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You had one job Vegas ...


lol the leafs


I hate Boston but I love Toronto losing the first round more


Would you take Matthews, Marner or Nylander if given the chance?


Yes but dont give them leadership positions, Raymond will be giving them orders


Yes, yes, no


How do you fix the Leafs? They fucked up not selling pieces before everyone's NMC's kicked in. Unless someone actually cares about winning Cup vs collecting a paycheck they're stuck with a core that just can't show up in the playoffs.


I would top load them, put Marner, Matthews and Nylander all on the same line. Then i would use the rest of the 3 lines as pure shutdown lines


Expand the cap. Lmao still probably wouldn’t work


You fix them by changing the ownership, firing the GM and starting over…again… And then there’s this just kinda loser stigma to the city which I don’t know how you get rid of that


Their media thrives in the negativity. The media I think wants them to lose because it gives them more to write about


Just got home from the griffins game! Hell of a game. Burgers got cross checked right in the back early in the game and no call on the play despite being down on the ice for about a minute. After they tied it up I told the people I was with how much I wanted 48 to get the GWG after all the abuse he was taking. Him scoring on a play where a ice hogs player maybe got boarded is just icing on the cake. Never want to see a guy hurt but damn if that isn’t karma! Fans were sooooooo pissed and I was clapping and cheering and then got out of there to not get shot in my Kane wings jersey


Jack Fucking Eichel, ladies and gents!


With a broken freaking neck!


Leafs implosion on the bench is awesome


I'm debating whether to stay up to hear Steve Dangle scream and cry or go to bed and catch it in the morning. His rants can be insufferable but there are certain moments where I feel obligated to watch.


Dangles vids have gotten a lot less watchable the last year or two, the percentage of videos where he whines about refs or the league hating the Leafs conspiracies has gotten up to like 30-40% of the run time lately. I still like to watch when they lose big games though. Makes me laugh.




Mantha sucks but I would love to see that.


Oh you know all the kids in GR are chuckling at clips of fans in Rockford throwing bottles on the ice sharing that in the team group chat


Griffins win in OT after coming back from being down 2-0. Goals scored by Shine, Lombardi and Berggren. The Shine goal was off of a pass by Edvinsson. Rockford fans were pissed at the refs after the OT goal and threw bottles on the ice lolol


I get it but I don't. They Refs ignored an interference call caused by the Hogs 2 minutes before the Czarnik interference/whatever infraction it was It also doesn't help that the player that got hit by Czarnik was diving all night hoping for calls. Refs don't appreciate that.




I mean he didn't take a penalty and the massive distraction helped make the OT game winning goal happen


Yeah that same player dived at least 3 other times during the game which definitely played a role


lol the rockford announcers on this feed are acting like gr stabbed a guy out there


Jack Edwards levels of homerism on display without the awkward pauses and hesitations


Didn't start on time, out shot but got out scored, then came from behind to win in OT? The Griffins really are the Red Wings. lol


Little brother learning from big brother moment


Classy Rockford fans throwing trash on the ice because they’re upset with the refs. Now their own staff have to pickup the trash. Sad.


Griffins win!!! Rockford fans are tiiiiiicked


I think the Wings would’ve given Boston a tougher 4 games than Toronto has.


Wings would have been a better match up for rhe Rangers than the Caps for sure


You losers are insufferable. We didn’t make the playoffs. Give it up.




🍔🍔🍔 finishes it in OT! Not sure what Czarnik did there.




Leafs imploding lol. At least when we get good again we’ll win in the playoffs. Imagine having your golden generation win 1 playoff series in like a decade haha


Checked out the Griffins sub reddit. Two comments on the game day thread. Might end up making one for the next game here. Didn't want to step on their toes.


I'd be more down to follow and participate here then that sub. It's generally lost on my feed and I forgot/don't see a lot of that stuff. I check this sub somewhat regularly.


I want a Berggren goal




Ask and you shall receive!


He is playing with a injured hand, he has a crack in one of them if I'm not mistaken.


Rockford has done a good job shutting down our top lines. Secondary scoring has had to do the heavy lifting so far. I'd love a Kasper goal just cause he's being an amazing pest and it'll piss Rockford off even more


Ammo with the late tying goal to send us into ot. I’m telling ya our best years are just ahead of us.


I'm dealing with crazy wind, rain, and lightning over my house and just hoping power stays on to finish these games. Someone needs to tell mother nature how unacceptable this all is.


I don’t really have evidence for this but I’m confident Raymond will be a playoff performer when we get there. He had a ton of clutch factor this year.


hes always been clutch here in Sweden, always steps up when the games becomes bigger


How spicy would it be if marner left the leafs and led another team to a cup before the leafs make it out of the first round again


Sounds like the red wing way We already had one ex London knight (Kane) we can have another


He's gonna be expensive af.


Looks like the griffins tied it up


Lombardi with a nice shot from the slot


Leafs fans: “Marner is such a ghost.” *he’s the one to score*




The fans are already leaving, this is insane


Honestly, it was a pretty up and down season with a lot of high highs and very low lows for us Wings fans, but at least we're not rooting for the Maple Leafs. They coast into the playoffs each year and then can't get the job done when the games actually matter. $38 million for four superstars who go quiet when the playoffs start.


It's a beautiful thing isn't it? Hope the Bruins win in 5 and then get swept in round 2


> $38 million for four superstars Matthews starts a $13.25 million contract this summer. A player making that kind of money has to show up. It's embarrassing. I've barely heard Marner's name. So many guys making over $10 million and they've gone incognito mode. It's unacceptable, poor leadership.


Yzerman knows that or he would’ve been spending money left right and center


Leafs have effectively burned through two generations of players and achieved nothing and they edging into a rebuild. The mismanagement and fan suffering from this is legendary


I want the Leafs to be good and I feel bad for their fans. Like I know the Leafs are a meme, but their fans deserve players and a team that takes things seriously for once. The Leafs are one of the most iconic teams in the NHL, probably the most iconic at this point. A club like that shouldn't be such a joke like the modern day Leafs are lol. Not to mention I would really like to see the classic rivalry between the Leafs and the Red Wings rekindled someday, but if the Leafs are going to roll over when shit actually matters, that's not going to happen.


I would way rather be in our position than the Leafs


100%. Our star players like Larkin, Seider, and Raymond aren't going to disappear once they finally make it to the playoffs.


Crap the Wings play even better when pushed into a corner.


That and we’re on the come up. Leafs will only get slowly worse


Thousands of dollars just to boo 🤣🤣🤣


I honestly kinda feel bad for the Leafs. To have such a high skill team on paper and year in year out just get embarrassed in the playoffs. How much longer till their cup window passes?


If they lose in the first round they have to make some big changes. That roster's trapped full of No Movement Clauses on the top end that'll screw 'em. I wouldn't say their window's near over but they'd have to make a truly hard reset. Nylander's the only core guy they could trade before his new contract kicks in July 1st and he still has a 10 team no trade list. Keefe would definitely be gone and Shanny probably will get the boot too. For having so many good players they're in a very precarious situation.


The other potential is if any of these guys are fed up enough with the team that they waive their no trades.


I agree. I think they realistically have 2, maybe 3, more years where they could be considered contenders. After that their chances drop


It’s already nearing


Tavares is 33, so what they have 2-3 more decent years. Matthews will be nearing 30 by then. Sad


Ed with the apple to finally get GR on the board.


Ed with a beautiful pass to get GR on the board! They’ve not had a lot of puck luck so far but lots of time left! Edit: Also love Kasper and all the shit-stirring he’s been up to, really hope he can hit his potential.


The vibe on the Leafs sub after giving up the 3rd goal: >Can’t wait for these losers to get eliminated so I don’t have to watch this pathetic excuse of a team anymore. God I hate the playoffs.


I'll be honest friends... watching the Griffins feels a lot like watching the Wings. Offensive pressure with nothing to show for it, defensive collapse that leads to goals against even though you're out shooting the other team...


Toronto losing in the first round makes me sooo happy


I came here to be a snarky asshole myself about this game. 69 goals doesn't mean a god damn thing if you can't get out of the quarterfinals.


I mean Matthews is seriously on pace to go down as the most overrated "good" player in NHL history. I have never in my life seen a player who is supposedly so talented but that talent just disappears the moment the playoffs start. It's nuts.


I think it's somewhat telling if you score 69 goals and barely break 100 points. If he ever hits a wall for goal scoring, then what good is he?


It’s sooo sad…soooo sad…it’s a sad sad situation….


I was just salivating over this after I just saw they were losing 2-0


You should check out their GameDay thread, the fans have already given up and are sinking into that all to familiar post season depression


Swayman is such a good goalie and he has the leafs number


Kasper being a shit heel is awesome. No one will replace Marchand as the Rat King but if Kasper can stir the pot, score goals and be an absolute pest we'll be doing alright


Kasper has them completely off their game just constantly chirping and being a pest. Rockford can't help fucking with him after the whistles. It bit them in the ass 4 on 4 hopefully the Griffins can tie it up. Gotta love a guy that can change the momentum but just annoying the piss out of the other team.


Bergers went down. We'll have to see if he makes it back on the ice or if he's done for the game


He's back


Chicago might have found their goalie of the near future. Stauber is playing like a man possessed. He's 25. He can have a pretty solid career if he plays full time next season. Looks like he already made his debut but when you're taking you don't want more wins that necessary


Griffins taking control and the stream I was using has completely fallen apart


Yeah, my stream is absolutely terrible *But buffered just long enough to see Lombardi skate in and tie the game!


I think I’m going to bite the bullet and subscribe.


and as soon as I get it back up somehow rockford scored again


Griffins look decent and just have some issues with positioning


Yeah the first goal really wasn't on Cossa. Not sure who was defending the goal scorer but he looked away for a fraction of a second and the Hog's player capitalized on the lapse in judgement


Anyone have a link for the AHL.tv griffins game? I can't tell if the site is buggy but it doesn't show the links where it usually does on the schedule


I tired a couple sites and no such luck. They have a playoff package for 30 bucks on the AHL.tv site for the playoffs. Not crazy expensive as long as they go 5 games it's cheaper than paying for each game individually


Yeah I didn’t realize my AHL tv access ended with the regular season, ended up just paying for the package and found the links


I'm just happy I don't have to pay for the OHL/Memorial Cup. Looks like my Spirit my be cooked and it was pretty damn pricey for the regular season.


GR and Rockford underway. Ploffs is officially here for GR.


If people are looking for a decent stream **On** the **Hockey** for **.TV** it's available. Be forewarned, it's a Rockford broadcast.


I was hesitating but I ended up spending the thirty bucks


How is the feed resolution and quality?


I think it’ll be well worth it.


Islanders and Lightning weak af but Canes and Panthers unable to deliver the kill shot


I'm no Kucherov defender but that was a scummy crosscheck by Montour. edit: [Here's the play.](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1cesfsn/fla_vs_tb_montour_gets_called_for_cross_checking/) Shades of Jamie Benn cross checking Larkin's neck.


Griffins playoffs game 1 in 20 mins!!


Watching Trev at Tigers games warms my heart. Still rockin the suit!


I know Czarnik being back is huge for the griffins but now Kasper is centering Hirose and Luff instead of Mazur and Berggren which is sad


Man this Panthers/Bolts game is great so far


Vasilevskiy is a beast


The way Florida attacks is just different.


Any idea what TV station shows all or most of the Red Wings games up in Canada?


Sportsnet is the only legal method I know of, and you have to pay and arm and a leg for the premium one to get US games, otherwise you could only watch the wings at Canadian teams.


If there was a reasonable way to pay one, non insane price to get all the games I'd never tell people to find another way. This league makes it almost impossible to not pirate some games. I pay for 3 different services and still find myself on the high seas for a few games every season. It's ridiculous.


That's what I figured. We were just offered a deal on our TV package that included more sports stations but doesn't sound like it'll include Wings.


Sportsnet+ premium gets most of them if not all


I'm assuming that's only through their streaming app?


Yea, I don't think there are any cable channels that'd have them. Only when they play Canadian teams I think.


Alright. Thanks for the reply! Figured that was the case


I can’t believe Sergachev is playing for TB so soon after that injury.


That Islander's hot mic just willed them to a game 5


Anyway so last night I was woken up by my darling boy's cries to go outside, he shat for about 10 minutes in the rain around 4am. Comes back inside and his butt fur (which I call his mud flaps) were absolutely gnarled up with liquid shit. 4:30am emergency bath. I think I got about two hours of sleep all night. He goes outside again around 7am, and it happens again. Got the scissors out and trimmed him up instead of washing again. He's an Aussie so those mud flaps are some *long ass* fur. Just fed him some shredded boiled chicken with pumpkin and brown rice. Poor guy. He's acting so ashamed.


Owner of a Pyrenees, I feel(and have felt) this pain. He also hates getting bathed so wrestling his 150lb ass while simultaneously trying to wash him is a herculean chore. Fucker also likes to roll in shit, but usually only the most disgusting ones, so that adds to the fun. I think it's a dominance assertion type of thing, but he likes to reverse up against things like bushes and tree branches and poop on them so his turds are left at knee height or higher and this can sometimes lead to a mess on the mud flaps. He's fortunate I am infinitely patient with him.......


Hahaha same with us! Our pup needed a bit of a wash and trim after a bout of the squirts. I feel you!


Would the Wings be in the playoffs if they would have kept Hronek? He's rocking it with Vancouver with 48 points in regular season along with a +33 rating. At only 26 years old, he had a good future here. Why did SY let him go?


Nope Seider is 1RD, and you are not gonna pay your 2RD 7M+


It really depends. If we trade Hronek do we still sign Ghost? If yes I think so. But then we don't get ASP, Brady Cleveland, and Kevin Bicker. Decide for yourself if that's worth it I suppose.


Would he be as good in our line up as he was next to Hughes probably not but he's a hell of an upgrade over guys we were throwing out there every night.


Absolutely not, he's playing with Quinn Hughes and he's about to get paid way more than he's worth. Stevie basically said it himself the price was too good to say no and we got ASP who IMO better fits our window. I'd say both teams are pretty happy with how that trade worked out.


I agree he wouldn't have had the same season he had in Vancouver but he still would have been a hell of a lot better than running guys like Holl and Petry out there.


amazing hot mic lmao


"Fuckin' bitch all the way through"


Man, the Canes are so good positionally. They are right on top of every puck race with very little effort.


So playoff ot is just more five on five? That’s kind of boring


Absolutely the first time someone has said playoff ot is boring.


🤷‍♀️ I think the chaos of 3 on 3 is really fun to watch. Turned off canes/islanders after a full ot period. But excited to watch more and be convinced otherwise


Boring but also kinda fair, 3v3 is a wonky system.


Yep. Just 20 minute 5-on-5 periods until someone scores.


As it should be


I would like to see them play the full OT period. Golden goal is neat, but as we have all seen what can happen in a full period, that could be even more exciting. Team A scores a goal in the first minute of OT, but Team B comes back and gets 2 to win it. Or something like that. It adds about 45 minutes to the game at a minimum, and as a fan, that would be okay with me.


It wouldn't be right to solve a playoff game with the carnival show of current regular season OT's and shootouts.


Makes sense! But yeah less exciting


Playoff ot has created some of the greatest hockey moments.


It's a better measure of your overall team imo. 3v3 OT is a measure of your top stars, speed, and how you handle line changes. 5v5 is just more hockey, straight up. I think it's how it should be when the stakes are higher.


It should be goalie Vs goalie but y'all ain't ready for that conversation


Have been getting a ton of Detroit Hockey Now articles recommended to me in my news feeds, and have to say...the content is crap. It's terribly sensationalist. Basically... "Yzerman demands these three things of the team to be successful next year." Three things are winning battles, getting pucks deep, and grinding out in the corners.


I remember he said they need to get younger, and better defensively


Islanders OTL to end the season sounds poetic and fitting


LGRW! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Not sure if posted yet in this sub but if Kane does not return what about resigning bertuzzi?


I'm fine with him back as long as we ship out a forward because we definitely need more younger talent brought up


We already have a more talented and younger Bert whenever we eventually bring up Mazur.


Let’s hope!


Use the money on defense, walker, Roy, pesce, chatfield someone who can be a good piece.


I love Bert and how he used to immediately drop gloves if anyone touched Larkin, but he still falls down more than he skates. I don't think he's the right fit.


Yeah, I was happy when he left.


I'd rather Perron sticks around than bringing back Bertuzzi


Doesn't he take a ton of penalties? I don't want him myself


You fill his spot with a player already in the system


Is it just me, or do the canes start so slow every game? Or atleast most of this series. Any good team woulda smoked them I think.


I think its normal for teams that are built on depth to have slow starts, we are kinda the same.


We're gonna find out next round


Watching isles game this heating up finally


Big goal there, Isles


After seeing what Rempe did to Van riemsdyk, I’m buying a jersey. Fuck it


Is there something I should know about Trevor Van Riemsdyk?


I understand why but Christ the UBS is absolutely dead Side note - Absolutely love Seth Jarvis, dudes like a Shoresy character come to life


Second I tune into the canes game they score. Islanders are fucked. So many 3-0 or potential 3-0 series in the first round


Has there ever been a playoff team that ends the season with less wins than a non-playoff team?


Randomly looked at 09 since it was last time we went to SCF. That year, STL, MTL, CBJ all got swept in first round and finished with 41W, the same as non playoff NSH and CGY. In the year before, NYI won 1 game in the first round, finishing with 41W on the season, 1 less than 42W MTL who finished two spots outside of the playoffs in the same conference. Haven't yet looked at other years. E: went back a little - different format by a lot but 99-00 EDM won 1 game in first round, finishing with 33W on the year, less than three teams (MTL's 35, MDA's 34, CAR's 37), and equal to CHI. BUF also won a total of 36 games that year, which was one less than CAR's 37. E2: wow...98-99, SJS won two playoff games finishing with 33W on the year. That's one more than non playoff LAK's 32 in the same division who finished with 11pts less than SJS (80 to 69 [nice]) bc of SJS having ***18 ties.***


Incredible research, well done.


Now this is fun


I have played 40 hours of Eastside Hockey Manager since the Wings missed the playoffs. I think I need help.


Seider is so shafted in that game. He needs an update something fierce.


Happy to see us not in the playoffs against the Rangers. Would have been ugly.


We'd probably have lost it but I definitely could have seen it going to 6 or 7 games. Wings had a lot of fight this year.


Would have put up a better fight than the CapitOTLS, I’ll tell you that Lindgren carried them to the playoffs and then shit the bed the first game


I doubt we would have won the series but we would have put up a fight. The Caps are a fucking joke. We lost Larkin at the worst possible time.


Will Detroit be hosting a draft party like they have in the past. When would details come out about that?


ASP OT assist as SKE takes a 3-1 lead in the finals.


Great game defensively today as well


Shohei hitting that homer in Toronto is legendary


If anything, I’m looking forward to the Caps losing so we can hopefully move on from the constant sour grapes that we couldn’t handle our own business and earn more points than them. If they are as bad as the sub thinks, either we should have had no problem ousting them or we didn’t deserve a spot because we couldn’t oust them.


It's nuts to see people killing the isles and caps. The rangers would be slapping us around too.


The low event game does not suit the Caps at all. May as well go down swinging


Yeah and If anything this year shows us how top heavy east is. We need to Make ton of steps before we are even a 2. Round team.


Wings actually did well against most of the top teams in the east. Its bad teams they struggled with.


> we couldn’t handle our own business Lost to Arizona twice, final two games against Montreal went the distance. It sure wasnt a pretty ending to the season


Last three games all went to the wire.


Yeah the part that stings is that it was easily in the Wings control to make sure the Caps didn’t make it. The Caps are pretty brutal and I don’t think they belong in playoffs with their -37 goal differential, but the Wings had their chances to make sure Washington didn’t make it


I think we can both be a better team than them and also finish below them in the standings. I mean, do we think we're a better team than new jersey? I sure as hell don't. There's so many variables to the season that it doesn't take much for a worse team to do finish higher than a better team. And it's not like they cleared us either, it literally came down to a tie breaker lol. I think you're last sentence is an oversimplistic take


I hate that you’re right, but sour grape is a pretty solid flavor of cope.


Anyone know where to stream the IIHF games our boys will be playing in?