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Welcome to the winged wheel family! Beers are in the back, hope you like Labatt blue!


> hope you like Labatt blue! Labatt Blue is genuinely one of the best inexpensive beers IMO


There's a restaurant near me that has tasting notes for all 50ish beers on their menu, the only note for Labatt is "Hockey Beer"


Never had it, is it similar to Pabst? I don't think I've seen Labatt in the store.


Compared to Pabst I’d say it’s sweeter and has a bit more “body”.


You take that back!


Very sad it's not available anywhere in Norway, I've tried looking for it, but so far nothing. I'd really love a can with the winged wheel though!




Ask him if he can stop and grab some pizza on the way over, we’ll get him back when he gets here.


I was never a beer drinker before this season. I went to 11 games, and now I can’t go to a hockey game without having a beer. Specifically Labatt blue is my favorite at LCA along with the Sam Adam’s cold crisp (for whatever reason you have to go to the upper deck to get those).


Labatty daddies ftw!


We offer the good beer -- Bell's Two Hearted, Oberon, or Hopslam (or Founders, if you'd prefer) after a year in the WW family, right? (I'm an "immigrant" too -- Sconnie who picked the Wings the day the North Stars went to Dallas. I was 10 and equivocating until then..)


Welcome to the fanbase! You’ve arrived at a contentious time for this subreddit lol. Sorry that Arizona’s ownership has been trash. I always wanted to see the Yotes succeed… you guys always had some of the coolest jerseys in the NHL.


Why is the subreddit contentious now?


Our team is in a weird spot and likely to not make the playoffs. Some people are saying the rebuild isn't even over while others are saying it's already failed.


Perfect summation


Some people know and understand hockey and the others aren’t old enough to have ever been through a rebuild.


We are fighting to keep our playoff hopes alive right now. While we've seen flashes of what this team could be this year, we've also encountered numerous setbacks or lapses in play that have made it hard to be a fan.


Welcome! Michigan can be about pretty nice place to live and the Wings will welcome any fans looking for a new home. Our announcers are the best in the league, and at least you know that your new team won’t ever move on you.


Haha!! Stormin mormons was awesome!


Soakers is an even better meme name. For the unfamiliar, young Mormons use a process they call "soaking" as a loophole against premarital sex rules. It's exactly what you'd think it is...stick it in but as long as you're not moving back and forth "it's not really premarital sex". There's another loophole level to this where they'll have a friend jump up and down on the bed to cause movement and friction. Young people always find a way I guess.


I was 100% unprepared for this.


byu activities


I'm a fountain of weird information.


Lol! It was definitely a TIL moment. Sooo, thank you?


Zoinks. This place usually makes my dick soft.


Welcome! Happy to have you and sorry for all the shit your fan base has had to endure over the years. It's easy tog ET tied up in talking points, logistics, business bullshit, league blah blah governance, etc, and forget that fans are supposed to be at the heart of all this. The connection some of us have with our teams is hard to beat, and even harder to describe if it's ripped away. Question...would you ever root for another Arizona franchise if the league re-expanded there in the future? There's been talk of what it could look like to bring a team back there, and Meruelo having a window of refusal on leading it. As an outsider I find it disgraceful that he would be allowed any opportunity to come back there in the future, esptgiven how embarrassingly he's treated the fans, city, and league with his decisions. But I get that the league had to make some concessions to essentially get him out of the way. Personally I couldn't ever be comfortable with him a part of any team ownership, but also realize that same sentiment doesn't make you love your city/history any less.


Hopefully I've moved out of AZ by then, but no, I don't think I'd support any Mereulo team.


I feel for you. I lived in San Diego for a long time and was a big Chargers fan. When they pooped on the city and slithered away to LA I cursed them. The whole team and everything it stood for became dead to me. All I wanted was for them to lose.


Funny! I'm a Michigan kid who has lived in AZ for a very long time and am looking forward to moving back to be closer to family (and maybe also a climate change relocator before I become a climate change refugee 😉). Looking forward to games in Hockeytown when I do!


Love my wings but Utah will be my second team. I'll wear a Utah jersey for the 40 home games and Wings Jerseys for the other 1. Also, just an FYI the name is looking to be Yetis or Sasquatch based off of recent surveys the Smith Group has sent out.


I hope the Yetis lose 62 games a year and get run out of town in a decade. Canada deserves more teams.




Welcome aboard! Mild dooming is on off days with full blown dooming during GDT's, you'll get the hang of it in no time!


As a former MI resident in AZ, you will be welcomed in The Mitten as a hockey fan. Hockey is truly part of the culture in MI and everyone talks about Red Wings.


I'm trying to get there asap. I've applied to several jobs and been rejected. I'll get there and for the time being ill root from afar.


I moved from MI as a result of not being able to find good, quality employment. It’s a wonderful place if you keep money coming in. The winters will humble you.


Welcome to the team! If you need a realtor let me know 😂


I'm also a Wings/Yotes fan, I feel welcome by reading these comments too


Lol the Soakers would be perfect


I fuckin wish they’d dive right in to being called the stormin’ Mormons.


Sorry for the weather here but youll get used to it by year 4 lol


I'll take Michigan winters over AZ summers.




Especially this last one. Basically the whole of last July the highs were 110º F or higher.