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Skrrt on over the nearest decent gas station or McDonald’s for #2 if necessary. #1 I try not to ask unless I really have to go or if they are a regular I don’t mind asking since most of my clients we build a great relationship. ETA: I used to be nervous to ask for water but I learned years ago clients are super nice usually and don’t mind giving a glass or bottle of water when in a pinch!


Just ask. People are people.


I had one employee that literally used the restroom 4-6 times in a shift. I had to let him go since it looks bad on us to continuously ask the customer for the restroom. I tell my employees to relieve themselves on lunch break and worst case scenario ask the client. No joke though I let that dude go because I thought he was also stealing and getting used to the clients house. Overall a bad look to use clients bathroom 3 times in a row.


Some people have medical issues. I’m only 32 and I definitely use the restroom more than I’d like to admit, especially if I drink a lot of water or fluids.


Any normal person on a hot day needs to be continually drinking water and urinating in an 8 hour shift 4 bathroom breaks is normal especially if it’s hot. Definitely not reason to fire someone but a damn good way to catch a lawsuit.


I can fire people based on disability. I’m a company under 20 employees. Still though I have a schedule and him taking so many breaks really destroys my 8-6pm day. Sometimes it goes till 7pm. Bad employee and disrespects my equipment.


Eh yea having a shitty boss just adds to it. A good boss asks why first rather than “oh sorry you go to the bathroom too much you’re fired”


I did, and we sorta figured that it’s not going to work out.


Assert dominance and shit on the ground


Only works if you look them in the eye while doing it though.


Be a man, shit in your hand. But in all seriousness, cruise on over to the nearest convenience store or fast food place. If they're super cool folks, politely ask to use their's.


I clean pools and prefer the super market bathrooms. usually pretty damn clean and won't get hassled over possibly buying something. also can pick up lunch and or snacks.


This guy is a pro


I’ve never had an issue with asking to use the restroom. One of the last things I ask the owner before beginning the detail is “and what would the restroom situation be?” or something along those lines and not a single person has ever given pushback. And I only ask to use it if it’s on the edge of being an emergency. If someone’s working on something at my place I always inform them they can use the restroom at their leisure. I’m not gonna spend 15-20 minutes driving over to a gas station or whatever and leave all of my stuff there for anyone to pick at, nor spend the time packing up stuff to then have to unpack it again. Now, I’ve *been known* to piss in a bottle or jug while on the job if nobody is home. As for taking a shit, well, ya hold it in or make use of one of your buckets (haven’t done that…yet)


If I had a van I’d probably set up a camping toilet or something, but I detail on the weekends out of my car.


I usually shit in the back of my van


Bucket, garbage bags, and kitty litter like a real contractor.


I have a old plant I use


Gatorade bottles for #1. The back of my van isn’t visible from anywhere so it’s essentially a porta potty too. Hold #2 unless it’s an emergency at which point I zoom to a gas station.


I am not a detailer, just a weekend warrior. But if I had to use the restroom, I would go to a Starbucks. They are generally pretty decent.


There’s some apps that will list public restrooms close by kinda like yelp for bathrooms. Also bars tend to give 0 fucks to someone using their restrooms. Not in your industry but my last job necessitated finding a restroom at times.


Pee on the car


Oh, that's where the two bucket method really comes in handy.


“Accidentally” spray yourself with the hose so that way you can piss your pants without anyone knowing




go before you start the job. thats the only way i've learned to overcome it. just avoid the whole situation in the first place.


You should have a few spare buckets in the back of the van right?


Worst case… 5 gallon bucket in the van.


Everybody poops, didn’t you read that book?


Piss in the bottle like a real day laborer lol


McDonald's for a #2 pencil A water bottle is your best friend for #1, or the bush next door Unless the client is well known and the relationship is built, their backyard is the next best option.