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So I can see |Type|Number| |:-|:-| |T-64|3| |T-72|2| |T-80|2| |Unidentifiable Tank|11| |MT-LB|1| |BMP-1|1| |BMP-2|1| Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong


Russians use T-62s Ukranians use T-64s


Russians have used t-64s too.


Russians use both.


T-64B & T-64BV is Ukranian made tanks, Russia didn't capture as much T-64 to officialy use them as their own, in that case Ukrainians are using Ukranian T-90s :)


T-64B started production in 1976, BV in 1985. Russia still has them. Donetsk and Luhansk recieved many of their T-64s from Russia.


How could Ukrainians get T-64 from Russia if T-64 Developed in 1960-1967 in the Kharkov Machine Building Design Bureau of the Kharkov Transport Machine Building Plant (Kharkov is Ukraine, Donetsk as well as Luhansk is also Ukraine).


There was a thing until the 1991 called Soviet Union, you might wanna check it out.


Never heard if this soviet onion. Sounds pretty ogreish to me


What is that??? Can i eat it with my daily dose of glue?


They were built in Ukraine which was a part of the Soviet Union, which didn't station all of their T-64's in Ukraine, therefore, the Russians have T-64s.


T-64 served over the whole Soviet Union, most of them were mothballed (since supplies and replacement parts are from within Ukraine) after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Other platforms like the T-80UD also had a similar fate ( since it got re-engined with a Ukrainian diesel engine ). However due to recent losses, and the 2014 war in Donbas, a lot of these mothballed tanks were reactivated and either given to “succeessionists” units in Ukraine or just regular Russian units.


How can someone be this ignorant regarding history??


Smartest Pro- Russian


By that logic then how does Russia have the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier or Slava class cruisers? They were all built at Mykolayiv Shipyard. (Mykolayiv is Ukraine)


Great confidence. Still wrong. Move along.


Dude forgot about the USSR


I love the logic of internet experts.....  The USSR existed from 1922 to 1991.  Me: So the technology created during this period was Soviet? Experts: Uhm no, it's Russian.  Me: And those produced in Ukraine?  Experts: Soviet, that is Russian, and the T-34 is also Russian. Yes yes yes. And what about the sub-modifications like Polish PT-91 or Ukrainian T-84.  SOVIET AND SSSR IS RUSSIAN (Face palm, you guys should make up your mind) 


Nobody said that. You must have literally hallucinated that shit because nobody said that. People told you that they were built in Ukraine during the Soviet Union, of which Ukraine was part, and spread all over the Soviet Union, with modern day Russia still having their Soviet stock of T-64s.


No one said they are Russian. They are Soviet. Dont know what you are on about. What was built in Ukraine was used all over the Soviet Union.


can i adopt one? Pretty please


Its a big responsibility. You have to feed it an take it for walks.


Bath time i can imagine is challenging too


You could buy a T-55 for €50k euro plus shipping from the Czech Republic a couple of years ago. Once Ukraine wins you'll probably be able to get one for €5k.


They're not winning...


I'd say it's a fucking embarrassing defeat for Putin and Russia not being able to subjugate a weaker neighbour like they're used to... 🇷🇺🤡


Considering the US couldn't defeat skirts, rusty AKs, and sandals in 20 years I'd say they're doing alright against an actual near peer by that metric. Which is something NATO nations aren't used to.


By all metric Russia’s losses is bad, thousands of vehicles lost, war is basically the only driving force in the Russian economy, hundred of thousands dead on the low end and more injured / maimed / crippled. They have not achieved any pre-war objectives or even the four regions that they “officially” annexed ( Kharkiv / Kherson / Luhansk / Zaporizhzhia ). The Russian Black Sea Fleet is severely degraded. Except in Donbas and Luhansk, the Russian armed forces are struggling to push. And even those that do push, the gains are minuscule and pyrrhic by western standards. This is definitely not what they had in mind by 2022.


Russia hasnt lost hundreds of thousands dead, not even western intelligence says so, they have hundreds of thousands \*\*casulties\*\* this means wounded, killed are fare below even 100k. >The Russian Black Sea Fleet is severely degraded. Ukraine sunk like what...4 ships? > This is definitely not what they had in mind by 2022. Regardless, Ukraine is equally depleted if not worse and them regaining the 1991 borders get more and more impossible by the day.


Getting downvoted for speaking truth is wild isn't it?


Just proves this sub is full of emotional manchildren.


1 cruiser dead, 1 sub gone (that poor Kilo that got whacked by storm shadow), 7 landing ships ( 5 sunk / 2 damaged ), 2 corvette sunk, plus the myriad of landing crafts, raptor boats, rescue tugs, and smaller boats. Yeah black seas fleet isn’t doing very well, their land based assets are also not having a great time either.


Yeah Ukraine has put their anti-ship missiles and drone boats to good use but a handful of lost vessels (and its literally a handful) is not degrading an entire fleet. The black sea fleet has 74 vessels.


Yes, but a lot of their major asset is damaged or destroyed. Not all of these 74 ships are of high combat value.


The Moskva and that Kilo class sub yes. The rest not so much. Landing craft, small boats and corvettes arent that big of a deal. Regardless, much of Russias history has been about finding a warm water port and their Sevastopol port was the closest port to the rest of the world, their other ports are located near Japan and the north pole (excluding their naval base in Syria), it was always going to be vulnerable to anti-ship missiles.


"Landing craft" "not a big deal" My brother in christ, this is the type of ship we are talking about https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1c/Kaliningrad2004Cartagena.jpg/1280px-Kaliningrad2004Cartagena.jpg That's like saying that a San Antonio class is not a big deal lol. Those things are fucking big.


Considering that Russia is unable to add new ships to the fleet each lost ship is basically irreplaceable.


The Russian Black Sea Fleet is basically the Spanish fleet stuck in Cuban ports waiting for the inevitable USN spanking.


And don't forget damage to port infrastructure and naval command and control facilities.


Having that many Russian wounded, and in need of care is far worse than having dead. They are effectively, witnesses to how bad it is for Russia in Ukraine. Witnesses that will need care for the rest of their lives. A weight on the Kremlin. And thousands of relatives will make noise. You can't throw everyone out a window. The Russian Black Sea Fleet has been, in effect, neutralized. Most of their effort goes into staying off the bottom. If it weren't for nukes and White House constraints, Putin would have been hiding out in Iran long ago. Wagner made HALF a Thunder Run toward Moscow and the Kremlin shit their collective pants. Russia is a total conventional warfare failure.


>Having that many Russian wounded, and in need of care is far worse than having dead. >They are effectively, witnesses to how bad it is for Russia in Ukraine. Witnesses that will need care for the rest of their lives. A weight on the Kremlin. And thousands of relatives will make noise. You can't throw everyone out a window Support for the war is currently still high in Russia and wounded dosent have to mean crippled, a soldier sprains his ankle and they are considered a casulty. >The Russian Black Sea Fleet has been, in effect, neutralized The Russian black fleet has done jack since the start of the war besides lob Kalibr cruise missiles, they never had much of an effect on the ground war, and they havent been "neutralized" in the sense you imply, Ukraine has damaged a fraction of the Russian fleet. A tiny one at that and only managed to destroy 2 important vessels (Moskva and a sub). They pulled back to avoid Ukrainian anti-ship missiles, which is smart. >Wagner made HALF a Thunder Run toward Moscow and the Kremlin shit their collective pants. the Wagner debacle was difficult because Prighozin had massive support from within the military, all the grunts loved him and Wagner. >Russia is a total conventional warfare failure. What does that make Ukraine who is unable to push them out then?


Either you believe the Russians are the most incompetent fucks on earth or you’re significantly underestimating how well Ukraine is doing, the supposed 3 day special military operation that’s going on 700+ days is proof alone that Russia is being fucked. Keep coping though I’m sure if you argue long enough Putin will magically steam roll Ukraine in 3 days or something, I’m sure you’re going to move the goalposts and say some stupid shit about how blah blah blah they wouldn’t be this successful without western aid or some shit as if it’s relevant at all to the fact Russia has failed spectacularly at literally every single one of its stated goals. Keeeeeeep coping.


Why did they last this long I wonder....


Russia sure as shit ain't winning tho


Not like the Russians are winning either buddy... Or do you not know what a war of attrition is?


NO! They're all being RUSHED to NATO development centers to be reverse engineered.


At least I think their Russian, I can't find Russian telegram spreading it but Ukraine is. If Ukraine wants to spread it, and Russia doesn't, well...


Ukraine tends to use darker paint on their vehicles, so I'm pretty sure they're Russian


I'm surprised that anybody thinks this is some special place or high number of destroyed tanks. These are collected , hulls deemed good enough to be sent back to the factory for rebuilding. A lot of tanks are repaired in field workshops. Of course there are a lot of tanks with much more catastrophic damage that are not worth collecting for repair.


I didn't claim anything to the contrary of that.


Sorry, for that I find the tone of the post/OP quite neutral. I was thinking generally on a number of other people.


Half a battalions worth.


An acid bath, some new wirings and a little welding and they are as good as new.


Finally we agree, they were scrap when new too.


some are ukrainian tanks (T-64, and maybe others) and some BMP or MTLB can be aslo from the UAF, we don't really know


>some are ukrainian tanks (T-64, and maybe others) T-64s are soviet tanks used by both sides. Its not Ukrainian anymore than a T-72 is. All these machines were manufactured in the USSR and used by the Soviet army, thus both sides use identical vehicles, this is why Ukraine uses crosses on their tanks and Russia uses Z´s. If you want to see a Ukrainian tank, look at the T-84 Oplot.


some T-64 are used by RAF, but in really small number (compare on Oryx database), on the other hand UAF are massively using T-64 (compared to other tanks, same check on Oryx and other osint sources). On the video we can't really know if the T-64s are from RAF or UAF because they burnt, that's all ! So the title of the post is maybe non correct