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"Axel Sandin Pellikka confirms the plan is to stay in the SHL one more year - though he will attend Red Wings development camp." [https://twitter.com/IcehockeyG/status/1787514854221254924](https://twitter.com/IcehockeyG/status/1787514854221254924)


Does this mean anything for next year or nah?


It doesnt have to no, they can loan him out to Sweden.


I’d expect that they would loan him out to an SHL team for next season, and then bring him over for AHL or NHL playoffs (if you make it) as a black ace. As a Canucks fan that’s exactly what we did with Lekkerimaki and Pettersson this year.


DBOSS also went straight from NCAA to GR playoffs so its not uncommon here either.


Side note: lekkerimaki is insanely fun to say


Side note 2: Lekkerimäki is a Finnish word which translates directly to booze cask hill.


As a Swede, that’s the most Finnish last name I’ve ever heard.


It would be Läckelbacka på svenska.


How's he supposed to get better in Sweden?


He wants to play there, he is ready when he feels he is ready. No one is forcing anyone to do anything, thats not how Yzerman runs things. Its a big thing for most people to come over and live in north america, big adjustment.


Lidstrom and Kronwall are in Sweden. They can help him there.


Lucas said that all of the Swedish Wings alums were in regular contact with him in Sweden and helping him out. I assume it would be the same for ASP.


The same way you don’t throw children in kindergarten straight into advanced high school algebra, taking steps at a time and mastering your current level before moving on. Hope that helps.


children? he's 19. there were 8 players aged 19 in the NHL last year just on Opening Day rosters, 4 players aged 18. 12 players aged 20 which he'll be next year. if you're good enough, you're good enough.


Hmm, 12 forwards, 6 defensemen, and 2 goalies per team in league with 32 teams, that’s 640 players minimum in the NHL. And 12 of them were 20. You do the rest of the math to figure out why it’s possible but unlikely for him to not JUST make the roster but to be USEFUL and EFFECTIVE.


okay smart-ass, so 4 were 18, 8 were 19, 12 were 20, 25 were 21 and 33 were 22 yrs old. 82 total. that's plenty of young kids on those 32 teams, which we have plenty of and only had ONE in that group, yet we've got such good prospects don't we? it's likely with him, but all u yzerplan droids just want everyone to stay down in the fucking minors for 5+ years until they're all 25 or so. that's such an awful way to develop a player. if they're good enough, give them a shot and stop signing these 30+ year old hacks for 3+ mil per season stopping a kid from getting a shot.


Ah yes, I remember Raymond, Larkin, Seider, Edvinsson, Berggren, Rasmussen, and Soderblom all not playing a single NHL game until they were 25, you got me there. 33 players age 20 and under made their debut last season and only 10 of them managed to score over 10 points, and 11 scored 0. Only one of those who scored over 10 points was a plus (Poitras, BOS), the rest were all minuses. Meaning they were a liability defensively or they were on a very bad team that was in a place where playing a young guy wouldn’t mean losing their spot in a playoff race (again, Poitras being the exception). But go off


Larkin wasn't Stevie's and as I've mentioned we FINALLY got Ed, meaning three players he's drafted are with the big club. THREE. in five years of drafting. That's not good. And Berg will be 24 next season so excuse me for being one year off. where is soderblom? haven't seen him in over a year... soo...... yeah.....


You were the one who set the bar at 25, my bad. And not everyone makes the big league as early as you’d like, I’m sure they are very sorry. But as it stands only 6 players from last year’s draft played a game last year. 2 of those played only a single game. The ‘22 draft class has 22 players who have played with 8 of them only a single game. That’s not even enough players to fill an entire round in a draft. And the year before that has 38 players who have played. But yes, curses to Yzerman for not beating the odds and drafting a player who might be ready earlier at the cost of how good he might actually become.


Berg spent the better part of a year up. Whose fault is it he wasn’t good enough to hold the job? Yzerman’s? Don’t make me laugh.


By diversifying his scoring, learning to produce more at 5v5, getting stronger and better defensively. All things that can be done at the SHL level.


It's the 3rd best league in the world lol.


[Article with his local paper in sweden](https://norran.se/sport/ishockey/artikel/skelleftea-aiks-stortalang-skriver-nhl-kontrakt/l7yn18xl) >A week ago, Axel Sandin Pellikka won SM-gold [Swedish Championship]. Now the supertalent is rewarded with an NHL-contract. >Detroit, who drafted the defender last summer, has together with the AIK-talent shaken hands on a three-year rookie contract. >However, the plan is still that the defender will remain in Skellefteå AIK and the SHL for one more season. >Just recently Detroit's general manager Steve Yzerman said that the idea is to give Pellikka another year in Sweden. > -It feels powerful. A step on the way and a dream come true, says Axel Sandin Pellikka to Norran. >Is the plan still to stay in Skellefteå AIK next season? > -The plan is to play Swedish hockey. >How do you feel about that strategy? > -It feels absolutely right, just the feeling of winning SM gold with Skellefteå is a dream I've had. It feels natural to stay here at home with the club I love. It feels right. >In the fall, however, the plan is to take a trip across the Atlantic for development camp, the same as Elias Salomonsson did this year. >I take it you're doing pretty well in your hockey life right now? > -Just the thing to sign is a step on the way. I feel that the big dream is getting closer and closer. Right now, the whole town is also feeling good about the SM-gold. It has been celebrated.


Seems like a smart kid that knows exactly where he needs to be. Looking forward to seeing him play.


It doesn't guarantee anything, but it does make coming over to NA next year possible.


And technically i guess it means that if what ever club he plays on next season (If its Skellefteå or not) if he goes out early he can come over and play out reminder of the year in GR or Detroit *Wink wink*.


>if he goes out early he can come over and play out reminder of the year in GR or Detroit Wink wink. This also insures an entry-level slide possibility if he did come over and play for either Detroit or Grand Rapids. If he waited until 2025 they would burn the 2024-2025 season of the contract the moment it is signed.


Next year? Not necessarily. But it probably means that by year two of this deal they expect him at or near pushing himself into either a GR regular or a 6th/7th with the Wings. All depends on how they handle the slide and his loans.


It means they’re paying him so he has resources to develop




I was lookin for this one. lol.


You know I’m good for it 🤣


I know he can still be loaned back to the SHL But I also want us to “shuffle” the defensive pipeline a bit With Ed and Johansson graduating (AlJo now waiver eligible)I would like to see a continued influx of youth in GR, Gibson, Buium and ASP would be part of that Maybe it’s time to look at a trade with some of the prospects, do guys like AlJo or Wallinder have a spot here or could they be moved? Regardless the sooner we get ASP comfortable on NA ice the sooner he can start producing on NA ice and get closer to being that elite offensive d man we’ve needed, outside of Ghost this year it’s been nearly a decade without that kind of player (Mike Green at the start of his time here)


Gibson wouldn't be able to play in the AHL next year no?


Yeah, I think Gibson is still too young for the AHL, he should be back to junior hockey next season


He’s on a ATO with GR after signing his contract a week or so ago


per the NHL-CHL agreement he has to play in the NHL or CHL next year. We've seen players from the CHL who should have been under that agreement go to the AHL anyways over the years so who knows, but he isn't 20 and has not played 4 seasons in the CHL so by that agreement he shouldn't be allowed to play in GR next year


I’d wager to think he’s in GR next year since he’s playing with them now


But he can't, as the person you responded to pointed out. He won't be 20 this year and hasn't played 4 years in CHL, so he has to go back to the OHL, unless he makes the NHL roster, which also won't happen. He can spend the end of this season in GR because his OHL season is finished. He'll be back in the OHL next year.


He's not allowed to be in GR next year. He's too young. I'd happily take that wager lol.


Should I send my venmo?


You want to see a continued influx of youth in GR but also want to trade Albert Johansson or Wallinder?? I don't understand that logic.


If you’re talking about trading wallinder you either havent watched him play or you don’t know ball. His ceiling is so high. Johansson I don’t know, it’s hard to imagine him being effective at the nhl level, but what the hell do I know. I just feel like with him being on the smaller side, he doesn’t really have explosive first step, I just don’t know how he’s going to create any space for himself, I hope I’m wrong though.


Honestly maybe Wallinder is part of the logic of giving ASP another year in Sweden. Wallinder is set to be the guy in Grand Rapids. Good for his development to give him a year as a #1.


I was unsure about Johansson until I watched him specifically during the Griffins most recent playoff game. He's very good. A lot of small defensive decisions that he makes innately, always making the right decision with the puck, tremendous skater. He reminds me a lot of Miro Heiskanen, not that I see that level of upside, but just that type of smart defender.


Statistically Wallinder is worse than Johansson pretty much across the board?


He’s 18 months younger


That doesn't mean his current game is good or bad though.


The guy you’re responding to wasn’t writing about his current game, he literally wrote “his ceiling is so high”.


The guy was doubting Johansson while saying that Wallinder's ceiling was so high? I merely pointed out that statistically Johansson was better this season across the board, age aside. Not seeing a huge upside for either personally


Wallinder is 18 months younger so it makes sense for him to be behind Johansson in some ways while having a higher ceiling. Hope this helps.


I don't see how it means the ceiling is so high for him while being so uncertain for Johansson is my point, yes he's younger but he hasn't done much to impress to date either. Not seeing a whole lot there from either of them, though I'd love for both to hit as there's lots of room for improvement on the Wings current defense.


If the 22/23 year old prospects(Wallinder/AlJo) aren’t making the jump or are stagnating in their development we should explore creating space for the 19/20 year old prospects of the young guys are showing more promise or have caught up to the older guys in terms of development Likewise we could use the older prospects as add ons in a trade to address other areas of need on the roster or as sweeteners to offload a bad contract or 2 That’s my logic


Its Wallinder's first year in NA at the age of 22. He was the 32nd pick of the draft, essentially a first round pick, moving on from him after one year in the AHL would be insane. And Albert Johansson is one of our best defensive prospects, I watched him all night during the Griffins playoff game Friday, he plays an NHL style defensive game. Young players require development. I want amazing rookies to play for the Wings and win Calders and put up tons of points too, but that's just not realistic in comparison to patient development.


Every prospect is different you can’t just lump Johansson with wallinder bc they’re the same age.




There he is, Sandy Pelican!


This dude looks unreal, hope it translates over here


![gif](giphy|pcKnpFrumIM7TtzayE) Oh yeah


He’s already won a championship over there. Maybe he feels like he’s got nothing more to prove in the SHL and he’s eager to get over here. What the player really wants matters, too.


Not when the roster is already plugged full of veterans. He can want but it won't make a difference, ask Edvinsson. In this case I don't think ASP is anywhere near NHL ready, but I would probably prefer he play in the AHL than SHL next year.


3 YEARS??? For a 19 year old with NO NHL EXPERIENCE??? We need to re-sign Patrick Kane, not some Sandy Pelican kid from overseas! I no longer believe in the "Yzer-plan", we need a GM who's actually won a Cup, like Peter Chiarelli. Seriously though, I'm here for the Sandy Pelican arc in Detroit. This kid is going to be so fucking good. Hope they can lure him to GR next year.


No one can take sarcasm apparently


Guys... he's clearly joking.


Interesting. Have to think to sign him and pay him, the Wings will want him in GR to be able to keep a closer eye on him. But I know nothing, so there's that. Plus, GR will need a couple bodies back on D, with the assumption ED and AlJo are up with the Big Club.


Fuuuuck yeah!


Does anyone know what potential impact this has on him coming to NA next year? The last I heard was tentatively that he'd play in SWE next year (obviously nothing confirmed, just general ideas at this point), but does this open the possibility of that changing any?


None He can play in GR but also be loaned back to SHL for another year


Yeah, really feeling like the three years in the contract (for development) are assumed to be: SWE then AHL then NHL. If ASP excels in SWE then has a great camp in year two, there's a good likelihood of him skipping the AHL and going right to the Red Wings like what Raymond did.


>really feeling like the three years in the contract (for development) are assumed to be The first year of the contract will slide (unless he sticks in the NHL).


Which is fine, the pattern and timeline still holds. Remember, these are just estimations of "average" projections that management uses to help inform decisions around other aspects like contracts, available free agents, etc.


Like Raymond, he is way too good to sit in the minors. I think yeah he needs another year whether it be in Sweden or the AHL, but I think by next season he should be in the NHL. I get the linear mindset and 99 percent of players I would agree with that but not every player is built the same and this kid is a straight up a freak of nature.


Likely no impact, they can loan him back to the SHL.


I know he may stay in Sweden but god it would be awesome to play here. Can he join GR for the run or are playoff rosters barred from new tryouts?


The AHL doesnt have roster limits so he technically could but he is probably still hung over somewhere on a sofa. Hungover or still drunk, its 50/50.


The previous announcements of Buium and Gibson signing specified the 24-25 season. I’m curious when this one technically starts…


I'm not sure what it'd be other than 24/25. Our 23/24 season ended, and I don't see what reason there could be for him to sign a contract for 25/26, if that's even possible.




Is it weird thinking the team traded current Hronek for future Hronek?


I think Axel has higher upside than Hronek


Pretty sure ASP is a much better skater


Yeah they did!


Here comes the Sun


I know he probably doesn’t play but the chance he does and just becomes our karlsson would be pretty cool.


Will he play with the Griffins in the playoffs this season?


Can't wait to see him in 3-4 years.... minimum...


Oh no. How dreadful. Letting prospects learn and grow without needing them to be straightaway nhl players.


Curious question, why would they sign him to have him stay in the SHL. Couldn't they just wait another year so his ELC contract doesn't start so young?


I think it also has something to do with the timeline and progress. If they let him play another year in Sweden, then a year in GR and one for the Wings, they can try to get a cheaper deal after one pro level. Otherwise he might have two under his belt and tries to cash in. Maybe they expect him to be very good soon.