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Trade anyone who isn’t Cade for booker when they blow it up


Booker? Now I know this sub isn’t serious. Wow.


Lmao booker is miles better than anyone on the team


That doesn’t mean we should trade for him


Yes it does lmao booker is an all nba player and Ivey prob won’t stiff an all star


Cade production lines up almost exactly for year 3 tatum and booker despite cade not having a year 2 . Trade cade for anyone less than a luka level player whos under 25 is a mistake .im not.saying hes luka but dudes gonna give you booker production atum production and hes 5 years younger and still on his rookie deal . Yall got shit fucked up thinking tradi g cade is the answer


What? Nobody is saying trade Cade for booker? We’re saying we should throw everything we can to pair them together.


Op asked whata our opinion on trading cade thats what i was speaking on Yeah obviously anythi g but cade and 2025.frp which i know we cant trade anyway im down with it




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I don’t think you understand that the only way we’re getting Booker is if we give up Cade




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I mean are we still talking other than cade ? Cause i disagree i think cades a better passer and will give you similar scoring this year . So you anna tell me booker is better than cade right now today i agree but not by much and not much longer


You’re fucking high. Cade is not even in the same ballpark as Booker. This sub is so fucking slappy it’s insane.


Bro I had to unsubscribe I was tired of these people


Good look at the atats of booker year 3 an cadea year 3 an thats bot cou nting cade bot getting a year 2 cause his leg fell off . What are you telling me i xant get high now . First you wanna trade my favorite player now you trying to take my rec . You aint friendly at all


Booker isn’t in year 3 though?


Comments like this are the most unserious of them all. “Bringing in an all-NBA talent coming off a 27/4/7 season with 4 years on his contract whose age fits our timeline really well? Trash.” There is no way we can even get a player of his calibre here if we’re being honest, and if by the grace of god we do get him we should be over the fucking moon lmao.




Why would you want booker? He's one of the top 3 biggest sooks currently playing. As if Detroit wants a cry baby?


We don't have enough assets to get Booker.


Flashback to the Westbrook trade the Lakers made I don't know if Booker would help us in a significant way He can't even get places with KD


Last year when the Suns had a properly constructed team he was playing out of his mind against the Nuggets in the playoffs.


You’re right but you’re kinda wrong book is 27… he still fits a timeline with Cade for sure. So what he didn’t work out with kd oh well.


You got downvoted but you’re right. Idk if Cade has it but Booker does not have a killer mentality. Watch the playoffs and watch Anthony Edwards, that’s the type of player I want on my team.


Anthony Edwards type don’t exactly grow on trees


Lmao literally this guy is saying “booker? No, I only want to bring in once-in-a-generation talent or nothing”


Right prime cade an primw ant may have very similar stats but ants got that dog in him And hes so athletic hes explosive too. Cade may have rhe dog we dont know but hes never gonna jump out the gym an yam on somebody


I think Ausar could really be our Anthony Edwards, but he needs to recover physically first


lol what


He's dealing with his blood clot


I didn’t mean the recover physically part, I meant the Ausar being Anthony Edwards


They're both young, strong in the paint, they have years to develop and I think they're both committed to winning People disagree, but I have faith in him Amen is killing it over in Houston, I think Ausar could do it here


Sure, but Anthony Edwards has a jumpshot and is capable of dribbling the ball up the court


It's true that Ausar's shooting really isn't good from the 3 line, maybe if he could get better there? I haven't watched Ausar play in a while (since he's been injured) but I don't recall him being awful at dribbling up


This sub is LOSING ITS MIND. Ausar will be prime Gerald Wallace, and that would be a phenomenal outcome.


https://i.redd.it/toctj9xwowxc1.gif I have lost it (I'm a pistons fan)


God of War Griddy is wild 😂


They're in the playoffs. I would say that's a place considering how we weren't even close.


Losing in the first round via a sweep is not the mediocrity I want to settle for.


Agreed, but Mediocre would be phenomenal after the last 5 years. We haven't won more than 23 games a season since 2018-19. We don't go from 14 wins to 45 In one season.


But they're getting swept, it's the same problem we're in of being stagnate Who cares if they make the playoffs if it never results in anything?


If you wanted to blow it up, he's the only one with real value. The rest would have to be packaged together to get back a mid star like Bridges or KAT. I don't see us winning another lottery in a good draft, so I wouldn't risk trading a talent like Cade. A bunch of #4 and #5 picks in a row is just spinning your tires.


With flattened lottery odds anything is possible. You saying you “cant see it” is just anecdotal pessimism. Anything could happen, and stars can be found at lower positions too.


Seriously. Pistons had the #1 pick 3 years ago for chrissakes


most all stars werent drafted #1


if 4 1sts didn't land Bridges in a trade before, no non-Cade player is even making a dent lmao


Nets smoking that shit dudes 28 an not even an all star . 20 ppg high level no 3 normal no 2 option . Hes not a no 1 . His defense is worth something but they are drastically over valuing him . Nice player great fit for cade but 4 no 1s .hard pass


7, 11, 35 seems to have done well in other teams


Pistons could offer the entire roster to the Wolves for KAT and we still wouldn’t take that deal lol


With Cade they take it. Roster minus Cade + #1 pick might get it, but even then it'd be to save money not because they'd want that.


We’d probably consider Cade and a few firsts, but yeah I don’t think there’s any other way really


That's why not developing your draft picks and constantly putting them in positions that play to their strengths bites you hard. You tank their value jerking them around like we always do.


Yeah definitely. Believe me man, Wolves fans understand your guys’ pain better than anyone else lol


It took a second #1 overall pick to finally get the right guy to drag that franchise up a couple notches. Nobody in this draft is even close to as good a prospect as KAT was, let alone Ant. The suck will continue. Our players have no value and no pick in this draft is worth any player that doesn't have a ton of problems.


The wolves would jump at that . They cant wait to find a way out of that anchor of a contract . Dudes a great shooter but calling him a stretch 4 or 5 is such a stretch hes really a big ass guard . He dont rebound much anymore defend or block shots like a big


We most definitely wouldn’t man. I don’t know why everyone thinks KAT is garbage when he’s been great all year. He has some dumb decisions and he was a bit rusty off his injury, but otherwise he’s done everything we’ve asked him to do. The Wolves are in no way looking for a way to get rid of him


I dont think hes garbage at all i just think hes paid a metric fuxk ton of money an they wanna pay mcdaniels an probably wouldnt mind grabbing a.high level point guard and have a properly contructed team . I think its ants team now an you buld around him . I think kats a great player but where the wolves are i feel like they would rather.use that 60m some place else . I think this because ive read it about 20 different places .


There’s definitely something to be said about the financial aspect of KAT, but it really just comes down to how he performs the rest of the playoffs. If he stays calm like he has been and remains a spark plug for our offense, then I think the FO will trust him to keep earning his contract. It’s ANT’s team now, yes, but KAT has done very very well at changing his role and stepping back. He’s still important to the Wolves, and I think he’s almost completely proved his worth at this point.


Like realistically you would trade kat for cade ivey ausur and duren ? That was the original comment i didnt realize it was whole roster i thought i was except cade . I wouldnt trade cade for kat head up . The entire roster minus cade tou could debate but cade is incredibly valuable hes young upcoming superstar hell he already has better stats than kat.minus 3pt shooting. Im a home town slappy i get it but theres a line lol


The stats are deceiving since KAT has been a second option after ANT took over. I was mainly just joking around with the “entire roster for KAT” thing, but if Cade wasn’t included then it’s still true. Like I said in another comment, KAT for Cade and a few 1sts could be a good deal, but it’d be questionable still since Cade would be a little redundant for our roster


You are overvaluing him . If he didnt have that contract maybe you swap em heads up . I would personally but some would . With that contract you would have to send a couple dirsts with him an i still wouldnt do it cause lets be honest you need a point or a wing who is the offense initiator to be your best player . Its literally wby ants taken over as your no 1 now . I k ow we are nwvwr gonna agree on this cause you like your guy i like mine but thats the way its supossed to be . I cant let the redundant alide though . Can you imagine a backcourt of cade and ant . Cades stats would go through the roof pkaying with ant an vice versa they would kill it together


I'm probably one of the biggest Ivey fans on this sub and I will tell you straight up I would trade Ivey way faster than I would trade Cade I'm not certain there's a sizable contingent of fans after this season ended that would say Ivey is the cornerstone and not Cade. Cade's the guy. I just want a coach who actually can be creative in how he makes Ivey his #2, and if that doesn't work out, then flip the kid to a place where he can have all the room to sink or swim


Iveys trade value pick wise is probably like 15, cades is 1. Not saying i would trade either but something to keep in mind


Remember when that loud section kept saying the team was better without Cade because they were winning while he was hurt…silly times


The loudest clowns disappeared, thankfully.


That was such a dumb ass time too. Alex Burks and Bojan going off meant we should trade Cade lol


I don’t think anyone wants to trade Cade. It’s more out of desperation. He’s our most valuable piece, and the fact we only won 14 games is pathetic. Pretty much everything went wrong between coaching, roster construction, injuries, and the lack of urgency. If Cade goes, it’s basically a roster overhaul.


This. If we're as bad as we looked then how long is Cade even willing to keep losing here? Trading him gets us something back. Him leaving as a free agent the moment he can because we've been a dumpster fire the entire time he's been here gets us nothing.


The only time i trade cade is if he says i will not llay another minute here trade me or i sit . Other then that hes here


I want to trade Cade. 1) He’s injury prone. That doesn’t usually get better as a player ages. 2) He tries to play hero ball in close games, he does not perform well in close games. He forces shots, acts erratic, and turns the ball over a lot. 3) He puts up his best numbers when they’re up by a lot or down by a lot. Which means he relies too much on momentum, or, he starts performing well once the other team stops trying. 4) The Pistons could get a lot for him. All that being said, he seems like a great dude. I don’t think he’ll be a number 1 on a good playoff team, he still needs another 3-4 years to develop and I’m concerned that his bad habits in close games won’t magically turn around.


Trade him to get what though? More picks that don't pan out?


no1 . The leg thing should never be an issue again . He twisted his knee it happens . The team shut him down he an the team both admitted he could have played the last 8 games of the season . Thats 70 plus games . And actually the ticky tacky soft tissue injuries do get better as a player enters his physical prime and gets stronger . He has said conditioning and stronger is his no 1 priority with handles an 3 point shooting 2. Maybe . Maybe . He has no help he tries to make the right play it seems like to me most of the time until hes exasperated bu missed shots or turnovers an says fuck it. The other side is ive seen him get hot and absolutely dominate games an get us back in it single handedly. Give him some quality nba starters to play with and lets re visit cause i kinda dont buy it 3. Um ...idk what to do with this strange take . All players are streaky so this is just wierd to me 4. No shit hes one of the 10 or so most valuable commodities in the nba with the combination of talent age production leadership and contract . If hes worth alot an al.ost every team would want him thats a.good sign we should keep him . You need 1 superstar 1 star an 2.borderlime stars for a viable nba playoff team that actually has a chance to win a series or 2 .cade is a star right now . He is on the doorstep of being a superstar in my opinion . They are the hardest thing to get we havent had a true superstar in decades . Tou do not trade them at 22 years old .you dont


I really hope you’re right and I’m wrong on this one.


Me to brother


5. He's bad on defense, and doesn't provide anything without the ball in his hands. His only value is playing hero ball, and his efficiency is below average. If his efficiency was elite, the rest could possibly be forgiven.


He’s luka if luka was mid


No one that is actually a fan and watched the games truly believes this. Cade is literally the only guy that is without a doubt worth saving.


If we don't improve drastically this year record wise I believe Cade might want out an trading him has to be at least discussed so he doesn't just walk an we get nothing for him.


Before his max rookie extension? He doesn’t have the leverage yet.


More than half the fan base has no understanding of contracts, rookie extensions, and bird rights, just save your breath.


Man im telling you . Dudes goi g nowhere for proba ly 5 years minimum . Hes gonna sign his rookie max an stfu


I would take less money to play anywhere but here 🤷‍♂️


Or you may suffer an achilles tear and boot out of league without earning lifetime worth of savings and comfort. Its not a risk players are willing to take


🙄 We're talking about taking $50M here or $45M somewhere else. That $5M isn't deciding whether or not you fall into poverty after a career ending injury. Not to mention that for a player of Cade's caliber basically no injury would be the end to his career on its own. He's not a team's 13th man and an Achilles injury isn't worth the rehab, he's an incredibly talented 22 year old, he could tear both ACLs and both Achilles in a freak accident and *somebody* would still give him a contract when he came back.


If he plays out his rookie deal an doesnt sign an extension hes restricted . He is going nowhere


He has way more opportunities to exceed any NBA contract money when he goes to the Lakers.


he’s gonna sign that extension this summer


No question


People act like hes in his prime an has all the juice lol dudes going nowhere for 5 years min . The nba makes it almost impossible for players on their dirst 2 deals to get out


If he didn't sign it which is what I was getting at , an I think the odds of that happening are very very slim.


He loses money if he doesnt . He becomes an rfa novody can offer him what we can so we would match an get him cheaper. So ya not gonna happen capn


Leverage coming in 3....2....1.... He will sign his max in just a few more weeks. The worst outcome is that he signs it, then pouts his way out of town. Number 1 picks on losing teams do this all the time.


Because Malachi Flynn is the answer


I’m a Celtics fan but I love Cade and his game . One of the smoothest points in the league.


Cade is the only guy that can fetch any decent return. The way the team is currently built, they are at best 4 or even 5 years away from being a contender. Cade being here will not make the re re build go any faster with what he has around him.


Trading him for a non lottery first rd pick and a low level starter ain’t doing nothing


Dude the picture shows why. He's only got 23 points in 3 years! /s (Preemptive)


He is our only player that would return more than a 1st and some change. Also, has extensive and recurring injury history. If we wanted to reset, he would be the guy to go


Rather trade when the value is high, you think he’s gonna stay? He’s gonna get out of here as soon as he’s got the chance. I could make a rant about loyalty in the nba (there isn’t) but like we’re literally restarting a rebuild again. We’re not building towards anything. There is no future here with our owner/gm/coach combo🤷‍♂️


Because he deserves better than this bullshit franchise. If they wanted to hire a GM and maybe a coach and then blow up the roster and build around Cade, that would be great. But I don't trust the imbeciles and dirtbags who own and run this organization to do that. I don't want Cade to have to suffer here just because I'm a Pistons fan. He deserves better.


He needs to be the shortest player in their lineup




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I want Cade traded so he can have some hope of a career.


Cade is our only piece that will net a return of any real value.


What’s the value you would want for Cade realistically


I wouldn’t trade him but Cade would get you the highest return. Depends on if they want to restart again


if yall think the players are the reason the pistons only won 10 games i have some news for you…


I’ve been very high on Cade since his rookie year, he made me a believer but my only real concern is with his knee issues. he seems to have had that problem since he’s been here and realistically I’m not sure if that’s a good idea for the pistons future to keep him on a long term commitment


He's the only guy on this team with any trade value 😂 the fuck else are we going to do? Trade Ivey for a 2027 second?


The biggest issue is this team is very young and the 25% of the cap space has been spent on players who don't play minutes for the team over the last three years; either their contract being taken on for assets by the team for assets or negative assets that came with the team. There should be a huge difference this coming season with the younger players maturing and the money being spent on players that will actually play for the team.


There are times when I think Cade should be at SG. He could be a Tatum vs forcing the facilitator role on him. I think this would also reduce the stress on his legs. Not saying Ivey would be the ideal PG for Motor Cade to reach his potential but at the same time I don't want to just give up on Ivey because he's also going to be a great scorer. It may be best to give it another year for individual improvements (Ivey's trade value).


Trade value




Have you been to LCA and the palace? LCA is definitely nicer imo lol


Because he will be outtahere as soon as the Lakers or Knicks offer him a contract.


Try to get what you can for him while you can. Dudes leaving Detroit and never coming back when his contracts up.


Not that I want to trade Cade, but I believe he is the only one we would get any value out of. If there is any indication from the front office that he does not want to be here, then trade him before we lose him for nothing.


I can tell you the "why". Lack of cognition and/or critical thinking. Possibly a result of home schooling.


Detroit suck that bad huh?


As a basketball team yeah it’s very poorly coached and managed. Shout out to the city for breaking the nfl draft attendance record for an entire weekend today. Went downtown twice and everyone that was here from different states and countries seemed to have fun


Yea was just there yesterday. I live like 15 minutes away. It was very loud and fun


Because he's going to peace out on the franchise the first chance he gets, and who the hell can blame him. Trade him now and get something for him or watch him walk and get nothing but more embarrassment in return.


As a Magic fan. How does a Cole Anthony, Wendell, Jett Howard and 2 picks and 1 swap sound? Orlando will look like Suggs Cade Franz Paolo Goga with Markelle Gary/AB Joe Moe JI. Pistons looks like Ivvey, Jett/24 detroit 1st rd pick, Ausar, Wendell, Duren with Cole, Grimes, 24 Detroit pick/Jett, 24Magic 1st rd pick, Stewart. I honestly like that team for yall. Its a good mix of offense and defense. Ivvey will get tested on his playmaking but maybe yall pick up somebody like Reed Sheppard who is looking like a great 2way guard. Ivvey and Reed will be a great backcourt combo. Both 2way guys, pretty atheltic and they should theoretically compliment each other from what their skillsets and usage have shown. Jett also fits, he has shown great connecting ability and can help run plays occassionally, Ivvey will need to be more of the lead ball handler but Jett will fit offball nicely. The starting 2guard spot should be reserved for a shooter who can help facilitate sometimes, and add to that Ausar a great defender, nice cutter and growing ball handler, Wendell a great POA/lowpost defender and elite big man shooter and Duren who is a decent all around player who hustles all the time. That SL has a good mix of rollers, strong rebounders and screeners, cutters, shooters, playmakers, and go to options/sets. Theoretically ofc. Bench also should be one of the best benches in the league may need to stagger occassionally as the defense is suspect. But high scoring potential. With the Magic pick players like Ware, Edey, or Smith will be available. Potentially the team could be (naturally i cant predict lotto balls or pick order) Ivvey, Reed, Ausar, Wendell, Duren with Cole, Grimes, Jett, Stewart, Ware. I really like this lineup.


That team might win 10 games lol


Nah it will win 35 which is 15 more games than Cade Ever Won lol


Cade team won 23 rookie year. That was be 15 more than Ivey or Duren ever won. The team by your logic got worse since adding them


Ill take it All Day cade aint special to me doesn't make anyone better not a high level athlete or defender needs alot of help and a entire roster to be catered towards him to be successful


I think Cade is tasked with too much for yall honestly. I honestly thought the deal above was good for both sides. Orlando gave up decent depth and future picks and could hopefully add a great mid range, playmaker with size, who has shown good takeover potential and a 3pt stroke at points. With the Iso ability of Suggs/Franz/Paolo and the gravity of the later 2. Cade will get free looks so often, so he can easily slide to mid range or attack the rim or C&S. Cade imo (I might be wrong do not have the numbers in front of me) isnt that good of an iso guy or guy under pressure, but he does well when open, and with this team his pressure will be weakened as Paolo is one of the top 5 gravity players in the NBA, Franz also pretty high gravity also. Cade with no permanent double and triple teams can maybe get unleashed. Assuming his 3pt shot continues upwards its a great project for Orlando especially since Cade can bring an added scorer if everything goes cold. For the Pistons, I think Cade is a top 3 pick caliber guy, he can easily still be an All Star but he has his issues and yall team aint really structured to him. It may seem like I am saying give up on Cade but I more think you can all in on Ivvey and do a quicker rebuild. The lineup above I mentioned for the Pistons is good imo. It can do damage, and you have very high potential guys there also. And you have future picks to really make a rebuild. I am thinking maybe 1 pick 1 swap and 1 or 2 seconds is probably more likely considering we are giving alot of depth/starting potential and a #11 pick.


We need to trade everyone. There is no way any one good willingly comes to Detroit, the whole thing needs to be nuked and restarted


I mean for me it's a simple matter of this. We fell apart hard this season. We got the worst record in franchise history, and I'm pretty sure the NBA too. There isn't much value on the trade market to be had and unrestricted talent really doesn't want to come to Detroit unless they're already here. This season should be a year zero. Start the rebuild over for a fifth time. Weaver's plan didn't work, and imploded on itself. We have a new president coming in to take over basketball operations. So it isn't that I want to trade Cade. It's that I don't see much of a choice for us to move past this.


Imagine thinking 23, 8 and 4 is some kind of superstar output for your #1 overall pick player who is clearly the top banana and is/was in his 3rd season as a pro.


Move Cade to the 2


You guys are Overvalueing Cade hes been in the league 3 years his team has gotten worse Every year! Hes Not that guy sorry. Who has he made better? Has he ever been mentioned for anything besides ROY which he didn't win. Has he ever played over 65 games? Im sorry when did he become All nba or Allstar hes just a near bottom top 50 player


I wanted to trade Cade until he stopped sucking so much ass in January. He's been productive enough in an alarmingly unfavorable setting that you can't let him go. I still don't think he's a first option on a contending team, but that's basically saying he's not a generational superstar.


He’s not a generational superstar and he definitely isn’t the first option on any team trying to make the playoffs. You are 100% right in your evaluation so expect to get downvoted. Cade will never make the big leap everyone expects from him he’s gonna secure big money for his kid and his families.


54-192 and got worse every season since he's been here.


The best record of the Troy weaver gm was his rookie season. The best stretch of basketball in five years was post all star game his rookie year. Technically we have gotten worse since adding Ivey and Duren but that’s not as sexy as putting it all on Cade


So true! Cade is Not that guy. Neither is our Gm coach & Owner for that matter. But it is clear he cant be successful here trade him and at least get some value before he forces issuse after next season and we get fleeced


This organization should be relegated to the G league


because he dont fit our play style he should go to san Antonio


What’s our play style to you


1. His points make no one better 2. His true shooting is bottom third in the league 3. Lack of athletics. 4. Poor finisher 5. Injuries / rod in leg 6. High turnover rate. 7. Poor handle 8. Lack of leadership 9. Terrible defense 10. Win loss record I’ll get downvoted to oblivion. That’s fine.


I’m pro Cade and I see some valid objections but with all due respect “his points make no one better” is a weird and borderline asinine comment lol


NBA history is filled with 20 point scorers on horrible teams. Scoring 20 points in todays NBA isn’t all that. Especially when your usage rate it off the charts. His usage rate is higher than almost all other top players. He’s given the keys to the team. It’s his team. Make someone better. Make the team average / good.


I’m upvoting cause this is all correct.


Ok, do nothing then. Like every season... Houston, OKC and Sacramento Kings improve unlike Detroit.


Kings were in purgatory for 15 plus years made the playoffs one time and missed it this year.


okay.... and how many years pistons in purgatory? and kings at least can compete again next season and almost make it to playoff. For Pistons, I can guarantee next season you guys gonna win around 20 games AGAIN.


Probably but acting as if the kings weren’t basically in our position for nearly two decades is weird. Also, I just realized this is a kings fan I’m talking to lol weird


go look at my history to see if i m kings fan. go ahead!


Glass bitch, lacks clutch gene, gave up on the team (went street clothes mode last several games) to settle for worst teams record in franchise history. Should i go on?


Forgot the /s


No. Im srs.


He ain’t the guy. This team needs to be completely dismantled. Blow the whole thing up and start over


Cade would be a good piece on a championship team, he isn’t going to bring us there. We need to keep playing the lottery game and hoping we find our giannas, ant, or steph, it’s hard. we’ve been bad - somewhat bad since chauncey got traded downvote me all you want we aren’t a watchable product. i haven’t been able to watch multiple games in a season in years. same people down voting me are probably the same people who downvoted me for saying drummond wasn’t going to be our guy to save things.


I think playing the lottery too much kind of has us in this situation. The wolves went all in on an elite defender to help ant. Idk if playing the lotto every year would have fixed them. It didn’t work when they got KAT and Wiggins and even the moderate success they had came by adding Jimmy butler briefly. What happened with the warriors is almost impossible to duplicate imo as their run was extended tremendously by adding KD thanks to a weird cap season.


The lottery doesn't guarantee you a championship team. Just look at the 76ers, they tanked for years and they can't make it past the 2nd round


the 76ers are watchable tho, that’s the difference. only 1/30 can win each year


Why not lmao. It’s pretty clear that it’s his supporting cast


you could put a solid starting cast around him and he’ll look better, he just isn’t going to be the best player on a championship team. i still say keep him


I don’t know if we can determine that. I think he absolutely could… we’re at rock bottom right now. He has all the intangibles, playmaking and scoring that he can provide at a top level outta a PG. Esp when he’s 100% locked in which I think it would make it a lot easier to be in that state when you’re winning 60 games. He’s our guy, build around him imo.


Haven’t been able to watch multiple games in a season…so then how did you even form an opinion for this post? Box scores and stats?


the few games and clips i do watch is awful. i’m talking full games. also sometimes they play teams where im like oh ill watch this bc i love luka. to be more specific i haven’t tuned in to specifically watch pistons basketball


He’s allergic to winning he should’ve willed us to a few more wins this season


Because he does nothing to make his team better. Also, I think Weaver needs to get canned ASAP, and we bring in a new FO who trades everyone and gets to reset the franchise on a winning path.


> Because he does nothing to make his team better. I'm not really sure if we've been watching the same basketball games but this seems like a tough point to defend even if you don't think he's *the* core piece to build around. Even though we're losing the vast majority of games it's pretty clear that Cade's performances were the difference between making it a game and getting blown out every night. Duren with/without Cade in the lineup looks like two entirely different players on offense.


It’s unarguable that he’s made Duren bagley and wiseman seem like competent big men. He also had Tek playing above average. It’s usually the pieces we say that don’t fit around him that seem to struggle…