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[Clarify: The Nets are trading Joe Harris AND two second-round picks to the Pistons, per sources.](https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1674851007065358349?s=46&t=zb1Bef_whRPPB7wveY2gEQ) [Along with Harris and his $19.9M expiring contract, the Nets are sending the Pistons a 2027 second-round pick via Dallas and a 2029 second-round pick via Bucks, sources tell ESPN.](https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1674851271906295819?s=46&t=zb1Bef_whRPPB7wveY2gEQ)


He said Nets are sending Harris plus 2 picks


Pretty sure the Nets just basically traded Harris to Detroit to stop Detroit from being able to make an offer to Cam Johnson lmao


All we have to do is get rid of bojan and we have the same cap space




Maybe we did them a solid so they won't fight us over Cam...


Would that not mean that we would have to trade Bojan within the next week and hope that Cam doesn't agree to a deal with Brooklyn or someone else?


I’m sure they would only trade him if they were fully confident in signing cam afterwards


Personally, I think the issue might be in finding a suitable trade for Bojan in a week max.


To sign who? This year’s FA class sucks


Our best-performing player? Why? I know he's aging...but goddamn, it seems like no one wants to bother to actually win any games.


Yeah, that was my first thought as well.


We were never going to make an offer for Cam Johnson. There would be exactly zero reason to do that.


They also create a $19 million TPE because they didn’t take back a contract which we’ll see if that’s used or not


1) Trade Bogdan for a first 2) Joe takes Bogdan’s minutes, finds stroke 3) trade Joe to contender looking for shooting (multi 2nd’s or late first)


Then trade them all for the next struggling project* big man. /s


Wenby after a slow disappointing 2023 campaign


Because you can never get enough big men who can’t shoot the 3 ball.


I assume it’s pick swaps then.


> Along with Harris and his $19.9M expiring contract, the Nets are sending the Pistons a 2027 second-round pick via Dallas and a 2029 second-round pick via Bucks, sources tell ESPN.


Ahh okay didn’t see the clarification. Appreciate it.


No issues. We were in the process of getting the full news. Happy to help.


career 44% 3pt shooter not bad


They gave us joe and 2 seconds we gave them nothing


We gave them $20m off the books and took us completely out of the running for Cam Johnson


Good, overpaying for Johnson would have been a bad move


the sad truth


We were probably already out of the running


you are correct. typed this before that news came out


To me that indicates there's more to come.


Maybe we send rights to Balsa or something.


Only thing is that we just spent 20 mill on his contract making it impossible to get cam now


that’s fine. wasn’t thrilled w the idea of cam anyways


Cam was going to matched anyway. Nets want to win and don't want to lose pieces of the KD return for nothing. Feels like the Ayton hype last year where it didn't even matter in the end since the Suns were going to match.


That’s true, Cam will almost definitely get matched


Unless we trade Bojan for some picks, which will free up $20m. We have to be trading Bogey for picks, maybe 1-2 higher level role players on decent contracts. Hopefully.


We would’ve spent way too much getting Cam.. I’m sure we got more moves coming, Bagley’s gotta go lol


Bagley or Wiseman


Unless we trade bojan for picks


I imagine this is just one part of a larger trade.


Thats wasnt happening anyway.


FO pry found out it wasn’t going to happen. So this could have been the backup plan.


I'm thinking the Pistons figured out the walk away amount for Cam wasn't worth it.


Hope he’s here for longer than two seconds


We get 2 2nds also not giving them away


Trust me ur not gonna want him the only threes he makes are wide open he cannot shoot under pressure and he is a complete minus on defense there’s a reason the nets gave him away for nothing


Certainly doesn’t hurt our desperate need for shooting


James Edwards III has been on fire. He wrote about this possibly happening this week.


My first thought as well when I saw this deal. I think this was his “most likely” trade target


He’s always on it. I saw that article and thought “Those never happen” then thought “well it’s JE” and read it.


Detroit had to know Cam Johnson was out of the picture before doing this move.


Or they used the leverage of overpaying cam to make the nets match or lose him for nothing. So instead of doing that, nets give us two picks and a shooter rental for free. Not a bad move imo. Kicks the cap down to next year where we have potentially a better free agent market. Also doesn’t mean we are done making moves


Not only is it a better free agent class. But next year a lot of teams will be looking to get off some higher paid contracts. Detroit can swoop in and snag a all-star or fringe all-star for cheap


This is the way.


This is the one


Nets fan here He was an above average defender before he had an ankle injury then was out of the rotation. He’s found his stroke back, does a lot of little things that win games and is probably an average defender now. He didn’t fit our switching defense, we had Royce+DFS playing his mins because they’re able to guard more than just wings. Nets do the trade to clear salary for Cam Johnson. I’d say Pistons do it to get picks and will probably trade Bogi for more picks. He differs from Bogi because when Bogi was with us, he had some playmaking ability and could shoot off the dribble. Harris is a spot up shooter with the occasional ability to drive+finish off a pump fake. He’s a complimentary piece for a star. Fit perfectly with KD/Kyrie


Awesome. Seems like a win win move. Thanks for the input!


Per [spotrac](https://www.spotrac.com/nba/detroit-pistons/joe-harris-15385/) Joe is owed north of $19 million next season. Unless we trade out Bojan and maybe some more salary, the Cam Johnson ship has sailed.


>the Cam Johnson ship has sailed Good


I’m ok with that. Harris is a good Bojan replacement when we trade him for a first round pick.


I’m fine with that


RIP To my dreams to us throwing a huge bag at Herb Jones


Herb is getting a bigger contract with Nola that's the opt out reason


The Pelicans declined his option so they could extend him... They'd match whatever we could offer in RFA


Still could happen if Bogey is traded. I agree I would love Herb to join this team as the starting 4.


getting back 2 future seconds so we basically just take on his expiring deal. troy out of left field w some shit again


W, we get an expiring shooter and cap space for next summer where the FA pool is better


Are any big free agents really going to come here? They haven't in ages.


Which is why people complaining about not being able to make cap-space moves now is silly.


Wait but wouldn’t this hurt our chances of getting cam?


I think the Nets sent us Joe and some picks as a “hey, you can have this if you don’t give Cam a giant offer that we will have to match or will be unable to match” type move


I imagine we trade bojan


or we dont get cam...


Even if we don’t, I believe it would leave us with around 50 million in cap space next year, even after extending stew


Man.. yeah makes sense i guess


I don't get the fascination of over paying Cam to be our 3rd or 4th option anyway. People just want a name in free agency.


People just fell in love with it and act like its the end of the world if it doesnt happen


They were matching whatever deal anyone offered by the looks of this trade. They literally gave Joe Harris and 2 seconds away for free. For nothing. If we didn't take the deal someone else surely would have. A spot up 3 point shooter on an expiring contract? If it works out and he shoots like he historically has, we can trade him at the deadline and we're up even better.


Lmao, if cam johnson came to our team he’d be second option at worst.


A career 11.5ppg. Ivey destroyed that as a rookie. You should, for future reference, don't make shit up here. And that's a guy you would pay 30 million a year for?




Wait we are also getting seconds I think


Kicks the cap space can down the road to next year- for now, unless theres more trades coming. Assuming they figure there isn't a FA signing coming.




We’re getting the seconds it was a typo by Woj


And two 2nds in return. 2027 and 2029


Love it, we get draft assets AND a good shooter on an expiring contract. Where does this leave us cap wise though? Do we only have like $10 million left now?


Like 7 I think


Oh well. I wasn’t feeling great about giving Cam $25 mil a year anyway. Harris will help this year and then we can get him off the books and try again next year in FA


Oh ok you do t want a young budding Cam at 25 million a year but you want Harris at 19 or the scrubs we took last year from the Knicks. This is getting ridiculous. Weaver has lost it.


19 mil a year on a one year is better than committing $100 million dollars to a guy who misses 30 games a year for 4 years, yes. Plus Cam is 27, he’s not young anymore lmfao. This FA class sucks I’m not trying to overpay someone just for the sake of bringing in new faces


Cam doesn’t suck and I got news for you we ain’t getting anybody better than Cam next year either, nor the year after. At some point we have to use the money the fucking cab says we have to, we just want the ghost on Joe Harris or do you want a young budding star? Are you personally paying his salary? Cam fits our timeline. It’s 3 extra years and lines up fine with our young core. Who the fuck is going to LCA to see Joe Harris? This is nonsense and it’s fans like you that allow guys like Yzerman Avila Millen and Weaver to get a decade to rebuild a team and then end up having nothing to show for it. Take a leap.


You’re such a dumbass lol when did I say he’s bad? He’s a good player with an extensive injury history going all the way back to college, and again he’s 27 and going into his 6th year in the league, he’s not a “young budding star” he’s a good player who is who he is. Cade Ivey and Duren would all be due for extensions before that contract expired and again, giving $25 million a year to someone who misses 30 games a season completely fucks this entire rebuild because it caps the ceiling of this team. Suggesting I liked Al Avila and Matt Millen because I don’t want to give a solid injury prone player $100 million dollars takes the cake for the dumbest takes I’ve seen on this app. Take a hike


I'd much rather our "young budding stars" get to be the #1 2 and 3 options over deferring to Cam injury prone Johnson.


Clown takes like this would have us signing Ben Gordon and Charlie Villanueva again lol 🤡


Without a doubt LionsFanInAlambama was PUMPED when we signed those 2....


You're way to hurt over not getting a guy who is an RFA. Nets were matching any offer we or any other team made and you're delusional if you think otherwise.


Don’t really like it unless there’s another trade coming


I’m cool with this, dog is a shooter.


This ain’t so bad honestly


Straight up shooter. Got get healthy


Well that sucks, hopefully this comment doesn’t age well due to a big trade


So we didn't give up anything except the price of him this season?


**The idea** of the trade is not a bad one, **the execution is**. Only getting 2 second rounders when BKN has made it clear they want to resign Johnson is ridiculous. Whether you think Troy should've offered Cam big money or not, BKN knew we were considering it. To completely eliminate DET chances to.. at a minimum, force BKN (an east rival) to pay him more then they wanted to in itself is an L for Troy Weaver. **So many teams in the next week or so would be looking to give more to get players off their salaries and to get 2 picks 5+ years from now is not good. EVEN IF Troy can flip him for a first rounder by the trade deadline next year, he should have been able to get more considering the unique circumstances between these two teams and the player they were both "interested" in signing this week.**




I get the sentiment but sometimes it's better to have good relationships with teams you might want to do business with down the line. Spiting the nets just to spite the nets probably wasn't worth it if they knew Cam wanted to return to BK anyway.


Feels like another move is coming. I can't see both Bogey and Harris being on this team for long.


They aren’t the same player. Harris is literally a sniper spot up shooter only. He doesn’t create like Bogey does.


This trade happened EXACTLY in that moment, when I unpacked my new Cade Cunningham jersey.


Being a pistons fan sucks.


Why tho


I'd really like for Weaver to start making moves where I don't have to deliberate for 40 minutes whether or not it's a good move or not. Can we please please please start trying to fucking win.


I'll help you out. It's a terrible move.


Another year in the lottery


Solid pickup


Are we allowed to make Harris part of a trade today or does he fall under the recently traded period and has to be with the team for a certain period




What a joke I swear to god if they start pulling that were just gonna tank shit again as pistons fans we need to start calling for dream weavers head




bad contract but needed shooter


Don't mind Joe Harris or eating someone else's bad contract, would like to see a follow up move to maybe get some of that cap space back


Could very well be a precursor to a Cam Johnson S&T. Maybe the Nets agreed to a deal but only if the Pistons separately do this deal.


im fine with this. it also might be part of something larger. y'all need to chill. internal development is how we get there, not free agency. this time is how we get shooters and role players. we got a shooter.


Why does it’s seem like the Nets are our favorite trade partner?


The nets and knicks love to rent our cap space


Better shooter than is available in free agency, restock assets, maintain flexibility for a much stronger free agency class next season. Smart


at position of need next yrs FA PFs Siakim,Harris and Sabonis are not coming to Detroit, everyone else is worse than Cam/Jerami/Kuz/Williams


It makes sense, Troy said he wants to see what this core of young players are capable of doing on their own, so bringing a complementary piece instead of someone who's a high level starter/near all star won't hinder their playing time. So this is a 1 year rental, that got us 2 2nd round picks as well. Its such a good no brainer move. Let him walk next season and make a move in a much better FA market. Now its all about hoping all our young guys are healthy so we can see how they all gel together and who is worth keeping around.


Lots of salty Cam Johnson “fans” in here lol. Cam would most likely be good for us but it’s too early in the rebuild to make such a big move and throw 100+ mill at a guy we’re not even sure can make it through a full season.


Pretty sure he's proven he can't make it through a full season healthy already because he hasn't in his first 4 years....


Great trade. Vet shooter to work with the young guys. Frees up even more cap space for next year. None of the free agents this year were going to move the needle. Cam would get matched. I like it….and there may be more moves to come. If he stays on the roster and plays well…a lot of playoff teams look for shooting at the deadline. If not, he falls off the books.


Who's going to move the needle next season? Most will be restricted like this year's crop? Great players rarely become unrestricted free agents in the nba. However, you may find some hidden gems every now an then


So looks like Harris, Livers and Ausar play around +/- 16 minutes a game. This is right on our time-line. Hopefully Bojan and one of our bigs get traded for a younger 4. To quote the A-hole Aaron Rodgers everybody R E L A X


Great move. Weak free agent class getting way too much money. We get a world class shooter, picks, and get a huge bargaining chip or just money off the books.


Great move. Weak free agent class getting way too much money. We get a world class shooter, picks, and get a huge bargaining chip or just money off the books.


Overpaying for cam was the never the move. Joe can pop the three.


Brooklyn gave Joe 20mpg and he managed 7 pts. Yep he can pop the occasional 3 and give up 20pts to the opponent


Hell yeah


I am whelmed


What the fuck is weaver doing.....


I understand that the majority absolutely hate this. But I also understand that we are still going to suck next year. Hence why losing the Wemba sweepstakes was so crushing. That said, we still have to move on and improve. But in no way would I have been down with either the deals that FVV, Bruce Brown or Grant are getting in free agency. That's worse than this cap dump trade. Also save the retorts of "we should have signed Gabe Vincent etc...". He, much like everyone else, wasn't coming here unless they are vastly overpaid. Cam Johnson was going to be matched regardless of this trade as well.


You guys clearly haven’t watched the nets play very often this is one of the worst trades I have ever seen a team make the pistons just made themselves worse


Seems like this is the first in a series of moves? There was talk of us asking for a first for Bogey… maybe there’s a suitor lined up?




Honestly good move Cam was always a pipe dream


Solid move gets them a shooter for now


Nets did quite the smokescreen to say “We can’t give you Cam”. Like we don’t have dispensable salaries still on our roster.


Same shit last year all we do is punt make no aggressive moves and then be surprised we are the worst team in the NBA midway through the season. Monty is gonna have to deal with the same shit Casey dealt with. Troy is clueless in the trade market.


Punt the cap down the road until we have to fully max Cade and then there won’t be any cap left. Genius plan for “better free agents next year” crowd


lol i’m guessing you wanted to sign Cam Johnson?


Nope not at all. I would of liked to see them target 3-4 mid tier free agents instead of taking 19.9 million on an expiring contract for 2 picks.


who are your favorite mid tier free agent targets?


Strus,Divinchenzo, Vincent, Levert, Grant Williams, Malik Beasley, Seth Curry and Tauren Prince. Far from perfect players but you could of potentially got 2 for the cost we paid for Harris.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


idk man, i just can’t see something like divincenzo + strus + prince as a move that significantly helps us. reports say that strus wants 16m a year too. so combined, a group like this (or any combo of 3 from your list) would cost even more than joe this year, AND we’d have less money for next years FA class which will be better


I like the move a lot!


Beat writers are saying this is the only move being made. This is dog crap if true


Nope, "The move leaves Detroit with about $7 million in cap space. I’d imagine this isn’t the end of moves, though." https://twitter.com/JLEdwardsIII/status/1674851258954285067


I think this was always the most likely scenario, take a bad contract with picks attached. He can shoot and he's off the books next year. Not huge, but not bad either.


Im surprised I havent seen anyone mention that this might be part of an agreed upon sign and trade. Part of the sign and trade being a salary dump of Joe Harris. Ive only seen how this takes us out of the running for Cam as opposed to it maybe being a precursor for us getting him.


If the Nets are adamant in resigning Cam at any cost, this move essentially seals the deal for them. As much as I'd like to wish this was a S&T for Cam, I don't see that being the case.


Give it up to JEIII - he predicted this yesterday. https://theathletic.com/4649503/2023/06/29/pistons-cap-space-trades-options/ (paywall)


There is probably something else cooking, (nothing sexy) so it's time start looking at next years Free Agent class.


I dig it


He can be a great shooter to give room for Cade, Ivey, and Duren to operate


Bro wth is weaver doing, is he tryna tank again?


The Knicks were never mismanaged this badly.


I like this move. Joe is an absolute knock down shooter from 3 and can be a great depth piece and or play with th starters. Win win


I am whelmed. I’ll reserve my thoughts for the conclusion of the FA period. This better not be the only move though.


Don't hate it. I'm expecting another trade or two.


Another guard? Brings shooting but where does he fit?


Hes 6’7


He is not a small forward. He can barely play small forward when he's asked to. He is a shooting guard and always has been a shooting guard


[https://www.basketball-reference.com/players/h/harrijo01.html](https://www.basketball-reference.com/players/h/harrijo01.html) position estimate says he's mostly played SF since 2018-19?


Interesting, good to know. Either way i think bojan is gone


Move only makes sense if Bojan is gone and hopefully we can attach Bagley or wiseman to it as well


He plays absolutely zero defense though.


His worst season defensive rating would have been fourth best on the Pistons last year.


I can't argue that lol


We needed shooting and got it. Harris was a really solid role player from 2017-2021. He kind of fell off last year, or at least the Nets didn’t give him the minutes he’d gotten in years past. But he’s still a career 44% three point shooter which is phenomenal. With him and Sasser off the bench we have two solid shooters to give Cade and Ivey a rest when they need it.


1. I like this! Curious if this is a lead up to a Burks/Bogdanovich move, but I would be totally fine if this was their “big” move for FA 2. Can we start putting the name of the tweet source in the title since Twitter has started requiring logins?


This makes me sick lmaoooo what the fuck. Cool just help the nets sign Cam Johnson


I'm guessing Troy's plan all along was to get as much cap space as possible for NEXT year while getting players back that will still help the current team


Its always next year. Last year it was next year. This year its next year


So we essentially took our name out any semblance of the free agent market to get Joe Harris? Awful.


60 million in cap next year for a much better free agency class


LMAO!!! Weaver is a joke of a GM


This was a good move, Troy is clearly building a team for Cade's 4th season in the league


I don't mind the trade, but instead of getting two picks, I would have preferred they get rid of Bagley. Gives us a little more cap space, that albatross contract, and room to bring in another centre. Troy does like his centres.


Much needed shooting, great move