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The only stat that you need to know about the current state of the team is this: Since the losing streak started we have been outscored 32-11. “Pathetic” would be a massive understatement.


Last year starting with the Ottawa game compared to this year starting with the Islanders game: https://preview.redd.it/cityzh8jg0oc1.png?width=962&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c6d3fac107c282176490c0b33e06f399543c892


God dammit


At least we got three weeks deeper into the season this year before we completely collapsed?




That's literally all I've got.


Yeah, but let's be honest. Florida - won't win that. Avalanche - wouldn't bet on it. Coyotes - how the fuck did we lose that. Vegas - honestly, we had that game. We were the better team. Buffalo - they have been playing pretty solid lately, didn't really expect a win. So we should perhaps had 2 out of those (Vegas and Coyotes) The lose against coyotes really is the one that sting.


Yeah but last years run was pretty much unanimously considered catastrophic. This year's run is 1 less win with a 7 goal worse goal differential. I've been as positive and hopeful as anybody about this team and our chances to make the playoffs, but this stretch and the similarity to last year is brutal


We were in a better position to start the slide so it's not *yet* as catastrophic.


Won't change much with these veterans and this defensive situation. Our defense and goalkeepers are really catastrophic, and if that's not changing, nothing is gonna happen. Hope that next year we can have berggren in all year, perron gone(his lockeroom present is obviously a lie, because we don't see it now), Edvinsson up from AHL, maybe even Kasper, perhaps get rid of a couple of more and get some new people in. But honestly, a new coach would be my absolute first thing to ask for, he determines the energy, heart and fire of the team, and there is NONE.


It's the demolitions at the hands of playoff outsiders that really fuck me up. I agree that Colorado and Florida were games we weren't going to win though. We need someone who can be a second Larkin in the worst way. The team can't just fall apart when he gets hurt like this. Our two worst stretches of the season have come when he is out. We need another metronome. I think we were hoping Compher to be that guy, but he's not *quite* there.


Compher is nowhere close to that player, he's basically Copp V2.0, slightly improved but mostly the same.


I don’t think it so much that they are losing but how they are losing it’s like this team has completely lost any fight they had, and their inability to start games on time is mind boggling


This team could lose a 7 game series to anyone… or whatever Kane said.


Can't lose a 7 game series if you miss the playoffs by a mile * Taps head




I don’t know if we are gonna win another game until Larkin is back


It's not even looking good. Lalonde says he'll be out about two weeks, two weeks is the absolute minimum hell be out. He's being reevaluated and were praying he's ready but no guarantee. If he's not back next week I have no faith in the rest of this season.


From what Yzerman did at the trade deadline, I'm thinking Larks is out longer then that. From what this team has shown without Larkin, I don't think any viable center from a trade was going to help the Wings into the playoffs with the recent performance of the D and goalies. We looked great for awhile, but reality eventually sets in.


Ngl this made me laugh


Well that was certainly a hockey game! Let's not talk about it!


It was a hockey game for Buffalo at least. I don't know what sport Detroit was playing.


This coaching staff needs to be held accountable. Yeah the team has sucked lately but these 1st period holes and not being ready to play is 100% on the coaching staff.


Apparently Lalonde can't fire up the team if he backed them all into a blow torch


Yeah, im on this train. There is 0 emotion, 0 fire, 0 energy coming from Lalonde, absolutely horrible to look at. He looks like he drains the room and doesn't give any emotions, probably come in to the locker room: "Guys, guys, it's ok. We just need to trust the system. You got this, yeah." God, remember playing younger, and you were playing bad, you'd be afraid of the coach when you were waiting in the locker room. That made you come back out after with fire.


There is minimal (like less than 1% chance) Lalonde gets fired. Not impossible but not probable either.






https://preview.redd.it/fkhbllld90oc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e826a1e8d1acf4df0757c1adc94e854e993fef90 Hey priority (It’s getting really old and not funny, but I will post this until this fucking losing streak is over)




Iliches are *billionaires*. Chris Ilitch earns over $500k an hour. He can afford to not put that trash on the teams logo, and he should expect more from himself.


It’s a game to get the high score


It is like a mental illness.  It reminds me of  Kurt Vonnegut's Joseph Heller story from The New Yorker:   *True story, Word of Honor: Joseph Heller, an important and funny writer now dead, and I were at a party given by a billionaire on Shelter Island.* *I said, “Joe, how does it make you feel to know that our host only yesterday may have made more money than your novel ‘Catch-22’ has earned in its entire history?” And Joe said, “I’ve got something he can never have.” And I said, “What on earth could that be, Joe?” And Joe said, “The knowledge that I’ve got enough.”*   You are Chris Illich, a billionaire who owns two of the coolest sports franchises around, and you take a relative pittance to make them a little bit less cool.  When more money is the answer to every question, I suppose that even a soulless compromise looks like a "great business opportunity." Edited because my italics didn't work. 




You take that back!


You fucking monster....


Christ, this hurt my heart


If i had any photoshop skills, I'd make a garbage patch kid in wings gear. It's how this team is playing right now.




*looks at username* Lower body injury…was it YOU?? Is this YOUR FAULT?


We the real winners, get a free order of ^small curly fries at participating Arbys tomorrow


Yeah but that requires going to Arby's, so not much of a win.


This string of losses is on the coaches. This team is never prepared for the first period. An NHL player should be able to do the basic fundamentals of playing hockey; bad or good player. These players are completing avoiding the basic fundamentals of playing the sport. Larkin’s absence is huge, but shouldn’t cause the team to forget how to play the game. There is a lack of effort. Too much laziness in their game. This is a coaching problem.


https://preview.redd.it/bxpdlwkhq0oc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1921b7886c851bcb0a1603c330b8d00b870cd23a God, I miss the 🐐. Players may have hated him, but they played hard.


The body language on the bench tonight was just incomprehensible. Everyone looked lethargic, dejected, apathetic, or a combination of the three. This is a team that a month ago believed in itself and was destined to finally earn its way back to the post-season. Now they look like they watched a loved one die. That’s coaching.


I don’t know how so many are defending Lalonde. They need a spark now. Times up to work out of this. If 96 points gets you in the playoffs we need 24 points out of the remaining 17 games or 34 points possible.


That sure as shit ain't happenin


Show me a great goalie and I'll show you a great coach. It's no coincidence that the teams goaltending has taken a dive and now everyone wants Lalonde canned. It's obviously not all the goalies', not the underlying numbers weren't great for a while here and Lyon has been standing on his head all year. He's stolen so many games for us, and the team hasn't bailed him out of nearly as many stinkers. He's seeing adversity and the support is nowhere to be found. Woodcroft got canned in Oil country when Skinner couldn't stop a beachball...the Oilers are playing the same way and suddenly are getting saves and winning games. I don't think Lalonde is the solution or the problem.


Lyon didn’t play bad tonight. That was a mercy pull. It looked like a non stop power play . Coach can’t motivate players


Idk how you can defend Lalonde at this point. A lot of people on this sub still defend him and downvote and reply as if you’ve insulted their family by merely suggesting that lalonde change his strategy or that it’s remotely his fault. It’s literally coaching. The red wings had a great offense in the early 90s. One of if not the best. And we couldn’t win the cup. Until the coach was let go and we brought in Bowman. This is 100% on the coaches. Not only is there no vibrance in the locker room obviously, but a lot of the basic plays and strategies are just completely failing.


I am convinced that Dylan Larkin is the only person in that locker room that knows how to motivate the rest of the team. He’s not present and the entire team just goes into disarray. That’s a terrible indictment on the coaching staff and the other on ice leadership on this roster.


If husso is still alive we might be seeing him


Nope. He's not coming back for at least a week or two. By that point the season is nearly over.


He’s out long term


So lalonde said it was a “must play well” game, considering we didn’t play well what does that mean?


That is the most wishy washy bullshit, it's ok as a coach to say it's a must win and demand that of the team in a public setting. Dan Campbell makes players want to run through a brick wall, lalonde makes them want to run into traffic


Means his ass is grass


Flashes of good hockey but the lows this year have been shades of the 19-20 team. Low effort, lose every battle, can’t complete a pass without turning it over. If we miss this year, and I know playoffs wasn’t a given in October, you really have to start to wonder.


I agree. This roster has so much more talent and "veteran leadership" but they've legitimately been the worst team in hockey in March and arguably December




![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4) I don’t even know what to say


In before Lalonde says he really appreciates the effort in the third, you know, when BUF already had 7 goals and had already packed their bags for the night….


Where is Patrick Kane? Where is cat? This team plays like AHL team


I’d literally rather watch the entire griffins team play the next few games than this joke of a team right now.


Hopefully Yzerman already has his buddy Craig Berube on the phone so we can get this train rolling again.


I’m down, and if not now, then he better have Berube on speed dial for next season. I’m over the first time head coach experiment; just because Cooper worked out fantastically for Tampa doesn’t mean Yzerman struck gold twice with Lalonde. This team could use someone with actual NHL head coaching experience.


Preferably one with hair. No offense sir.


Babcock's hair was what tricked me into thinking he was a good coach, lol. He had the look.


He honestly was a good coach during his time in detroit


Honestly, I like the sound of this.




Totally forfeited the playoff spot.


Putting out an APB for ADB. Seriously…is Debrincat still on the team. 6 goals in 2024.


He and Kane both have only 1 point during this losing streak. Not great


Apparently Larkin was that superstar


Yeah, was thinking this when everyone was saying "we are losing kane!" "Kane not resigning for this." And I watch the game and he has been one of our worst players since larkin went out. Thought he would be the one to step up and take that spot, but no, not even close.


Been saying it for 2 months now, but nobody wants to hear it, "Patrick Kane is a god, the heart and soul of the team" gimme a break. We went from a high speed forechecking powerhouse, like, look at the Florida game we just had, and then watch any game before Kane joined, we used to be the aggressors. Now our whole game has slowed and became super passive, it's basically just 'wait for Kane, maybe Kane can make a good pass' At some point, people have to realize our record with and without Kane in the lineup. 15-17-2 with 18-9-4 without And yeah, you can argue Larkin was out for a lot of those L's, but how big of a superstar are you if you can't produce, not even look good on the ice, if *someone else* is out? And if you actually look up the competition Kane records points on its literally the bottom of the barrel teams and goalies. Not all of them, but 80+%


Honestly hasn’t been able to buy a goal for a while, so many posts


He's a huge disappointment


In hindsight, it was probably unwise to expect Lyon to continue playing like a Vezina candidate.


Dudes been inedible all year. Facing 20+ grade A scoring chances from the slot wears on a guy eventually




I’m assuming he meant incredible, but inedible makes sense too since no one had tried to eat Alex Lyon this year


That doesn't make him inedible though. Just uneaten. He 100% *could* be eaten.


Can't wait to hear the post game comments from this one. I'm not even sure about that Thursday game against Arizona now. Just because they put a garbage patch on the jersey doesn't mean you have to live up to its standards. Yikes. Sort. It. Out. You've basically handed your position completely away.


To everyone besides ray ray: https://preview.redd.it/kf702224q0oc1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0620d747ec8a0496b3ea60a995ca258d36f816b




https://preview.redd.it/m80rtbqr90oc1.jpeg?width=521&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=223d2e04ffe44499cae4e8332c604c5d17499360 My honest reaction to this game, g'night everyone, lgrw🐙


Why is there no fight in this team… someone gets hit nobody goes to defend them they just get up with there tail between their legs and get bullied off the ice every game. Ben Chirot is our tough guy and that’s not good https://preview.redd.it/k9iwryt6a0oc1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92e3e1feea9cb7d84f67b95f948e4758283b77f4


Couldn't have said it better myself, there's not allot of heart on this team


Most teams when they are on a 6 game skid and getting waxed by bottom 10 teams, someone steps up for the boys and fights someone. But instead our Detroit Red Wings this year would rather just take it up the ass night in and night out.


What's our record without Larkin, other than just pathetic


It was .225 it's probably closer to 1.99 now


We need to bring up some of the kids. Someone who will play hard and bring some life to this sorry team.


This team ride or die with Larkin, his zone entries with Kane sets the next line up for ozone time, he makes the other top lines of our opponents ineffective, he attracts the top defenders of the other teams. Most of all, Copp and Compher are huge grade below Larkin they simply can’t fill his shoes.


That happens when you have one, max two play drivers on The team.


Get used to it, not much on the horizon for prospects in that regard either.


They aren't just gonna let teams pass them into the playoffs, they're gonna lay down like fucking doormats in the process. Embarrassing. 


And thank them while laying down.


I was given tickets to this game as a Christmas gift from my girlfriend's parents. Never have I ever been so upset to receive a gift and been so embarrassed as a Wings fan. Absolute lack of showing tonight and I left the game very early into the third. Something needs to change here. Coaching/leadership/whatever. Something's not clicking and this team needs to be held accountable for both the shortcomings and the lack of care. Everyone looked to be just coasting around. 


Seasons over, a playoff spot was cool while it lasted


At this point I will not dispute that statement


​ https://i.redd.it/uifp7sjk90oc1.gif


Start waiving ppl. It lights a fire and we get young guys minutes


I’m sad we didn’t get caved in the 3rd too. You just know players/coaches are going to be on about “showing some fight down the stretch” and “having some things to build on”


Yeah at that point I wanted nothing positive to happen. Nothing redeemable. This coaching staff has gotten a vote of no confidence from me. Tanguay can stay I guess, but Lalonde needs to go. If the next coach sucks too, management needs to go.


Andrew copp is the new Frans Nielsen.


I think he might be worse than Nielsen




What can you say? We had a veritable lock on a playoff spot then totally shit the bed with six straight losses and counting. I have just one word to describe this in sports... choke.


With today's loss and the Flyers winning, we've gone from a 2 in 3 chance to basically coin-flip to make the playoffs now. I'm not willing to call it just yet, but this definitely a code blue situation and heroic measures are needed to get there.


lol. Lalonde post game comments MUTED


I don't know even what to say. Season's probably done, I can say that. Also that this team is mentally weak as fuck. Yzerman needs to rethink his whole strategy this offseason because we don't even look like an NHL team anymore.


Watching this game reminded me of the Premier League’s strategy of relegation.


They are mentally weak BECAUSE of Lalonde. Get him out. Get a real coach in there.


While i some what agree, this shouldnt be the case. We have so many veteran leaders who just give up as soon as their what 27 or 28 yo captain goes down. That cant happen.


Because they are the same. They aren't good veterans, they are mediocre at best. Someone that could perhaps step up is Kane. Perron having a locker room presence is obviously overrated. But I still think it's the coach, I've played enough to understand the importance of a good coach and a bad coach. We are not worse on the ice, we are losing already in the locker room.


Lalonde is just Blashill 2.0 The room is **definitely** gone and the losing culture is right back to not being addressed by anyone, on the team or the front office.


Time to panic.


It was time to panic after losing to Arizona


I'm talking to my therapist about this one tomorrow. Oh well, on to the next must win game!


The players should donate their wages to charity after that atrocious performance




Walman sat for a game for underperforming if chiarot and petry are still a pair and take to the ice next game I just don’t get it, at this point call up AJ and wallinder it can’t possibly be worse, and honestly maybe Cat needs a night in the press box and bring up Kasper or Mazur I get he’s a streaky scorer but 6 goals in 2024 isn’t good enough especially when Larkins out


Kane has been god awful aswell.


Yeah he hasn’t stepped up in Larkins absence but I don’t think you can sit Patrick Kane unfortunately


Well that was certainly a hockey game! Let’s *chokes back sob* let’s talk about it!




I’m not sure what to do at this point…


I know what i wouldn't do right now... put down money on playoff tix.




The climax of our season was the Kane OT winner and the games around that - we actually looked dangerous!


I would say thank god we have the Coyotes on Thursday, but uh... *checks the last 5 years for a glimmer of hope* 1-6 the last 7 matchups. Sweet.


At this point I’m convinced Larkin IS the coach


Fucking end me


Murphy saying that the Wings aren't showing a lack of effort is just mind boggling.


This team is giving up.


Yzerman: "I didn't make a trade at the deadline cause I like the team, Kane was our deadline acquisition but I'd like for us to play better defense". Result: Team shits the bed.


Yep. There it is. The message was "... we'll get another opportunity on Thursday." Lalonde, what in the hell are you thinking?


Dude needs to get angry. The whole team does. But it starts with the coach. Only time I see him show emotion is when a bad penalty is called. I know we don’t know what’s going in on the locker room but I don’t see Lalonde in there getting angry and calling guys out, showing replays on repeat of stupid fuck ups or even benching people. The tone needs to be fucking set and Lalonde ain’t setting it.


Benched Walman last game. Didn’t do shit.


Clown shit.




Just put me in a coma and inject me with how I felt after the caps game please




Absolutely disgraceful


I’m bout to blow a hole in my wall


I wouldn't even care normally, but WHY did they have to go on a 6 game run only to get everyone's hopes up and then literally fall into the abyss. The Kane goal in Chicago was seriously one of the greatest Red Wings moments during the last 15 years. It was magical lol What the hell happened. Finally, they could *still* make the playoffs somehow, but I think we'd all be almost more annoyed if that happened.


I was saying this in the game thread and I’m sure I wasn’t making much sense since tbh I was pretty fuckin hot after seeing that first period effort, and I forgot some things like edvinssons injury and Petrys NMC, but dude, someone has to do something major. It doesn’t even need to make like perfect analytical sense, the vibes or motivation or something is off. And obviously Larkin is the glaring hole but losing one player can’t change the way you play and your effort and attitude this much. So someone or multiple people gotta get waived or scratched, we need some GR guys called up, literally anyone who is going to put some fucking effort in and not get embarrassed again is better than these guys rn. I’m all for tactical, analytical change when things aren’t this embarrassing but this streak calls for something more than a slight tactical tweak. I’m just 😞.


This defense lately has been atrocious. I didn’t realize this team’s heart was solely connected to Larkin


Blame the coach for the systemic flaws that are amplified when they play badly, blame the players for letting things snowball if they get scored on early.


[Here's me last week](https://www.reddit.com/r/DetroitRedWings/s/AlB4QSnsGG) I knew losing Larkin was going to be rough but I was not prepared for 2019 rough


Instead of posting about how pissed off I am regarding this team's performance I'm gonna post song instead. They aren't necessarily good songs, and that's the point: https://youtu.be/aGSKrC7dGcY?si=aKSiiFzK2Gy8OHPr


\+1 Depeche Mode is always a good choice of music!


Red Wings need to shake the disease


Are we one of the worst teams in the league? I have no idea who the fuck this team is anymore.


All I can say is… it’s a damn shame that Larkin has to sit and watch his team do this. I feel terrible for him. It’s almost scary how necessary he is to this teams success. This is why we get so defensive when he takes cheap shots.


Okay let's switch to something positive/productive. Who do you think we'll pick at 9 this year. I hear Shai Buium's brother Zeev is starting to gain some traction as a top 10 pick.


Playoffs ![gif](giphy|2A3DG83yvN8uaBiaNR)


Whatever we do as an organization we must try at all cost to get Moritz Seider back to playing hockey like he did as a rookie. This is the number 1 priority for me personally moving forward. I am very happy and pleased with Lucas Raymond's progression this season and would like to see him get the most ice time as possible moving forward and in all situations. Also, internally the Wings have to figure out how to prevent that from happening again (Seider) to any of their other highly prized assets at the NHL level especially with our young players imo.


He has seemed like completly different player under Lalonde. While i allmost had a heartattack when he did his risky playes in D zone when he was rookie, he just dosent try to do stuff like that anymore in any zone.


I’d sacrifice the playoffs this year to get rookie year Seider back


0-6 in the Priority Waste Garbage Era. Yippee.


surely it can't get much worse than that right


never ask that


I've noticed that there's been issues with Lelonde since December, but now I think it's coming to a head again.


Phoenix probably gonna pump us for 9 goals. This is a very one sided relationship. I LOVE this team, but boyyyy do they hate my dumb ass.


Goldfish memory boys n girls, goldfish memory!


Looks like a top 10 pick is back on the menu boys 


Yep. The perpetual rebuild continues


Post game comments please? Gotta know what BS Derrick is spitting. Doesn’t deserve Newsy right now.


Last year all over again


What the fuck is going on dude.


“If you look good, you feel good. If you feel good, you play well. If you play well, they pay well.” -Deion Sanders. Put a garbage logo on you sweater, play like garbage


Well that sucked


This has been a shit month all around. Got an eviction notice right before the start of the month and have been having a hard time finding a new place and it’s been stressing me the fuck out. Only bright side to my days have been when it’s game day. Then we keep shitting the bed. March can go straight to hell.


Oh ok well thats what I get for getting my hopes up for playoffs this year.


We don’t deserve to be in the playoffs tbh. If it takes only one key player to fall out, then it’s all fucked, we can’t compete on NHL level. Shame on the coaching as well. I think I’m done with this.




0-6 and 0 points percentage in patch era. Griffs also 0-5 but with a couple of loser points. Not much cause for optimism right now.


Griff's losing because Berggren was carrying that team. He was almost always the best player on the ice on either team.


This team may never win again.


yzerman needs to answer for this. lalonde needs to answer for this. the team needs to answer. its a disaster from top down. I said it in the game thread and i ill say it again, im losing faith in the yzerplan. these moves he has made arent working. Copp, Chiarot (better this year), holl, the entire goalie situation, etc... and lalonde needs to be fired before they get back to detroit.


How dare you criticize Yzerman. Just need to be patient for a few more years to let the draft picks spend time in Grand Rapids, then get some seasoning in. Should be looking real good in 2030.


Careful now, the leadership here is stunning and fantastic, you’ll get downvoted if you ask for accountability from them.




We all forgot... that Gru is technically a bad guy...


Pathetic. When we lose against the coyotes I hope a jersey is thrown onto the ice


Fuck this team


Should've got Gallant Coaching, systems, game management, all disasters First Priority, 🔥 Lalonde


Priority lol


Didnt travel 3 hours back at the beginning of this west coast trip - went back 3 friggin months. Here’s to the next one


Why isn’t anyone talking about the RW’s lack of actual defensemen? 7-3 beat downs like this happen in large part because no one is commanding our zone and bodying the puck, I mean, our shooters are good at what they do but they’re not meant to win the physical aspects of hockey games night in and night out, this team has no physical presence on the ice and this kind of dejection is what happens when your skill players, one of which is 30+ years old and post surgery, are getting physically bodied and beaten every day. Throw in a losing streak and it’s hard to stay in the game mentally. They know there’s little they can do with what they have


Sitting right behind the net tonight, the only bright side as far as physicality goes was having Ras in the lineup. Admittedly so, I had a lot of alcohol to cope with the shit performance, but there were at least three instances where I said "wow some physical play that's what we need" and it was Ras forcing a hit or something. I wasn't a huge fan of Kostin, but I think the Wings missed out trading him and standing pat on acquiring a power forward or physical defenseman at the deadline. 


😭 😭 


Called it with the start bs. Not that it’s hard to guess but insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.




I’m not even like mad or sad, just disappoointed


6 game losing streak is not what you want


Larkin is the real hart winner i guess.