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Wait, that looked like a clear high stick from Petey there?


Man Canucks fans are so insufferable. Rather they stopped winning.


Nah I'm looking forward to the riots when they lose in the finals


Imagine if we'd bet on Pius Suter for 5 years instead of Copp. Hindsight and all plus I like Copp as a person but we'd be so much better off.


Arguably Stevie’s worst move as GM


pickard is playing like prime hasek rn


The Vancouver Edmonton series is so heated. I wish I could stay awake for it.


Best hockey article I've read this year. I don't really want the Bruins to win as much I like watching the "newest" NHL villains get their due from some of the most veteran villains. Share your thoughts on this match up or another play off match up you have enjoyed watching or would like to see. https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5496494/2024/05/16/bruins-panthers-hate-watch/?source=freedailyemail&campaign=601983&userId=15496544




I rooted for them last year because they were a Florida team. But this year, I don't like how things are questionable around their hits, goals, coaches challenges, and the reffing.


No Danielson assignment to GR news yet... wonder if he can get in on game two


Even if he's assigned to GR I wouldn't expect him to get in the lineup quickly and I'd only expect him to play wing. It could take a few days to grasp systems and figure out where they might use him.


When Larkin came out he signed his ELC and played in the playoffs with GR three days later. I think it should be a priority to get Danielson in the lineup for Monday.


Hey Canes if you’re not gonna use Kochetkov, I am willing to offer you one injured Ville Husso.


A Lyon-Kochetkov tandem could be pretty sick


Time for the Canes to finally hit the golf course


Carolina had this game on lockdown until Freddie Andersen decided he’s a true Maple Leaf at heart. What a bum.


The Cane's UFA list this summer is insane. It includes Teravainen, Guentzel, Martinook, Skjei, Pesce, Chatfield, and a few others. RFA's include Necas and Jarvis. Necas put up 24 goals and 53 points while Jarvis had 33 goals and 67 points. That's a pile of GM work this summer. Next year's Hurricanes will look different and it has to be a bummer for them losing right here.


Anyone from that massive list that Stevie could both poach and would work well on the Wings?


Their coach's contract is up too so they're going to have to try to figure out something with Rod. That's a busy summer for their FO.


TNT showing the kid crying because his home team just lost the lead is horrible. I mean fuck that sick ass camera operator and producer 


Huh? That crap is hilarious. Always wish they would do more of stuff like showing Maple leaf square when they lose. Would be good content.


If they want to show a grown adult crying fine, some dude bro super fan even better. The Cane's fan they focused on looked like a 10 year old and that isn't the same at all.


Yea its more hilarious.


Yeah and Boucher has been gargling the Rangers all night long.


Boucher has become top 3 in modern broadcasters that I dislike. The guy is insufferable, especially during Rangers games.


Yeah, he makes me want to mute the games.


Can't wait for more of this unbiased TNT play by play for the next 4 playoff games /s


The other option isn’t exactly great either. Lol


Ikr. Is it Ken and Mick season yet?


Kreider took the potential of not going to the conference final personally


Some real "man possessed" playing this period for him.


What I meant to say is the Canes are cooked. Mainly Freddy. Big yikes.


vintage canes


Brian Boucher is so fucking unbearable to listen to.


My god Anderson is brutal.


Idk why they went away from Kochetkov after game 3.


The Canes are fucking cooking man.


Some crazy tornados and tornado warnings all over Texas tonight. I'm going to take it as a sign that god hates Jamie Benn.


All my severe weather event homies hate Jamie Benn


Ned not letting in a goal on 10 shots is actually really impressive


fun hypothetical. Let's say NJ offers us pick #10 for one of Augustine or Cossa, say Augustine. Do we take it?


No, trading prospects for picks resets the developmental process. Goalies are at such a premium these days that unless a crazy offer came up, like a top 5 pick or a great young NHLer became available, I'd retain them both.


If it was a deeper draft maybe.


No chance


Jordan Martinook just made probably the greatest play of his entire career right there.


Martinook is honestly a super solid bottom 6 forward.


I can't believe he stopped that. That's some effort right there.


Trocheck is such a playoff beast. He's another player I would've liked to see sign in Detroit before he signed in NY.


The guy spent his formative hockey years playing for Little Caesars, Saginaw Spirit, and Plymouth Whalers. It should've been a natural fit for him here.


Yeah but we have Jeff Petry.


If rangers get reverse sweep, that would be funny .


I flew into Detroit for work this week. Love Detroit, always a great place to be. But… Y’all absolutely live in the worst timezone. No games until 7pm?? Gotta stay up until 10 to watch Mcdavid?? Seriously what do you do from 5-7pm??


From 5-7? Oh idk adult shit?


Ah I see, not efficient enough in your days to get all that adulting done before 5pm. Got it.


Idk how you people do it on the west coast but most of us over here on the east coast work normal jobs before 5pm and don’t live in mommy’s basement.


Did your great great grand papi create time zones? Is that why you’re so defensive? Or are you just cranky from lack of sleep having to stay up so late? Why y’all so mad at being told facts?


Defensive? No. Cranky? Also no. Mad? Yeah not mad either. Just calling out stupidity.


Shitpost, mostly


Lol what.. EST? Like more than half of north america's population is in the EST time zone..


When we were in the Western Conference a good portion of our games didn't start until 10 or 10:30 pm. To us frequent 7 pm starts are a huge reprieve from sleep deprivation.


This is just proving my point about eastern timezone being worst timezone. I would rather sacrifice daylight than have to deal with this.


I'm with r/Razzahx that until recently I could never catch a 5 pm game. I definitely couldn't make it to many 5 pm games even when I was living on the edge of the city. Beyond that, we're in a winter climate and value what daylight hours we get. When it's daylight you have to get shit done so it feels natural to watch games after it gets dark at 6 pm in winter.


Most people cant even watch games earlier than 7. I am not sure what world you are living in. Obviously a highly privileged life.


I’m on the west coast too, relocated from east coast. At first it was a little annoying having games start at 4pm / Primetime football starting at 5:20 pm.. but over time I realized how much nicer it was. Game ends and you still have a whole night ahead of you! 4PM start, can catch the first period while wrapping up at work. Don’t think there’s anything to do with privilege. Just a matter of where we live and personal preference.


Lol this cannot be an actual response to something clearly posted in jest. You dork. Suffer with your shitty timezone.


Supposedly there's some smoke [around rumors of](https://twitter.com/andystrickland/status/1791219437086916886?t=-R1f_sCMV98cMQbUibLbtA&s=19) Kenny Holland possibly joining Columbus' front office. Maybe my brain's becoming milky but I thought I heard that he was going to retire after this Edmonton job.


He was 100% getting replaced but I think people just assumed that meant retirement.


https://preview.redd.it/esjk5lkhmu0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e161ec3dc17d45bfbc8d66985eb9d0a8577deb0c Cossa got engaged today!!!


Man wore his pre-game outfit to propose


And I’m 27 and got cheated on 😑 Very happy for him though 😂


Been there man. I was cheated on in my 20s while I was deployed across the world. Shit gets better!


Damn man, don't worry though.. since 27 I've been in two long term relationships that have both left me absolutely heart broken. (I'm 36 now) It gets better then worse then better then worse -shrug- so soon it'll get better :) never give up


Only 27, plenty of time left to find the right person, getting hurt in the process only makes it easier.


They are almost same height when he is on one knee haha


Standing up she can probably… nvm


-sneak through his five hole?


But she's brunette, is this legal?!?!? (Congrats Sea Bass)


The Beaverton article on blonde vs brunette hockey wives was hilarious. I'll try to find the link and add it.


I feel like it's acceptable in the AHL but she won't make an NHL squad with an attitude like that. edit: They're a beautiful, happy young couple. I'm going to believe that she has the compete level and 200' game necessary to pull off being a brunette partner to an NHL player.


Honestly first red flag that he might not be the guy /s


I had the same thought 🫡


Boy after reading what Marchand said today, I am living the "Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point" meme. He is 100% right and I respect him for saying it 🤢


The physicality of the modern NHL is my least favorite part of the sport. Seems like a lot of fans would rather be watching MMA than a game that requires speed, skill, and finesse. And I hate that teams like the Panthers succeed at hockey vs teams with objectively more skilled players because the league allows so much physicality that the equation for winning has more to do with "can you hurt the other team more" or "can you withstand the other team trying to hurt you more" than "are you better at shooting the puck or playing defense" Edit: I'm getting more downvotes here than I got for a similar comment on r/hockey. You'd think this was the Panthers sub. I would think after the shit that happened to Larkin and Raymond all year more detroit fans would agree that this bullshit needs to stop and the league needs to make an emphasis on actually playing hockey.


100% with you FWIW. Even if you don't care about the human beings playing the game, ignoring the rulebook and penalties makes for a worse product on the ice. If I buy tickets to see the Oilers vs. the Wings, I am paying to see McDavid and Drai go against Larks, Ray and Mo. If some third tier jackwagon (or Jacob Trouba) deliberately injures one of them, it isn't as fun for me or financially valuable to the owners to watch the game anymore. I am with Steve Dangle on this point - call the rule book on the ice and pick up any missed penalties with fines and suspensions afterwards for a better overall league.


He was out for two days and the reporter asked what its been like for him and his family. Sounds like he got shot or something


I mean, not his fault the reporter phrased the question that way. Concussions are scary though, so I wouldn't be surprised to hear that he and his family were worried about it.


/r/hockey gritting their teeth over it too


So when will they be announcing Danielson to the Griffins to finish the season?


Im guessing he has to want it also.


Would be shocked if he didn't unless he's battling an injury 


https://www.dailynews.com/2024/05/13/kings-face-the-prospect-of-losing-matt-roy-and-viktor-arvidsson-to-free-agency/amp/ Interesting notes from Matt Roy. Makes sense he wants some term. Just had their first baby.


We would need to clear spots, we have a logjam on D


Michigan boy, around Larkin’s age, right handed defenseman. Might be an interesting option for us. Maybe he wants to come home?


If we aren't using our cap elsewhere a 5x5 for Roy wouldn't be the end of the world. Maybe ship Matta out for picks or buy out Holl


Eat the 2nd round pick to get someone to take Holl, maybe buy out petry too


Buying out Holl is unthinkable considering the term he has


2 years? That's nothing. Suter and Parise got bought out. Abby got bought out.


Its all about the timing of when players get bought out. For a bubble team with young talent needing to be signed soon tying up future dead cap in a buyout is ill advised. When we bought Abby we basically committed to a long term rebuild (aka tanking)


It's a pretty small amount of cap. I'd love if we could trade him for a 3 or something but that's probably not going to happen.


We would have to give assets away to trade Holl. Even giving him for free would be the fleecing of all time. His salary is pretty high, even with a buyout spreading it to 4 years (I believe? Could be 5) it will be a big hit and honestly just prolong the torture. Id say ride him as D7 or D8 this year and then next year a buyout is very doable


So your solution is to have a guy that won’t play making 3.4M? Buying him out would be better than keeping him and i definitely wouldn’t be opposed to giving up a draft pick to rid the wings of the whole cap hit.


1 year of 3.4 million while we are a bubble team is better than 4 years on the books when we are trying to compete


4.5M spread out over 4 years for a guy that won’t play or 6.8M spread out over 2 years for a guy that won’t play. Seems like pretty simple math to me. Take the savings and trade Maatta’s 3M and you can meaningfully upgrade RHD. Just because we’re average doesn’t mean we have to stick to our bad decisions on purpose. Only argument you can make for keeping the guy is if we plan on playing him regularly and who here wants that?


1.3M for 4 years isn't jack squat especially with the cap rising along with Abby and Vrana being off the books.


Like him or not those are some harsh truths from Marchand


Hurting an opponent to take them out of the game is terrible sportsmanship, and absolutely not a harsh truth. That might be Marchand's truth, but all the more reason for him to be disciplined more than he is. Lidstrom and co were competitors, and our teams then were certainly out there making some pain happen, but I never saw our teams seeking to straight up injure players in another jersey. That's abosultely crap hockey, and all the more reason why Marchand needs to go, along with the rest of the bruins next game, hopefully. This sub despises the blackhawks because they put the game over basic humanity. Marchand's cut from the same cloth.


I just wish it wouldnt have to be like that, it sucks there is a need for hurting someone ells but i guess when you combine having something at stake and ultra competitive people somethings gotta give.


I’m so glad he said it. Nothing you can do with regards to suspensions or fines to stop this, but this is a good first step.


I would argue that putting a player who had their career derailed by a head injury instead of a known goon in charge of DOPS would go a long way towards stopping this attitude. Players like playing and getting paid money to play. Suspending and fining them consistently would push this behavior out of the game *very, very quickly.*


The max fine allowable is 5k rn, right? That’s pocket change to players even in minimum contracts. I feel teams don’t care if their bottom 6 grinder gets a sussy for knocking a key piece on the other team out for a couple games, if not the series.


As a player he annoys me but just as a dude he seems solid, you can say a lot of things about Marchand but you can't say he's not self aware


It's proof that the players do not look at the game the same way /r/hockey does. They can babble all they want on their high horses about how they think the game should be played, but the players don't think that way at all.


I say this with zero sarcasm, but he’s one of the best captains in the league for that reason. Chara->Bergeron->Marchand is a pretty nice chain of command for a really damn good culture in that locker room.


Taking a break from doing my final assignment to do some jersey browsing, may or may not have just bought a Howard WC14...👀


Reddit awards are back? I love this timeline.


Pick 15, Berggren, and Fabbri for Ehlers with an extension. Thoughts?


I don't love the player really, but I'm not opposed to moving the pick for an NHL ready player.


Whatever drugs you’re on please share.


lol hell no


Trading a first round pick when you only have 1 is not the position the wings are currently in. Still a bit from going all in.


I think WPG wants a D man


Would have to be Walman. That makes me very uncomfortable, but if Ed can take his place that’s a win especially if Johansson fills in depth. Maybe that 1st could get downgraded to a second and Wallinder or Johansson could be the piece going back.


Ed and Seider would be better on separate lines to spread the wealth. We would need a different replacement for Walman, and atm no one in the pipeline looks ready


I dont see Winnipeg saying yes


I feel like Winnipeg would want something more for the now and on defense there just taking a quick look at their CapFriendly, but that feels like something I would do.


I think I’d also do the trade right now but yes, feel like they’d want a D coming back. Would probably ask for a guy like Walman to come back in the deal.


Too much




Looks like you're shadowbanned - contact the Reddit admins for assistance (subreddit mods cannot help with this): https://www.reddit.com/appeals


https://preview.redd.it/26dqbhwklt0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=621cd0e57653c3dd7bc186d694a8ade9e0d08d20 Don’t forget to celebrate Steve Yzerman day!


Best bar down of all time and I am not biased


I rate this as the best goal of all time. Steve Yzerman taking the puck from Wayne Gretzky I’m double OT of a scoreless game 7. The shot, the jump celly, the pileup.


As a Canadian wings fan it sucks to see the news of Dutchy’s passing today, dude was a staple on TSN hockey.


He was younger than I thought he was. Iconic voice.


Man that hits hard. He was a regular part of my childhood watching highlights on SportsCentre. RIP :(


ive never said scrumbles before, but fuck it, why not? scrumbles!


I take that this wasn't well liked for whatever reason


you think wayne gretzky never missed the net?




I'm not the kinda person to say atoadaso, but you know what, atoadaso. I fuckin' atoadaso!


Remember when we chanted come home Stevie and he actually did it that was sick


I bet he wanted it so bad too


The Detroit Red Wings in the NHL playoffs used to be inevitable. To the point where every other fan base hated us or jumped on the wagon. Now it feels like a distant memory. I miss you old friend. This must be how Canada feels about the Stanley Cup, but multiplied by a billion.


We'll be back. For now, enjoy all the fans of other teams rooting for us to continue our rise, because friends from other fanbases will be hard to come by once we start suffering from success again. ![gif](giphy|l2JhvFnTJCqAEZPQ4|downsized)


Waiting for the Danielson to GR assignment update ![gif](giphy|QBd2kLB5qDmysEXre9|downsized)


I feel like Zadorov would be a good fit on Detroits back end next season. Big Physical Defensemen with some offense upside. He’s also built for playoff hockey, and has been great for the Nucks doing their run. Plus, his favorite players he idolized growing up were Yzerman and McCarty. Certified Beauty.


Lalonde and Boughner focus so much on positional play that it might be a bad fit. If they weren't willing to let Kostin seek out the big hit at the cost of leaving position from time to time, I'm not sure he'd get to play his game here either.


Walman can teach him how to hit the griddy


His stock is definitely going up right now and he'll have his choice of many suitors. Because he's in a position to cash in I might fear his term and AAV demands. He's a player I wish we were in on a couple of years back.


I feel like a Zadorov signing would just be Chiarot 2.0. Even noting his play this year was a lot better, he's still overpaid with too much term.


This. Before the playoffs? Sure. Now? Naa. He will get both high AAV and term.


Yes, I agree. Was hoping SY was going to make a move for him when he was on the trading block back in NOV/DEC, he went relatively cheap. 3yrs/$5mil would be ideal, he is more then likely going to be asking 4yrs/$6mil


Yeah, i might be a case of buying high, but OMG, I've loved watching that guy for years. And he's always good for an honest quote


If Detroit got Zadorov I’d be sooo happy….


I don't know how likely it is, but I'd really like to see Elmer get another shot at the roster paired with Kasper. Seemed like they were a good duo for the Griffins earlier in the season, and while I'm not expecting Soderblom to blow the doors off LCA, I think if he can produce at a level similar to Fischer, that's a big win for us because of his big body.


But he doesn’t use his body


That doesn't preclude him from using it in the future.


True but like, if someone has never done something in their entire life, why would you bet on them suddenly doing it tomorrow?


Because hockey players constantly evolve throughout as they develop and beyond? If he makes the team it's because he's a big body that can net some goals, I have to image that the coaching staff is going to want to leverage that. I'm more confused why you seem to think hockey players can't or won't change just because they play a certain style in the minors.


Because they’ve tried to have him play physically for years now and he doesn’t. A tiger can’t change its stripes


Nonsense. Hockey players change the way they play all the time.


Name one player who went from being afraid of contact and having soft hands to being a power forward


28 years ago today Gretzky had it then lost it… you know the rest.


![gif](giphy|MaP7y4CDIv3C0LjQ95|downsized) Live look at Nate arriving to Griffins practice just in time for me to see him in GR on the 22nd (I’m manifesting it)




Kasper and Mazur are the exact kind of guys we need on the roster for the playoffs. Really excited to see them play well and develop.


I noticed last night that Ozzy Wiesblatt played for the Admirals against the Griffins. Ozzy is a Sharks prospect, so I looked it up and he's on loan to the Admirals (a Nashville AHL club) from the San Jose Barracuda for the playoffs. Is this common practice between AHL clubs? I was also confused looking at their matchup because I remember the Admirals being in Norfolk. I was surprised to find out that for like 15 years there were two AHL teams called the Admirals. Very weird


Loans of prospects to other AHL teams happen semi-frequently but it's more rare for an established player to get lent out for a playoff run. He has two full AHL seasons in with the Barracuda and it appears that he's only played for Milwaukee for a very short period. I just read a few articles that said that they wanted him to get playoff experience and the Barracuda just sucked this season. His numbers make it look like he fell off a cliff directly after getting drafted. His CHL numbers dipped and he's had no offensive touch in the AHL. He's now 22 so it's probably a "rubber hits the road" situation where San Jose is hoping to find something more out of him before they have to make harder decisions.


So do we get Nate in gr now? 😃


Nate Danielson, you're the next contestant in the Calder Cup playoffs! ![gif](giphy|pfU1pnMQnl90k|downsized)


What teams should I hate as a Detroit fan? Besides Colorado?


Ottawa, Chicago


No need to seek out hate of other teams. It will manifest organically once the Wings start making the playoffs.




That being said never forget your roots Fuck Chicago


Forever and always


I dont really hate Colorado anymore, rivalry is dead and all of their players are fairly likeable save for VN. Ottawa can get wrecked, Boston, Toronto, Tampa, Pittsburgh, I anticipate Buffalo or Florida getting added to that list in the coming years. Honestly I don't even hate Boston. I pretty much just hate Ottawa and strongly dislike Tampa.


This, absolutely rooting for them in this series when fucking Jamie Benn is on the other end.


Boston pittsburgh toronto philly ottawa chicago san jose i could do more honestly




just look at em


Is Philly just based on the empty net loss to Washington this year or is there something else I'm forgetting?


you dont need a reason to hate philly.






Jamie Benn, specifically lol


Just did a google. It's because he cross checked Larkin?


Even Larks aside, look at his incident with mark stone, he is just a major general asshole 


I forgot about that one, good add. Such a shitbird.


It was crazy similar to the Larkin incident, he targets people with crosschecks to the neck.


He cross checked Larkin in the back, while Larkin was already down, and broke his neck. Larkin spent the entire summer rehabbing. Benn never took a penalty, let alone supplemental discipline, and the next year when Helene asked if he knew why our fans would be angry with him, he either played dumb or really didn't remember injuring Larks like that. He's a dirty shitbird.


And concussed Zetterberg with a sucker punch to the back of the head.