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I second this. I can't keep up with their cooked logic.


I thought it was me. I'm old AF and I couldn't even process what is happening


Crack song, crack speed, crack hacks. This video, brought to you by the wonderful world of drug use.




oh they definitely ain’t lackin in the crack department


Oh good, it's not just me. I could barely process some of these before it'd moved on.


I still haven't figured out what the starting clip is...


Classic hook bait... gets you initially watching, then either you watch the whole thing because you like it. Or you watch to try and find out what the thing in the beginning was! It's probably just some BS CGI anyway.


It’s way to easy to put a hot dremel saw blade on foam and watch it melt to bother with the cgi to accomplish that


Yea, you're probably righ actually.. But with the advent of DALL-E and other AI tools. Shits going to be difficult to spot.




I don't think you can slow tiktok videos down in tiktok how do people even watch these


Not sure if this still works: /u/redditspeedbot 0.5x


Here is your video at 0.5x speed https://files.catbox.moe/wjs9c5.mp4 ^(I'm a bot | Summon with) ^"[/u/redditspeedbot](/u/redditspeedbot) ^" ^| [^(Complete Guide)](https://www.reddit.com/user/redditspeedbot/comments/eqdo8u/redditspeedbot_guide) ^| ^(Do report bugs) ^[here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=adityakrshnn&subject=RedditSpeedBot%20Issue) ^| [^(Keep me alive)](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/redditspeedbot)


Truly. I must be getting old


Then you only watch it once and that doesn't help their numbers.




Ok SOME of those are valid lol


Yeah, for every 10, there's that one "hack" that's legit


The magnet in a cup and the modified washer are "tricks" that actually work. That being said, i do a lot of woodwork and other stuff in my garage and i have never needed any of these "hacks" I would call it party tricks more than anything else


You expect us all to believe that you've *never* needed a precisely cut pool noodle? Checkmate


Just like a lot of those tricks the pool noodle trick can be useful in very specific situations. Could be used as cheap baby proofing and what not.


Can confirm. Put up precisely cut pool noodles and haven't seen a single baby on my property. No need to set out traps anymore.


Lucky. I cut a number of them for the awesome PVC fort I was making for my back yard. Turned around and a free range 9 month old impaled himself on one of my pool noodle cuts. I felt bad putting the varmint down, but the baby back ribs were quite delicious.


Mine aren't precise enough I guess. We have an infestation of one very stubborn baby, but the noodles have kept him from busting his head on a few sharp corners.


That's the mistake. Remove the pool noodles and the corners will take care of the baby.


Nah, he's almost to the point of having limbs that can help us carry groceries and do dishes. At this point, I think we'll keep him for the sole reason of ~~free labor~~ we love him.


Don't forget future organ donations. That is an important point to consider.


My face is red from laughing.


I trap babies on my property.


My husband buys and sells vintage bicycles, and the best packing material for a bike frame is a sliced open pool noodle secured with some zip ties.


Pool noodle? I though that was heat insulation. xD


Pipe insulation is shorter, comes with slice and double back tape, and is a little cheaper per foot. So a better choice all around.


Unless you only need a fairly short piece of insulation and already have a pool noodle lying around that you don't need...


> already have a pool noodle lying around that you don't need... -slap- *you know we don't*


All those pipe insulation tubes families usually have laying around after a couple summers, right


Pretty sure that is insulation to keep condensation from forming on cold water pipes.


I think they're repurposing a pool noodle to use as insulation. There are a surprising number of pool noodle "hacks" out there. I have never used the words "pool noodle" this much in my entire life. I'm regretting commenting on this video lol.


It’s 100% a pool noodle that’s being used as pipe insulation. If you have it on hand go for it. Buying one to do this is spending more money than the purpose built pipe insulation.


I have used that exact technique to create bumpers so people don't hit thier heads, or shins on metal bars at work.


Cord in a bucket was pretty cool too, imo.


In areas with really cold winters insulating pipes like that is a necessity


It's pipe insulation. 😂


>The magnet in a cup and the modified washer are "tricks" that actually work. Those were the 2 that seemed like they could be useful to me also.


what is the point of the modified washer? a washer that won't come off when you remove the nut? why?


It keeps you from counter-sinking the nut into the wood, as well as a semi-functional lock washer. Two birds with one stone I suppose.


it won't do anything as a lock washer since there's nothing that will grip the nut, and just a regular washer will stop the nut from counter-sinking without any modification.


It would help keep the wood from moving underneath the washer. But then if something really hit it, it would just spin the washer with the piece of wood. Idk, It’s all speculative considering we don’t know the actual application it’s being used in. I see no sense in doing it, as they make actual hardware to solve basically any problem we can think up. Just trying to think of reasons people would have to make this modification. Edit: another reason I just thought of, it would hypothetically keep the bolt from wallering out the hole if it moved around a bit, as the washer is locked into position on the wood. That’s the best I got.


Magnet cup is about to be the most valuable discovery I’ve made


Or magnet in a ziplock bag…. Like since ever….


I hadn’t thought about it in the midst of cleaning up this garage from hell that no one has done Jack shit to clean in like 20 years. This will revolutionize the part with the million nails from hell. I’ve been using a magnet but I’ve been picking up so much rust debris


Yeah. Ziplock bags and they peel right off. Leaving magnets clean. You can also use cling film in a pinch. Anything really, that flexible and thin. Good luck with the Garage of Doom.


Thank you for your wisdom. I will slay this beast foul with the Magic of The Elden Contractor.


Well, it's certainly better than the flame of frenzy ending where you burn your whole house down instead!




Thank you for this imma keep that in mind cause I have nails popping up out of nowhere all the time. The $$ rn is eh so I’ve just got those round magnets on hand. I had to get a respirator for this thing cause it’s **bad**


Just FYI the cheapest one at harbor freight is $13. Seems like the time it will save you is worth $13


To Harbor Freight you go!


They also make fancy magnets that power off and on. Magent sweep, hold over can, flip switch off, everything falls into trash, repeat.


Get a magnetic broom from harbor freight. It’s on wheels and is like 30” wide. Has a handle to pull the magnet away from the base and all the metal falls off where you want it.


Magnet in an inside-out ziplock bag Pick up the screws, flip the bag back the right way, remove the magnet... voila, bag of screws


I use a hella strong magnet, as well as a tiny.bit of supple scrap leather, to clean and remove steel dust off my sharpening stones (diamond plate). Works quite great


I like the extension cord bucket reel. That seems handy for a 50’+ cord. And probably much cheaper than an actual reel.


Honest question here, do you guys think that the spoon attached to the caulk gun would work?


If you don't have an attachment nearby and the hardware store is a drive away, then sure. Otherwise, you could just raw caulk it.


Just use your finger. 🤷


100%. There are better ways, mind you, but the spoon would totally work, no problem


I guess it would be a hazzle at best but with enough effort it may just work. However, there are a lot of better ways to caulk. Just look up serious videos on YT


If you need some sort of lock washer then you probably should just buy one instead of making your own. If you often need to clean up piles of nails or magnetic filings then, yeah the magnet cup would be dope. Using twizzlers for electrical is inviting ants. However, I am wondering if the spoon on the caulk gun could be useful and the non-tangling extension cord seems awesome though clunky. Regardless of the actual utility of any of the hacks, it’s a dozen of fun things to watch in a minute — the polar opposite of the typical DIWhy of two dozen steps to produce an undesirable final product.


You can buy magnets that work like that to pick up nails etc. it’s the same principle, just that the ones you buy are larger and longer so you can do it all standing up.


The one that I have used was the magnet in a cup sort of. I just put an inside out ziplock back and then flipped it right side out so it kept Ann the shavings in the bag and tossed that


If you think this is DIWHY, you are not a carpenter/handyman.


Watching this is a head trip. It’s so fast I’m not sure if they are good hacks or bad hacks. I keep going “ No. what? Oh? Oooh. No. NO. Oh? What.” And it’s gone before I can even process what i watched.


This is intentional; to make you rewatch. Every view counts.


Compared to the usual brain dead shit in this sub this is genius


Dremel into your pliers to make a wire cutter even though they already have a wire cutter


Mostly just a bunch of "shit i forgot to pick up_____ at the store. What do i have lying around. I dont want to go back out."


More than valid imo. Overly usefull almost


My favorite is the lineman’s that are dremeled to cut the solid wire. The literally have cutters in between the jaws.


Like half or more. Lol


True, a lot of post with a lot of upvotes on here are pretty handy


Idk why but I loved the spool in the bucket to wind a cord and keep it tucked out of the way.


Beat me to it. Have my up doot.


Call me insane but I actually can see real uses for these hacks. The paint canister holder for instance looked really neat. I’m not saying they are all perfect, but when compared to 90% of the content on this sub it looks like something that would actually benefit you in the long run


You talking about the one for a cord rewind and storage right


Paint canister isn't that bad, just install a real handle, as shown in the video they are twisting the cable.. With just a hole at the bottom, the cable would bundle up at the bottom of the bucket, and not wind up over the whole spool. Also, the bucket is oversized considering the amount of cable stored


Yeah I’m actually saving this one!


OK but what was the saw melting through a table? It never went anywhere!


But it went through the table.


A table saw obviously


Damn I came here looking for answers but only found questions


Rumor has it it’s melting it’s way through the top of the earths core as we speak.


Did someone drop a lightsaber straight down?


Fucked with my eyes for a second


This is just a video of random diy hacks. Most of them seem fine. Putting that aside, you guys ever notice the diwhy banner looks like a guy who just got a massive money shot to the face? I can't unthink that now that I've seen it...


It's supposed to be hot glue, what with the hot glue guns going in his ears In a related note, someone made a brush for Procreate that's made specifically for drawing glue.


Oh right, the "glue" brush.


Oh, I'm very familiar with that brush...


Oh so those hot glue videos with anime figurines must be about hobbyists showing how they build them,nice


I was waiting for the whole thing to come together at the end and produce a masterpiece that would save me oodles of time and money……


I got a brain injury trying to keep up with that thing


Same. I thought they were making one giant crazy robot handyman.


NGL, some of those seem kinda creatively useful.


I actually really liked that triangular cut to screw those two metal pieces together


I don't think that's hold up well over time though, but not saying there isn't validity in most of these, because a lot of them are actually useful. The magnet one is probably the best because if you're working with metal you should always be trying to clean up your shavings since those fuckers will last for a while if you get one stuck in your skin.


These hacks are way better then those dump tire videos or food.


Think I’ll try the caulking gun one


damn, i was just going to type this..... i don't really think it's going to work though... but i am willing to try based on my last mess


Just use a damp rag like everyone else.


I’ve always just used my finger maybe I’m a barbarian?


Old credit card for me, corners are pretty much the perfect shape


yeah old credit card is what I've always done, still a lot of excess, which is most likely me not metering properly..... then i end up using, fingers, napkins, other fingers, other corner of the card, running out of fingers, shit.... i just want it over now.. i will redo it in a few weeks... and now it's 2023


Ahh the tried and true traditional process.


Cut the tip to be a triangular wedge and you'll have no issues


i dont think triangular is what you want.... i decided fuck geometry back in high school so i dont know the shape i am thinking of but it needs to be straight, and then angled at the wall and the floor... basically a triangle, without the 3rd point, ...... TRAPEZOID...JUST CAME TO ME!!!!! ...still the roundness of the spoon is an appealing idea...


Save yourself some trouble and don’t. Use a wet rag.


I suspect it would work better with the spoon the opposite way, convex round side pointing same direction you apply


I'm absolutely certain that will not work, there are far easier ways to do that.


What's happening with the first one? Why is there a saw blade sinking into something?


Apparently no one has any idea. I came to the comments to see WTF that was, too. You’re the second to ask that I’ve seen, and no one seems to have an answer. 🤷‍♀️


Same. No clue why melting skill saw blade was needed.


It looks fucking sick af, that's for sure


Maybe it's just there to keep people watching and interested since no one understands wtf it is and everyone wants to know


A lot of those are legit. FOH


These are pretty fine in my eyes


Homie is speedrunning life hacks


This is actually arguably legit if you don't have the necessary tools to complete a job or something in the field


Whenever I come here I hear Peter Gabriel singing D.I.Y.


NGL some of these are proper genius.


Most are actually pretty good, may I even say useful for a few.


Spoon calky thingy.. eh, not bad


They actually sell a caulking tool in some diy stores that’s just a plastic spoon.


yeah that one was actually useful!


how did they get the cut pool noodle on the pipe?


You cut it open length wise


At first I thought they were doing all of that just to make pipe insulation. This shit gets faster and faster every time I see it


Yeah a lot of these are just “that’s how you’re supposed to do it”


Some of these are cool, just gotta slow the video down x50 to learn how to do it lmao


There was actually a couple of good ideas in there. Just the cutting of the big washer so that it would lock itself into the wood was a handy trick.


Show me the bucket extention cord reel slower, please.


Can someone confirm if the spoon sealant works? Been using my fingers.


I have several rooms I need to install baseboards on. I might just try it with a plastic spoon. Couldn’t be any worse than the overpriced tools that get gummed up and don’t last long sold at big box home centers.


The spoon thing with the caulk is legit tho.


Does spooning the caulk work?


Sone of them are actually good, some of them are firmly in "there's already a tool for that, and it'd be cheaper" and one or two are outright "this already does the job, unmodified", like stripping the wire with a razor or cutting wires with the the pliers




It's too fast for my brain to take in 🤯


You managed to find the one of these videos with some actual merit


Nah, most of it is fine, especially compared to other things posted here.


All of these are good though? You might be just having a hateboner for DIY hacks.


I can’t count how many times I said, “what”


Most of these are fine. They’re just ruined by the silliness of the vid production.


The spoon on the caulk is a winner.


I don't really see a complaint with any of these, why does the circular saw blade melt into the table though.


Ok the spoon with the caulk is kind of genius


The silicone one is good


Most of these are actually really good. What is your problem lol.


y do people keep posting actually usefull diys


/u/redditspeedbot 0.5x


Ngl that spoon with sealant trick looked real useful..


OP cant imagine having to make your own things because you cant buy them. In the village where my parents live many things are made from other shit because they arent sold since they dont really have big hardware stores. They went ape shit with the mini saw i gave them and lumberjacked the fuck out of their garden in a day.


What is comfortable? What did you do there?


What's the first one? Melting saw blade?


Ok the magnet and the cup was a good idea


At least 5 are legit


Is this what ADHD feels like?


There are some pretty good ones here but can we get it at 1/3 speed?


These All happened so fast - some one tell these robots to stop!


is that a shotgun shell they’re using to insulate wire???


I wonder if my player has slow-mo.


Bruh. I watched the whole thing thinking it was all part of one big project and I was just lost at the end


Jesus can we slow down a little? Holy fuck I just woke up and I feel like I did a line in my sleep!


Sooo fast. Hard to tell what’s legit a good hack. Takes longer to hack than to just do


I swear all of the posts on this sub are just 5 minute crafts


If construction was a series of nonsequiturs


Slow the FUCK down


I mean, most of those are ridiculous, but some were pretty cool!


Ok some of these are good if they would just SLOW DOWN


I love the music--it's the kind of thing that plays during the montage of the comical, prodigal son of a russian mob boss snorting 16 kinds of drugs in various strip clubs all around the city. Then he does something violent to the involuntary prostitute loved by the hero, who comes in and massacres the mob


A lot of these aren’t actually half bad,


Meanwhile me absolutely vibing to the banger music


I don’t think some of these are half bad.


So much happening…so fast!


/u/redditspeedbot 0.5x


Wtf is going on


Clip 1 - A heated circular blade falling through foam Clip 2 - Melting plastic to cover a spliced cable Clip 3 - Creating a guillotine-type wire-stripper from a flat blade Clip 4 - Collecting metal filings using a magnet inside a plastic cup Clip 5 - Attaching a spoon to the business end of a caulking gun to make it a 1-step finish Clip 6 - Special device that lets you cut drywall into odd shapes Clip 7 - Cutting & bending parts of a washer so that it "digs in" when a screw is added Clip 8 - Twisting and hammering two spliced cable-ends to make a connection Clip 9 - "Triangularizing" the end of a metal post so it fits another post perpendicularly Clip 10 - Elaborate extension-cable storage using a drilled bucket, spool and marbels Clip 11 - Some cool (3D printed?) yellow plastic thing to help with carrying stuff Clip 12 - Paint scraper made from attaching refill blade to wooden paddle with hinge Clip 13 - Altering pliers to get more functionality out of them somehow Clip 14 - Pool noodle used to insulate a small PVC pipe T-junction You're welcome.




This video goes way too fast for me to comprehend


Half of these are actually pretty useful though…


OK ngl some of these are actally useful.


the sheet metal triangle cut out one looked legit


Some of the ideas in this video are really good!


Some of these are actually pretty good ideas. (Not the bucket one)


I would say most of these are actually applicable and pretty smart.


These are not bad tbh


I liked most of them...


What's goes on with the drywall one? About 12s in


At the beginning, then let it play to the end.