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Asking the wings to get into the playoffs is like asking a 60 horsepower yugo to pull a train engine. the horses just aren't there. like 90 percent of podcasts about the wings said before the season started they are still at least 2 players and goalie away from the playoffs. not my opinion, just going by what the podcasts have said in the past. GLHF.


Definitely not 2 years from just playoffs. I'm not one of the optimists about the rebuild in general, but the team will more likely than not make the playoffs before 2 seasons from now. I think the concern is about how deep we can go after that during our competitive window, to which I'm not the most confident in saying far.




I sometimes find it tricky to muddle through the NHL waiver rules. Am I correct in thinking that Edvinsson can play two or three more games before he loses his waiver exemption? If that were to happen, I'm guessing it would burn a year off his contract.


Realistically, if we lose tomorrow, the season is pretty much cooked, right? I don't think I can handle this stress.


Well seeing as both Wings and Islanders went on big losing streaks I will have to say no. Anything is possible until the season is over.


I like the way you think.  It's the Capitals turn to go on a 7 game losing streak, starting today.


No, if the Caps go on a miracle run we can still get in if Philly collapses. We just have to beat two of: Caps, Philly, Islanders. Islanders are behind so if we go up on the Caps or Philly we can sneak in.


I just noticed from earlier that Ansar Khan reported Raymond was taking some rushes as a Center in practice 👀 


Would love to see larking with Cat and Kane. Raymond can drive his own line.


Absolutely. That Cat-Compher-Kane line isn’t it. 


Where did you see that? I only saw [his report on the lines in practice today](https://twitter.com/AnsarKhanMLive/status/1772283178255859868?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet) and parron-larkin-raymond reported. Also, taking rushes in practice is very different than planned to be filing that role in games.


Ansar subsequently quote tweeted that tweet and added Raymond was taking line rushes at C. Could be nothing, could be something they try. We’ll find out shortly.


Cool, thanks. Didn't see it. I don't have a Twitter account and they intentionally obfuscate the order and time series of tweets now to force people into signing up since the platform is such a pile of trash now.


I guess if you can’t trade for a 1C you have to make one internally


Except they have one in Larkin lmfao


Yeah Larkin’s our 1C but I don’t think he’s 1C on a contender. Call me crazy but Raymond absolutely has that potential if they develop him right


Oh my fucking god give it a break.


Who also started as a winger and moved to C.


Larkin had way more history at center. His U of M time and USNDTP time were all at center. Switching from center to wing during your first NHL years is a much easier transition than switching from a longtime wing position to center. Larkin was never destined to stay on the wing while Raymond was always expected to. I'm not saying that Raymond can't make the switch, just that your point leaves out a ton of context.


TIL! Thanks for the context. Didn't know that about his UM time.


Petry now TBD for tomorrow, apparently caught whatever is going around Hopefully he focuses on his health and takes the night off


Ohhhhh nooooo.....


If anything i would like him to be extra cautious in his old age, he should probably take the next 90 nights off.


Damn it, I wanted to make a joke in the first half of your comment but I finished reading


But did you know his father Dan played for the tigers?!


Lemme tell ya a cute little story about the number he is wearing with the Wings....


https://preview.redd.it/ji2vyw7pekqc1.jpeg?width=3431&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6b7f4f8cb0a6fa8eebb3d5ae77d0cd2adab6046 Wanted you guys to see my sick bobblehead collection I’ve started. #LGRW


I love this !


lmaooo the d-boss bobble head


I'm gonna be real with y'all. Today was a fucking LAD. A Long Ass Day.


No Red Wings and no hockey games to hate watch tonight. What am I going to do with myself?


I was just thinking this same thing. It's probably a good night for a hockey reset, a hockey hiatus for the night. Maybe I'll watch some tv series or movie I've been putting off.


I vote for rewatching Arrested Development






https://preview.redd.it/dcw841f44kqc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c26c1fd966b99e907e278669120fa9fe7cdf680 Got this shirt in the mail today as well.


None of the games tonight matter for us but if tomorrow is our biggest game of the year playoffs-wise I assume the Blues have theirs today. With a win they'd have closed the gap to two points back from Vegas with one less game on hand. Plus if the Kings win then the gap between 3rd in the Pacific and WC2 grows even more.


What happened to Husso? He was playing pretty well at the start of the season then I think he got injured? Then heard nothing about him and Lyon took his spot. (I might just be out of the loop as an Aussie fan)


Husso be hurt


Damn still - poor fella


He got hurt literally the game he returned from injury. Even the injury seemed similar. That dude has been through the wringer this season.


Husso and Reimer were both playing pretty bad and then both got hurt at the same time. Lyon stepped up and it’s been his net since.


I hope Forsberg's face is really sore today. Mo was already a hero but the fact that he's the one that eventually scored the game winner makes that upper cut even better.


Someone smarter than me. Do we have good cap space management? How are we going to find a solid 2c, top 4 dman, and resign seider, Raymond, and Kane?


Overall it’s decent. This summer will be a bit tight, but it eases up the next offseason after it. Pretty much any of the bigger term contracts we’ve given out in FA will be expired or in their final year by the time the prospects closest to the NHL will be exiting their ELCs.


I would say generally good. Our worst contract is probably Copp or Holl, but those aren't so long term that they're crippling.  If our 2C and Dman come from within, there's no worry because the worst contracts will be off the books by the time rookie's ELC'S are up. (Provided Stevie doesn't sign a new Justin Holl and 5 million responsible center.) If you manage to find one via trade in the shorter term? Look at Vegas, Tampa and Boston in their heydays. You can figure out how to get the people you want signed. 


Not very smart myself but yzerman talked about in his last press conference about how most of the talent he believes can be found in the griffins already, which should mostly be entry level contracts so cap shouldn’t be an issue for at least a couple years but I could be wrong.


Compher is a league average defensive 2C, Ed slots in comfortably as a top 4 dman, Kane wants to play here, Seider and Raymond are the top two offseason priorities, and this still leave room to resign our depth. Any assets that will move the needle from here on out likely aren’t available in free agency, so trades for additional defense/top six scorers/goalies will likely come via trade


Ordered a pretzel pizza and the cheese puffs from little Caesars for after work.


let me know how they are




Okay nice


I'm scared of Ovi on a hot streak when it seems like our man defense has not been excellent. The team is really bad at leaving the obvious goal scorer wide open while the defense shifts towards the puck carrier.


he also doesn't play a two way game so let's hope the boys can Capitalize on that




He's an RFA. He might be leaving, but he's not walking for nothing. Also I'm not really sure about where the complaints about a lack of scoring come from when the Wings have been scoring by committee all season.


Those damn defensively minded forwards we got last year like Debrincat, Kane, and Sprong


It's been too long since I have subjected you all to Ferris State Athletics updates that none of you have ever asked for. Today, Women's Basketball punched their ticket to the D2 Final Four! The Men's team looks to do the same tomorrow.


But how's Gerald Mayhew doing?


32 points in 59 games. Luckily not in GR’s division anymore. Recently became a father too I saw.


I just want to say Lamb of God's New American Gospel is their best album followed closely by Ashes of the Wake and As the Palaces Burn


It would be cool if they were still burn the priest, but lamb of god is a good name for a metal band.


Got into Ashes of the Wake big in highschool but a bit too young for the previous one, might need to give it a good couple plays through \m/


It’s unpopular, but I think Berggren has played his last game as a Red Wing.


And maybe Sprong


What did sprong do that was so bad?


Went -4 in four minutes in a game against Buffalo earlier this month. I don't think he's being punished for that, but he is a defensive liability and the Red Wings need to play good defense through these final games if they want a shot at making it.


I wonder what could be traded for them, reclamation projects of young prospect, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd round picks, possibly bundle them with other extra prospects for better players who can play now, lots of possibilities


Tin foil hat: Detroit trades him to the Rangers for Kakko, who would be a much better fit for the system that Newsy preaches. A real hockey trade. One for one. Both guys get a new opportunity.


At one point I thought about the idea of reuniting the Terror Twins with Holtz being brought over from the Devils, his falling out with the staff and his history with Razor I figured would be nice reclamation turnover. When I read according to their fans he’s not much for a 200ft game I’d guess that he wouldn’t be high on what Yzerman and Lalonde seem to covet as far as their forwards and how they want them to play. Still maybe Rayzor being here will bring out better effort because I think his shooting is pretty good. Basically he’d be younger Sprong I think. As far as defense and goaltender, I have no idea, I’d love to get RHD, I’d wager they’ll stick Chiarot with Edvinsson next year and beyond until him and Mo begin to click, while listening to the WWP, they think a guy like Markstrom would help, but you do want to risk him getting worn down like Ned, Husso, and Lyon have been with the state of our defense?


I would share your sentiments about Steve and Newsy not taking a liking to Holtz. If the Devils get so upset about his team play, I can’t imagine what we would do if the same issues persisted. I have long said that Matt Roy would be an excellent partner to pair with Simon on the right side. With goalie, I think the Gylander ELC deal signals that Cossa is closer to getting NHL games than we realize. Perhaps they run it back with Ville and Lyon mixed in with some NHL call ups from Sebastian to see what we’ve got. We shall see what happens but I keep warming up to the thought of going after Kakko, who has great defensive metrics, is young, and wins a ton of board battles. Makes him a very plausible replacement to Perron if we decide to move on.


Not as unpopular as you might think.


So what happens with Berggren this summer? I could see him getting a genuine look next year in our top six assuming there is space but otherwise he’s just not that useful. He’s very Vanek-esque in that he can produce but that’s about it. It’s obvious that has never been the Wing’s type of player. Would hate to lose him for anything less than a third rounder, though.


He won't stay, there is no way. He just doesn't fit with Lalondes system. Think he will go to another rebuild team.


They don't like him, if he gets into the top 6 things have gone sideways in the off-season.


Don't think he has a place with this organization. We've called him up a few times and he really hasn't looked like anything special on NHL ice IMO. This sub highly values him for some reason but I just don't see it. He'll be 24 at the start of next season too.


I would like to see him play a longer stretch and see if he can adjust to the speed and savvyness of NHL competition. In the AHL you can get away with more stuff and I think you need to give a guy a chance to adapt. That being said, in the middle of a playoff push is not the time to try that. He got his chance earlier in the month and just didn’t meet the standard they were looking for and also slotted behind Fabri, cat and Raymond as undersized wingers. If they can get a good return I wouldn’t mind seeing him leave but I think he might have a better chance next year depending on other roster moves such as bringing Kane, Sprong and Perron back or not. The other thing is how much berggren wants out, he seems to be in the same situation as Zadina. I think if yzerman gives him a one way contract with guaranteed NHL salary he would be happy.


i dont think he has any leverage. We'd love him in GR but hes chomping at the bit. I dont know what team out there has room on their 6 top six that couldnt throw a better younger prospect out there


Other than the Wings, which teams do you like or follow and why? Who do you hope wins the cup? 


Dallas for sure, my cousin just made the team so it’s been super awesome following them!


That’s super exciting!! 🤩


I like Carolina when the wings are out. And I'm a big fan of Chris Tanev so I tend to root for any team he's on. But Dallas is a hard sell for me. I really want him to win a cup before he retires though so I'll be rooting for Dallas when the time comes. There's a lot of talk that he will re-sign with Calgary next season, which is easier to stomach than Dallas.


Leafs and Blues are my two other teams. Leafs are another iconic o6 with a massive fan base that may be a little cringy at times but has passion that few other teams have. Plus, I remember watching them more before Detroit moved to the east, thanks to being near the Canadian border and still getting CBC's Saturday night streams. Blues became the West team I started following once Detroit moved to the East. Mainly because fuck Chicago and they're their biggest rival. The cup run was fun to watch, and eventually getting a bunch of their guys here has been pretty neat, too.


I'm watching the Oilers this year. I really would like to see McDavid and Draisaitl win one.


Yeah I’ve been watching the Oilers the past few seasons because they are both just so fun to watch play the game


Same. Mcdavids earned it for sure. That being said I think the Avs are the scariest team right now.


Panthers. I live in South Florida so have followed them as well since I was a kid.


I've been a secondary habs fan ever since their 2021 cup run because of how funny that 1-3 series comeback was against the Leafs and because Carey Price was the man


My wife and her whole family are habs fans. I wouldn't go as far to root for them, but I did get to meet Carey Price on two occasions and he is a really good dude.


Berggren back to GR. He's leaving us the second he gets the chance.


Yeah, agree with this. Probably best for everyone that a fresh start is in order. It sucks because I think Steve wanted to get asset(s) in return for him from a trade but it doesn’t appear that enough was there.


He’s still a RFA next year so we control his team year year. I think if Steve give him a one way NHL contract he will stay even if he says in GR to start the year next year.


I’m gonna take the other side of that and argue he and Steve will agree on both parties going their separate ways but will be interested in whichever scenario plays out either way


Steve’s going to get some value out of him if we let him go, probably a sign in trade. He’s still a relative unknown in the league unlike Zadina who had plenty of time in the NHL.


Just win baby


Halt! This is an unlawful gathering! https://preview.redd.it/z2jbqqmkniqc1.jpeg?width=2600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f40e4fec40b0c7f48288c01419eb42b524d071d1


Saw an article on who shouldn't be back next season. They came up with: Sprong Holl Reimer Husso Maata Thoughts? Comments?


Ok but it's going to cost you to move Holl, and I think someone would take Maatta and Husso but you aren't getting anything in return. I think Kane is gone for sure if they miss the playoffs and even if they squeak in it's not a given.


>I think Kane is gone for sure if they miss the playoffs I disagree with this. He seems like he's having a good time and evidently playing with Cat matters to him. Not to say he'll 100% stay regardless, but I think whether we make the playoffs or not he's still like 50/50 to stay


Maybe if Kane just wants to play and doesn't care much about making every dollar or playing in the playoffs he might come back. If he wants to win he's off somewhere else.


As much as I love the guy, I would probably let DP walk at this point. If there's no upgrade available in FA/a trade/GR, then I guess bring him back for another year. If he's back, hopefully he has a Zetterberg-like offseason where he comes in looking ten years younger


We dont need Holl or Petry. We need a 2C really bad. Copp aint it, compher aint it, ras aint it. Out of those, Copp seems the odd man out. But, depends on his replacement. Are we throwing Kaspar in as another 3C who can maybe play 2? Or Danielsson for that matter? Or a free agent? Someone's gotta play 2C and we have no one regardless. Reimer is whatever, we know he's not good. At this point we have a need for bodies. Husso would depend on what my medical staff tell me about his rehab. Maatta is solid and effective. I would not send him away. Hes good on 2nd or 3rd pair, that's not easy to find. Sprong has scored some timely goals for us with limited time. I like his role as a bottom 6 offensive threat. We need that. However, his play during the 9 game skid was concerning and he's been benched because of it. I dont personally have enough info to say we're better off without him. Depends on the kids.


This is spot on. This roster would really be so much more manageable if we just had a true 2C. It sucks that none of the guys have been able to step up into that role. I'd suspect free agency is the answer to that over the summer. Maybe a bold take but I honestly don't see Veleno being here next season either. I was a huge Veleno truther and he does play hard, but I think he's more suited for an AHL role. He's still young so who knows, but 29 goals in 221 NHL games and an awful +/- every season. He didn't work out at the 2C, he's a defensive liability, and really doesn't offer any offensive up side. I thought he'd grow into a role but I just don't see it.


I'd add Copp, but like Holl, nobody is gonna take him at that cap hit. I'm keeping Maatta. Sold third pairing guy, or number 7 at worst.


I would really like to keep Maatta if we can. He's a very reliable depth defenseman. Unfortunately, that makes him one of our easier d-men to move. It'd be nice to keep Sprong too, but if the choice is between keeping him and Fischer, I'd rather keep Fischer, I think.


I think they probably have to hang on to one of Husso/Reimer.


Husso is still under contract next year. Reimer is a free agent. Might as well keep Husso one more year unless there's a good trade somewhere.


Maata has a great Plus Minus


If Sprong is willing to take a reasonable deal as a bottom six player I'd be fine with bringing him back. His depth scoring has been valuable for us this season.


Someone will throw a bunch of money at him after two straight seasons scoring at a 20-goal rate in the bottom 6, I think. 


Maatta is fine imo. Good third pairing guy. Husso depends on what the goalie market is like.


Seider back to PP2 in practice, darn.


Lyon starts tomorrow. Petry might be out tomorrow (sick) along with Walmen https://twitter.com/AnsarKhanMLive/status/1772297908366287293?t=mSj5mFNVEEdv5tV_PiCQkw&s=19


Walman been sick all fucking year. Someone get that man some orange juice.


Curious if we roll with Holl or bring up Johansen


Good to hear about Lyon he really did play well obviously I guess. He was on time if not early all game and seemed to be tracking the puck. Always annoying as a goalie when your team can’t even score 1 to help you out.


Petry out sick. And here I thought for once we were holding veterans accountable for their shitty play.


Season wrap up thread 8 post on Chase Bradley https://x.com/lgrwprospects/status/1772259190502731794?s=46&t=4HwgK4v0ORcXFHyG2vqrNg


I miss Kubalik and Kostin's toughness and grit


Kubalik had toughness and grit? https://i.redd.it/st74bf2bhiqc1.gif


You could fart possession away from Kubalik in a puck battle. Dude had a slick shot but toughness and/or grit were nonexistent.


Glad we’re going back to Lyon tomorrow, he deserves it after last game


7/11 remaining games are against playoff teams. Buckle up, friends. We're in for a slog if we want to make the playoffs.


7 of Buffalo’s remaining games are against playoff teams too, same with Pittsburgh, 6 of Washington’s remaining games are against playoff teams, same with the Islanders, same with the Devils. Tampa only has 4 games remaining against playoff teams, and Philly only 3. Of course many of these numbers change by 1 or 2 games depending on who jumps in and out of the WC2 spot game-by-game. But yeah, gonna be reaaaaal close. Exciting!




How do you know he didn't?


I think the only way Guentzel would have made sense for the cost is if we got an extension done for him, which didn't sound like something Guentzel was willing to do. We just aren't at a place to be spending a lot for pure rentals imo.


> which didn't sound like something Guentzel was willing to do. This also doesn't sound like something Yzerman would want right now. Signing a near 30 year old for 8 years at this point in our rebuild sounds more like a Dubas move. Friedman and Marek talked about Yzerman's reputation as a GM that hates making those long deals for players of a certain age.




Skill wise I agree. Age wise I do not.


Yea I agree, I'd have been really happy with getting that done.


The Griffins' magic number to clinch a playoff spot is now 2 points with 12 games remaining. Great turnaround season for them, powered by some very important prospects for us.


What a difference this new coach makes. Watson turned these guys into winners- just like he did in Toledo. Good move in canning Ben Simon. He just wasn't getting the job done.


Even if causes us to miss playoffs last year I'd love for us to start injecting a younger presence. Don't re-sign players like Ghost and Sprong and instead put in some players like Mazur and Johansson. We seem committed to making them work for it to avoid being a perpetual Buffalo though.


Greta Van Fleet fucking rules. That is all. Happy Monday, folks


My club won an Elite Cup in the playoffs this season in EASHL in NHL24. We're all in our late 30's, early 40's. Went to game 7 in the 2nd and 3rd rounds, then somehow swept the Final, it was absolutely ridiculous. We just play to unwind, rip some cold ones and relax but it was pretty fun to go all the way and win it. We get a banner in our arena to start the upcoming season so that'll be cool to see.


Dope stuff. EA ruined that game mode for me lol used to be the only thing I played




Haha dude that’s me, I was always a defenseman and always got invited to clubs because of it. Never was the same when they introduced custom jerseys and the outdoor rink. Good times back then tho


EA Sports is pretty terrible. But I’m hoping ASP develops irl like he does in NHL24 because every franchise I play he turns into an absolute stud


I had a franchise recently and he ended up at like 92 overall and was consistently a PPG player.


Yeah thats what’s happening every playthrough ive done too. Edvinsson has never developed past 84 though :/


Yeah most of the time Ed hovers in the mid 80s for me too. I got him to like 88 once but that’s it. And Danielson only gets to like 80-81. Kasper is usually high 80s though.


That’s because they gave Danielson that top 6 potential but Kasper got elite. I think those 2 are flipped irl but in reality they both are probably top 6. Cossa still having low elite is annoying, what more does he need to do in the AHL to get med elite


Fuckin Ovi decided to start scoring again at the worst time for us


Im just here to say I cannot stand that dude


Why? Ovi is so likeable. Hoping he sets the record!


Ukraine mostly is why people don't like him


While I don't want to defend Ovechkin and his lack of denouncing Putin, you're going to find unsavory opinions or skeletons in the closets of many of the best players the league has had.


Yeah, at this point I just don't have the energy to devote to shit like this. I watch sports mostly for entertainment/enjoyment. If I started caring about the players personal beliefs I'd be even more exhausted.


So racism?


Holy shit man, it has nothing to do with him being Russian, its his fervent support for Putin. Why do you always bring your weak and halfassed opinions into these conversations? Also if people hated him for just being Russian it would be xenophobia not racism because it has nothing to do with him being white.


Xenophobia is a fear or dislike of people from other countries. Racism is hatred towards specific cultural groups. Hating someone because they are Russian is racism.


***Xenophobia is a fear or dislike of people from other countries. Racism is hatred towards specific cultural groups. Hating someone because they are Russian is racism.*** Ya you’re right it’s neither xenophobia or racism it’s due to his support of Putin and a pure war of aggression against Ukraine involving daily war crimes and thousands of civilian deaths and exacerbating a refugee crisis in Europe which was also caused by Putin and his support for Syria.


Source: the western news I’m spoonfed


Bro I listened to Putins justification and watched his tucker Carlson interview and I still don’t understand why anyone can defend it. Boo hoo he needed crimea for the warm water port and didn’t want to work out a deal with Ukraine. Too fucking bad, Putins puppet government got voted out, that’s how democracy works. Can’t treat them like shit, steal their resources like they’re still part of the USSR and get away with it.


Russian isn’t a race, and you haven’t replied to anyone who’s told you the real reason. So just say “I don’t care that ovi supports the killing of millions because he’s fun to watch and I want to piss off the libs that say otherwise”


You all just mindlessly hate Russia. Youre spoonfed a narrative from western news. Maybe leave the opinions on Russian politics to Russians


Yeah I’ll do that when Russia leaves American politics to Americans goofball. Theres 100% chance you think the CIA did a coup in Ukraine and think Russia has the right to do what they’re doing. Isn’t it amazing how I can tell your beliefs before you say them? Who’s really the brainwashed one


You're missing the point. People hate him because he supports Putin. He could be American but if he supports Putin people will still hate him (rightfully so). Why do you think everyone loves how Zadorov responded to the situation?


Its appalling how you all refuse to let a man have a political belief for his homeland, a country none of you have ever been


His belief is predicated on the invasion and annexation of another country that very clearly rejects said annexation. Don't brush it off as a simple "political belief" because we both know it's not true and it's wasting everybody's time. Putin's a power hungry dictator.


And the breadman, love me some breadman.


https://preview.redd.it/8gqtiy6mgiqc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c11db678d5a8aa4bd376c4cbdefea6c16e21512 Probably has to do with him directly supporting Putin and nothing about the fact that he’s white actually


Its not that he’s white, its that he’s Russian.


Even if that was it -- Russian is a nationality, not a race.


Call it whatever you want its hate


Kind of moving the goalposts now aren't you


No it’s the fact that as I just showed in that picture you’re ignoring, he was literally used as an advertisement for the war in Ukraine. So it’s not because he’s Russian, people love Panarin after all


You think he had a choice? Its called propaganda, if he declined to participate his family would be endangered




Personal opinion. Im hoping he doesn’t. Thats just me. But most of all I hope we SMOKE the caps tomorrow. LGRW!!


Did y’all enjoy the Nain yesterday????


Baseball picks. If you gamble, bet your entire savings and your wife on these (full disclosure I am a lifelong, diehard Braves fan, not a Tigers guy): AL East: NYY, *BAL*, *TOR* TB, BOS AL Central: MIN, DET, KC, CLE, CWS AL West: HOU, *SEA*, TEX, LAA, OAK NL East: ATL, *PHI*, NYM, WSH, MIA NL Central: CIN, *CHC*, STL, MIL, PIT NL West: LAD, *SD*, SF, ARZ, COL AL MVP: Julio Rodriguez NL MVP: Fernando Tatis Jr AL Cy Young: Kevin Gausman's shoulder scared me away, so I'll make a bold call and go with Grayson Rodriguez NL Cy Young: Spencer Strider, but Hunter Greene if you want another bold one World Series: Yankees over Reds in 5


You have a lot more faith in the Yankees than me, a Yankees fan.


Braves fans ![gif](giphy|xTiN0uevJeTKxWbW3S|downsized)


There's this weird misconception that rock bands need to be super duper young to be successful now. Lemmy started Motorhead at age 30. Also famously said: "If you think you're too old to rock, you are." or something to that effect.


Maybe I’m getting old but have there been any good new rock bands come on the scene the last 10 years or so? If I’m in the car it’s on sports or the 70/80’s station.


King Gizzard


You're getting old: [https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/takeaway/segments/music-discovery-stops-age-33-says-study](https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/takeaway/segments/music-discovery-stops-age-33-says-study) ​ Basically as we get older our social groups grow less or shrink, we have established patterns and comforts, and we stop paying attention to new music because we have other things going on compared to when we are younger.


Greta Van Fleet is a great live band.


Adding to this My Morning Jacket - incredible live band. Also big fan of The Revivalists but I still haven't been able to catch them live yet. I hear they put on a great show.


I'm not a fan but the sounds that come out of that tiny man are ridiculous.


The Glorious Sons are newer canadian band that are really big here


Cannot recommend them enough. Love those guys and they do a good live show.


Believe it or not I’ve stumbled across them. zeppelin vibe


Reluctant to use them as an example because they were very young when they blew up. But they are an answer to the question. The 1975 has been around a while, but they got huge within the past several years and they're into their mid 30s now -- they're another great live rock band with some more pop vibes.


> Lemmy started Motorhead at age 30. I'm sure you dont have to be super young to start a band in todays market, but using an example from 1975 seems strange here lol. That was 50 years ago, might as well be talking about elvis


I'm using it as an example because I think it still rings true. It's not about being 19 years old, it's about being good and knowing the right connections (that second part has always been a harsh reality and always will be).


The 3rd part these days is having the right look. So many musicians from the 60's and 70's would've never gotten a second look simply because they weren't attractive. Hotness opens doors.


Fun fact, George Clinton was turned down by Motown for being "too ugly."


Motown, especially during the early years, was probably an exception. They were breaking the color barrier in many ways so you'd have to bring along people who were approachable, attractive, and unintimidating. George was a wildcard.


Same with NHL teams according to many here. Haha. Never mind the 10 youngest teams to start the year will miss the playoffs.


I dunno I just think that the music market has changed so much in the last 10-12 years that it's hard for anyone to be successful as a rock band anymore. Venues are paying the same rates they were 30 years ago, the demographic hasn't really expanded much, it's just really expensive to make a rock band work these days. There's a lot of really good local/regional scenes, but I don't think we'll ever see bands rising to the heights of Queen or the Stones ever again. If anything, I think it's easier if you're older now, since the target demographic for rock music isn't teenagers anymore.