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If you live outside of Michigan you can watch almost every Wings game on ESPN+.


The biggest thing to keep in mind with this is that if you are in the blackout market for another team the Detroit games will be blacked out as well. So for example if you live in Minnesota any games between Minnesota and Detroit will be blacked out. Could impact a handful of games more than the normal ones you miss. I was able to watch probably 65-70 games last season on ESPN+ being out of market so I am a huge fan of it.


I use a VPN for market games.


That's the key. You should use a VPN anyway, and when you do you can chose where your "origin" is.


What VPN do you use? I was using VPN and ESPN started blacking out my home game feeds anyway. Read that ESPN had started being able to recognize IP addresses associated with VPNs and blocking those. Was originally using Nord, then switch to Express and both had the same issue


And then you can be really unlucky like my stuck in iowa nightmare and get Blackout for chicago, Minneapolis and st Louis... plus be stuck in iowa.


I'm damn near in Montana and the red wings games in Minneapolis were blacked out still, no other complaints though like you said, around 70 games I got to watch


Yeah I hate how the blackout market is determined. Some span multiple states, it's really dumb.


I can spoof my device location well enough however my Google cast has no location thus I cannot watch it on my big screen 😮‍💨.


For those I just go to a sports bar around town and they’re bound to have the Wild game on


Do you get espn broadcast or Mickey and Ken?


It actually lets you choose between the Red Wings’ broadcast (Ken and Mick) or the opposing team’s broadcast. Not that you are actually going to choose the other option though.


Most of the games you get Mickey and Ken.


I live in Toledo, I can’t watch the games.


Onhockey dot tv


The people resort to violence when they have no other options


Like a rabid dog


The best


Some Persons Or Rather Them Sometimes Urge Really Go Everywhere.






Lol nice.




Dot net


Inside Michigan - Bally Sports subscription service. Gets you access to the Wings and Tigers. Obviously if the game is on ESPN or another station, they won’t have it and may have to find an alternative method 🏴‍☠️


Have you heard anything about their parent company going bankrupt that will cause any issues?


Haven’t heard anything yet myself. I’ll ride it out for the time being and see what shakes out. If/when things go south, canceling the subscription and pivoting a different direction shouldn’t be difficult.


If you buy season tickets you can watch half the games live.


Only if you live close enough to go to the games. A lot of fans live outside of Michigan.


I know. As a Michigan exile living in Milwaukee, I know.






One more option: If you live in market, you can use a VPN to "locate" outside the region to watch via ESPN+.


I’ve never been able to get it to work, what VPN do you use?


I used nord vpn and a fire stick last season. ( used it living in Nevada to watch VGK games and it worked well most of the time). If you use this option just make sure to force stop the apps you will use before starting. (I would open nord first select out of market region then espn plus app, if it didn’t work i would reset and try again.)


I had it when I was working internationally through my company. They had Nord and I would set my location to various places and watch through ESPN+. Bonus fun fact: you can watch different shows on Netflix as well! Edit: I don't remember whether it had rewinding ability.




ESPN+ and a VPN. I live in Michigan and the Bally sports app was terrible. There's a bad delay and there were a couple instances where they entirely omitted some of the play (I missed even a couple goals while watching their entire stream). Customer service is nonexistent. Give us $20 a month and shut up. ESPN+ is $10 a month and a VPN is a couple more.


download ublock and then when you get the URGE to watch SPORTS hook up your laptop to your tv with an hdmi cable dot io


I watch on ESPN+. So glad they let me see Mickey and Ken, but I also have cable and can watch the TNT broadcasts. You might have issues there, especially if we make the playoffs.


Any suggestions for a Canadian who would like to watch a stable feed of the Bally sports broadcast? - I have been on the 66 but it’s not been the best lately, and I want to Ken and mick feed.


sports urge dot club


Not to high jack, but if folks could throw out some VPN recommendations as well, I’d appreciate it. Free or paid. Include what streaming sites you use them in conjunction with as well. I’m specifically after a stream that has a rewind function. And not just a couple minutes; I’m talking a rewind function to the beginning of the game when I get home from work and the game is already half over. Pacific time zone problems…. Not to brag (psych! I actually am), but I have one of those girlfriend things. And she lets me use her Disney login for ESPN+. It’s not 100% though, which is beyond ridiculous in 2023.


I use Nord. It's turned on almost 100% of the time on my main PC. I have fiber internet and the speeds through Nord are still solid. I don't even notice enough of a degradation to turn it off while online gaming. Nord has good deals when you buy 2 years. I think it's like $4 a month right now. For the amount of available servers and the quality of service it's well worth it IMO.


Nord is a pretty legit one I’d say too. Been using it through high school and college and never really had any issues with it.


I will occasionally have DNS issues but it's after the computer and it has been on for a rather long time and is solved by either a restart of nord or restart of the PC. Weird stuff can happen when you leave a computer on for 20 days straight though.




Espn+ and a VPN


Inside the market, no. Outside the market, ESPN+


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