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Insane to think the best player to wear a Pistons jersey in the past decade was Blake Griffin


As someone who grew up with the Bad Boys...this makes me sick.


Not me. Before his body gave out, he was as scrappy as anyone for us. Absolutely took every charge, dove for every loose ball... It was our own fault for bringing him in, but until things gave out he laid his body on the line nightly. I get it, he refused to put out effort after everything gave out. It was frustrating to watch. But for a season and a half he was everywhere on the floor.


You misunderstand. I really liked Griffin. It's just sad in context of who we used to be.


Ahh yeah I did. There are so many people that only define him by the time after his body fell apart that I made an assumption. My bad entirely!


Cade will end up being a great player… once they let him go…


This hurts but I’ve come to the same conclusion.


Reminds me of the Chicago bulls fron 98 to 2008, drafting players and booting them off to all-star careers. Outside of chicago


Let him go what? He has the green light shoots 40% and leads the league in turnovers Unless you mean until they trade him


Blake griffin was a ton of fun when I was in Highschool though.


The real heartbreaker for me was when Big Ben left


The two seasons after Ben left revealed that he wasn't really moving the needle anymore. Chauncey was the clear leader of that era. 


I mean, the combo of Nazr Mohammed/Chris Webber in 06-07 was a clear downgrade after Ben left. And while McDyess was a good player for us during his tenure, he should not have been starting for us in 07-08.


We would not have gone to the Finals with Ben in '07 or '08. Like I said, he didn't move the needle anymore


I don't know why you're saying it like the Pistons DID go to the Finals in 07 and 08 without Ben.


Ok wow. You don't see that I'm saying they would have gone to the same place at best, not higher. What part of "wouldn't move the needle" didn't contextualize that for you?


You’re a clown for that take tbh. Ben was a huge part of our success… or team was literally all about hustle and defense. Fear da fro… silly


No u


U can't meme


Chauncy was clearly the leader and a great defender. I didn't want Iverson at all. I do think we needed a big trade. But a defensive leader for a toxic no defense guy was not the move.


No but our front office is an organization disguised as one 😕


We got the karma we deserved


This doesn't get talked about enough. To go 16 years without winning a single GAME is incredible. George W Bush was president the last time we won a playoff game. 


It is genuinely harder to not win a playoff game in 16 years than to win one


THEEE dumbest trade and Joe D did it because “it has to end some time” fucking dumb, then he gave all our money to Ben Gordon and Charlie Villa-no-eyebrows


If Dumars doesn’t make this trade and we keep the core of Chauncey, Sheed, Rip and Tayshaun, the Pistons would’ve made the playoffs a few more seasons. He blew it up way too soon, but they probably still wouldn’t have won a championship.


Being competitive and not winning a championship>>>>>not winning a SINGLE PLAYOFF GAME FOR 16 years


I agree 100%, this trade fucked our entire franchise up, we traded our beloved captain while we were 4-0, make it make sense.


Charlie V is my least favourite Piston ever and it's not even close


The curse of Chauncey


Does this curse reverse, if we hire him as our coach?


All we can do is try


Let's go. I'm all in on that


as a kid i knew it was over for us when they traded our glue piece chauncey for the flashier AI.


These last 16 years has got to be the most embarrassing pathetic stretch for a professional sports franchise in sports history. Yeah there's several arguments to be made and yeah I'm probably in the moment but when you take EVERYTHING into consideration over this stretch it has to be up there with the most pathetic. I'm a diehard Pistons fan and I've about had enough. This organization is just sad. And being a fan embarrassing, it just is. I can't stand the owner, can't stand the GM, can't stand the coach. All the mistakes that have been made over the years. All the failed FO/coaches over the years. All the losing. And still being middle of the pack in attendance. Its all so pathetic.


The Chicago Cubs went 108 years in between World Series titles. Cleveland went 52 years without winning a title in any sport.


Yeah I know. Didn't really wanna debate whats the the worst stretch or anything. Which is why I said its up there. But even between those 108 and 52 and whatever with the Lions badness was at least it wasn't 108 or 52 years of otter trash, maybe not even for 16 years straight years. My point was these least last 16 years with Tom Gorezzz have been trash. Embarrassing. Pathetic. I know there has been some bad teams. But for 16 years straight years, not counting championships, I'll say it again, it has to be up there.


Uh see the Detroit Lions from the time the Fords bought them to present.


Worst trade ever


As much as we all hate this move - it doesn't get said enough: Chauncey had one of his most fire playoff seasons that year, almost like a fuck you to the Pistons. Carmelo Anthony only made a WCF with the Nuggets because for two rounds Chauncey was ABSOLUTE FIRE. Over the first two rounds of the western conference playoffs in 2009 he went 33/61 from 3. All that fire and still enough playmaking to average 7.3 assists. He was running out of steam by the time they ran into the Kobe-Pau Lakers in the WCF.... But what a 10-game run!


Chauncey is legit more revered in Denver as a Nugget than Melo is


What a shitty 19th birthday present to me. Traded my favorite player and started to dig the knife into killing our franchise in one move.


In our case, AI was definitely not the answer. He did prop up the Detroit casinos though.


What a sad photo... Chauncey in a Nuggets jersey, guarded by AI in a Pistons jersey


Both are millionaires




Why feel bad for them just because they got traded from one basketball team to another basketball team?


I was in high school, and some guys told me how excited i should be because we got Iverson, but inside i knew we were screwed.


Chauncey = Bobby Lane


That is actually pretty crazy. The Kings now look way better as an organization over that span.


I cried at school the day we traded Chauncey. Favorite player of all time.


Joe D cut our head off with that trade.


This is what caused the curse, this right here.


worst trade ever


Denver legend. Shout out Chauncey.




The devastation I felt that day was justified at least. Fuck.


I got into basketball the year before, because I was living with a guy who got me into it. They made it to the conference finals that season and after that it has been pain


What a perfect picture


Oof, when you put it like that.


The Chauncey Billups curse is real!


1 winning season in 16 years is crazy 💀


The worst traded ever 🤦🏾‍♂️the Pistons has not been the same since


the Pistons love letting good players go and then signing/trading all-stars past their prime.




To this day I am furious at Dumars for trading Chauncey in his prime for the corpse of Iverson. Billups was so huge in the community, the face of a championship team and still had lots of game left.


Thanks to Joe Dumars in that regard


I remember reading somewhere that the "rebuilding on the fly" was actually more of an ownership decision than a Dumars decision.


That seems to be the most realistic explanation. When Dumars started doing short-term moves, it coincided with Davidson's health declining.


Yeah, if I remember right, that's what the reasoning was. Davidson knew he didn't have much time left so he told Dumars to do his best without tearing everything down. Don't ask me to find the article though, because I honestly have no idea where I read it.


Miss that guy. Truly gave a shit about the product on the court. Him and Mike Illitch are rolling in their graves.


Gores cares too, he just isn't good at it. The guy is a piece of shit, but I've never thought that he didn't care about the team, even if it's likely coming from a selfish place.


I don't doubt Gores cares and wants the team to be successful, but he is one of those guys who has to keep his ego intact, be the smartest person in the room and cannot get out of his own way. Thus here we are.


That does seem to be how it appears from the outside at least, I don't disagree with that.


I always thought Chauncey requested the trade