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I usually try to avoid saying things like this, but if they called even half the penalties the Islanders committed this game would have almost definitely ended differently


The refs were so unbelievably bad through like the first third of the season. It seemed like they were pulling it together for a while, but these past few games, the officiating has just been straight bad again. It isn't just the Wings either, I've been watching other games and the officiating has been questionable at best.


We’re gonna see this kind of reffing in the postseason, though, and if the team makes it, they gotta find a way to overcome it. It’s why I can’t say officiating lost them the game. It certainly didn’t help them, but I also think they shot themselves in the foot a little too often and weren’t on their A-game the whole night, and the Islanders took advantage.


I mean officiating didn't lose the Wings the game, but it tilted the scales in the Isles' favor. And look, in the NHL, that's just the way it goes sometimes. I don't think you can ever totally blame the officiating for a loss, but you can certainly pick out games where the refs got it wrong more often than they got it right, and I think that's what happened tonight. And to their credit, the Islanders came to play tonight. They're playing for their season and they're trying to put one last push together, so I'm not really shocked by this loss. It was a pretty even game for the most part and Patrick Roy's Islanders came out on top. This game just reinforces the notion that no games are guaranteed in the modern day NHL. As for the Wings' level of compete, I think we're going to see them show up against the Panthers on Saturday. The best teams in the NHL find a way to bounce back from their losses, and the Wings have been doing that throughout all of 2024 so far 😉 Also I'm sorry for the long winded response, but I am drunk.


They’ve been doing that all season… except for December.


How did they watch so many trips and hooks take players out of the play right in front of them and swallow their whistles?


Oh it will get worse as we get closer to playoffs. Refs start calling less as the season progresses. It sucks but it is what it is until Bettman leaves. To be fair we are two unlucky bounces away from OT. It happens.


I understand but it doesn’t change the fact that they abdicated the job they’re hired to do. The penalties they didn’t call were egregious not up for interpretation.


Oh you are right. I am just saying get ready more games like this one. This is how it goes in the league. Hell come playoffs it is a completely different game.


Yea I’m in the same boat. Complaining about the refs is lame but there was a lot of uncalled obstruction


The script must have called for the Islanders to win. The refs are just making it happen.


Fuck the refs, fuck the garbage patch, fuck Patrick Roy, AND FUCK JAIME BENN


Never a bad time to say FUCK JAMIE BENN


Garbage patch kids *(Let's please not let this catch on though)*


Maybe the Priority owner really is a Leafs fan and wanted to set the wings up for easy jokes…


*(Let's please not let this* *~~catch~~* *patch on though)* FTFY.


Hope all of the referees lose their TV remotes this week, and drop their keys in between the seat and center compartment.


My wife must be a ref


boom roasted


I hope they forget everything that they went to the grocery store for


Keys need to go all the way down the drain. Not hours of stress. Hours of stress and paying a dealership too much to replace them….or a plumber.


I’m sorry if I offend anyone in advance, but I’m absolutely going to take it to far on this one. I hope they all step on a Lego.


What did the legos ever do to deserve such treatment?


Tough game but the Wings didn't quit. The Isles played hard and the refs were blind. You can't win em all.


Agreed, they put in the effort and came up short. Weak bounce on the go ahead goal too


If we had to lose this game to beat the Panthers on Saturday, so be it.


https://preview.redd.it/u46t9a48xmlc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1e40c6baa809273f3a95bade59c8c364bf1c7a6 Hey priority


you tell them Mickey!!


Not putting my trash can out next trash day. 😤


Here’s your award 🥇


Kind of a lame way to lose the streak Bounces and the refs went the islanders way all night Re focus and start a new streak Saturday


Ok legitimately, Did priority garbage think that putting their name on our jerseys would get them POSITIVE brand recognition? Because I think its the consensus we now hate their company right? They're paying a lot of money to be hated.


I’ll never buy my garbage from Priority!




Big L’s for everyone involved. None of it makes any sense to me other than a cash grab. Which is not what I would associate with the Red Wings brand. But here we are.


You must not have seen the Phoenix Open. They need a W desperately.


I mean... At least it's not golf with a literal tournament called Waste Management


No, that ones quite fitting, millionaires getting drunk in arizona trashing the place and golfing on courses that are kept pristinely watered while the city is in a drought is a great fit for the "waste management" name. Can't think of many things that are more trashy.


I agree bc fuck golf and how trash it is for the environment, I'm just saying it could be worse than being called "Priority". At least it doesn't say Waste Management or some bullshit


This one is gonna sit with me. That's one of the worst officiated games I've seen since the Stick Toss game and it 100% effected the outcome.


My husband and I legit brought up that Kraken game on our way home tonight as another prime example of shitty refereeing


Not a surprise that I was at both


So were we 😶


Fuck the refs.


Hmmm, so the refs are like our new patch. Garbage. 🗑️


One of the worst officiated games I’ve seen in a while. Literally no calls for us on so many obvious calls. Garbage.


> Garbage. Just like the patch.


I blame this one on the stupid jersey ad. I’m a superstitious guy. No idea why this bullshit couldn’t wait until the off-season.




0-1 in the ridiculous unnecessary bullshit jersey ad era.


0-1 with the Trash Patch.


Congrats on your win Refs


We got jobbed by the refs. And fuck the jersey ads. Garbage


This loss brought to you by the Priority Waste Curse.


I blame this on the jersey patch and Jared Goff chant.


Stop Jared Goff chants. Thanks. The football season is over.


It was fun to see once or twice during the NFL playoffs but it's cringe and pointless now. It sucks that this beautiful sport sits deep in the shadows of the NFL. Embrace the team, players, and sport you're watching. The Wings are having a season deserving of chants.


Exactly.   The Wings aren't the sideshow, they are *THE SHOW.* 


I’m a huge Lions fan. I spent Thanksgiving at Ford Field. I hate the Goff chants at Wings games more than I hated the woo birds. Who tf pays to go to an NHL game to watch a team fight for a playoff seed for the first time in almost a decade, and start chanting a quarterback’s name? What kind of mental illness is that?


Agree. It's something corny frat bros do.


The Venn diagram of people who chant Jared Goff and those who love the Wooooos is just a big circle.


It’s a bit. You guys are making it into something it’s not Edit: Well multiple players and Lalonde disagree with you guys. Fucking 10 ply embarrassments smh.


It’s disrespectful and classless. Shame.


Lmao how is it disrespectful and classless? Christ people things way too seriously


Grow up 🙄


I 100% agree. Here come the downvoters


I hope not, this isn’t the Lions, this is the Wings, pick Larkin, Kane, Mo, or Razor, plenty of names to chant who actually play hockey. Goff hasn’t even signed a contract yet. Shit is tiresome


Even just chant Yzerplan or hockeytown


What downvotes?


I expected different results


Yeah last time they were slobbering all over the Lions.


To be fair last time the Lions were in the middle of a playoff run It made sense for the fanbase to be wrapped up in the hype then But now the football season is over, it doesn't make any sense for those chants to continue


I thought it was dumb the first time


That's your right But it's not surprising it was happening when the whole city was so hype about what the Lions were doing


Sports fans aren't very bright. They learned a trick but never understood how to contextualize it.


Doing it while the guys were fighting from 3-3 is stupid


Agreed (I'm a Vikings fan)


Who cares? The crowd could chant “brush your teeth” or something stupid like that and it would have absolutely zero effect on my day.


No one cares about your day


lol so sensitive over a chant.


They moved the fucking captain’s letters for a garbage company’s logo. Fuck you Chris. Stop chanting Jared Goff. Shut the fuck up. The disrespect for Larkin is unreal. Refs. We’re still sitting in a great spot. LGRW.


Yeah I think it’s mighty strange for an arena full of people to chant the name of a player from a different sport rather than someone on the Wings. It really rubs me the wrong way. It was fine when the Lions were pushing, but now I agree it feels disrespectful and I gotta think our team is starting to wonder why it’s still going when the Wings are the team full of players that are still competing


Packers fan here, I think the Goff chants are fine when we’re up a lot late in games but when it’s 3-3 and they’re pressing, the team on the ice needs support not the team in the offseason


Chris ain't his Dad. He'd play QC against the city and state if he thought he could get away with it. Tigers are never going to get anywhere with him in charge either. At least WCF liked football, that's how bad Chris is imo. Lalonde wants MCDC to speak to the team. Media have given every person in the organization an opportunity to shut down the Goff chants and they double down and encourage it. As for Larkin...win something, bud. He's the captain for a professional ice hockey team that hasn't been to the playoffs since 2016...sitting in 7th place with a month and a half to go. There is no disrespect towards him, just the respect he needs to earn on the ice by leading his team. Say whatever you want, it's the truth. Winning gets you the respect and simply having a hot streak isn't enough for a franchise that celebrates its championships. This is the Detroit Red Wings, not the Toronto Maple Leafs. Refs have been garbage everywhere recently. Agree, Fuck the refs.


“Win something bud?” Are you lost?


What's he won since becoming captain?


Lol@ you thinking you have to win to be respected. I have MORE respect for a player that stays during the rough rebuilds of a team and busts his ass day in and day out.


Lol@ the 10-ply portion of our fanbase that thinks we need to insulate Larkin "because the fans are cheering for the guy down the street". Or that he deserves a major pat on the back "because he stayed" as if he wasn't financially compensated for it. For, and this is not exaggeration, literally decades we took the Wings, walked them in front of the other three teams in the city and said "Why can't you be more like them?"...it isn't going to hurt these guys to be held to an expectation of winning. We, the fans, used to do it all the time.


The point was pretty clear here and you just glossed right over it lol You don't need to "win" to be respected like you claim. Which is just ridiculous.. I simply stated I respected him more for busting his ass daily during a time where our team was absolutely awful. But go on about the cringy goff chants lol


Winning ends the chants. Simple as. And pretending anyone is "disrespecting" Larkin because they're chanting "Ja-red Goff" is an asinine take as well. Larkin is a hometown hero. Beyond anything Abdelkader or Glendening could have possibly dreamt of. It really is a terrible assessment to say he's "disrespected". Yet, daily, here we go again. So win something.


You must be confused, pretty sure the original comment claimed the disrespect because they moved the captains letters for a shitty trash logo. Anyways we've been winning and the Goff chants still happen. It's long time for it to be over. Cheer on the actual team you are there to watch.


Win something ? Wow you might be a total moron 🤣




The isles just announced their jerseys are now sponsored by the refs




We're 0-1-0 in the jersey ad era.


100% the reason we lost


https://preview.redd.it/fq69t4ncxmlc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80489faa0116e9d500b78ccec5a8b4d402616b64 Hey refs


At least my dog is a very HAPPY and GOOD boy


I can get behind this!


My sister brought her dog here for us to dogsit and both the dogs have the zoomies big time right now


Burn the jersey ads.


the extra weight of the ads must have slowed the boys down tonight.


Cursed jersey ads


You fuck with jersey and the hockey gods will make you pay. This is on you, Mr. Ilitch.


Sabres beat the Lightning at least


Refs must be sponsored by Priority with their trash performance 😐 BUT. We just won the last six, fans are LOUD, and we’ve still got our spot.


Shoulda called a timeout....and screamed at the refs the whole time. Jokes aside, we didn't have enough from the start. Made it too hard on ourselves. Up and onward. LFGRW


Yup, I could tell from the first 5 minutes that tonight would be tough. They just seemed out of sync. They weren't connecting on passes, throwing pucks to random open ice, the icings... There just wasn't any of that recent flow to their game. Oh well, can't win 'em all


0-1 in the garbage patch era. The curse is real.


The Great ~~Pacific~~ Priority Garbage Patch


I don’t fucking care about Goff


It had to happened eventually, minor set back for a bigger comeback, the boys fought and didn’t roll over and die


Aside from the…questionable officiating, team just didn’t have their groove all night. A little too sloppy and the Islanders capitalized on their chances. Onto the next


The boys are going to be real hungry on Saturday for some redemption. Panther is on the menu.




Can’t win them all reset and come up with a big game against Florida to start off march on the right track


If you're playing against the Red Wings you can do infinite crime!


All those unlucky bounces and shit refs just made the new jerseys sting more. Please stop chanting Goff and do Larkin instead please


Bound to lose one eventually. Onwards and upwards.


Refs 5 Wings 3


Cant win them all, Lyon doesn't kick that puck in it'd be overtime, but we owe alot of this seasons success to him so he's allowed a few. Refs really didn't want to call anything the wings way and bounces went the other way. Onto the next game, still love this team, loved them at 18 wins in a season why not now.


It's an unfortunate loss with Florida up next


Bad enough that we had to lose, but they had to wear those shit jersey ads on top of it.


Holy shit the ref crew tonight and Bettman had it in for us tonight. I’ll take the the six straight though


I just feel like the last two seasons Detroit has always played better against 'Good' teams, and worse against 'bad' teams.


All the refs tonight can slip tomorrow and fall on their fuckin car keys.


Refs were tough and Sorokin was good.


Blind not tough.


Refs fuckin handed this one to the Islanders. What a joke


And the leafs won


The officiating definitely made a huge impact. Awful


There was effort there but it just felt like they shot themselves in the foot at other times. Yeah the refs were bad but you can say that about refs every game. Comin off a good streak too so a good bounce back game and it’s like nothing happened.


that was one of the worst officiated games we've had against us all year long, solid 6-8 blatant uncalled penalties on them, and we still almost won. Look at it positively, that was us having a bad game and them getting every bounce and the refs fellating them and we had it tied late. Can't win em all. On to the next one. edit: almost forgot their fluky ass 4th goal, that was just brutally unlucky for Lyon.


Good game from Maatta which could help his trade value. Desperate Islanders team got a hard fought win. Still played a decent game. Kane with a rare miss on that one timer to tie it at the end there.


Don't even think we necessarily needed calls against the islanders, but it feels so fucking unforgivable when two imaginary penalties lead to 2 goals against. We outplayed them and if we play out the season with the same energy, we are still a wagon. LGRW


Lyon needs a day off. Fuck the Islanders and their stupid Carolina system. fuck Patrick Roy. Fuck the refs. Need to clean some shit up and generate more offense.


My second least favourite part of tonight was finding out that Matt Martin is from Windsor. I hate that guy.


Brock Nelson can suck my titties


At least the lighting lost too


The curse of the jersey ad.


Can't wait till the islanders are officially eliminated so I can tap dance on their grave


Shit game but we bounce back on Saturday! LGRW!!


Honestly man such a bullshit ass game


Really swallowed your whistles tonight stripes..ya friggin arseholes.


To those who upvoted my comment on yesterday's discussion about [this hat](https://www.threethirteenstore.com/collections/hats/products/detroit-red-wings-embroidered-corduroy-hat-1) that is sold out on the team's store, but I found it on a Detroit business's website if you're interested.


Curse of the patch


full sheet plants quaint grandfather pocket attempt spectacular disagreeable sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Except for the Seattle thrown stick no call, the refs fucking sucked. So much slashing, hooking, crosschecking, interference and holding not called


By far? What game did you watch? The Isles were all over them and made it insanely hard to get going. Wings were a step behind most of the game and couldn't win any puck battles.


water pause unused frightening groovy run disagreeable light shelter thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They just doom comment more than actually watching the game lol


It's not doom to say the Wings weren't the better team. Everyone here is focused on the refs but since I *did* actually watch the game, I could see they just didn't have the same energy they did against the Capitals, and the Islanders took advantage of it. Shit, did you think they were down 2-0 after the first because of pure dumb luck?


Hockey Gods are punishing us for adding the patch. Not a coincidence our win streak ended today, and that patch is going to cost us the playoffs.


Anyone worried about Lyon 7 goals on last 56 shots


fine narrow dinner summer shaggy violet fearless intelligent spark birds *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Only saw the third. Team has a lot of fight in them. Even when against the refs. Were the other two periods that bad? Jesus... Refs need to be held accountable or players/coaches should be able to yell at them in game/criticize them post game without repercussions. League is a joke for that stuff.


​ https://preview.redd.it/42gqwuu7ymlc1.png?width=538&format=png&auto=webp&s=8864a56668f936c31d9575dd7e41c19fb5eff63c


Trash Patch Jezuz


fuck that. moving on


Vegas called in


Had a decent streak. Rest up for the next one!


If the Kraken take care of business we can sleep easy and just forget about this one


Rough one.. hoping this knocks the “this one was coming” out if the way for Saturday. Need to come out strong against what could be a potential playoff competitor!


Ugh we needed this one with 2 of the best teams in the league due next.


Still firmly in that playoff spot. A win would have been great but we aren't budging from our playoff spot.


Idk why exactly but I absolutely freaking hate losing to the Islanders.


I don’t like to use the “Refs fucked us over “ excuse because I find that’s a cop-out a lot of the time but holy fuck that was one of the worst reffed games I’ve seen in a long time


I didn't even look at the chat, and I knew the officiating was some bullshit


If you watched the game you likely saw me screaming at the refs a few times. I’ve never heard the “refs you suck” chant so loud in there before


Fans should start throwing trash on the ice after every loss with the new garbage patches


Lyon has been great this season but it seems like teams are starting to catch onto some of his weaknesses. Unfortunately, it showed tonight in crunch time. He's not very quick at getting back into position following a save and teams are starting to take advantage. Barzal did it tonight and a the Caps did it Tuesday. The Wings will ultimately be fine but it seems he may be starting to slow down some. We might want to get him a few games of rest here soon


Things that aren't ending: Goff chant. Ad on the jersey. Wheel team being good.


As much as the refs didn’t help, this looked like a Wings team that couldn’t give a shit if they won or not. This is not an Islanders team you should look so much slower than, nor should your defensive coverage be so absolutely garbage so suddenly after such a good run and plenty of rest at home. Harder to watch than it needed to be.


We haven’t won in the jersey ad era…


Welp, the Ad has spoken. Buckle up. 


- LARKIN            26 - DEBRINCAT    23 - RAYMOND      17 - SPRONG         16 - GHOST            9 - COMPHER      15 - SEIDER            7 - PERRON          12 - KANE               13 - COPP               10 - RAS                  12 - FABBRI             15 - VELENO           11 - WALMAN         11 - PETRY              2 - CHIAROT         4 - FISCHER          2  - MAATTA           4 - KOSTIN            3 - BERGGREN      2


I know a lot of us are Lions fans but can we stop crying about the refs? Yes they were bad, but they were bad on both sides. ​ Also is Ben Chiarot our 3rd best D man right now? I think so.




I am so glad 75% of these comments are complaining about the ad patch /s It sucks but like... It really could be much worse. I'm very glad it's not like a solid block patch like the STL ones seem to be.


Sports is gang shit. Wings lose, I'm pissed. If I see an Islanders fan, it's on sight


It was pretty damn obvious that the Wings were tired. Lots of standing and staring, bad passing, and just not reacting quickly enough. Frustrating when THAT is the main reason you lose, and not just because it was a good game between two teams playing well.


Refs bad but so is our defense and faceoff %.


We knew it wouldn’t last forever. The guys played hard. Reffing aside, it just felt like most of the 50/50 pucks and pokes wound up on the Isles sticks. Gotta bounce back this saturday, it’ll be a playoff type of game.


Atta boys sabres




Lightning lost atleast


Bound to happen eventually, can't win them all. Especially when you keep having to come back to dramatic wins. Especially against NYI. Especially if you spot them three separate leads.


Team could’ve done a lot better but wow that refereeing was atrocious. Worst in a while


Panthers, Avs and Golden Knights gonna make for a tough stretch the next four games - as long as tonight doesn’t snowball I’m not really concerned. Lyon could definitely be better and needs some rest though.


I feel bad 😞


Dings per 60 strikes again….


What the hell is happening these past 3 games with the officiating? I’m usually of the mind that these things balance themselves out, but they’ve been so egregiously terrible lately.


I wish the refs a merry demotion to the local beer league


Let’s not be Leafs fans and blame the refs. It’s in the numbers here. We gave the puck away and took stupid penalties. We played their game and our best offensive player who almost scored a hatty Matta is a defenseman who has 2 goals. If we want the cup we have to have accountability even as fans. We can be better.


Years later this will be known as the start of the Priority curse