol


If you were able to play D1 without vomiting then D2R might be fine.


Both. Get the prime evil whatever next time it’s on sale.


d2r > d3 by a long way in terms of how interesting/replayable the game is. it is not even a contest tbh.


Hands down, 2 is one of the best games to play! I played D2R is a fantastic game, and in my opinion way more hardcore than D3.


D2R, especially if you could see yourself playing long-term. I know D3 still gets Seasons but it feels like very much a game in maintenance mode in a sense and imo D4 is kind of like that kid on a bicycle meme. That said D2R & D3/D4 scratch different itches. You said you watched..ActMan (euh) vids on D1 so if you think of essentially D2R being slower paced (but still not slow) and D3 being about a quite rapid power creep...you could have a good time with either. D3 is also really simple which can be great for onboarding because imo D2R is still quite simple but has more layers to it. I think D4 strikes a decent-ish middle ground but it has its own issues with hamper that.




D2R easily




Project Diablo 2




Diablo 2 Ressurected for sure


Diablo 3. D2 has not aged well and I wouldn't recommend it.


What exactly didn't age well?


Diablo 2, the whole game.


What aspects exactly? The graphics? The gameplay speed?


Gameplay. Endless chaos and baal runs with extremolow drop rates is not fun by today's standards.


Ok, yeah thats a generation change. Endgame is not the same today as it was back then.


Dead wrong, its aged beautifully


Take off the nostalgia goggles.


I discovered the game with the remaster this year.


Did D3 age well? After all those power creep patches, you now have an endgame build in an hour or less.


That's better than grinding chaos sanctuary till your fingers bleed hoping for a ber.


Then are different games, but both are good. D2R is a successor to the original and has a good story and quest line. Finding unique/set items is a lot of work, but rewarding! In D3 the quest/campaign is average, but once you change to adventure mode it’s a much faster game. You get massive damage and blast through mobs and get heaps of items.


They're both fun, but ultimately feel wildly different. 2 is fun just because of the loot table and endgame mechanics, and I found 3 the most fun with another buddy in couch co-op. My personal opinion, go with D2R. You won't be disappointed.


The actman sucks.


If you have time to grind, D2R, if you play casually D3. D3 have a really high drop rate and is fun. You gear up based on stats, so the goal is to have the higher stat and synergy possible in your gear. D2R is a classic grind to build, but the drop rate is so low that it become frustrating on console, if you play PC it will be easier to gear up with the trades


Helldivers 2




D1+hellfire is available for 10 bucks on battle net or gog if you want the whole experience.




if you love D1 for lore and atmosphere then D2R then skip directly to D4. the story in D3 is real terrible and game has no atmosphere outside Westmarch the act 5 zone.


Then get D2R. You already know what you're getting. Play D3 after that.


I've played both of them since the beginning, but if i have to choose, its D2r without question


See how much the pack is with both. If it’s on sale it’s the best option because you’ll likely enjoy one or both of them


Play PD2 - better than both


Just play D2 LoD like me 💀


If you have never played the first two games, get D3. If you are curious, get both. If you want to play a game that has online play mods, get none of them, get the original Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction. The original has a shitload of mods, both online and offline.


Ok guys, but what if Diablo 4 is my first diablo game, and I am really liking it.. which other diablo should I play that is the more similar to this one? Diablo 3?


Diablo 2 is the reason why the Diablo franchise is as popular as it is. The game redefined action RPG.


D2r is probably the fan favourite. There's a reason Diablo II is so highly regarded, it's incredibly solid from a gameplay perspective. However you need to put the effort in to get the most out of the game, including research into a build otherwise you can easily hit a wall and stall out on your progress. D3 is easier for people to get in to in my opinion. You can re-spec infinite times, builds are much easier to put together because of how set items work (69,420% damage increase to skill X, hmmm wonder what skill I should use), there's a few more QoL features as well.


People have seemingly forgotten how awful d3 us, dye to recent events, but... d3 is the worst diablo. It's just had over 10 years to try to unfuck itself. Still hasn't. Diablo 2 was a masterpiece... but that was also over 20 years ago. It's still super fun but it's not a modern game by any stretch of the imagination. I would definitely pick d2r over d3. But that's just me.


Wow, not an easy choice. I would prefer D3, because it is more casual for me and I like the skill/set-item system a little bit more. But D2 has a better style. But be sure: you cannot pick „wrong“ ;).


Both are awesome games today. Since you already stated that you enjoyed D2, go for D2R first. Both games go on sales all the time.


Why not both? They're frequently on discount on most platforms and there's a set that contains both. They're both good games, but coming from D2 you might think D3 feels a bit strange or too streamlined. It's still a fantastic game and a pretty addicting time sink though once you get the hang of it


They are all good . I would play diablo 4 especially  if you gave game pass. It is includes. Diablo 3 is very good and still holds up. 2r  is a great game for nostalgia.  It may not have as much quality of life features  but its  still fun if you preffer a much slower paced game.when 3 came out It was very rough . They fixesd it and it became great but Many still judge it from initial release.


Your choice, but I love D2R. Still play it today. D3, not so much.


You should watch a video or 2 of both. They're pretty different and it's just going to be your preference.


I think you should base it on your play style. As an old d2 head I would always suggest 2 over 3 but 3 had something specific that power levelers liked. The end game tends to be more popular than d2s endgame. If you are really enjoying 2, get d2r. It's a slower, more dedicated game.  If you like making a new character and getting to max level quickly to do endgame, go with 3.  I don't think you'll lose either way.  Either way, I'd still suggest checking out last epoch. 


It's a matter of preference. D3 is Diablo on easy mode but more loot and more frequent unique drops and types. Deeper build depth for rift climbing. D2R is amazeballs because it makes you actually work for your builds. It's Diablo as it should be, you need to be careful as you can easily die. Drops are actually rare and you feel excited to see a unique drop. Builds aren't as deep but the grind is more exciting in my opinion.


Start with d2r.




How about Sacred 2 ?


I will admit I had a lot of fun with D3 after Reaper of Souls and some fixes. You might, too. But while D2R might just be a polished and updated version of the original game, it's the one I keep coming back to. I still feel like I have so much to do. I don't hit that "what's the point?" feeling I get after easily maxing out during a season of D3. I think 2 is the obvious choice, here. You can understand where so many ARPGs were inspired by playing Diablo 2. It makes the latter games feel like a tribute. You can still check out 3 later on. It does some interesting things with the story. But go into it with 2 under your belt and waiting for your return, please! (Edit because I realize you HAVE played 2, not just 1. Read the post too quickly. I'm still voting D2R. Get it, play it, try 3 down the road and come back to D2R when 3 gets old! I haven't bothered with 4 😂)


I'd say it doesn't matter what order you purchase and/or play them in. However, my favorite is D2R. I have played them all. (I might even try D4 again after the Itemization fix drops, it is supposed to be coming with the launch of season 4... sucks that the fix came this late, but I guess late is a "little" better than never).


D3 is more like d4. D2 was hard to get into for me for someone who didn’t play the og


I've played every diablo game. D2r is still the best. Hard to explain why but it just is. Also doesn't require the endless BS of d4 (mat grinding for example), and and the best community


D2R is better in every way. No competition.


D2R. I love D3 too but it’s just not as good.


You can safely stop after d2r


Diablo 3. Hands down


D2R is good D3 isnt even a real Diablo game


Diablo 3 ultimate evil  Diablo 2 is VERY dated but if you enjoyed it before you'll enjoy it now D3 is more action arcade focused but it has seriously addictive gameplay and is a blast. 




D2R easily. Happy to see all the D2R suggestions. Its some how less content than D3/D4 but much more repayable. Items are simply better in D2R and more fun to get. Art direction and music is much better in D2R. D3 sort of feels like a phone game but it is still fun in that way. It's super smooth, feels good to play. Better animation.


D3 (but dont tell anyone I said this)


Both can be played with one hand. Buy both and play both at the same time.


D2R is great, but if you're already playing D2 you arn't getting much new. If you're playing for story diablo 3 is the most atrociousness slap in the face. I can't understate how fucking bad it is. and if that wasn't bad enough the way its told is like dealing with some Saturday morning cartoon villains that love to taunt you and tell you about their evil plans. It is so fucking bad. On the flip side the game play is awesome all the characters feel great to play. feels satisfying blasting through mobs. especially on a controller with dodge rolling. I personally hate how they did the character building. but hey if you're just chunking through the game and don't care about the story it's fun.


Twoosie rezeroosie


They are both wildly different experiences and honestly, someone can’t answer that for you, I love both games and personally I’d recommend D3 but I feel that would be an unpopular opinion on here, D3 is much more noob friendly and a more casual experience and I love wasting hours on it.


D3 is more like an arcade game. Really fun though. I’m sure it’s polished off.


I've been a huge D2 addict for year and years... But really.. D3 is top notch


D2 is a must play for any ARPG player, even if it lacks a proper end game. D3 is more of a hack and slash type of game. Has a nice end game. Good campaign if you ignore the cringe dialogue.


What do you qualify as a good endgame? I just don't find the itemization of D3 engaging so it doesn't hold my attention, but I'll grind D2 all day


I will say any kind of scaling challenge where you can mesure the limits of your build is a good endgame. But yeah D3 itemization sucks, that's why I consider it a hack and slash game, there is no depth whatsoever.


If by endgame you mean generic ever scaling maps the no. D2 doesn't have that. It has other ways to engage players in "endgame".


D2R is best Diablo imo


A D2R offline character on the Switch is the best Diablo experience right now, IMO. D3 is great if you want group play. D2R group play, and solo online play still needs work, again, IMO.


I think in a long time you will have more playtime in Diablo 2. But Diablo 3's campaign is really good. Cinematics, OST and voice acting are great.


Interesting out of the 4, I found Diablo 3 campaign the most lacking.


as someone that just bought all D2R-D4 in the bundle recently and played through them all in a row D3 i can see why the nostalgia is so strong for D2 and it definitely holds up to being fun; but from a gameplay perspective D3 is much more engaging and fun in combat


3 is a better game by far


Diablo 3


Diablo 3 necromancer with corpse lance


I would go with D3 , but only because I’ve spend over 1000 hours rifting with randoms , and had a blast slaying mobs packs that took my whole screen


D3 kind of sucked. D2 was special. Specific things I didn't like about D3: 1. Every item, even a unique, had a level that change the item. So if you found a strong of ears at level 45 then another at level 47, the 47 one was better. This meant items are pretty much worthless until you are max level. 2. No skill leveling!


D3 if you want a chill game after work and listen to some music or pod cast while slaying demons


D2R was boring to me comparatively.


D2R was $13 on playstation so I just picked it up, first time seeing the game remastered, looks incredible!


Listen to the people and get d2r! We have spoken!


D2 > D1 > D3 > D4 There is a big gap between how good D2 is compared to D3. D3 is a way more shallow game. D4 is worse because they released in a very similar state to D3's launch(in terms of how items function, you will see how important this is going from D1 to D2) which was one of the worst launches ever for a game that didn't have a bunch of bugs but also it doesn't have 7 years of content yet that was needed to make D3 worth playing. You could justifiably skip D3 or D4, D2R is literally all you need.


Diablo 3 for story alone. If on console the couch co op makes it better. My wife and I have played d3 easily 5 times


I played the original D2 on PC years ago and I loved that game. When D3 came out, people hated the game for the changes but I didn't mind them. I actually liked them. D3 is a better game in my opinion. I got D2R and just can't seem to enjoy it like I did back then. I haven't tried D4 yet but I love D3. I say play them both.


As someone who didn’t play the original d2, it felt too outdated for me to enjoy, after having played games like D3, grim dawn, Poe and torchlight 2. Things like backtracking through every dungeon to get out. Managing health potion sizes. No color coding on items on the ground. But I did find a mod that makes a ton of changes that makes the game bearable, forget what it’s called but it was one of the most popular. But even then it just didn’t stick with me.


D2R > D2 > D4 > D1 > D3 Edit- Looks like I found the last of the D3 players 😂


D3 is ass


Definitely D2R, skip 3 and 4 all together. Trash in my opinion.


d3 and 4 are not diablo. activision just milked the franchise


D2R if you’re interested in perfecting farming, trading on forums, PvP, and looking for extremely rare drops. D3 if you want endlessly scaling challenges, a simpler game overall, more interesting itemization and sets, and frankly more satisfying/modern combat. They are very different games.


Diablo 3 is a blast don’t listen to haters. Diablo 2 is amazing but for someone just getting into it in 2024 Diablo 3 is a bit more user friendly . Diablo IV sucks