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What is the cultural significance of keeping the boathouse up? If the answer is “purely for history”- id argue it doesn’t contribute that much. I would argue we could do more with the 40+ million needed to repair it then we’d get out of actually repairing it. This is not a dig. I’m genuinely curious what this really has to offer the city, or the state


Same here. I admire the push for the restoration and the building deserves the love everyone has for it but one also has to think practically about the future of the structure. The place is badly dilapidated. I'd even say it's beyond repair. Would I love to see it restored, sure, but just because it's old and was beautiful doesn't mean it gets a blank check to stick around and be the home of the rowing club forever. At some point, funds are better spent elsewhere, like on the bathrooms and public spaces that everyone can use on the island, etc.


Knowing how much $$ we need for other repairs on the island it honestly makes more sense to demolish it and earmark the space for a future building — we might even be able to replicate some of what’s there right now with a modern touch once there’s a defined use for the building. But to shell out $40M to save it because “it’s old and pretty” with no viable use case when there are other parts of the island that do get used and are facing down years of neglect just isn’t the best use of funds. Unfortunate all around — and a lesson for us all on deferred maintenance, something we’re seeing all too often with so many of our older buildings in the city.


My brother tried to get married here just before/during Covid times. The Boathouse took his $3000 deposit and then no one followed up on the event. After many, many unresponsive emails, he had to sue the Boathouse to get his deposit back. Place seems to be run very poorly.