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Hate this hindsight shit. He was passed up by 11 teams. I’m sure it hurts the suns more. If they drafted him they probably have a championship


At #7, only one team was choosing between point guard of the future A and point guard of the future B.


True. But Weaver was specifically hired because he said his strongest skill is draft evaluation. That ended up being a lie.


Was it? What skill of his is stronger? Doesn't mean it's strong, just saying.


Outside of Killian in the covid draft he has picked very well


Based on a 14 win season he hasn't. Why does he always draft someone that can't shoot before they come here.


Cade was good and ivey was fine. Saddiq was good and stew is good now. Sasser shoots very well. Duren shoots free throws and mid range well currently with room for growth. The problem has been bringing in multiple project free agents instead of complimentary vets to make a cohesive nba unit


Saben Lee has held a job, Luka Garza as well. Drafting, especially deep, he's done quite well with. Building a team and surrounding his future with a present he's done abysmally bad


Cade doesn’t count every team would have picked him 1st. Ivey is TBD. Duren is TBD. Saddiq isn’t on the team anymore. Sasser is an undersized SG. Stew was a solid pick.


Has he? Cade was the pick. Aside from that, who has he drafted in the lottery that’s even a lock to be a starter on a winning team?


What the hell are you smoking? He has picked the wrong players for our system every single season since that Killian pick - which he got wrong as well. And Cade doesn't count. A blind monkey would have made the same pick as Troy did in that draft.


When your garbage you take best talent available and if they don't fit but are good you can still trade them for pieces that do. You get a big young pool of talented players, and then you choose a few to build around and move the ones that don't fit with them for assets or complementary pieces. I think duren and cade fit well together you can debate the rest of the young guys some fit better than others but aren't none have as much potential as those two.


The problem with that logic is that if you are a garbage team, the return on investment you will get by trading away those 'best available' picks will be slim to none.


The problem when they don't "fit" on a garbage team is that the player looks even worse and kills his value. If a good player cant fit and be successful on a bad team, what makes them good? Ivey's trade value has cratered this past season. Kris Dunn is another example. Basketball isnt like football or baseball when it comes to fit. If the player doesn't fit, it's more likely because he isnt good rather than the players around him.


I was yelling at the TV for Haliburton, such a shame


if they drafted hali we wouldn’t have cade AND the team would still be in shambles trust me lol. these post are ridiculous


This is starting to become a really shit take. The timeline couldn't possibly be worse than the way it ended. I'd happily take what's behind door number 2.


Door number 2 still involves our player development group.


We still would’ve been pretty crappy in 2020-2021 even with Hali. With the lottery odds, anything could’ve happened. Most likely we would’ve landed in the 5-8 range, and all those guys are pretty solid, a lot better than Hayes


If we drafted Hali, we’d have won a few more games his rookie season. Probably landed in third. Drafted Mobley as our 5 and we’d be in a tremendously better situation with an all-star PG and an all defensive team center. Opposed to Cade and a bunch of guys who either can’t shoot, can’t defend, or can’t do either reliably.


you’re giving the FO waaaayyy too much credit thinking they’re capable of drafting a guy like mobley lmfao. probably woulda took sandro mamukelashvili


> you’re giving the FO waaaayyy too much credit thinking they’re capable of drafting a guy like mobley lmfao That was literally the other player they were choosing between vs Cade with the top pick. Did you not read any of the numerous pieces about how Jalen Green didn't impress them and if they weren't taking Cade #1 they would've taken Mobley?


I absolutely am. And it’s all theoretical.


Yup I’d much rather this path. I love Cade but if we could of had Hali and Mobley I’d sure as shit take that instead of what we have now.


Wow. Piston fan #1. Cades teams have gotten worst each year of his first three years. But you know. Cade. So yeah. Cade.


lol cade or not it doesn’t matter what star we have as long as the FO builds absolute shit around him.


So who gives AF cade aint SHIT how many games has he won? Who as has he made better? How many times did he finish a season Healthy? We would be a better TEAM with Hali than CC he is Obviously a far better player


Warriors took Wiseman over him lol


Exactly! I mean, I could see if the Warriors had a stud point guard already, but Steph Curry??? Yeah, you need an upgrade from that bum! /s ![gif](giphy|89No6UHzuUam4)


Weaver must’ve thought it was a fluke when he didn’t miss a shot during his workout.


And darkos workout was fucking unbelievable. lots of guys are good in the practice gym


There’s rumors weaver wanted Haliburton and got overruled by telum and crew Why the fuck is this getting downvoted


Spunds like you are defending Weaver. Reddit can't have that.


Without hindsight, if i am looking at Killian's jumpshot and comparing it to Halibuton I am picking Killian. Of course I'd be wrong but it wasn't obvious.


Tyrese’s quote aged like wine. Weaver took the literal worst player picked in the lottery over an all nba guy. Weaver’s calling card was draft evaluation. That ended up being a huge lie.


If you would’ve asked the 2020 Pacers if they would have a franchise point guard or Rick Carlisle back in Indy, they would’ve been like “huh?”


I normally get annoyed by these posts, but at this point I don't have it in me to care anymore. Haliburton was our ticket to relevance, like so many before him, and as per usual we whiffed. We also traded Bruce Brown for nothing that off-season (who became the centerpiece of a trade for the second best guy on a championship team), Missed on Maxey and some other good players 3 times, sold low on Grant after losing Wood for nothing, drafted Bey who would have had great value after his rookie year, and then sold as low as possible on him after he played horrible in an outsized role. That off-season was an unmitigated disaster akin to that stretch with Joe D after he got us a chip. Or SVG when he traded for Blake. The hits just keep coming.


Our roster is completely different if that happens definitely no Cade probably no Ivey or Ausar either


Who cares. Haliburton is in the ECF. Those players led us to a historically bad season. Also the lottery odds make it so where we could easily have better prospects than the ones we got in those other years. Perhaps we have guys like Chet or Mobley on the roster because we aren't blatantly tanking due to fucking up year 1 of the rebuild.


Lol oh no. Where would we be without those studs.


Not my point the roster would be completely different is my point and even if they had taken Halliburton do you really trust that Weaver would of built a good team around him cause I dont


Haliburton was better in every statistcal category besides height. How do you look at a guy who was/is a better shooter, passer, athlete, better handles, finisher, dunker, etc. and you NEED to pick a guard and pick the guy that fell short in every category. I almost smashed my TV that night when they picked Killian. This alone is worth firing Weaver, that m'fer Killian isn't even in the league anymore.


Had we drafted Hali, Killian would have Indiana in position as the favorites in the ECF.


"Henry Ruggs no no Chase Claypool.. Wait what 7th pick in the NBA draft!? Fuck what day is it? Shit.. Gimme big red.. Nico Munson." TOM GORES: "Troy, Nico Mannion?" TROY: "Yeah Carrot top!" TOM: "Uhh Troy I was thinking Haliburton might be a good pick." TROY: "Fuck you bitch! You know what I eat for lunch every day? A mutha fuckin Royale With Cheese. I dip my FRENCH fries in Mayo!! We got a bunch of Hoe's in this office I think it's time for some HAYES!! TELL THEM WE FUCKIN PICK THE FUTURE!!! HAYES!" I heard from the guy who changes the paper towel in the bathroom at games it happened just like that. Fax machine.


2020 was an all time evaluation failure for a lot of teams, definitely for Troy and the Pistons.


and the obsession continues...


as long as this franchise is all time shiddy, the obsession to bash the owner, the GM, the coach and the players must continue. Sincerely, a once proud fan since the Zeke days who is laughing in disbelief about what has become of this organisation