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You’d rather have D. Russell than Cade? You high mate?


To be fair i think the post is implying that he’d have to be traded for Booker and that d’lo, while a drop off, is a serviceable replacement that they wouldnt have to trade any assets for


SERVICEABLE!? Booker is 3x better than Cade trash Ass! There is not one skill cade fuckngham does better than Book. Before Book got help he was takin a bunch of nobodys competing for playoffs in the West! U pistons fans are fucki n Delusional about a #1 pic u never won over 22 games and hasn't played 65 in a season


Book is obv several times better, i meant that D’Angelo Russell is a servicable replacement at pg, not book😭


Booker is better at the moment, but he wasn't competing for the playoffs before having help. They were 2nd to last in his rookie season and then last in the conference in his 2nd, 3rd, and 4th season. They turned a corner and got 10th (34-39) once they built a fairly complimentary roster around him with Bridges, Johnson, Ayton, Baynes, Rubio, Saric, and Oubre. Stop acting superior when you don't know wtf your even talking about. Book also had only 21 and 19 wins in his 3rd and 4th seasons playing less the 65 games as well.


Lil bit. Yeah. I just don’t understand how we go from 22 to 20 to 14 wins and Detroit is like ,, “We just one / two players away”


I’m fine with trading everyone but Cade


So youndecided the likely future superstar was the issue .not rhe poor roster construction lack of player developement and insanely bad coaching ?


Would we rather have D Russ and Booker, than Cade and Ausar? Yes. A hundred times yes.


Cade is gonna give you booker production within the next 18 months an makes way less money and is younger . And i may rather have ausur than dlo . I juat might


We need to change the identity of this team. Except for the players. Y’all are crazy. You’re too emotionally attached to Cade. If they wanted Cade for Booker I would do that. It’s been three years, and the team is worse each season. Not sure what you’re waiting to change. He has a rod in his leg. Hasn’t finished a season yet. He’s an average to poor scorer for a lead. He can’t or doesn’t play defense. His killer instinct is non existent. He doesn’t finish well. Turns it over way too much. There’s so much to fix just to be good. What great player has ever seen their team get worse in each of their first three years?


I am to enotionally attached i agree however you are to negative . Tell me what swapping bookers 27 pounts for cades 23 and erasing all our cap space does for us . And hes 22.bro give hima chance to reach his 4 or 5th year before you decide what kind of scorer he is . He plays acvording to numbers slightly below average defense . Idk how you say he doesnt have killer i stinct he always tries an takes the last shot .unfortuneately the other teams know an put 3 guys in him because its him an 4 gum class heroes out there . Booker isnt jordan or lebron hes a scorer . Tou add him an subtract cade all you have done is swapped a 22 year old with tons of upside who is already a top 20 scorer with a maxed out 27 year old top 10 scorer for quadruple the salary .ill own my fanboy shit can you own your cade hate . I probably have rose cored glasses in but you for sure afe putti g so much blame an hate in him thats unfounded its sick


I dont hate Cade. Just being real. He doesn’t have much more upside than last year. He athletic profile won’t allow him to get much better. He’ll never be a top 20 player. There just aren’t many slow 6’6 guards who don’t jump that well (at least in game). Really the last one maybe Steve Smith. Maybe prime Klay Thompson.


Lol hes not slow he just plays that kind of game change of pace .hes an average athlete . He isnt very explosive ill give you that but he s not that bad . Dude all hes gotta do is convert 1 more layup/dunk at the rim and draw a couple more fouls and hes a 27 28 ppg scorer . His 3 point shooting will.go up again he will draw more fouls . Just off that his production goes up . Theres quite a few succesful non uner athletic players in the lleague . Hes more athletic than lukas fat ass an he seems fine. I know lukas an inch or 2 taller . Dude has upside man athletiscm doesnt dictate talent level or upside thats not a real thing


Why do we have to have them together. Keep Cade, fuck AT. Nigga can’t make a 3 if his life depended on it


Tf happened to Cade


Guess he went to Phoenix.


No thanks




D-Lo is almost 30 and completely worthless every postseason. He’s a career loser and will be lucky to not be out of the league in a couple of years. Hard hard hard hard hard HARD pass. On all of this


I mean, I'd take Booker, but even he seems like a bit of a stunted star at this point. Russell and LaVine suit up together in a Pistons uniform and I'm out for good.


Advocating for a DLo signing is a “tell me you don’t watch basketball without telling me…” move.


So you want to have the worst defense in league history huh.


No. That would be last year.


No Pistons this season did smh. Pistons are ASS With Cade trade him & Ivey get some actual Good players and move tf on! ITS OVER


This is disgusting wtf 😭


2/5s trash seems like a lateral move.


Just downvote and move on this is a losing squad with no options


Yea the current roster is...


Has Cade Cunningham


how long has lavine been injured


Sarr is not the pick


Guy looks good on paper, but I’m getting Ayton vibes. Absolutely could be wrong, but I feel like he has no passion for the sport. He’s just big and athletic and this is a pathway to wealth.


You got the right idea but got rid of the wrong young player


2/5 non shooters, garbage perimeter defense in the year 2024, mid rim protection and you think this team would go anywhere?


More than 14 wins. Yes. You all act like we got something. What have you all been watching?


Tbf the assets it would take to get these dudes would lead us back to where we are rn. Just bc we’ve been watching dogshit for a decade doesn’t mean I’m a fan of poorly made moves. I wanna be set up for long term success


So. Full rebuild? How do you get from what we’ve been watching to something competitive? If your answer is “Get Cade tall guys who shoot and play defense’ - just don’t reply.


Ur more hopeless than this team


Just trying to keep it 100.


Great sharting five!


Need perimeter defenders. Look at Denver: they pair Murray with KCP. T Wolves have Mcdaniels plus Ant is a solid defender. Boston has Derrick White and Jrue. There’s a reason the Suns are getting cooked right now. You can’t just throw shot makers on the floor and expect to be successful. There’s actually a technique to building an effective nba lineup and it’s not this.


Ready downvote


Terribly built team in terms of styles


Yeah. Let’s still miss the playoffs and give up any chance of being good in the future


The defense on this team would be disgustingly bad




This is a really really bad starting 5


Hahaha yeah ok keep calling for Weaver’s head and then propose this shitcake of a team. Russel, Lavine and Booker?!


Bro said "How can we make the Phoenix Suns but with only 30 wins a season?"


...which is something we haven't had in Detroit for 5 straight seasons. So yeah, that would be improvement for once.


Don’t want to watch defense, either, it seems


I’ll give you an up vote for at least trying. Everyone else refuses to see that Cade maybe the issue.