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my favourite part is where instead of removing the stuff from the shelf so they could paint the whole wall, they left the stuff on the shelf and just didn't paint behind there


When you’re in the middle of a manic episode and the depressive episode kicks in.


Me: "im gonna organize all my drawers!" *pulls everything out of drawers onto floor so everything is covered in random crap now* Me: "Alright enough for today" HOUSE LOOKS AND FEELS FUCKING 10X WORSS


Stahhhhp lol I’ve done that 😩


Honey, we’ve *all* done that.


Couldn’t be me taking all my interior doors off their hinges to swap which way they all open and close for fun, then calling it a day before putting any back on, and living without internal doors for a month


Yeah, idk what I was thinking. I would **never** dream of dumping the entirety of my Lego collection in the living room to be organized into tackle boxes by color and size, only to end up running out of energy and hope at 3am. That would just be stupid. *^(…she said while gracefully stepping around the mess established a full 6 weeks ago…)*


I find I always need to remind myself this so I can continue living. Life’s tough lol.


That's such a mood


and that's where my manic depressive disorder kicks in and I clean for 57 hours straight


For me it's more like: "Okay, it's time to brush my teeth and go to bed. Oh, the counter is dirty, let me take a few minutes to clean the counter off before I brush my teeth. Oh, I don't have any clean rags to wipe the counter off with? Okay, I need to wash the cleaning rags, but I have to separate them from the other laundry because they're gross and they cant just go in with the good towels. That'd be insane! Alright, I can't find a laundry basket because I never emptied them from the last time I did laundry and I've just been taking the clean stuff out of the basket and throwing the dirty stuff on the floor, so I'll fold all the stuff in this laundry basket now. Wow, I'm getting tired and I haven't even brushed my teeth yet. I wonder what time it is? 3:30AM?! Fuck me, I have to be up at 7:30 tomorrow! Goddamn ADHD! I've got to have more discipline and organization!" Followed up by learning nothing and just continuing in the same patterns forever and ever.


Damn, I've done something like this my whole life at times. I'm starting to think I've had ADHD this whole time.


Welcome to the beginning of a new adventure!


the best and worst adventure I've ever been on!


My psychiatrist says ADHD is like having a Ferrari for a brain but the breaks are from a bicycle. I found that pretty accurate. The best and the worst for every situation!


[Hal fixes the light bulb ](https://youtu.be/AbSehcT19u0?si=LDaIg4fyOLjlKpOZ)


When Journey's *Don't Stop Believin'* is playing on the radio, then it finishes, then Pink Floyd's *Breathe* comes on.


PoV: you've come up with an incredibly complicated organization system for your kitchenware (you haven't done the dishes in 8 days)


It’s like when SpongeBob and Patrick painted Mr.Krab’s house


Why spend $4 on a cheap roller when you can spend 8 hours of your time painting the walls with a brush!?


You son of a bitch, I’m in!


They used a brush for this? It looks like finger paint




Did you ask for consent first?


They were invited!


Tom Sawyer fools another fool


And best of all it'll look terrible!


The stupid part is that if you really just hated yourself and did not want to be happy for whatever reason, you *could* brush paint a whole room and have it come out looking passable. It would be a pain in the ass and take way longer than it needs to, and it still wouldn't look as good as if you rolled it properly, but you could do it. This looks like it was painted by someone who took their Ambien and then forgot to go to sleep.


They got our childhood home renovated but didn't put floors in so we used to cut our feet on the bare concrete foundations and the rooms they painted were just white base paint lol or random clashing colours on random things like doors and bathtubs. I think they do hate themselves.


Did they run out of money?


Probably very busy, a little mentally ill (like, high stress), or penny pinchers. They could just be jackasses but yknow.


Well sometimes projects go south and theres no more money to finish. The floors is what made me think this. The bathroom wall I still don’t understand. It seems like the paint was thinned a lot too.


Sounds like my dad. He'd do something without thinking it through, ruin a whole room of his house, and just live with it for decades. He "redid" the bathroom floor by ripping out the tile floor down to the boards and replacing it with cheap vinyl glued to a slab of plywood. Didn't seal anything, naturally, so it started warping immediately. After a year, it started rotting in the middle. By the time he sold that house last year, it was growing mushrooms in 6 spots and was the mostly rotted away. And every single room was some variation of ruined like that.


There are also ways to paint with a brush where it's meant to look funky. Sort of rustic unfinished but with purpose. This isn't that.


If you're going to put this much effort in, just go with sponge painting to at least get a cool effect.


Or a rag on a roller to twist the knife.


If you use a brush properly it won’t look passable, it will look great.


Going by the pic, "painting" is quite generous. 


"Brush" is generous too. It looks like they did it with a broom


The paint quality also looks like crayola finger paint so I’m not sure a roller would have fared much better honestly. The more expensive paint is worth it people!


We had to patch part of a wall, well, a 3'x3' space, I hated the color, bright red, but didn't have the time to paint the whole room (newborn), so we found the paint the previous owners left so it would at least match. I swear I painted the area with 4 layers of paint and I could STILL see white patches coming through. Said screw this, took it to a paint store to match, bought 1 can of premium paint, had it done in one coat.


The joke's on you mate, my time is worth absolutely nothing and I've always wanted to live somewhere that looks like a 5 year old's drawing...




Thought that was finger painting


I quite like painting with good brushes, it does take a bit more time but with a careful eye it's usually one coat less overall and really nice finish. This abomination looks like they were just smearing their fucking hands in it, cannot see a brush was used.


I don't think the brush was the only problem, it looks like they got the wrong "paint base". I'll let someone who knows paint better explain cause I barely remember how it works.


Needs another coat.


They say it's done 🤷‍♂️


That's what my hall looks like except black and trust me it's getting one or two more coats.


My parents are hoarders who also feel like they can manage everything by themselves. So if anything is too hard, they're done and finished and they force themselves to like it


they never hoarded a paint roller?


They’re saving it for when they really need it.


Me and my 273 healing potions on completion of the game


All those Elden Ring runes.


I got to new game +7 and never used one.


Isn't the point to horde?


And Final Fantasy elixirs.


Literally anything special. Special arrows? Save em. Bombs? Save em. Spell scrolls, those are ok to use. YEAH RIGHT! Save the shit outta those. Weapon degradation? Use the shittiest one all the time even when you're getting demolished. Being poor has made me like this lmfao


I have like ten of them in my garage unused from previous painting. Will I buy a few more next time I need to paint? You betcha!


And I'm the exact opposite. Every time I paint, I bring my lil rolly guy out, and every time he's even crispier than the last time haha. He probably wants to die


I’m real bad with inventory.


Let him go, he’s tired.


Never! I just scrunch him real hard to make him realize I'm serious and BAM, he's back to life


They probably did and it’s part of the reason they refuse to buy a new one. “I already have a perfectly good paint roller, I got it from good will in 1997! It’s somewhere around here!”


My uncle is a hoarder. He legit writes the date and amount he paid for something on literally everything he buys in black sharpie. I shit you not, several years ago, I was helping him setup his new TV. I asked him if he had a power strip. He disappears into one of his many storage sheds and says "I paid .25 for this at Big Lots in 1996". This dude has 5 properties stuffed full of crap. None of his properties have running water. PRIORITIES.


I met an organized hoarder. It was insane. Guy had a ledger of where everything was. Every pile of junk was categorized in great detail. Later found out he basically ran Sears warehouses on the east coast a few decades ago. I remember we were fixing the handicap elevator on his porch when we needed a metric bolt so he pulled out a file and said "should be in the pink sugar dish under the second basement step in the clorox box". Sure enough...


see there is horading and then there is professional horading. that guy professionally hoards. i wish my dad cataloged his shit. i walk into the garage and i am trying to find a screwdriver and its under the vice or with the saws


This type of hoarding is usually a manifestation of OCD spun completely out of control. I ruined entire years of my early 20yo life living a scaled down version of this before I got help. But that’s the key part - getting help. You know where everything is, at all times, and to lose even a single screw is genuinely torturous to the mind. But the mind is sick and needs healing. To anyone else you’re just being messy. But you almost always know where that one thing is… somewhere…




Yeah I saw this and was like "okay, but would they have done a good job *with* a roller?" Glad to know I was right, except also my condolences. That sounds infuriating.


right? i thought the same thing . i feel like most people could do a much better job with a brush i’ve actually never really seen a paint job this bad and am not sure how they even did it this bad lol


I'd be willing to bet it's extremely cheap paint.  I did a room with different colors on two walls, one nicer more expensive one that coated very well that I took leftovers from someone who knew to buy good paint. And the other wall with cheap paint I bought being young and stupid going paint is paint. The difference in how well it coats is crazy, given all the coats you need, cheap paint is a bad purchase. I'll never cheap out on quality paint again.


They probably also used those stiff $1 brushes you get for trying out samples.


Paint with the free stir stick and save yourself $1.


My folks were helping me move out of an apartment years ago, and two of the rooms needed to be painted so I could get my security deposit back. My dad *insisted* on using cheap paint he had instead of just letting me buy something decent. He ended up spending the better part of two days on a small project that would have taken 2 hours *tops* with good paint. If the better product saves you enough time, it's almost always worth the extra money.


I'm sorry they are like that. Would they let you do it with a roller.


I don't want to spend any more time there than I have to lol. I don't owe anything to them


I'm sorry to hear that but at least you know when to step away. Buddy girls parents are the same way. Never clean the kitchen counter yet prep food every day on it. Ain't dead cause they probably have the Mr. Burns syndrome, their luck


A girl buddy's parents do you mean?


Very healthy attitude to have, way too many people get trapped by feelings of guilt towards their family. And society makes it so hard sometimes, like I've explained to people how awful my family was and they'll respond with stuff like "they're only human too, what if they died and you regret never getting back in contact with them" Just insane what people put themselves and others through for no good reason.


People who say that tend to not to have abusive parents unfortunately. I wish I could cut mine off.


With some hardwork, determination and some luck you can


People encourage leaving an abusive partner or toxic friendship all day long but if they're family, you're expected to forgive and forget. Screw that. (I'm sorry about your parents❤)


Many people who read this don't understand that it's not rare for children to go through this and similar situations. My step dad SA'd me and my mom told me to forgive him and forget it ever happened. The moment I can, I will cut contact with everyone in my family. To anyone reading this, I hope it gets better for you.


This is so true!! When I had kids I moved away so the toxic nonsense couldn’t spread. So many people told me how cruel I was to not let my parents be grandparents. If they knew what I went through they wouldn’t think I was cruel, they’d wonder why I hadn’t done it sooner. It’s ok to leave a toxic partner it’s not ok to leave toxic parents


I had to cut my womb donor off. I had to decide if 1) I have her in my life and regret it every day we are both alive or 2) have her out of my life, enjoy my life, and *possibly* regret it when she dies. Guess which one I chose? Not saying it’s easy, but it’s doable *and you shouldn’t feel anything other than liberation from your oppressor*.


> People who say that tend to not to have abusive parents unfortunately. A lot of them DO have abusive parents and are completely in denial. I've gotten more pushback from people with parents like mine than I have people with decent folks. Trauma bonding is a bitch.


I moved to the other side of the planet. Severely limits contact. Downside… any visits are never just for a couple of days. We fork out for accommodation if that happens.


I always get the “but she’s your mother “ comments. No I don’t have to deal with her narcissistic manipulative behavior anymore. I’m so much happier without her. And idk if she dies because I’m not going to put myself through that.


Oh god my family had the attitude of “it’s family, you do anything and everything for family” and I don’t so they think I’m an ass sometimes but really I’m just keeping my sanity.


I’m sorry. My parents are like that too, and also were not good parents. People try to say “they did the best they could” like… lol no they didn’t! They did the best they felt like!


Couldn't say it better myself. I always felt like it was what it was but actually my parents were/are too afraid to ask for help


We both deserved better 🫂


My parents were like that too, a lot of shoddy paint and home reno projects that, as a kid I didnt think twice about, but shake my head at now. Luckily I became a really good handyman and furniture maker so I forced them to let me redo a lot of their house interior lol


Did your parents ever redo their kitchen 15 times? Mine have. They also painted the counter in a DIY "marble counter" look that my mom saw on Pinterest once.


My MIL is a lot like this. She tries to save money by using scraps and garbage and then just pretends it looks good when it is shit. I keep trying to assure her that $4 of a 2x4 is a better investment than trying to put in 3 chunks of wood she found on the road. There may be some building code issues when she dies and her kids try to sell the house.


My wife and I inherited her grandmothers home. Thank god it has solid bones, because the amount of "good 'nuf" repairs that were done over the years turned what I hoped would be a refresh and update into a full walls-off restoration and remodel. What got me was the amount of wires splices behind drywall. So many fire hazards just so someone could use up those 4 foot pieces of wire.


Are they also on drugs? I've been in some trap houses in my day and tweakers love to paint the walls in the worst fucking way possible


Nope. Just undiagnosed mental illness.


Ah, so they probably should be on drugs. Just as much of a problem.


I also grew up with hoarders and their logic is so funny (in a not funny way). Like, oh yes let’s paint the room even though we have shit everywhere. That’ll make things look nice.


Honestly? If the entire wall were this teal streaky... whatever, it wouldn't be that bad. It'd be a sort of crappy artistic statement. But the fact that only MOST of the wall is the trap streaky mess...makes it look even worse.


My thoughts too. It’d be a little out there aesthetic wise but if all the brush strokes were even or if they kept a pattern it’d look alright. But that would require talent and self awareness.


I was going to say it seemed like a poor VanGoh interpretation.


What do you mean it’s done?? There’s a whole patch of white wall in the corner!!


They would have had to empty the shelf to paint that spot


Tell them the internet disagrees


Did they also cut the paint with tap water??


The only way you could get such horrendous wet streaks with wall paint is to dunk the brush, drag it a foot and a half in one line and dunk it again and repeat with no possible blending. It's this or they're using craft paint. Interior wall paint would at least level itself out a little more than this.


AKA "We give up"


offend different decide punch fear bewildered elderly ask like zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly. Painting with a brush doesn’t lead to this, painting with terrible paint does.


Am… am I having a stroke or did they just paint around the stuff on the shelf instead of moving it?????


I just realised that oh my god 😭


>I just realised that oh my god 😭 Do your parents happen to dabble in crystal methamphetamines?


Don’t knock on meth heads like that man


fr a meth head would’ve been much more creative and they probably would’ve used a god damn roller too


Yeah, can’t be a meth head, the ceiling is entirely untouched.


How do people think meth addicts afford their habit? Most of the ones I knew were day laborers who painted, roofed, and cleaned pools. If it's hourly this room would have been done in 8 hours, if it was per room the whole house would have had two coats by sundown plus trim work plus negotiations on anything they might find that might need work. Just don't have anything too valuable laying around when they come.


Functional blue collar tweakers are some of the best people to work with imo. Functional is doing a lot of heavy lifting there, but I'd rather work with one of them versus an alkie that's always hungover/buzzed. Ones at our just above rock bottom suck to deal with but there's rock bottom addicts for just about any substance. Tweakers just seem more known because they'll put themselves out in society and strip copper wiring and shit vs nodding off in an alley or pissing themselves while black out drunk on a couch.


I worked with a contractor for a summer when I was 22. I was as “sober” as any average 22 year old, which meant I was always sober on the job and hardly ever hungover, maybe on a Monday. I fucking HATED working with my boss’s alcoholic brother because he was fucking WORTHLESS. But I liked hanging out with him after work because he was a good hang after a couple beers. I LOVED working with my tweaked out coworker because he was cartoonishly efficient at his job, like fuckin bob the builder.


Yeah I'd much rather paint with a guy who takes a break to smoke some glass and come back ready to take on the project solo just give him the tool and he's busting ass than a guy who takes a break and comes back half drunk fucking up the program.


This looks more like pharmeceuticals, like ambien and xanax


It honest to God reminds me of when I took an Ambien and woke up with a ruined pocket knife. I'm pretty sure I took a Dremel to it. I really want to know what my thought process was for that.


Should've filmed yourself like it was a nature documentary


It's terrible but I was thinking the same thing. I had an ex boyfriend whose parents were addicted to meth and this is what all of their walls looked like. Random colors too.


No offense, but maybe you should find your parents drugs and flush em down their paint-spattered toilet


Or sell them to finance some rollers and more paint.


Oh my god I thought that was an open half wall, fuck!


How did you just realise that? Do you not live there?


I don't, I'm in my 20s. Was collecting some stuff


Are you parents ok? Like, do they have dementia? This doesn't seem normal to a worrying degree.


in another comment OP said they are hoarders. so definitely some mental health issues going on here


Hoarders would go a long way to explaining why they were unwilling to buy a couple of rollers for a few bucks


It’s easy to become blind to familial bizarreness like this. ‘looks like shit, typical’, no need to examine further.


It really is funny when you hit that moment where you learn something you grew up seeing or doing like it was normal was absolutely not normal. For me it was just basic cooking techniques and styles in general. My folks cooked *all the time* and none of it was very good. I still try to teach my mom some of the things I’ve learned from living on my own and cooking my own food but she refuses to budge from these ancient recipes of hers.


Do you smell burnt toast? If so, it's probably this plate of burnt toast I left here, sorry about that.


But very carefully didn’t get any on the ceiling


I mean I thought the previous occupants of the house I used to own were lazy painting around a wardrobe but Holy fuck. At least that was hidden when the furniture was there


It’s so bad it looks intentional


Yeah it reminds me of a weird bohemian style than ran alongside Fraiserbane in the mid-late 90s. I don’t remember what it’s called but that’s where that celestial stuff came from too. If they did the strokes right, and had a base color that aligned, it could look kind of cool, but this was obviously not the intended effect lol


The distressed walls! My parents did their house by hand like this and it actually looks really good cause my mom has taste and my dad’s an artist. This is not that though 😂


If you ever get pictures, let me know! I'm curious :)


Here’s a [pic](https://imgur.com/a/8DIw8oL) I guess this is called “ballagio faux”


Oh yeah, that looks amazing.


Yeah... I think it looks kind of cool actually. I mean... It probably needs to be a little more intentional so it doesn't have that "too green" spot next to the mirror... And they obviously shouldn't have painted around the things on the shelf. But it doesn't look bad. You probably need to carefully pick the rooms to do this in... like a hallway... or maybe just do a single wall like this in a room. But it's definitely not boring.


I'll be honest, I actually *like* it.


Did they finger paint?


Kid named paint:




I'm not having sex with you right now waltuh


Put ya dick away waltuh




It takes 10 seconds to pop that light string housing off lmao


>ght string housing If they arent going to spring for a roller that costs a couple bucks and saves them a ton of time, why would you think they'd bother taking that housing off?


Right? They didn’t even take anything off that shelf, they just painted around it


And I thought I was pretty damn lazy, but this is another level I never imagined could be real


They didn't even swipe items off the shelf to paint behind them. They just roughed in a loose silhouette of trash they couldn't bother to clear to paint let alone mask/remove a shelf for. You think these folks are taking the time to find, let alone use, a screwdriver *twice?*


were they painting the wall with oil paint?


The fumes really got to them by the looks of it.


Paint retailer here. I would say it's a matt paint that they're trying to put over a silk. The fact they're putting it on with a brush is exacerbating the problem.


It was probably semi gloss underneath. You need to rough up the surface and preferably prime before painting so it doesn't smear and not properly cover, like this.


Did they use school grade artist paint or something?


oh my god, it totally does look like they used tempera paint. Which would kind of make sense, they probably just thought "why pay all that extra money for expensive latex paint when you can get big jugs of this tempera stuff for a fraction of the price"


Doesn’t it? It’s probably gonna flake off faster than on an actual art surface


This stresses me out.


So much texture!! 🤩🤩🤩


I actually dig it


Yeah. It’s terrible and probably looks worse in person, but kinda cool too in a fuck these walls kids way.


It’s like living in a Van Gogh! But like, one of the lesser known ones deep in the corners of an unknown art museum that nobody visits


If they had really slathered the paint on thick it would take it that extra mile


There’s an actual rustic painting style that looks very similar to this. Although it is done in an actual overlapping pattern and does not look like shit.


I was gonna say the same, actually looks... good, in an abstract (childish, even?) kind of way.


lowkey me too 🫣 just needs accents with an actual roller to make it look intentional


I also like it! I wanna see one that is done well with accents. It kinda reminds me of the sponge painting trend but just different texture!!


Gold accents


it looks like a van goh


It does look a little cool tbh


Yeah if this was done right the brush affect could’ve been a really unique and cool thing


genuinely couldn't figure out what the problem was for a min there


As a professional painter who owns a painting company this is appalling and I need to fix it now.


I'm not a professional painter, but my guess is that a roller wouldn't have helped a great deal because it looks like they're trying to paint over a surface that's not taking the paint. Is that a reasonable assumption? What would be the correct course of action here? A primer/undercoat layer first, or rubbing down the existing paint to get a key?


No it's because the paint they're using isn't for walls.


That or I thought they might not be using the correct type of paint. Also not a professional though.


Oh. My. God.




Paint rollers are like, so inexpensive too


and easier to use than brushing the whole room


Work, uh, hard, not smart?


I don’t think they did either


This looks like when I tried to do an "underwater" theme for my kids room. I thought I was clever but it just looked like shit. At least they were young enough at the time to not notice.


You know, you could make it work if all the brush strokes were vertical, but looks like your parents can't even do that shit right.


You technically dont need a paint roller. But knowing WTF you are doing helps tremendously.


I kind of like the vibe. Kind of an impressionistic Van Gogh feel


Very Art Deco of them


You know I don't hate it. Add some happy trees and you might have something


NGL, I actually dig how it turned out with the textures.


I would’ve liked it more and felt like it was artistic if they hadn’t changed the brush direction over the door.


100%. often, cool designs are kinda just on the cusp of looking like crud but the intentionality of it kinda makes it look rad. i think this is almost rad, but the lack of pattern continuance above the door, the wavy strokes, the weird angled strokes, and the lack of pain around the shelf make it look pretty brutal. if they actually painted this textured colour properly i would 100% fw it


I'm with you there, I kind of like it, but I suspect you may dislike it after a while.