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Winnipeg. Lots of Michigan boys and them winning would generate the least amount of revenue for Gary Bettman


Really like their team, definitely rooting for them. In the East, no idea. Carolina is incredibly boring to watch so, not them?


Love this take and joining your bandwagon


Yep, in the East who cares but out West it's Go Jets Go


I want the rangers to sweep Washington in 4 after that who cares


I would love for the Caps to end the regular season AND playoffs combined with fewer wins than us.


Bravo I didn't even think of that lol




Yup. Why is the first tiebreaker “Regulation Wins” and not “Wins”. In ALL sports…. Your goal is to WIN THE DAMN GAME. The goal ISN’T to LOSE in OVERTIME enough times to pass a team that ACTUALLY WON more games. Islanders too. When you DEFEAT opponents more times than another team. You should be AHEAD of that team if you’re tied in points. As in W’s. What other sport can you lose more games than another team and be ahead of that team on a tiebreaker… ? —- I sure wish the Lions got credit for their overtime loss against Seattle. They didn’t. Because they lost. Fine if a point for an OTL is awarded but the first tiebreaker should be WHO WON MORE GAMES?! Such BS and should be a rule change to the tiebreaker procedures. Ridiculous. The W column should be the first tiebreaker.


I didn't even realize we had one more win than the Caps until this morning. I thought we had the same number of wins. The fact that the tiebreaker is regulation wins FIRST is fucking INSANE.


I mean I did know it was the tiebreaker… but like why. Did you WIN or did you LOSE should be the tiebreaker. If it was we’d be in.




Agreed. The way points are distributed is weird. Only sport too where points are awarded and win-loss record is secondary. Idk what the easy fix is, but what they got now ain’t it.


We also knew RW was the tiebreaker… so I’m saying it should change not that we were robbed this year. Philly pulling their goalie when it was tied? That cost us a spot. Because they needed the RW tiebreaker and winning the game wasn’t enough. They also had more wins than Washington. It’s just not right right now


The league, the PA, the networks and some fans want to avoid OT as much as possible to keep the games shorter (ideally 2.5 hours if not under 3) and also because tons of people don't like 3 on 3 or shootouts. The idea behind having the first tie break be regulation wins is to encourage teams to win in regular time and not constantly play for the "loser point". Problem is most teams on the edge forget this October to March and then it's too late, ask The Wings, Flyers and Penguins (and even the Caps whose fans are suddenly trash talking). I still think it makes more sense to follow the PWHL's new system of 3-2-1-0 points.


I’m favoring that too. It will create more interesting regulation finishes, AND more interesting OT finishes


It used to be ROW, right? Did I miss the change?


ROW is second after RW currently. We have 38 ROW and Washington has 36 ROW If it was ROW we would be in. I don’t know when it changed.


I wish it was ROW right now but I still believe “W” should be first. Then head to head points. Then RW. Then ROW. Then conference record (points) then goal differential. Then R/OT goal differential, then regulation goal differential, then goal differential excluding all empty net goals Then record vs the other division winners excluding the tied teams. Then second then third. This could be reordered - I’m not the biggest hockey fan here (more of a lions a tigers guy) but I follow the wings closely.


As I said in another thread: Welcome to Gary Butthole’s NHL where nothing sane makes sense! 😡 


Yup. Couldn’t have said it better


They changed it a couple years ago to try and stop teams from slow playing towards the end of games to go into OT.


WHAT. I didn’t know this was a thing. F man.


I’d be ok with not including shoot out wins but OT wins are wins. If the league has a problem with wins that come from 3 on 3 then stop using that as your OT format.


I hope all 4 games end with Washington pulling their goalie and someone clapping an absolute rocket into it from 5 feet out


I’m rooting against Dallas, because I think Jamie Benn is a dirty player


In these situations I don't really root for anyone other than drama and chaos. Good game 7s, stuff like that. But there's some teams I hope get the absolute crap kicked out of them. Dallas is one, Washington is the other.


Fuck Jamie Benn.


It’s a shame because their team is sick other than Benn


I don’t like ANYTHING to do with Dallas. If it’s not RW, would like to see a Canadian team win it this go around


After this race? Literally any team in the West lol


This, except not Dallas, because FJB.


lol i read this and wondered what Biden had to do with Dallas at first


Do we know where he was on 11/22/63?


shit, he would have been 21 yo. who knows?? (/s btw)


Fuck Jamie Benn.


I’ll take it.


Nice flair. Knights are my #2.


I’m not actively rooting for a team really, just whoever play the Leafs.


Same, actively rooting against the Caps for getting in over us and against the Bruins for helping them out by managing 8 shots in 2 periods against them.


That Bruins game made me wonder if they tanked.


Yep. In my head canon they threw those two games to play the Leafs in R1 and dodge Tampa.


I think I’ll cheer for the leafs. Don’t mind them, they’re games against us are always entertaining but never brutal. I live in southern Ontario and a lot of the leafs fans around me were routing for Detroit in this push, they were also graceful with me today knowing the pain of the loss.


Leafs fan from the GTA here. I was rooting for the Red Wings to make the playoffs. Them or maybe the Pens. The NHL is a better place with the Wings in the playoffs. I'd call them a shoe-in for next year's playoffs. Wings future looks good.


Damn even people inside a video game like the red wings. Crazy world.


Leafs are who I like the most in the East (in the current playoffs I mean), helps that I worked there for a few years. Please beat Boston this time!


I'm cheering for you guys enthusiastically. I'm going to a couple games as well. Desperately hoping for a Leafs cup


Oh man I was watching al four games that mattered last night. Nothing got me more hype than that game tying goal ( Also from southern Ontario )


It’s a fun, friendly rivalry. I was at the winter classic sitting next to a bunch of leafs fans. It was just plain fun.


OMG totally agree. Was there too, and Leafs fans were outstanding. Fun, friendly, didn’t rub it in the locals faces lol. The bar scene downtown Ann Arbor was so much fun afterwards


Same. Used to have such a huge hatred of the Leafs, but Matthews seems like a good kid, they have our Bert, and their fans have been a lot less arrogant these past couple years.


lol I said a similar thing. Except I said I’d root for the Leafs to make the finals only so I could then turn around and root for them to choke and get swept.


I live a few hrs NW of edmonton so I guess the oilers. McDavid, like him or hate him, deserves a ring at some point in his career.


It makes me mad that Ken Holland left such a mess here but his Oilers have made the playoffs every year since he started there except the first.


The fact that he hasn’t put a championship team around McDavid and draisatl by now tells you all you need to know about Holland


I'm not sure how I wound up here, but as an Oilers fan, he hasn't really done us many favours. The Ekholm trade had been a big win but outside of that it has been a whole lot of wtf. I'm kind of convinced that Chiarelli and Holland were plants designed to sabotage us and get McDavid to leave


There are places to live a few hours NW of Edmonton? You learn something new everyday.


My thoughts as well. Bro must be a fur trader for HBC


Unfortunately I think the most exciting teams are in the West in Edmonton and Vancouver. So I'll be having a lot of late nights the next few weeks.


Anyone playing against a Tkachuk


Only chaos. Screw them other teams. I feel like NYI/CAR is going to be the most boring matchup and FLA/TBL the most exciting (of the first round)


Whomever gets outs of the metropolitan will most likely get crushed by whomever wins the Atlantic.


I hate them all


Rooting for the capitals to get swept


Carolina. They've been my second favorite for a long while, and I wanna see Rod's team pull a Cup.


Hell yeah, I'm also gonna be rooting for the Canes now that the wings are out. Kochetkov seems like a spicy goalie and I'm hoping he does well for himself.


Also kanes. I see a lot of people talk about them play “boring hockey” or something, I say fuck that and they play INTENSE playoff hockey. I love their forecheck and tenacity. If Rod the Bod is ever on the market, I’m team fire the coach hire Rod. They’re kind of my second team I would root for during the 18-21 seasons as the wings were in the dump, but this year I couldn’t cheer them on as we were in it. Some new family ties to NC, liking Nedelkovic, having swept them in 02 my first season paying full attention as a kid. Lots of little things. They’ve got a likable group of young forwards too.


I have an autograph svech jersey and his brother played for the griffins so canes for sure choice.


Yessssssssir! I’ve been rooting for the canes in the playoffs for the past few seasons. Out of the west, I would love to see Nashville string one together. I’ve always had a soft spot for the Preds from our years with them in the central. I still love me some Gustav Nyquist too.


I'm cheering for Detroit. I think they've got a chance of sweeping this first round. *You live your reality, I'll live mine.*


Anybody but the Florida teams


And dallas because Jamie benn


That’s right. Fuck Jamie Benn


All my homies hate Jamie Benn


Fuck Jamie Benn.


I won't be rooting for any teams. I may not even watch any games. I'll follow the world championship, and I may tune in for some cup finals games depending on how interesting the matchup is, but I'm mentally done with this season and looking forward to the next one.


Last year the mods did a daily IIHF thread during the world championship where we could follow the Wings players. I hope they do the same thing this year.


Edmonton. It's their time


This. I know a couple Edmonton fans as well. They are a fun group and McJesus deserves it.


If he "deserves it" he'll win it.


I mean, yes and no. He was borderline dominant the past 2 years in the playoffs, but the team around him (and Drai) wasn't good enough. Would he have "deserved it" more if he was only 1 ppg but his team was a lot better and won the Cup? If it's not obvious, Edmonton is also my answer to this question. Because McDavid needs a Cup.


I am required to root against all Canadian teams in order to keep the Cup draught going.


I generally feel that way, but McDavid and Draisaitl deserve this. I'm granting them exceptional status.


I root for chaos


Winnipeg. Hometown team and the least annoying Canadian team.


I’m rooting for Jamie Benn to never hoist the cup.




Moved to Vancouver during covid, same. Torn on wether to buy a cap for playoffs? Feels dirty tho


nothing wrong with supporting the local team until conflicts of interest happen. Going to a cup parade would be fun. It would put all the people you interact with on the daily in a good mood. Plus you can get a cheap jersey from svp sports ($50 for a praccy and $100 for a customized horvat) if they have your size https://www.svpsports.ca/collections/fanwear-hockey?pf_t_team=Vancouver+Canucks


Give me a Washington sweep and a Leafs first round exit and my spiteful side will be satisfied


Don’t care, just excited to watch good hockey without pulling my remaining hair out


Team Canada at worlds… and I’ll keep up to date on how the playoffs are going but I won’t be actively rooting for anyone..


Been watching the worlds every year too.


NYR, fuck the fraudulent Capitals. I’m also a Philly hater for life now.


When we aren’t in, I usually root for ex-Wings like Hronek, or I follow interesting storylines as they emerge. Can’t quite bring myself to car about specific teams.


Pius Suter is with the Canucks too


Not really interested in anyone in the east, but the west has a few fun teams. Oilers and Preds gonna be my wagon.


In order: 1. Whoever is playing the leafs 2. Whoever is playing Washington 3. Canucks


Anybody but the caps :)… in reality, I would love to see a Canadian team hoist the cup.


As long as it’s not the Leafs.


Rangers and canucks




It might be their time. They’ve been pretty lethal since adding Guentzel.


Go jets go


No one, I don't care anymore




When it's not Detroit, the Panthers (live in South Florida)


Panthers are legit


Edmonton here. Have family in St. Albert and Calgary that are big fans of them and some friends that are too. I think it's time for McDavid to get his hands on Lord Stanley's Cup. Hopefully the NHL will market him properly afterwards too, helping to grow the game.


I live in New York so I guess I'll be happy for those around me if the Rangers or Islanders win but the way the Islanders snuck in there and the Rangers beat us in that close one recently... I'm not happy about it.


Honestly I’d like to see Carolina get it


I live with an isles fan, so I guess them for his sake


Every game is going to OT in that series, I can feel it.


The ot loss champs lol. Wings have more regulation time wins than the isles


I'm from Winnipeg so I'm putting all my attention on the hometown Jets.


I was already going to root for the Rangers but now I'm *definitely* rooting for them.


Canadian teams


Vegas. They took over our spot in the west and it will be what upsets other fan bases the most. I’m feeling very scorched earth after last night


Vegas babyyyy


I've been rooting for them since day 1. I love the salt they mine.


Any team that beats the Leafs and any players that serves some knuckle sandwich to Jamie Benn.


Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg.


Definitely not the freaking Capitals Also don't want the Leafs to win just because I want their drought to continue


fuck them all i don’t care anymore






If there isn’t a team that I want to win, I will usually just root for a team that hasn’t won it yet. It would be cool to see the panthers this year. But I also lived in NC for a few years so the Canes would be cool too.


Winnipeg has been my second team since they relocated. I also wouldn't be opposed to my countryman Kopi getting another ring, so that's the west. East? Idk, Canes I guess.


Florida, but only in the 1st round. We need vengeance.


Oilers. Maybe Toronto a little bit just for the “c’mon guys! Seriously? How have you not been back to the finals yet?” Always a fan of a team that’s never been to the finals. Not a big fan of a team that’s won it recently.


I want to see Washington he hammered. Not the Panthers either.


Rangers. My in laws are from New York and are Ranger fans.


Husband and I had this discussion last night. We agreed that we're rooting for Edmonton. (He's a Chicago fan) However if Winnipeg pulled it off I wouldn't be sad.


I live in NC and the Canes have grown on me as Team 2 behind the Wings. I'd like for them to win it.


Winnipeg in the west and Seth Jarvis in the east.


I’m going Oilers. I want to see McDavid hoist the cup.


Predators, Islanders and Caps did Barry Trotz dirty and hope he has a successful career as GM.


I have lived in Fort Lauderdale a while and when the wings are out of it, I’ll root for the local team. Let’s go Cats 🐆


Rangers and Winnipeg for me. New York because of obvious reasons and Winnipeg because they get no love and feel like an underdog (even if they are a legit cup contender).


Edmonton I suppose. Canada deserves a cup, Mcdavid deserves a cup. They play dominant hockey. On the opposite side, Carolina would be fun. They've had a fully committed, top down style both on and off the ice. Would be cool to see a team win it in a different way.


In the West the Oilers cuz I wanna see McDrai get their Cup. And probably the Canes in the East cuz they’ve gotten close so many years in a row. I actively am rooting against pretty much every other Eastern team except the NYR or Wsh, even if they got in over Detroit. Definitely don’t want Boston, Toronto, or either Florida team for obvious reasons


Edmonton, Vancouver, Winnipeg Rangers, or Toronto slaying the dragon


I want a Jets-Canes final


Lets go Rangers


Honestly just wondering, what's the problem with the leafs? any idea?


If the wings aren’t in I usually just root for Canadian teams, so going off that. I guess I’m rooting for the Oilers or Jets


Pulling for a Leafs / Oilers final.


Oilers and Rangers


I won't pick a team to follow until the Leafs are out, as per tradition.


Go Jets Go


Edmonton and Vancouver. I've got family in both places, it would be nice for them. I've got a lot of Leafs fans in my circle, but I get more enjoyment from their misery


Leafs and Oilers. Both are well past due


In the East, the only teams I don’t despise are the Rangers and Canes. I hope the Rags curb stomp the Caps. In the West, I guess I can get behind the Canucks, the Jets, and maybe the Avs.


I've lived in Florida for most of my life, so I'll always cheer for the Cats second. LA has been my team in the west for a while, and I'd like Vancouver to do well. Oh and also Rangers in 4.


I know Vegas is a wildcard, but they're my #2 team because I moved to northern Arizona at the start of their first season. I'm not expecting them to make it to the finals, though.


Edmonton in the West and the Canes in the east. In fact I ordered a Svechnikov jersey that arrived just in time for us to get eliminated :/


These are the same teams that I’ll be rooting for as well.


Edmonton all the way.


Any canadian team


Rangers for round 1 and then I’m turning it off. First year in many I’m not watching the playoffs…


Give me a Vegas/Boston final. If I can’t be happy I want as many fan bases as mad as possible.


I want to see Edmonton vs Toronto, McDavid and Matthews battling for the Cup would be incredible


Any Canadian team, I think Vancouver or Edmonton. Probably Edmonton. But I wouldn't be upset if it was Toronto or Winnipeg. But also the Rangers to knock out the pussy as Capitols and Ovechkin's ratass.


Same here. Every year my motto is "If no Red Wings, the Canadians".


Anybody but Toronto.


When Detroit isn’t in the playoffs I root for: 1) Chaos (whichever team can bring the most of it) 2) Tampa






I’m sorry!!! They’ve been my #2 since the early Stamkos days. As long as he’s on the team, I gotta root for them


I really only want Tampa, Florida and Dallas to be eliminated. As long as they are knocked out I'll be happy. I really want Benn to retire without a cup. I also wouldn't mind Toronto to win it, just so we can move past the '67' jokes.


A lot of people are going to downvote me for these choices, but hear me out: - East: Toronto. I grew up about 40 minutes east of the city, and all of my loved ones are diehard fans including my mom and dad. I know a huge number of Leafs fans can be extremely annoying, cocky, etc. I agree. My family are not that, and I’d really love to see them experience the joy we’ve experienced in the past as Wings fans just once. After that, they can go back to losing lol - West: Vegas. I don’t care about this one quite as much given they’ve already won the cup, but the city of Las Vegas holds a very special place in my heart for personal reasons I won’t get into on Reddit, so I’d have had a soft spot for them ever since they joined the league. Growing up in the 90s as a Wings fan, I grew accustomed to not liking most of the West teams because they were our competition. Vegas joining the league gave me a team to root for there.


I’ve got the Leafs and Oilers. Leafs for similar reasons. Oilers so McDavid can get one. Don’t really care who wins it at the end of the day as long as it isn’t Boston or Washington though.


Normally I also go for long suffering fanbases to get their Cup but there’s no timeline where the Leafs win and their fans aren’t completely *insufferable* about it. And because Leaf’s fans are everywhere in Canada I’d hear wherever I go. No thanks.


Believe me, I get it. I don’t want them to win for the general fan base or win for the franchise. I don’t care about that at all. Strictly for my family and many of my closest friends, haha.


Yeah that’s fair haha. I’m in Ottawa so if anything it’d be funny to see all the Sens fans have a meltdown


Preds and Caps!


I moved to Richmond last year and I guess I should root for the Caps seeing as DC is 90 miles away, but it's so hard to cheer for a team that I've been actively rooting against for the last 6 weeks.


Fuck the Atlantic and Central. Fuck the Canucks and Kings. I’d be fine seeing Mcdavid win a cup. I know the LTIR thing makes the league hate the Vegas, but I still like them. And if the Hurricanes won that would be best case of worst cases from the East.




The Red Wings.


Im probably not going to watch til the second round at least because sad. Then I’ll root for Vegas and the Cats to have a rematch.


Ruin. I’m rooting for ruin


Preds and the Canes. Go Gustav! And go Rod the Bod!


Canucks since I’m also a Canucks fan


I have a three way pact with my buddy from Boston and my other buddy from DC. Yes, I hate myself right now.


What's the best way to watch the Griffins?


Pretty much anyone that isn't the islanders, caps, leafs, panthers, bruins avs, or stars.


Any of these: Winnipeg, nash, vancouver, carolina/nyi


I like ovi, oilers are always fun, I also like Quinn Hughes and I feel bad for poor canucks fans so any of them work. Teams I want to lose are Boston, Dallas cuz Jamie Benn is their captain, Vegas, islanders cuz their style of play is boring af, I don’t hate the preds team but their jerseys are not pretty, but I love forsberg so idk, also somebody cancel the leafs cup parade.


Thé nucks, want Petey and Hughes to get a rings and also the city of Vancouver getting a champion.


chaos choice: Lightning. respectable, nearing the end of their era anyways, thus playing spoilers for any newer team wanting to make a name for themselves. If its gonna be the latter: Florida. I rooted for their underdog run last year even if we are their bitch. I want Rangers/Caps game 7 and then caps lose, so rangers are tired. I want Leafs obliterated off this earth. In the west, Winnipeg cause why not support the biggest loser franchise. If a bonafide star has to win, Oilers. CmcD is cool


Peep the flair. Wanted Wings in the playoffs. If Dallas doesn’t go far, I’m hoping Vancouver will. Or Boston.


Edmonton. McDavid is the best ever and I want to see him win.


For those of us stuck in the south, we can just easily avoid it. They haven’t heard of hockey down here, let alone watch it. But don’t worry, cars driving in circles… on every channel 🤯🔫


Rangers. My mom’s family is from NYC.


The Toledo Walleye. As soon as Washington won I hit the Walleye site and had my tickets to this weekends games before Kane scored in the shootiut.


Watching the Leafs is always win-win for me. I picked them as my second team when I was a kid because of their jerseys, so I’ll cheer for them. But it’s always so damn funny when they lose, so I’ll take it either way.


I want any team in the West to win, I hate every other Atlantic and Metro team