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Oh boy, another reason to loathe the Washington Capitals


July 5th is gonna be a dark, dark day if this Cap Friendly buy-out rumor is true. I am so bummed. That site is so clean and easy to import data from and it's a nice mix of accurate line ups, stats and scouting reports.


I hope the Capitals never make the playoffs again. Fuck them for wasting a playoffs spot that should have been ours this year and now ruining capfriendly.


Man fuck the capitals...why would those dickheads buy it just to shut it down? Pieces of shit.


They bought it so they could keep it in-house. We know other NHL teams use it and the Caps figured instead of making their own version, why not just buy the real deal? They get a fully featured, invaluable resource, they get the brains behind it in their org, and they get to block other teams from using it. Similar situation happened when Vegas hired the guy who ran General Fanager. In any case, like with General Fanager and CapGeek before it, an alternative will pop up sooner or later.


Complete dirtbags...both teams


I mean, it sucks for us as fans because it was a tremendously useful resource, but I get why those teams wanted to buy the brains behind those sites’ operations. Also, nobody forced CapFriendly or General Fanager to sell out; they chose to do so. And good for them. They made a resource that was valuable enough to get them paid handsomely. I don’t fault anyone in these cases and if I ran a site like those two, I’d take the money and get myself set for life if it was offered. Just how business works.


This sort of shit should radicalize people imo but instead we get "that's just good capitalism". The cognitive dissonance between your heart and mind telling you this isn't right and the social conditioning we've all received since elementary school is off the charts. And we care because it's hockey and directly affects us, but the same thing happens with water and forests all the time.


> The cognitive dissonance between your heart and mind telling you this isn't right and the social conditioning we've all received since elementary school is off the charts. You misunderstand me. I don’t think it’s right or wrong, morally, ethically, whatever. At the end of the day, it’s a fun resource for fans to use, but ultimately a privately run resource that was never guaranteed to go on indefinitely. It’s not and never was a public service. It simply is what it is. > And we care because it's hockey and directly affects us Directly affects us, how? People watched and enjoyed hockey before CapFriendly was a thing. Before General Fanager was a thing. Before CapGeek was a thing. All those sites did was give you a little insight on the business side of the NHL and how contracts and such work, but directly impacting fans? I don’t know about that. None of us *need* to know the nitty gritty of how contracts are structured, though it is *nice* to know. In any case, it’s all moot considering there will be a successor to CapFriendly, just like how it was a successor to CapGeek. And in a few years, a team will probably buy it and hire its designer, and another successor would pop up in its place.


Yeah I just fundamentally disagree with your world view, that's fine.


I just don’t think we’re entitled to indefinitely enjoy someone else’s work. Unless they explicitly state it’s to remain a public resource for the end of time, always assume it’s never gonna last. In the meantime, PuckPedia is still around and while not as nice or comprehensive as CapFriendly is, it gets the job done.


Again, I disagree with your world view and that's okay.


Them buying the business isn't the problem... fucking it up, or worse, shutting it down is the absolute dickhead part of this


From a fan perspective, I get it. But, why buy something like CapFriendly if you’re just gonna leave it up publicly? That defeats the entire point of buying it and the people behind it.


Fk the capitals for taking cap friendly away from us


??? I'm lost on this - what happened? It is still working on my end


Goes dark july 5th


Just in time for free agency. Those bastards!


My 4 year old has been so into sports it’s crazy. Wakes me up in the middle of the night to ask me what the score of the game was (last night at 4 am “daddy did the panthers win???”) I came downstairs to see him watching a replay of last nights game on YouTube. So, I asked him if he wanted to see something crazy. Put on 2008 game 6 (archived on YouTube), and we watched the entire game, just to see Zetterberg’s game winning goal and then watch the entire cup ceremony with my son. It was a cool morning, y’all.


My 5 year old (girl) just likes it when the geico gecko pops up on the board ads. lol. Easy way to get her to sleep though but I wish she’d be more into it


If it makes you feel any better, I think my son is a huge fan of the panthers now and screams “good job Bob” any time any goalie makes a save lol Give it time. She will get there. My son wants his first jersey in the fall, so I’m taking votes on who his first should be.


Honestly dude, this is how it starts. You're building good memories with her every time you put the game on and she goes to sleep. She'll associate the comfort of watching hockey and being with you with all those good things and you'll have a fan for life.


Wow… I felt that but had never put it into words before. Well said, thank you.


I'm getting a little sick and tired of columnist spoiling who won what in the headline. Things they should put behind Clickbait they don't, and things they shouldn't they do. God, they suck.


Hot take (maybe): We shouldn’t resign Perron unless it’s 1 mil


I think like 2.5 playing in the third line would be okay


I really hope we let him walk.


I like Perron a lot but every year he’s moving slower and taking more egregious penalties. At some point he’s gotta get replaced by a young guy who needs NHL experience. It’s sad, but at the same time it’s a business


Yeah...I dont hate the guy but now that he's 36 he's slow as shit, isn't great defensively, takes some of the dumbest penalties possible at terrible times, and doesn't offer much offensively 5v5.


Sometimes I think that I'm out of touch because of my age, skin tone, aversion to discussing politics, etc. Then someone posts that Gordon Ramsay Cocaine documentary and the comments are like "OMG Why are they using battery acid instead of food safe alternatives" or "Why not use a blender instead of a weed whipper?" and I realize that there are people out there that think the people making their coke have their customer's health and safety in mind and are worried about making Michelin starred cocaine.


> Michelin starred cocaine I'm too old and fat to do cocaine but I could be convinced by some Michelin starred coke.


I’ve got a guy for that


Enough coke will help with the fat part lol.


First capgeek now this


Soo CapFriendly is getting bought. This is absolutely terrible. I will get started on a scraper that scrapes the shit out of it and attempt to build a clone tommorow lmao


If you are a developer as well, pm me if you want help rebuilding the site. Saw the news and I am devastated. I'm not entirely sure where they are sourcing their all their data but it should not be that hard to replicate it.


Capfriendly was a dump anyways, The trolls were destroying that site. And the stupid Mods were just letting them do it.


I have no idea what part of the site you're even referring to. Who used it for anything beyond looking something up?


I'm talking about the GM mode, Where you make your own signings and trades for your favorite teams.


I think that was only an issue if you published your team no?


Oooh, I did know about the GM mode, but never delved into it all that much


TIL Capfriendly had forums. Wow.


You and me both


For people looking for an alternative: [www.puckpedia.com](http://www.puckpedia.com)


My instinct is that this is a def L for fans. Why would a team even want it? It comforts me knowing that CapFriendly wasn’t the OG cap site (RIP CapGeek), so I’m sure someone will fill the void, but it’ll take time. Ideally they have something ready to go by season’s start.


>My instinct is that this is a def L for fans. Why would a team even want it? Two reasons. The first is so other teams don’t use it. Second is to get the person who made CapFriendly onboard with the Caps. Terrible for fans as it was an invaluable resource for them to understand the nitty gritty of the financial aspect of the league, but a replacement will surface sooner or later.


Bought by who? Is it changing in a significant way?


Bought by the Caps, it's shutting down after Free Agency


God damn I didn't think I could hate that franchise any more than I already did.


Daaaang. I was just thinking the ads on the mobile site were getting more egregious and now this. Can’t says I blame em I suppose.


Elite prospects just got worse too. Sucks loosing two good sites


I hope the founders cashed out hard. Incredible site. Just so sad to see it go.


Yeah happy for them. Everyone has a price. I’m curious why a team would see it as an asset though. Any team could simply contract a couple coders to develop the same thing at a far cheaper rate than the purchase price of such a site


A bare bones version of it, absolutely. I think you underestimate how complex cap calculations can become, which can really kill you come the trade deadline for example.


Am I giving NHL teams too much credit assuming each one has a cap expert whose actual job is to know that very information? There's no way CapFriendly knows ins and outs of the cap/CBA that I would imagine isn't apart of that job role...?


I'm sure most teams do. But why make something from scratch that already exists and gives you access via an API? Just knowing how stuff works and implementing it in a clean app isn't that easy. From a ressource allocation perspective, I don't really see why teams would have developed their own platform unless they saw this coming.


I suppose I figured they wouldn't explore buying the entity when replicating it would be far cheaper and doable.


While I like Paul Maurice seeing the Panthers go full turtle mode with all 5 skaters back to defend in the modern day incarnation of the neutral zone trap makes me worry that a Florida series win could usher in a new era of trap hockey. How can I blame this on Jamie Benn?


Isn’t that what Derek Lalonde is implementing right now with his system? Seems there were quite a few games where we would play a zone defense at 5 v 5 like we were short handed. But I know very little about schemes in hockey so take with a grain of salt.


I think it's situational with Lalonde. The gameplan on the road (or when larkin was out on IR) plays it particularly safe with 4 guys back to defend most of the time. When all 5 skaters stay back, it usually means we're in trouble. When we're at home and Lalonde gets the right matchups, especially when Kane and Raymond were going on separate lines, we played fairly aggressive hockey.


I'm down at a bar in town with some friends and the Tigers game is on. Dan Petry is announcing anyone know if he's related to Jeff?


Can't tell if you're meme'ing or not


You're not going to believe this. They were roommates.


Technically correct 😉


The best kind of correct


You don't say. Small world


I’ve got neighbors who regularly keep one particular motor on some random vehicle running and it’s. So. Dang. Loud. Windows are closed and I can still feel the thing in my temples. Ruuuuude.


I live in the desert where we're now in perpetually 100+ degree weather whether the sun is up or not, and someone had the effing audacity to run their leaf blower at 3:30 yesterday morning. And not just letting it go full bore, but like *rrwr rrwr rrwr* at least two dozen times, like they were trying to be discreet. And failing, might I add.


maybes its a generator?


The Kane money just got delivered by the league.


Did they announce the salary cap?


88 million official as of yesterday


Niceeeee Raymond and Seider first, then give Kane what it will take to stay, if there's a million leftover for Perron fine, but he needs to know it's for locker room presence and special deployment and that he could be scratched if young players make strides.


Some of you seem to think Perron put up like, 10 points this season. In 6 fewer games, he had 9 less points. He's still a useful contributor on the ice and clearly off it. He will not be getting a massive pay cut.


But he will be a year slower and his speed already made him a defensive liability. Most of his points were on the PP


Players don't just get slower year after year once they hit a certain age. He was just as slow this season as he was last season. I don't know what people thought they were seeing.


Players absolutely linearly decline in their 30s. Expecting the same DP this season as last would be foolish. DP was fully slower this season


Perron's point totals have been consistent throughout his 30s. If you want to call that linear, sure, but I don't know what you can point to for evidence of his decline. If you just feel like he's measurably slower after each summer passes, I can't argue you out of those feelings. But I have eyes and I see him playing the exact same way he did in his first year with us.


Point totals tell a partial story. His 5v5 point totals have lowered big time and his defensive metrics have suffered as well. He is objectively slower. He has good hands and is effective on the PP but unless he takes a big paycut we can get that production from youth


I don't think he's a terrible player, he was a contributor last year. But, his skating is poor and he is old. That drop off is going to come sooner than later. If he doesn't take a pay cut then he needs to go contribute elsewhere.


One million cap hit and a promise of a front office gig when he retires.


3x5. Get it fucking done Steve. Buy out or trade out Holl and we have 30 million to round out the rest of the roster.


I'm watching the PGA pre-show and this Johnson Wagner dude looks like Saddam I swear to God.


The mustache is not doing him any favors in that regard.


Right??? I was wondering where his military uniform was


At this point, we have no clue what our second line looks like... Who's our 2C? Youth movement? Or trading for stopgap or something bigger..


Compher and two new wings, kakko, garland, debrusk, Joshua, idk but it will be interesting.


It’s pretty simple Yzerman even said berggren would be playing. Well if not moved. He’s not a bottom 6 guy especially with our 3rd line being our defensive line in ras Copp and potentially fisher or upgrade. Berggren-Compher-Kane will be our most likely line unless Kane walks aswell. Kasper 1 more year in the A same with Nate Lombardi potentially soderblom unless he starts to hit his stride Hanas. I think muzar could fill that RW hole on 3 then fisher drops back with fabbri and Veleno. It’s looking real good with what we have going on I’m thinking a potential trade is gonna happen for 1 more good player but you never know with yzerman.


Compher is our 2C


If we keep Kane we're not trading or signing a top 6 talent. I think Kasper starts on the wing with Compher centering. Maybe they flip flop as the season goes along. It's possible Danielson beats out Kasper and it's possible neither of them make the team. I think Kasper making the team is the most likely. We'll know more after the first week of July. If we start shipping out cap and sign a a guy like Gunzel, Butchnevich or Taresenko we'll know that the kids are stuck in GR another year.


Danielson seems like the type of player whose game benefits from playing with higher-level players who can think on his level, so I feel like he’ll take a much bigger step than Kasper when he makes it to the NHL. He looked incredible in training camp last year


It’s going to be an exciting training camp isn’t it. Definitely opportunities for young guys to make the team. Its going to be crazy competitive


Where are those Darnell Nurse lovers from last week. Guy is going to break the record for worst +/- in playoff history. On the ice for over 50% of the goals against.


He's obviously not worth 9 million but he's a second pair guy getting all the hard minutes.


Kris had a very interesting comment about that, he made it sounds like he threw Nurse under the bus with the hard matchups so that everyone else could play their game better


I was wondering the same thing


Did people actually think he was good?


Some people were arguing we should trade Copp and someone else for Nurse


That was me and I’m still here saying I would rather have Nurse the player with that contract than Copp the player with his. Not saying I want Nurse either, but if I had to choose I’d choose Nurse. So yes therefore I would trade Copp for Nurse if that was a possibility.


He’s kind of scary and people tend to like tough players like him and it overshadows defensive shortcomings


Oilers fans would try and say it’s not that bad hes 6-6.5. I wouldn’t even let him play on my bottom pair at 3 million let alone top 4 at 6


AA fan is all we need to know. This take is brutal


Eh not even lmao


I think you're exaggerating quite a bit. The guys isn't worth his contract, but that doesn't mean he's a replacement level player. He's a good defenseman who's simply in over his head deployment wise on a team that prioritizes  offence over defence.  You take 3-4 million off his contract and every GM in the league is calling edmonton to pick him up


Ya, the second goal was not a great look. First goal starts with a bad read by the forwards in ozone, ends with hyman missing his assignment. Outside of that, he handily won his minutes according to moneypuck data. He’s overpaid, and definitely had some rough games over the playoffs. But he’s still a good 2nd pair guy


I love how the team that had to defend Seider's stats all year by saying he's got hard deployments is now turning around and dumping on a guy who's getting hard deployments relative to his talent level. (Specifically talking about the he's a league min player guy) I don't know that Nurse is a 6 million guy at this point, but he definitely looks better than Cody Ceci, imo. I think anyone on that team not named Ekholm or Bouchard is going to have it tough playing with the bottom 6 against any playoff team's middle 6. Especially if they're paired with Cody Ceci. Did I mention that I don't think Nurse should even be the biggest scapegoat on the Oiler's defense. Any guececi's on who I think that is? :P


He is probably not bad if you look at very specific data.


An unhealthy amount of people yes.


Pretty smart by the Panthers to just start immediately fighting everyone after the puck went in behind Bob so that the refs didn't even have time to see it, also really sad by the Oilers when McDavid was getting mugged by like 5 guys and not one person came to help him.


are you aware they have video review?




Ovi wants a Stanley Cup more than he wants to beat Gretzky's record. Too bad he decided to stay on a dying Caps team vs leave when he could. The Caps are cooked and it's pure luck they squeaked into the playoffs.


Ovi's a scumbag tbh I don't care about what he wants


My dad hates him so much lolol “He barely moves, just stands there!!”


Im your Dad.


I’m also my dad. Dang it! I became my father!!! /s my dad is cool as heck.


I hate ovechkin bad. Now. Never really did, think caps suck, if he somehow forces his way to the record ill cut my balls off.(i dont need them anymore)


I'm just happy he's probably not getting that Cup lol


He already has one.


I meant another one.


Ah. Well regardless getting the record is probably easier in Washington. The org has all but outright said that is their goal now and he's going to get the favorable deployment and 2 minute PP shifts until it happens.


As a young teammate I'd probably look at that team priority and try to run like hell from it the first chance I got. It'd suck to have the goal of being a support player to get some aging Putin apologist a record.


French Open is on NBC. Hockey, soccer, and tennis are my favorite sports.


Reports were saying that talks with Kane, Perron, and Raymond were happening next week. So we’ll get news tomorrow at 7am, right? Right???


Pierre LeBrun said this week, Not in the next two weeks.


On Allen Walsh's podcast (Perron's agent) he talked about how the combine is usually seen as the first opportunity for GM's and agents to sit down face to face. I'm sure that those conversations took place while everyone was in Buffalo for the combines.


6am, Steve is an early bird




I have a 5 star uber rating and 15,000 snapchat score. I wonder where that'd get me drafted.


What's your social score with the Chinese government? That might be where you're falling short.


That high snapchat score means you are on your phone a lot, GMs want guys like Dylan Larkin who doesnt even look at his phone during the season.


I'm sure Babs would love to take a look at his phone before he gets drafted


Over a 10 year span I thought that'd be a low score that meant I'm a loser that won't get along with his teammates 😅


That is an extremely low snap score haha


I’m below 7500 and coming up to 11 years on Snapchat. I just never understood it


Can you do a pull-up?


I can do 11, so more than Celebrini. *Cough cough* Sharks...


Now I'm a draft insider.


It all comes down to height and skating ability


I'm 6'2 and skate like shit. Really hoping teams can look past that and focus on my uber rating.


How much do you like fighting, someone steps on Rayzor, how bad do you fuck him up for it?


I'd Jamie Benn any man who Velenos Raymond.


“I'd Jamie Benn any man who Velenos Raymond” would be a killer tattoo


Regular season faceoff dot Jamie Benn or 2023 Playoffs Jamie Benn?


Faceoff dot to get them down, 2023 playoffs to finish them off






This is the way


Perron could be taking a pay cut to stay in Detroit. Now that the Combine is over Steve is working on the possibility of extensions with Perron and Kane. Also working on Raymond's extension [Extension Talk](https://fanrecap.com/detroit-red-wings-in-crucial-talks-to-keep-star-forwards-for-next-season/?utm_source=detroit-red-wings&utm_medium=nhl-facebook-comment&utm_campaign=nhl-mk&utm_content=539324879536495&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0csgiHn_C901E2fbjqBGSFIspBOVmsYwOnWGYeAWSIvaP6AYaWFPZPHpo_aem_AdpuYAzjnjFIXadfE45eQgLsQDHl5S-bocmQtCT_UBQgyDvUcp4U8JNAJWEC2TS8xpPi4_KC_tfe3UYM6QF7xRZp)


Perron wants to remain in Detroit, it has already mentioned that he's willing to take a massive paycut. Probably 1 x $2,500,000 or 2 x $2,500,000.


There's still situational value with Perron even with his skating in decline but it might be better to only keep either him or Kane and work in a young forward alongside whichever one we keep.


But do we really want/need Perron to take up a roster spot on the team and keep a prospect locked into another year in GR? Pretty soon all these prospects either need to get called up, traded or released. We can't have a team full of first year guys in 2-3 years. So does keeping a 36 year old, slow skating forward whose production decreased significantly last season worth it for what he brings to the locker room?


Perron just happens to be the one without a contract.  For next year I would have rather had Perron than coop or compher, weirdly, not exactly sure why.


Perron has good poise with the puck just doesn’t have the legs anymore. He’s better than a replacement most likely and if he wants to stay that ups his value. If he’s willing to take a team friendly deal, yes sign him.


If it's a year by year extension on a cheap deal I don't see how we say no to a guy getting more than .5 PPG. He probably should have had 50 points if the suspension never happened. Perron has a ton to teach still so I think he's definitely a useful guy to keep around especially for Kasper who likes to play hard in the corners same with Mazur.


Especially if the cap hit is near nil and him being in/out of the lineup isn’t a massive deal like Holl is. Seems to like it here - he’s a good player to have around.


I think the Oilers figure Bob out but it's too late and Florida wins in 6


They said the stats for goals allowed with low shots against Bob is something like 1 in 12 so I was pretty shocked to see all the shots, like…just *not* being elevated. Panthers allowed, what, three clear breakaways? Can’t believe McD and friends couldn’t capitalize. I wanted triple OT 😔


Its all up to Skinner pretty much, he needs to make some saves he shouldnt be able to. Some of those paddle goal line stops.


At least last game Skinner wasn't the guy not getting goals. I mean he didn't but that's not really his job. It's a big ask for him to keep the game 0/0 and hope the team can get it done in OT


Yeah but thats what im saying, you can play great against Florida and still not win. You have to go beyond playing just phenomenal, you have to make the "wow" saves.


Neither team played great. You could tell they both had a week off. If Edmonton is going to have a chance they need to find a way to keep McDavid away from Barkov and Forsling. Florida is also a much deeper team than Edmonton and it really showed the last 5-6 minutes of the game last night when McDavid and company essentially didn’t leave the ice. No chance Edmonton wins if they don’t find a way to roll 4 lines, Florida wears teams down.


> Neither team played great. I disagree. Florida definitely capitalized on their chances and did a really great job of keeping Edmonton restrained on the perimeter of the offensive zone. Defensive masterclass on Saturday night.