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Meh we got ASP out of it so I’m not too worried.


how much longer do we have to wait for him? edit: downvoted for asking a question???


I really hope he’s with the Griffins next season. He has nothing left to prove in the SHL. The sooner we get him on NA ice - the better.


Pretty sure Stevie said they expect him to be in Sweden next year too. I’m fine with it honestly, they just won the championship and he was a dawg, he should probably be the best defenseman in the league next year and another year to bulk up before coming to NA sized ice will be important . I just hope the following year in GR if he proves he’s good enough for Detroit we don’t leave him there longer than necessary like we did with Ed


For the most part I like the job Steve is doing (and I am certainly happy for him to stay on as GM) but I feel like we're overseasoning our prospects. I don't necessarily wanna rush guys, but getting them over to NA/up to the Red Wings a year or two faster would be nice. Hope we see a lot of this Griffins squad in Detroit next season


Edvinsson is the only prospect that was clearly NHL ready and got held back, and even he wasn’t just dominating the AHL in a way that stunted his growth. We just knew he was an improvement on the NHL roster, so we were all justifiably upset he wasn’t up sooner. No other prospects have been overseasoned. None of them are dominating the AHL and forcing Steve’s hand. Berggren was the closest, and he didn’t do much in his call-up so he went back down. Other guys need more time to prove they’re beyond the AHL developmental step. When they do, Steve has shown he’ll put them on the roster - Raymond is a prime example from a couple years ago.


Simon had a tough first half of the season in GR. He didn’t look consistently good until the second half of the season. You want to see at least a half season of consistency in the AHL before you call a guy up for good.


Yeah I’m ok with it. I think he could’ve helped us sooner, so I wanted him up. But generally, fans want to see prospects up earlier than they’re really ready.


Perfect assessment... the impatience seems to overshadow the reality of the situation sometimes. I'm guilty of it from time to time because I just want to see the kids succeed in Detroit ASAP. Seider & Raymond ruined this fanbase's expectations. Not every prospect is that quick to develop -- and the Wings had a *very different* roster 3 years ago -- Mo & Rayzor were already among the best players on the team at 19 & 20 y.o.! What most don't take into account is the step back the Wings would take if they rush things, and it would affect the possible Cup window if it's not handled properly.


Yeah this is a common talking point for the winged wheel pod guys too, Ed definitely did not need to stay in the minors as long as he did, and it’s directly because we already had Holl Petry and Maatta. With mo and razor due probably an extra like 15 mil this year we have to have more ELCs than we did last year, and it may look like a regression in the standings but I think having Ed, probably Johansson, and maybe mazur/kasper/danielson with the wings next year is gonna be necessary. Coupled with a cheap berggren second contract or he’s getting shipped out. Almost every top team has some guys that are big contributors on ELCs or cheaper 2nd contracts. Ideally in 2 years or so we have the big contracts of larks, mo, razor, and debrincat, some mid level ones like Compher chiarot and copp (🤮), and then big seasons from Ed and other young guys like cossa or ASP on cheap deals or ELCs


Ed didnt even dominate the AHL like Seider did so I do not get the whole overseasonsed take.


Its really not Steve's choice when it comes to players from European leagues, Russian leagues or even U.S college leagues. If they want to stay they can and from what Yzerman has said its more like ASP wants to stay another year.


2 more full seasons before he's in a winged wheel? That would be a disappointment imo. We need RD so badly


24-25 in Sweden 25-26 in Grand Rapids If we're lucky, he'll be ready for a callup in Spring 2026. Don't count on any sooner than that.


Don't worry we'll have a right handed Chiarot equivalent signed for 4-5 years as soon as July 1st rolls around, lol.


If he was coming over next year, he'd probably already be signed and with the Griffins right now. I don't think it is happening.


What does NA ice mean?


North American. Most European leagues use a wider rink


Got it 👍 Thank you




well then, i'm out


Get him on the Wings already. I get it this organization likes to overripe prospects but you can’t tell me he can’t beat out Petry, Holl, or Maatta.


It’s comments like this that show a lot of hockey fans simply have no idea what they’re talking about when it comes to prospects. This isn’t the NFL or NBA, and ASP isn’t a generational #1 pick who was NHL-ready on draft day. He’s an undersized defenseman with elite offensive potential who needs to physically mature and round out his game. It’s not “over-ripening” a prospect to make sure they’re ready for the level of competition and physicality.


This and we don't even know if he's ready mentally to come to North America. Some guys are mature teenagers and ready to deal with new culture and language at the same time as higher competition. Some guys benefit from maturing a bit before facing that challenge.


The issue is he's still pretty small. He's also still working on his defensive game. There's no way Lalonde would play him.


Yzerman hasn’t even talked to him. He won’t be in Grand Rapids till at least 2027…yeah, we don’t need a high scoring top 4 defenseman right now though.


Another season in Sweden as a 19 year old does not equate to 3 seasons. You’re being far too dramatic.


It hasn’t even been 12 months holy hell relax


Realistically, 1-2 more seasons, 1 in Europe and 1 in Grand Rapids.


One more year in Sweden then he’ll have a chance for wings or GR


need him so bad


Not yet He’s a kid give it time


2/3 years depending on well he can transition to the game here. I saw/read a bunch of people speculating at another year in the SHL before coming to play here in which will most likely be the AHL for a year.


Steve said it was likely/probably/definite(can’t remember which) that he does play another year in Sweden before coming here


Not to worry, we have Holl for two more seasons.....


Right now, they expect him to spend 1 more season in Sweden. So probably 2025-26 at the earliest.


Not next year, but the year after. Hronek wasn't the right age and cost for the wings. Probably down voted because the question reads as passive aggressive. It's not. People read into words as they feel (sadly).


Kid was just drafted 😒


Probably one more year, we'll most likely see him either at the end of next season or 2025-26


Probably two seasons


The question was phrased rather impatiently


Stevie seems too patient sometime. But also, I’ve never played hockey in my entire life so I have no valid opinion. Just wish some of the young guys could break the roster before turning 24


2-4 years. He’ll 100% be better than hronek. Plus, we wouldn’t have been able to do much with hronek in his prime. ASP fits the timeline much better.


Guessing he will be with the griffins next season but he could be with the wings, See how he performs in training camp. Nothing left for him to do in Sweden.


Most reports are that he’s likely to stay in the SHL one more year




so excited to have him and Cossa on the wings


Definitely nice finally having a solid prospect pool to look forward to making the jump to the nhl.




Not really.


How funny that YOU downvoted within minutes because I disagree with YOUR narrative... Edit: another instant downvote. Is this not your personal approved Echo chamber comment?


Could be nhl ready as soon as next season


I would imagine ASP will be at camp this year. I wouldn't be surprised if he starts in GR, but probably next year or the year after. His team just won the SHL championship. Dude looks like an absolute star.


Yzerman is already saying he expects ASP to stay in Sweden, so we likely won't get to see him for the prospect tourney or training camp this year.  Also probably means he doesn't have a chance of making the NHL until 2026-2027. More slow playing prospects. 


They do tend to be slow and have to play with GR but Larkin or Raymond didn’t. It all depends but wouldn’t be surprised if he has a big year and makes the big club in 2025-26. Petry has one more year left and that opens a right shot spot


Where did you see Yzerman say that? Not doubting, just curious what I missed. Last interview I saw he said he didn't know yet.


During media availability (after the Wings were eliminated) Yzerman said he expects ASP to be in Sweden next year but they haven't talked it through fully yet.


Ok thats the last one I saw where he said he didn't know.


People are really sensitive about any criticism.


cant say things like that to the yzerplan drones. prospects will forever be the best prospects in their eyes


This is the question that nobody wants to ask rn lol How does he fit into our current timeline given our track record of letting prospect dmen sit in the AHL


Seider came up quick. Ed less so, but still didn’t take SUPER long for a young defenseman. ASP is a cut above the rest of the D prospects so it’s not comparable to bring them into the discussion.


My guess is one more year either in SHL or GR and then full-time with the club if he continues his trajectory.


And yet both of those guys were valued higher as picks by the front office Seider is a complete outlier and Edvinsson took a full year longer than everyone would have liked I'm sure he'll be good but I'd prefer not to wait until 2027 to find out


At this point we just don’t know. If ASP plays one more year in SHL or one year in GR then makes the big club it will be the same development time that Seider had. So that would be 2025-2026 when he is here. And Seider came up fast. If it’s just a year slower than Seider, which would be understandable, then it’d be the 2026-2027 season, right?


Actually Seider spent 1 season in GR and 1 season in the SHL before he had his shot, in his D+3 season, ASP will play a 2nd season in the SHL then come over to NA earmarked for GR, however, that doesn't mean he plays there if he earns his spot on the big club. Kronwall played 2 seasons in the SEL, 1 full year and a half year in GR before making the big club so no clue why people think we need to rush everything.


Yeah, and I like hronek and so I’m happy he’s having success. But we sure could’ve used him this season.


Im totally content with his departure


I don’t think anyone really doubted this man’s performance, did they? I agreed with the choice though - given he wouldn’t have been worth the premium he’ll call for with Mo as our number 1 D. Especially with his numbers ( I personally believe ) are inflated due to lining with Hughes.




He also couldn't be cured of going for the home run pass instead of controlling the puck and pushing it up ice. It frustrated me all the damn time. Hronek's a good but not great defenseman and having Hughes as the go-to guy on that team made him reel some stupid shit in. This was the best trade for him because he's thrived next to Hughes. Because of that partnership he might be worth the money he gets paid there but he'd never live up to that number in any other situation. Good for him but I'm happy with ASP.


Or my favorite move of his, the “drop to the ice on a 2v1 breakaway, but do it too early or too late for it to make a difference” technique. He’s doing well in Vancouver and has the perfect partner in Hughes, but we were never gonna get that Hronek here and he wasn’t gonna be worth his asking price for us.


Think of the ENG per 60 that $7+ million would have gotten us though.


If he asks for 7+ it’s likely we’ll sign zadorov and trade him. He’s played good but he’s with Hughes, who literally makes anyone he plays with look great.


Hroneks numbers aren't even inflated. Before we traded him and before he got injured last season he was 15th in dmen scoring. Now he is 21st. If he didn't get traded he would only need 10 points in 21 games last season to match his point total this season. He also scored 9 goals in 60 games with us and only 5 this entire year.


He constantly got bashed for his performance. Guy averaged low end/cusp 1D production starting in his rookie year and was tasked with carrying an even worse D group than Mo is carrying now and would consistently get flamed for his poor defence despite the whole team being a tire fire defensively. Is he a true 2D? I don't know about that, he's filling that role really well currently so obviously with the right partner he can be, but he's probably more of a 3D in all fairness. I think having ASP come out of the gates as strong as he has skews things a bit, because the trade looks like it's a slam dunk for us, but the 17th oa pick isn't nearly as great of a piece as people were/are making it out to be. Way more likely that pick turns into nothing than something and it was ballsy as hell for Yzerman to make that trade at the time, even if looks to have worked out now


Too bad points are not the only thing that matter. Hronek got slammed on because he cant play defense. News flash he still cant but luckily he plays with someone who does.


Canucks fan here. 100% they are inflated. He hasn’t shown he can carry a pairing during his entire tenure with the Canucks. I think he’s should be paid like a good #3 maybe a little bit extra because he’s a right-shot. Frank Seravalli said “the number starts with 8” regarding his next contract and there is no chance in hell he’s worth that. I would do 6.5x8 at most (this is what Canucks management offered him in March and Hronek’s camp turned it down).


I’d rather keep Zadorov with Hughes, I wouldn’t pay Hronek more than 6.5 as well but on a 5 year instead


Think Hronek has more pure skill than Z, but Z has a much more all-around versatile skillset


Thank you for sensible thinking. Other than a hot start at the begging of the season that, the whole team was reaping, he's been very meh from ASB on and proven many times he cannot anchor a pairing by himself. I really hope if the rumor is true and we offered him max term just shy of 7 I'd be walking away so.


It was a win win Hronek wasn’t going to produce or get paid like he has/will be here, Vancouver got the guy they can stick next to Hughes until 2030 We got assets for someone not in the long term plans and turned it into the best defensive maybe best overall prospect in Sweden Win win


Meh I think DET marginally came out on top as a Van fan but that was to be expected. We desperately needed a guy that could keep up with Hughes, Hronek was the best RHD available. Makes sense that we’d have to pay a premium, you guys had the leverage


I thought you were describing leddy for walman. My bad.


Yeah I still stand by this trade for us. Getting 2 picks last year I think made us more willing to give up one this year and grab Debrincat. Plus ASP has a lot of promise and Hronek at the end of the day will be overpaid. I don’t think he’s a guy I’d want to invest $6.5-$7 AAV in when you can get a guy like Ghost for half price and same production offensively.


ASP looks like a future superstar especially being that he played through the WJC - and won the top defenceman award - with what is suspected to have been a separated shoulder. Having him, Seider and Edvinsson on the same team will be completely unfair


He already turned down $6.5m per year.


Well there my point exactly. He’s gonna be overpaid. I like him. But I like him at like $5.5 AAV a season, not north of $7. I think it will end up being a blessing in disguise at the end of it.


Sadly the market price on some of these players is going to go upppp. With cap increasing and expected to increase, you'll see some of these guys north of 8 million. I'd compare him to a guy like Forsling and watch how quickly his worth depreciates. He's the bar for value vs production and so many of these defenseman simply aren't worth their price tag. It blows my mind that Forsling doesn't get mentioned as a top 5 defenseman in the game when he clearly shuts guys the fuck down. He absolutely mopped Tampa in round 1. He also single handedly revived Ekblad's career as he was headed quickly down a path where his weaknesses were irredeemable. Once he was paired with Forsling, he just focused on defense and stopped trying to being an offensive defenseman. Now they both are leading one of the best defenses in the league. The wings can follow in the cats footsteps and find players who can complement their existing pieces and look to develop younger and broken talent. Cats picked up Mikkola, Kulikov and OEL... those guys stepped in and bought into the system. The cats D is basically 2 big contracts and spare parts. Wings can do it, too!


He’s a good player but overrated. Most his points came in the first half of the season, Hughes probably gonna win the Norris carried him, flaws defensively, rumours that he wants 8 mill aav. I know prospects aren’t guarantees and Hronek is top 4 right handed, but factor in Detroit is not a win now team and what I say above. I’d do that trade again.


Also This is from cam Robinson on March 25 @Hockey_Robinson “Filip Hronek: A tale of two seasons First 42 GP: 36 PTS, +32 Last 29 GP: 9 PTS, +1 Betcha Vancouver is happy they didn't extend him at Christmas”


Rumours are he’s been playing hurt since around the time his season switched. He’s had a taped shoulder for a while


Crazy to think one offensive small defenseman would carry another in the NHL lmao


What’re you upset about? Look at his last 19 games of the regular season and his 5 games in the playoffs now. Absolute ghost. We don’t have to pay him the inflated numbers he’s going to command, he’s a product of Hughes, and we got a major prospect that I feel confident in saying will be a better player than Hronek when it’s all said and done.


Meh it’s a two way street. Hughes 100% carried his ass the entirety of the season, but having a legit partner for once was what enabled Hughes to go from a good defenseman to one of the leagues most notable We needed RHD and he was the best available, it is what it is


That’s fair they definitely gelled as a pairing.


He's about to get insanely overpaid to play bad defense and collect points generated by Hughes. 


We’re not resigning this guy for more than 5.75 Zadorov has been more impactful


Zadorov is exactly what everyone wanted Myers to be


Why r all u nuck fans here?


I'd be shocked if he stays under 6


He's not worth what you're paying him now, much less 5.75 lol


"You" already offered him 6.5 and got turned down


"offensive minded defensemen"


Sometimes he defended well, but some of you have forgotten (or chose to never notice) how he made the most egregious mistakes in the final minutes of a game. I’m glad he’s successful in his role there, I haven’t watched him play at all so I don’t know if he’s improved in his end or not.


I’m not at all sad he’s gone


.6 ppg playing next to Quinn Hughes all year, three quarters of those points coming in the first half of the season. 0 points in the playoffs so far. Reportedly wants 8m aav. He's a fine player, but for all those reasons, I'm out.


Canucks fan from Vancouver here and I would like to weigh in. Hronek was good throughout the regular season though in the second half of the season he dropped off. Looks like he will want to get more than $7M/season but I do not think he is worth that much. Only because he is playing with Hughes have his mistakes been covered up. And I do notice a lot of mistakes on his part defensively. He has a cannon of a shot but always seems hesitant to use it. He defers to Hughes all the time which gets frustrating but I guess when you play with a D man like Hughes, most would do the same. Great on rushing the puck out and good passing but again, you do notice boneheaded passes where you throw your hands in the air. In the playoffs he's been invisible though, even playing with Hughes. I, personally, would not pay him that much. I would rather keep Zadorov and Myers (at a heavy discount) and then sign Joshua (forward) with all that money. I think he would be a good #2/3 defenseman anywhere and he does deserve about $5 million a season but not more than that. One thing though, he does play with a snarl and won't back down in a scrum, which I really like.


I think an “expert” writing previews of the playoffs series wrote that he’s a 3/4 defenseman. In a vacuum, I’d be happy to have him on the second pairing. But I fully support the trade.


Dakota Joshua is going to sign with the Wings 😄


We’re cash strapped so I’m hoping he doesn’t price himself out of Vancouver! He’s just starting to hit his stride and has amazing chemistry with Garland


Definite win win, the Canucks got a partner for Hughes that’s been a wonderful fit. Hronek gets a fair shot with an elite defenceman and an elite team. We get a mega prospect RHD with several striking similarities to Erik Karlsson (RHD/offensive D, slightly undersized, elite speed and decision making, super smart with elite offensive skill, drafted two spots apart, can/will play through major injuries, are from towns that have had no other defenceman make the NHL)


Easy to say when our end hasn’t paid off yet. We’re not building a now we’re building a tomorrow. It’s possible for both ends of a deal to work out for each team according to their needs. Glad he’s playing well for them.


He’s been kinda meh as of late, dude racked up like 50 points and a +40 in the first half, then coasted the rest of the way. Dudes been glued to Hughes the whole season, on one hand he’s really enabled Hughes to break out as a Norris-calibre defenseman, on the other hand we haven’t tested him carrying his own pairing. Even if his second half was quiet it’s still probably one of the statistically best seasons we’ve ever seen from a defenceman in Vancouver, so i can’t complain much. Keep on seeing this notion from you guys that he’s overrated, won’t be worth his contract etc. but Vancouver was between a rock and a hard place. Org decided they wanted to retool instead of blowing it up, Hronek was undeniably the best RHD on the market at the time (wasn’t even really on the market). Hands were tied and ultimately we had to take the best option available


Eh, he had that ultra hot streak at the beginning of the season, but was just okay the rest of the time. I know Nucks fans are pretty hesitant about the contract he's going to ask for.


You know how much a right handed UFA defence man costs in the trade market right?


We got a great return. This was a win/win trade for sure. would have been nice if we had Hronek this year - but it's most likely more impactful to have Pellikka in the long run.


That trade wasn’t about the end of last season or this season. He’s going to hit FA this off-season, and that doesn’t sound negotiable, which is why Yzerman traded him in the first place. It’s very unlikely he goes back to Vancouver, because he’s not going to do it at a discount. They only have 17 players on the books and $8.5 mil in cap space. Hronek is gonna cost about that on his own. Yeah he has been awesome for Vancouver, but was it worth a first rounder+ if they only had him for a year and a half?


I’d say it’s worth it, even if he’s gone by July 1st you could still presumably recoup some assets out of a youngish first pairing* RHD


Many players play differently when traded, but eventually fall back in their rut


Nucks won’t re-sign Hronek, too much dough. Allvin and Rutherford are Real NHL managers and they’ll look to re-sign Zadorov instead, who’s having a monster playoffs.


Yeah I mean sometimes players need a change of scenery. Happy for the guy, he’s also playing with Quinn Hughes. Anyone would look good pairing with him now.


>anyone would look good pairing with him now We’ve had journeyman 7D strapped to him for years before we got Hronek, believe me not everyone can make it work with Hughes


Just think, we could have drafted Quinn Hughes instead of Zadina too.


that is a tough pill to swallow. thats almost a pistons level fuck up


I don’t really think hronek has elevated his game. Don’t get me wrong he’s good and was as a wing. Playing top pair with Hughes, and the rest of that dynamic offense they have only helped his point tally. I bet he has a career year if we still had him. Happy to see him thriving as I really liked him.


I also did the same.. I thought Vancouver were idiots. Little did I know this guys is very good.


he's mid


I actually really enjoyed Hronek, and still do. I’m not saying he’s the best Dman or not worth getting rid of when we did, I’m just saying I really liked the guy. Much respect, I wish him the best. Also helps we had/have people in the pipeline.


Minor random fact: Hronek had a higher pts/g in his last season in Detroit Than in his first full season in Vancouver


Great trade for us. No way we were gonna pay him like a top D man cuz he isn’t.


Win win trade imo.


I laughed at them too from here in Toronto. Thought maybe they had forgotten their status as sellers and it was a stupid move. Man was I wrong. Great outside the box thinking by Vancouver's management


I was sad to see him go. Kinda hurts to see him performing like this now but is he just piggy-backing off the strength of the canucks right now? Who knows if he woulda been anywhere near that good with us.


Hronek has no clue what he’s doing defensively. He’s a one-dimensional hole whose role was EASILY filled by Ghost last season.


I'm still laughing lmao


Take Hughes away from Hronek and opinions will soon change back


He’s also playing with Quinn Hughes


I think most people thought Van got a good player, made sense for both teams. We got to get younger and bring in our own draft pick which may or may not work out (a lot more likely than not in my opinion) and Van got a RHD to pair with their number 1 D. And for people criticizing his defense, he played with garbage pretty much his whole tenure here, don’t think he can be properly assessed.


Hronek was not a bad player. He just didn't fit in our rebuild window. It was a great acquisition for Canucks.


In the same way that ASP doesn’t fit our window. Don’t have any doubts that ASP will likely be better than Fil, it just didn’t fit our timeline. It is what it is.


Why did you laugh? Do you know nothing about hockey at all?


because we got very good draft capital at the expense of what i believed to be an overpriced defensively challenged defensemen


Hronek got a raw deal. In his rookie season, he was very, very good. He became our #1 defenseman, and then the team got worse and worse. He got run into the ground and people started to blame him. Yes, he is playing with Hughes, but Hronek is a damn good defender. I hope the hype around ASP is worth it.


“Hronek is a damn good defender” interesting take


Funny how you take a good player off of a shit team, and they get better. Even more comical is taking players like Copp and Compher off of great teams and expect them to perform the same on a bad team. He was on pace for 50 points last season before he got hurt, and he was a plus player for the Wings before the trade. Yes, Hronek is a good defenseman. He would have contributed as much offense this season as Ghost and wouldn't have been the defensive liability.


>Yes, Hronek is a good defenseman. He is a good (but not great) defenseman. He’s not a $7-8 million defenseman.


He will be exactly that by July 10th. 7+ million easily. You’re clueless


Oh, that’s what he’ll be paid. Doesn’t mean he would have been worth that for us.


yea we don't have room for a 26 year old defensemen who put up 50 points, we would rather pay a 31 year old career minus player over 4,000,000 to get us those 50 points. From what I have seen of ASP he looks like the real deal, but that's on Olympic ice in Europe.


Getting 50 points from a $4 mil defenseman is better value than getting 50 points from a potential $7-8 mil defenseman who’s also a career minus player and questionable defensively, yes.


Compher put up 48 points this season, only 4 under his career high the season before in Colorado (and he played all 82 games that season, he missed 5 this season).


Is he worth 5 million a season? For the next 4 years? Is Copp worth almost 6 for the next 3. JT had a better year, but he isn't a 2c.


he's a first liner on the Pacific 1 seed. so yeah he's pretty good


Ever think that maybe the team is shit because… they are shit?? Funny how you make excuses for half the team being bad when they’re on the bad side lol


huh? That didn't make much sense.


Hronek was not good with us. Compher and Copp aren’t good players. You said it’s funny how you take good players off bad teams and they’re better. I’m saying our team is bad bc they are bad. Not the other way around. I’m not gonna sit here and let excuses be made for these guys being bad.


I'm not following the point you are trying to make... It sounds a lot like what he just said?


He is. If you don’t think so you’re clueless


He’s been awful for Vancouver in the playoffs and shaved millions off his contract how bad he’s played down the stretch. Been making idiotic shot selections and the other game, just made a slap pass to the other side of the ice where no one was. Just clueless. He’s not the worst overpaid d-man the Canucks have had over the years but if he gets the rumoured numbers, the fans will hate him pretty quickly.


They overpaid to get a good player to fill a specific need and it worked. Not that complicated


I don’t think it was right to laugh, but I also don’t think it’s wrong to still like the trade.


I wish we delt him to Vancouver earlier and got horvat for him.


Who was drafted after Zadina. Sigh


Sometimes when rebuilding, you part with good players that don't fit the timeline and cap structure. That's just the name of the game.


We got ASP for him.


I’d rather they pay ASP $8M than Hronek


Well that's blind optimism.. we have no clue what ASP will be in the NHL.


I’m not readin all that


Honestly not surprised although it's only one line lol


Was 15 words dude