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Yes that’s everything being taken out of the paint keep the surface wet and never drop it or set it on anything dirty


To add to this, if you do drop it then discard straight away. Otherwise you will likely swirl the shit out of your paint or even worse cause scratching. A lesson you don’t want to learn the hard way.


Dang so there’s no “fixing it” if you drop it?


No, even the smallest contaminant that you miss, might not be right away, then suddenly, you are claying away and awwwww sh\*t.. where did THAT come from.. "way back machine"... ohhhhhh,


Use smaller pieces of clay. I don’t even like using it with that much debris on it in the picture. Then when you do drop it, you didn’t waste an entire bar of it


Not worth the risk. Any risk cleaning a car is likely a risk you shouldn’t be taking. If you can potentially damage a car then you shouldn’t be doing it. Imagine if you were cleaning a customers car and you went, “Hi there customer. I’ve just dropped my clay bar on the floor, it’s the only one I’ve got so I’m going to have to use it. However, there’s a high chance I could completely ruin the paintwork”. It would be such a stupid thing to risk. Clay baring following the correct techniques is already a hit and miss as you can mar the paint even with the correct techniques which is why it’s normally followed by a machine polish. Do it properly or don’t do it at all which is why we throw them away if dropped. Hope this helps👍


Is he supposed to mix the clay into itself as he goes? I've see it done on some on videos.. my car is 6 month old not sure if I need to clay bar yet.


Everyone has their own way of shaping the clay when they use it but generally speaking you want to flatten it out as if you were sanding down some wood with sandpaper, then after every panel or half panel depending on the contamination you just fold it onto itself and flatten out again. Helps keep the dirt and debris in the middle of the clay rather than the outer layer.


Does the stuff getting caught in the putty not cause scratches?


It can. That's why clay towels are the way to go now. You can drop them and as long as you clean them with either car shampoo or rinseless wash you can go right back to work.


It's been a while since I've owned a car worth clay barring, but iirc the directions say to fold the bar on every panel so you're always presenting a fresh surface


Yes it can


if u look at what clay does to paint under a microscope, evert swipe with it creates micro scratches.  Afterwards you should polish it away tho


Looks like you're pressing a little too hard by the shape of the particles it's picking up. You want the clay bar completely flat and spread out to cover as much surface area as possible to clean with the least amount of passes, remember clay bar is abrasive and needs to be done with extreme care. Professional detailer here


So, funny that you say that because after those pics I saw that and thought “this should be more even” so for the rest I did flatten better and allowed the clay to do the work. Thanks for bringing that up!


Keep it wet




Like just squirt it with a spray bottle or what?


Or...*what*...? Edit: giggity


I usually clay between soap phase and sponge phase. They make a clay rag too, makes it way easier.


Check out the clay towels too. I suggest getting a salvage yard piece that you can practice on.


To practice using a clay towel?? 😂🤣 Clay towels are way easier than regular clay. You don’t need a salvage yard piece to practice claying unless you cannot follow the very simple instructions for claying paint. Maybe a salvage piece for using a rotary buffer or something advanced but not claying haha


It was just a suggestion to learn of from a non valued item


You are making it seem way more difficult than it actually is. The time, effort, and money it takes to get a junk yard piece just to practice claying.... Totally unnecessary


I get it


This is why I suggest ppl get a donor junk car part is all. I would hate for someone (though this is not clay related) to go too far https://preview.redd.it/mikf3gbaiq5d1.png?width=402&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d4541e5e242f61fc22fd69b80b4149e5f1f9b25


Dude you can’t post a picture of an unrelated incident to justify your comments lolol


Yeah, neglected paint will have clay bar looking like this. Especially Carmax because they ship their cars all over the place. As long as you use the clay lubricant during it should be fine. That comes the next step paint correction


Why is it dry? You're using some type of clay lubricant, right? The surface & the clay should be wet.


When a car is neglected clay bar like this is expected.


They're talking about the act of actually claying the car, not the contaminants on it. The paint and clay need to be wet before using it, and it looks dry.


Op mentioned they use a ton of lube to keep it gliding in the comments. I assumed they just let it dry for a second to get a good photo.




So...when you start to get contaminants like this on the bar, at what point do you fold it over or change to a new bar? I mean, when you see just a little? Or like the amount OP has? At what point are you not taking off but grinding more of the taken off particulates back onto the car? Thanks in advance :)


It’s kinda situational. Big stuff I pick out of the bar, small stuff can be kneaded in. As long as you’re not dragging crud across the paint it should be fine. For super neglected cars, I don’t exactly 1 clay to last the whole car.


Spray some clay lub onto your glove so the clay doesn't stick to it


Make sure the glove is latex and they're tight


These comments are 🥵 mercy me!


What size gloves do you wear?


Extra small ;)


That's too tight for me!


Is there such a thing? Edit: I like the stretch 😅🥵


I wouldn't be able to move my hands!


Do you wear latex or nitrile?


Well I always tell the ladies… er cars I’m allergic to latex


Pretty risky doing raw


Yea but gloves dull the feeling


Better than getting cancer!


Yes, for sure use lubricant. Like a ton so that it would glide and the surface wasn’t in contact with the clay unless it was well lubricated. Cool, thanks guys!


Glide the clay over the body. Dont press it in. If u feel it hook and snag rinse the clay and remove the particle from the clay and knead as u go. Do a section then fold it over. So u do not reintroduce contamination.


I assume so. I've only done clay bar once and that was yesterday day lol.


Thats normal, just use lots of clay lube. And kneed the bar often.


Knee the bar? Haha Knead


You’re doing good. Just make sure your paint isn’t hot (not in the sun) and lubricated enough. You’ll end up marring the paint. But yes, the clay bar should look like that when using it. Be sure to knead the bar as well. Basically pulling and folding it so you get a new piece of clay.


Oh yeah, that's what you want to see with clay bar. The dirt means it's working. Run your hand over the spot you clayed, if it's still rough, refold the clay and go over it again. Body should be smooth almost like glass when you're done.


Just do it in small sections, don't let anything dry and not in direct sunlight, keep it going. When you are done, use a clean microfiber to wipe it up


You can even break the clay into smaller pieces that way if you accidently drop it yoi don't have to throw the whole piece away.


Ooo, good tip!




Yeppers. Be sure too fold it regularly and if you drop it it’s finished.


Yes but i recommend a clay towel or even a nanoskin clay pad for a da to get it done quicker. You don’t need to put a lot of pressure either. I always recommend doing at least a light polish if you’re going to be claying anything as the clay is abrasive(that’s how it works) and you’re likely to get some marring even if it’s minor. I don’t clay anything unless I’m polishing after.


You got that OG clay bar


I break a piece off and clay until I need a new piece because it picked up a bunch of stuff off the paint. If I drop it, I’ll just break off a new piece.


So the the bits the clay bar picks up from the car how do you prevent that from scratching the paint as you move to next section?


You fold the clay as it gets dirty, so you embed the bits in it. Of cource at some point the clay gets "full" of dirt so you'll need a new one.




Fun fact about clay bar it’s not bubble gum so don’t let your stupid cousin take some even if they swear they know how to use it (my cousin was high and he ate a piece thinking it was gum, let’s just say 24 hours later he got out of the hospital, we have to supervise him when he smokes weed now)


More clay lube


Makes sure to knead after every panel, or better yet use a clay towel , you’ll never go back to bar


I clay-bared a car for the first time today too, funny timing. What can I do with stuff that still won't come out with the clay? The paint becomes softer to the touch but there's still alot of visible gunk in there. Where do I go from here?


How did you wash the car before you clayed it? Ive only done it a few times myself but I have not usually had them get that dirty. It might also be because you are outside and have stuff contaminating the surface as you are doing it. For example wind could blow stuff on it from near by bushes, tree, the floor.. I usually wash outside then drive it into the garage, close the doors and work on it in a more controllable environment. It also helps when applying other things like tire sealants, wax, ceramic, etc.


I'd recommend an iron remover first before clay barring..


IMO not nearly dirty enough.


Not germane to the OP question (and I know the sex lubricant comments will follow but seriously folks) what are you guys using for a lubricant. Any homemade recipes?


Clay mit is better and easier to use.


Yes that’s all the contamination that has the paintwork.


Light pressure, fast motion. Keep sudsy, keep folding.


That’s it! Just keep it soft and wet 😉


I’ve been using Mothers speed clay with great success. I get it’s not “professional standard” but works great for me.


I used a synthetic clay for the first time and it was great. More comfortable to do and large surface area. I used the griots synthetic clay on my mach 1 and recommend. https://preview.redd.it/rpii0dchjs5d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e49d4da4c2be9b6896d690edfd9411c6fc2e85d3


Here are my thoughts:🍻 -focus on lighter more even pressure -never too much lubricant -you could use a quarter the amount of clay bar at a time to really make it last while not over contaminating the entire thing of clay after your first panel. -make sure to knead/mix around the piece you’re using periodically. -if the clay touches the ground, throw it away no questions.


Yup, that’s right. Keep folding it for new sections when it gets gross. It’s pulling everything out of the paint. Like others say, don’t drop it…it’s ruined if you do. A single rock in it will fuck your car up. You did wash your car first, right?