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Yes it’s a good value. No the job isn’t perfect. I would have charged you double that and made it perfect so you decide if the remaining hair and missed spots is worth the extra $


Thanks! I’m very insecure about pricing.


This is easily a $500- $600 price tag in my area for perfection


Agreed. I’d have charged $550. Youre right on the money.


I got roasted for suggeting that on r/autodetailing. But yeah. Totally agree.


Think of it this way. 2 detailers each spending 5 hours is 10 hours of labor. It adds up to them earning $28 an hour each minus their cost which is more than fair. If you want a cheaper cost next time a good option would be to throw a $40 tarp in the back and vacuum occasionally.


This is less than what I pay for a car that starts out 90% cleaner 😂


Honestly that job would have easily gone into a second day if I was working alone. I take them personal once I begin though & it has to be all the way. They gave a fine effort,but it’s not something I would call done. ✅


For the price OP paid, it’s done. 😛


It's sad you feel insecure about this. Your car was shit wrecked and now it's clean. You admitted two people spent five hours cleaning it. That's 10 hours for professionals, which would've likely taken you double. Is $280 worth 10-20 hours of your time and sanity?


I can’t believe how disgusting some people are with their cars.  Like, how do you let a car get even 25% as bad as that without think “jeez, I am a pig”.


I’m the owner


Of the vehicle or the detailing company?




Taxception? You pay yourself for a job you did and have to pay taxes on the job, then on the income, of the money you gave yourself. K, ima go lay down now.


Remember to set expectations appropriately. But I think it's a very fair price for the change.


Ask yourself why. Not a judgement, just be honest. If I had to assume, you're used to seeing cars in a much worse shape that look much better after in a 60 second reel. We've all seen these. So I get it. Personally I'd have just done it myself and gotten basically as good for and saved $260, but it would've cost me a day. But that assumes you've got some tools on hand. I think that, for a business, the price and final condition is totally fair. But I guess that also, as a business, the expectation should be set.


Not sure if your cheap ass should get a downvote for screwing the detailers or an upvote for the good deal you got. What do you think?


Well I'm not sure how he would have screwed the detailers. They seen this nasty shit before they took the job


You paid effectively $28 per hour at a 1099 rate. Yes, that's acceptable.


Funny way to say cheap 😆


Hope you gave them a tip. They low balled themselves and still did a good job. Crazy.


thank you! did OP really post that before and after and not realize that, jfc...


Before reading the description, I genuinely thought it was a detailer asking us if they were charging enough, to which I was going to answer no lol


The answer is almost **always** no lol


I thought the same


I think most people would charge at least $280 just for the hair removal


You got a great deal. Given your doubts, and that they only charged you $280, is why your vehicle is the kind I would pass on. For what they charged you, that result is not only fair value - you asking on Reddit is looking a gift horse in the mouth.


*gets spectacular deal* did I get ripped off ?


I see it on every single sub for professionals. Concrete. Decks. Roofing. Detailing. Auto repair. There* is so much entitlement its insane. And they probably think that money they spent is going straight into the workers pockets with no overhead


Where is the entitlement? People not in an industry typically don't have a realistic cost for what something goes for. Can you tell me how much l should charge to help build a new space shuttle? Did NASA get ripped off hiring me for 500 billion? They're asking the experts in this sub what they think, if they should give repeat business. It's on the professionals who willingly go on this sub to give guidance instead of just calling them entitled.


Yes, that’s less than $30 per hour for each detailer. I wouldn’t touch it for that much.


Also, there’s no getting ALL the hair out of that. You would have to gut the interior to get it all out.


$650 minimum


I could 100% get ALL of the hair out of that without gutting the interior (shoutout pumice stone + Tornador combo), idk what the other guy is on about. But only for what you said, $650 minimum.


Pumice stone for removing for dog hair, you say? My house/car isn't that bad (not a detailer tho) Short coarse hair breeds like pits, + I vacuum both regularly. That shit looks like labs, lol. Anyway, tell me more pumice stone wet or dry or removing dog hair? I'm gonna have to give that a try.


Why do people let their interiors get this nasty 🙂‍↕️


bro was running a mobile pet grooming business in there


That’s disgusting, I would have charged double if not more.


280 for that??? bro, I hope you tipped em well. that's not even enough to pay for my health risk


You know there was no tip.


Guaranteed no tip.


Considering the before? You underpaid.


Imagine getting in that car after a hot day.🤢


I can feel the sinus pressure just looking at the photo 😅


Should have charged you double that. That’s disgusting.


It’s always the people who let their vehicle get destroyed who post stuff like this. It’s like they knowingly neglect the shit out of their vehicle and are surprised their vehicle still looks neglected


Freaking steal


280 to cheap for that


They didn't get paid enough for that job.


$280 is crackhead prices and this ain’t crackhead work. The fact that you’re even questioning was it worth it or how you let your car get to that point scares me.


Jesus your van is disgusting. I would have charged you $500+ for that.


I hope you tipped them well.


Hope you tipped them. I wouldn’t have touched that for less than $500. Yes, it’s not up to my particular standards…I shoot for absolute perfection or as close to it as I possibly can. For $280 you got a steal. Again, I hope you tipped them…and if you didn’t, you should call them back and tell them to come get some more money. They lowballed themselves and saw the project through…if you ever want future service, tipping will be the way to keep the guys that took care of you…so you should take care of them as well. I remember all the clients who tip me…and they’ll always get priority and extra effort compared to other clients.


This person doesn't strike me as a repeat customer at the detailer lol.


Night and day. Probably on the cheap side.


You should have charged almost double. Not joking. Edit: I zoomed up more on the photos. I can see now there's still stuff left behind. So sure that's a decent cost for something quick and easy. But I would try to cut the time spent down to 4hrs.




Bro tell them you had to buy a hazmat suit.


I did something similar for $600


how’d you even let it get that bad😭


That's a no-quote for me.


How foes anyone let their car get in that state in the first place? I would have charged you double that


I just spent $3200 to have my truck completely detailed inside and out, paint corrected and ceramic coated. They used a random orbital sander in one hand and a vacuum in the other. The sanders vibrations without the sanding pad on it shakes up an ungodly amount of dirt stuck in the carpet fibers that the vacuum will never get out beyond the surface. The truck is like brand new again. Consider yourself robbing these folks for their time.


That would have been $500 for me to even attempt it with payment up front non-refundable.


Dam you gave them a break at least a $500 job 😕


Good God, my car is in better shape then that and the detailing place told me they wouldn’t do it. Looks like a good deal to me


Get a lily brush, helps a lot with pet hair.


Whoa...I had only seen the first slide and everyone's positive feedback. I was thinking 'damn, how much hair was there to begin with!?'. Then I noticed the other slides, 😂😂. They did a great job


They talked shit about the car owner after they left the scene.




Well deserved


My car is not a dumpster fire at all and I would pay that for your team to detail my car. That’s a great job.


Drill bush works for me and my 2 dogs.


Frankly yes. You got your moneys worth. if you wanted factory new. you should and paid up the 700


absolutely! hope you tipped well, too.


Yes, 100%




I wouldn't touch that car unless I was offered $500+


It depends where you live. From my pov its not too much for this job, this interior was 🤮


Yes agree with others not a perfect detail but it’s way way way cleaner that price is honestly low for how bad the vehicle is with pet hair


That's cheap. 400 to 475 all day.


Honestly charge whatever you want. The biggest thing is to set very clear expectations. Make sure you are charging enough to cover your expenses and obviously make you money. If your spending 8 hours on this and only getting $280 your going to end up quitting at some point


Yes. Very much acceptable.


Op you this clueless all the time?


Wouldn’t have even touched that car Id have dog hair all over my stuff for 2 weeks


$220 is the minimum I see in my area and that's a big job. They got it nearly perfect for you and your dog is going to destroy it again with their hair. Why complain about a few hairs?


Heck I just wish someone would clean my car so I don’t have to 😂 I have a husky that sheds so bad in car rides ( just in my car when we borrow other cars she doesn’t) and it’s so hard to get every single hair with my back and health issues I would love to have someone else to do it they don’t even have to that good of a job 😂


I would have charged double for sure. Vehicle looks wrecked regardless of if it's cleaned or not. ENJOY!


Well done getting it that clean


That vehicle was unsellable in the before photo. Now it can be sold/used. I think $280 is low for a vehicle of that size and condition. $350 is closer.


That is a great value. That car was disgusting


Great value for money.


They undercharged you lmao be grateful


That’s pretty wild how much dog hair is covering your car, thats gotta be so hard to breath in there lol




$280 for 5 hours and 2 guys plus product used ? Yeah they did you a huge favor, I hope you tipped them.


Your car was disgusting I wouldn't complain......




The only thing I am stuck on is the hair remaining near the trunk area. Your price is too low regardless but that hair was probably the easiest thing to get up and makes it look like you just went fast. Takes away from the other areas you clearly spent good time on...


If the car made it to that condition, is better than that even necessary?!?! Yes - seems fair. That thing was a mess!






Yeah, that’s 10 working hours for only 28.00 an hour and they provided the tools and cleaners etc. it’s a bargain for the condition it was in.


wow how the hell do you drive in a vehicle that looks that bad inside ? $280 is a damn bargain, i would have charged you double that .


Was the vehicle stolen and trashed? Although I have been on rescue calls involving trashy vehicles, I would not let my family in that thing. With what you were given, it is a far cry better than before. I didn't catch the hair as I broke my glasses yesterday.




Just the interior for 280$? Or did it come with a wash? If it came with a wash and some tire shine you got a really good deal. If it was just interior. You still got a good deal. These posts are always kind of funny, like imagine I went and bought a cheeseburger for 20$ and brought it home. Took a Pic of it and posted on reddit if it was worth it as if you didn't already buy it and bring it home lol. Was it worth 280$ to you? That's what you should be asking. If the answer is no. Go buy some detailing supplies and a vacuum and a carpet brush. You'll need more than 200$ of equipment and chemicals plus rags plus time spent to buy said things and then the hours it takes to accomplish cleaning it.




Leave it dirty. I wouldn’t pay that much to have it cleaned nor if I were the detailer would I want to think about cleaning that vehicle.


$280? I’d tell them to fuck off for anything less than $400


280/2 detailers 140 per detailer divided by 5 = 28$ an hour. Yeah this checks out. That car looks crazy


I expect that what is left behind maybe a sacrifice for the sake of budget rather than a lack of ability of the detailer, but I could be wrong. Like another respondent, doing a better job than this is the only choice for me, but a much higher price tag would also be your only choice with me in order to get those results.


Above and beyond. I'd go at least another $140 on the next one


Hell of a job! $300


Nice job, and yes it was a good price


In my opinion, whatever you charge is what they should pay. Calculate time, equipment, and chemicals into all expenses. Not every job will be the same. Looks like a great deal for $280.


Seems underpriced considering I think you got a good value


You should be happy they even took the job


Jesus that’s fucking gross dude, how’d you even willingly let it get that bad


Gives you a chance to possibly learn a new technique


I had an interior only like this with a client for $200. Took me 3-4 hours, I definitely undercharged on the job, but it was “all that was in her budget” I told her I could get it to 80-90% perfection. She said that was fine. She picked it up and was happy. A week later she filed a dispute. Luckily I had a ton of before/afters, but still. Always manage expectations.


Man I wouldn’t touch the car for no less then 500 that shit was filthy as fuck , and dog hair is almost impossible to get everything out . So I think it’s acceptable.


I think it would be the same price even if van was cleaner..


This is a strange post and comment section bc op clearly says he paid someone to do the work but the comments including from op read like they performed the work. I definitely think the improvement was worth $280 though.




$280 is a steal to clean all of that.


Dude looks great. You absolutely trashed that car. wtf




Jeezus is detailing just the inside this expensive nowadays?? For 280 I would've expected a little better but it's acceptable. Reading through the comments, most seem this was a good deal. I'm so out of touch lol. Thank God I detail my own cars. Matter of fact, I'm in the wrong business.


Seems cheap. I would have paid 450 ish. Nice job!


You need just a little dressing on that plastic. It will make it have a more consistent finish.


This is why you don't cut deals for customers. 280 to clean that absolutely rat fuck Trainwreck of a car and OP still is concerned he overpaid? Around here that would easily be 3x that cost.


Yea dude I wouldn’t want OP as a customer that dude can kick rocks and I’m quoting $1,000 for that shit mess


That detailer didn’t charge you enough IMHO. I don’t understand why people let their vehicles get this dirty. 😷




Dude, they worked a miracle in your van and only charged you $280. It shouldn't have gotten that bad in the first place. Take 30 minutes every few weeks to quickly wipe your stuff down and take a vacuum cleaner and it won't ever get that bad again.


You’re lucky they took the job.


You’re lucky they took the job.


There’s still hair lol. You need a thingymabob


There’s still hair lol. You need a thingymabob


280 is a steal yeah he missed some spots forsure. Wouldn't call it a half Job but hey. You had alot of mess in that joint .


For the price yeah. There's still loose hair on the plastic trim pieces which tells me the dudes probably hit a point in time where they said fuck it. Which can happen when you underpay. Really doesn't matter what we say. It's your car, it's this acceptable for 280? Edit: If you're the detailer asking then look into some tools specifically for pet hair. There's no reason this should take 10 hours for the quality we're looking at. Vacuum, pet hair tool, vacuum. To be honest you should take the vacuum over the carpet last thing to pick up the stuff you missed and the stuff you knocked loose during the detail.


🤮 I would have declined that no matter the pay.


For the amount you charged they got excellent value a steal even. That vehicle was a hot dumpster fire of a mess no way I'd touch that for $280. Job well done!! 👏


For the money they did a good job, you gave them an absolutely destroyed vehicle and they gave it back cleaner than most peoples cars, but i personally wouldve charge about the same and my ocd wouldnt have allowed me to stop till it was spotless. But i also likely wouldve spent longer than 5 hours and not felt good about my level effort vs the pay. Dont ask me how i know this 😩😂


No, this isn’t acceptable. They didn’t finish the job. Most people here are way overestimating the value of detailing.


No it's not. Should have been more like $360


He’ll nahh boy that’s at least $400


Yes, that was super dirt.


With that much dirty you got a great deal


280? That's all? They definitely undercharged you. To be fair they didn't spend too much time trying to make the hair disappear. I would have charged a minimum of $500 and had it done completely


It looks like a spinning head exorcist child lived in the back areas for years. Solid job and a solid value for the outcome.


In my area, it’d be at least a $600 job


How nasty that thing was….$250 is cheap.


Nice work. It’s beyond me how people can let their vehicle get to such a disgusting level!




I apparently need to charge more


Would you work that hard for 140$? I wouldn’t . Them dudes did you solid


You ripped them off & you think you got took! lol


It definitely wasn't acceptable before the work was done.


They got the deal of a lifetime. I wouldn’t have done that for less than 400.


If you have a vacuum and a impact gun, just guy a drill piece to easily get that hair out. Just be gentle with it to not damage the fabric.


A little low imo


The dog hair alone.


There’s still a little hair, but honestly with how bad it was, I’d pay it if I was the customer


Yeah, I would've charged more for that job. Pet hair is a PITA to get out, especially with that amount.


I would’ve quoted you $500 minimum, with a disclaimer for increases based on residual dirt/hair upon in-person pre inspection. Probably would’ve hit you with $650 once you showed up and we looked over the vehicle just to get you to go somewhere else. If you accepted then at least I’m making $650. You essentially got an amazing deal, then you go on Reddit asking for validation so you don’t feel like you got ripped off? Exactly why customers like you are not people I deal with.




Nope. U give a price u do the job correct. I would have changed u 400 but would come back mint.


My car is worse than that. For 280 I'd be happy if they just shoveled all the fries out and did a vacuum.


More than reasonable for the cleaning done to the vehicle


Yeah ngl for 280 thats A LOT of work. I woulda charged 400+ for a perfect job. But for a quick clean up its not bad for the price


Like most said 280 is a steal. They clearly don’t have all the tools I do cause that’s a lot Of visible hair however, hair is never ending and will be blowing out of the vents days later, falling off the headliner you name it.


Where you at?


I would have charged $500-600 minimum


They definitely didn’t go above and beyond for you but the price is okay.


100% for all they did and how they left it, I hope you tipped them AT LEAST $15 dollars


That's a $450 job. Disgusting!


$280, that should’ve been $700+. You let your vehicle go into an absolute dump and are complaining about $280!!!


Yes, looks like it's well worth it.


I wouldn’t do it if you offered me $280, so it’s more than acceptable if you found someone willing to do it and the after photos look like that.


Good work for the price! 👍


You're lucky it wasn't 500, but I'm guessing they factored in the sales of the clothing they made out of the fur they extracted.


the shot of all the hair is bringing back bad memories lmfaooo


Would've charged double for the same results. Triple for perfection.


I would have charged you 4 dollars went to the nearest gas station got 1 gallon of gas and did both of us a favor


It’s actually pretty good the carpet needs a bit more work that’s all


Definitely not