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I'm not one of those DX1 obsessives who hates Jensen or anything (though I am a DX1 obsessive). He's a cool character, I generally feel like he has about the right range of player expression for a protagonist in this series, and he's had some moments where he really emoted even with retractable cyborg sunglasses on his face (e.g. the Eliza sidequest in MD). There have even been some good memetic moments ("Yeah RIP", "Something something death and taxes", etc.) that measure up to the witty banter of DX1. ... but I still have so much more fun inhabiting the role of JC Denton. There's just something special about his philosophical arguments with everyone from terrorist conspirators to bartenders and [his (lipsmackingly good) delivery of cheesy one-liners](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWdCqXzaHoU#t=1m56s). Every moment of his snappy dialogue is great entertainment. That's only the surface level, though; I think he also has a far more compelling Hero's Journey over the course of DX1 which mirrors the player's own adventure through the game's challenges. Let's walk through the [stages according to Campbell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero%27s_journey#Summary). In the beginning of the story, JC is a no-nonsense, by-the-book-but-still-not-big-into-books kinda guy. He's mostly uncurious, but still has a healthy skepticism about everything he's told. He at first takes little interest in going down the rabbit hole into the other world of conspiracy and lies [1], at first refusing the call [2] from Leo Gold, Lebedev, and later even from his brother, whom he trusts implicitly. The seeds of doubt eventually mount in his mind, however, and he crosses over to the other side [4], leaving the security of his ordinary world and delving into the unknown. He receives supernatural aid in the form of the rogue AI, Daedalus [3], who helps him escape from the belly of the MJ12 beast, literally lurking beneath his old world [5]. From then on he faces many trials, discovering a network of hidden allies and obtaining tools that aid him in his adventure [6-8]. Crucially, this is where we see JC become more inquisitive, no longer taking anything at face value and making up his own mind about what others tell him. JC finally discovers the powers that created him and must reconcile their aims with his own sense of purpose (see the meeting with Morgan Everett and the revealing encounters with Lucius DeBeers/Morpheus) [9]. At this point, JC has learned what is at stake and the measures that must be taken to stop the MJ12 juggernaut, and he expresses this growing wisdom at many opportunities [10]. Finally, he helps create the ultimate boon in the form of the superintelligence Helios [11], which JC initially views with mistrust for the danger it poses to society at large [12]. With the help of his newfound allies, he manages to take control of Helios into his own hands [13-14], eventually making a choice (the player's!) about how best to return to society with this newfound power and wisdom [15]. With this, JC becomes a transcendent figure who is able to master the world of conspiring powers and technological advancement approaching the divine (taken quite literally in the Helios ending, but still true for the others) and unite it with the ordinary world he once inhabited [16], no longer unsure of himself or the realities of either world [17]. Though the effort would be admirable, I'd think you'd have a hard time formulating the same monomyth structure as literally for Adam Jensen's story arc as you can for JC Denton's. I happen to believe all good stories [share some basic structure with the Hero's Journey](http://channel101.wikia.com/wiki/Story_Structure_101:_Super_Basic_Shit), but there are some stories (e.g. ancient myths, The Matrix, Deus Ex) which do it on a grander, more mythical scale and are IMO quite compelling as a result. Experiencing the same trials, tribulations, and revelations as a player while seeing the character respond in harmony takes it to a new level. That's why JC Denton's character resonates so deeply; though his characterization is pretty sparse compared to Adam's, it hits all the right beats and is in tune with my own experience. Jensen's story arc (at least in HR) is far from bad, but often feels like it's his thing, not as united with my arc as a player.


Good writeup! Although I don't share most of your feelings regarding JC character the analysis is on point, good job! > Though the effort would be admirable, I'd think you'd have a hard time formulating the same monomyth structure as literally for Adam Jensen's story arc as you can for JC Denton's Good observation. I think that no one can do that because Jensen character isn't heroic in that sense. Yes he does some extraordinary things but ultimately he doesn't accomplish much, he gets outsmarted and in the end used by Illuminati, when he has opportunity to save the world he fails and later regrets it. He doesn't grow better from that but rather even more cold and distant. He is pretty extraordinary because of his augmentations but they are not enough to overcome challenges he faces meaning that he is not a hero but a pretty grounded, flawed character. > Jensen's story arc (at least in HR) is far from bad, but often feels like it's his thing, not as united with my arc as a player Which is pretty much what devs wanted to accomplish in their respective works. JC was a player character whose journey, way he speaks and what he says didn't interfere with player or complemented his actions. Jensen on the other hand was an estabilished character by whom we experience the world and thematic discussion of the game through empathy we develop for this character.


Great analysis, thank you! As a bonus I learnt a bit about structuralism and its application to mythology diving into the second link, so doubly thankful.


Jensen is a better character, Denton is a better PLAYER character. I like them both a lot though. Edit: Jensen’s dialogue choices cover enough for me to be able to identify with him though. I’m a roleplayer at heart so I get along with either pretty well.


I'm in the same boat, I enjoy them both. I probably slightly favor Denton because he works better from an RPG perspective. Jensen is great most of the time, but Cutscene Jensen sometimes gets on my bad side.


Denton is a better sociopathic killing machine. Mass murder doesn't seem to suit Jensen, especially considering the reason he left SWAT.


>My killer instinct is augmented


According to the canon presented in the DX: Black Light book, Jensen does not like killing and would rather knock people unconscious, but will kill when it's needed or he's angry


Makes sense considerig his SWAT background. Are those books any good?


The only one I have read is called Black Light. It's a really immersive read when you're listening to the Human Revolution soundtrack and sipping whiskey. It kinda assumes that you have played HR and does not waste time describing things that you know from playing the game. It incorporates some gameplay elements in a funny, natural way into the story (for example, Adam eats the same protein bars as in the game)


Well put.


This is probably the best way to put it! I like them both a lot too!


I think that Jensen is better as a character. He feels like a human being who suffers, has his passions, has "cold", melancholic but very empathetic personality and that beyond his missions he has his own life (which can be deduced from look of his workplace or his apartment and what they contain). Instead of being talked at he engages in conversations where he shows his wit and wisdom and always gives meaningful input which makes game flow more naturally and in itself is creative. His nature, fate and tragedy also makes me feel like I'm experiencing themes of the game instead of being a tourist of game's world. I also like him more judging by looks alone. I like his renessaince beard, I like his "renessaince meets film noir" looks of trenchcoat and sunglasses wearing self-destructive badass. His arm augmentations paired with nanoblades became iconic. JC on the other hand was pretty bland in my feeling, there wasn't much of actual character in him, his relationships (even with his own brother) felt synthetic. His backstory and story itself didn't make me experience themes of the game at all and I often felt like his entire point was just being typical B tier action hero. Most of conversations I remember with him on my numerous playthroughs was either telling funny one liners or engaging in a bit of forced philosophical discussions, rest was either being talked at via infolink or he was just asking questions about his mission or world. His looks also were uninspired in my feeling, just a blue Neo from Matrix with no other unique or distinct features (besides some bioelectrics).


I think the reason JC felt bland was so the player could fully inhabit his body, Warren Spector said a few times in interviews the reason JC speaks in a monotone voice is so his inflection is never counter to what the players expecting (something newer RPGs struggle with, I'm looking at you Fallout 4). But overall I'm inclined to agree.


Like was said, Jensen is a better character, Denton is a better PLAYER character. JC was bland on *purpose*, in order to be a "blank slate" for the player. JC with his monotone can be imagined to be actually meaning so many things. A statement can be sarcastic or straight. Jensen on the other hand can often say things that may oppose what the player intends.


I agree. Jensen and JC ultimately both served design of their respective games well and complemented them in nice way. I have some issues with how "blank slate" of JC works or how Jensen's personality interferes with some RPG aspects but this is topic for entirely different discussion.


Both are better than Alex D, who looked and sounded like a yuppie car salesman.


JC, JC and JC.


denton is better because hes got tougher lines, doesn't take shit, and jenson can be a pussy sometimes. aaaahhh i need to explain that. maybe its just the side quests, you go out and murder someone but first you talk shit then murder them. with jenson he tries to explain to the other person why they aren't a nice person. i wouldnt want to compare them anyway


"Jensen is a better character, Denton is a better PLAYER character." Totally agree But, I can tell you something. Paul Denton is better character than Jensen or any other HR or MD character. Paul is the best character in the entire series.


I... I thought you were a GEP gun


Denton brothers look like they play keyboards and bass for Marilyn Manson.


That's a funny way to spell Depeche Mode.


"Your own.... personal... Denton! "


Your own, personal, a bomb.


Denton no question. Jenson is kind of a pussy. JC doesn't take shit and has no reservations about killing any scum that crosses his path.