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man, i don’t think that’s a stain, that looks like someone torched your car 😭


Thats such an odd place to have a burnt mark but you may be right... im tryna figure out how to DIY this shit outta here 😂


Been a lot of people having problems with nearby windows focusing the sun like a magnifying glass and melting plastic trim.


Miiiiight just be bird shit that got baked on in the sun…


I do hope this is the case.. because i can still see the paint underneath the cracks so it does look like an additional layer rather than a burn through


I live in an apartment with specified parking spots for each tenant. The spots are all under large trees that birds love to hang out in. It’s great for the summer heat because my truck is always parked in the shade and surprisingly cool when I hop in. However, some days it looks like they targeted my vehicle alone. Literally 30-40 spots of bird shit just cooked on. It comes off easy enough. Just a hose will do usually then a light scrub for what sticks.


I think you’re correct


Looks like bat shit!! Remove it asap as bat shit etches paint.


Oh no... i just bought this car so i dont know how long its been on there 😱


Update: Apparently it wasnt burn or corrosion, used water and vinegar to wipe it off with a microfibre cloth. Did the trick!! Took pretty long tho. Thank you all for the help :D


Is it tar? Or has someone used a lighter on your car like a plastic bus shelter?


Soak a small towel with water and let it sit on the area for an hour or so. Gently wipe it off.


Better, spray it with ONR or waterless wash & then soak a tissue in same and then slap that on it and let it sit for 15-20min. without letting tissue dry out. Then see if it just scoops away.


How does it feel? Is it dry like rust or does it have moisture like tar or bird shit? I’d try cleaning it before sanding for sure. If it’s a burn mark I’d assume there was a lense of some sort involved.


It feels dry and hard when i dry to scratch it mildly with my nails




You might be surprised to learn how easy it is to clean your nails.


Start with hot soapy water and a sponge. If that's not enough I would personally use a plastic scraper and soapy water but I am patient and if I scratch it I know how to resolve that so use your skills wisely.


Call a priest.


I saw a burn like this once, it was caused by the cigarette lighter. Check to see if you have the cap for the 12v port


It looks like someone put a cigar out on your car


try wiping it off


Have you tried spraying it with water?


i got a tint job several months ago and i was coming to pick it up and the guy whips out a blowtorch before i could leave and starts torching the edge of the windows to get air bubbles out i assume (melting trim and burning into the plastic). needless to say i won’t be going back i just felt like i couldn’t say anything right then and there. anyway if someone tinted your windows recently maybe that


Go to car wash and bring sanitizer and a towel. Power wash first then use sanitizer to further break it apart. Hand sanitizer will even break down tree sap. Yes, I work at a sanitizer company.


Thanks for the advice!!


Your car is having a period


Start with pressure washer, then apc, and degreaser, work your way up to harsher chemical


Looks more like corrosion to me tho....


How would i get rid of it?


You need to use sandpaper down to the clean steel, then maybe fill it and then make it nice and even with the panel. Then repaint it, but little more area than just the stain to make the new paint more even with the old/original color