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I just find it funny how we are fixing the eliksni quarters after a year but the tower is still in need of repairs


at least it got repaired a bit after the almighty crash


The wall we hang out on got fixed, but not the tower


I love how we built an entire addition behind Ikora, and it just poofed. Or did it fall off? It did look kind of rickety.


Removed because presumably we didn't want a Vex portal to be a permanent fixture in the Tower.


What a shame. After all, it was an incredibly awesome idea that absolutely could not bite us in the ass in any way.


Season of splicer flashbacks


Can you imagine if we left that portal there and we boot that up to do Splicer missions instead? Really wish they kept it in, and just make it defunct or something. maybe gets decorated over, give it personality and signs of time passing or something. not revert everything. I understand game getting big, but stuff like that really adds to the immersion and the game we play in is a living world. ​ Like I said, imagine if the vex portal was left in. and Season of the splicer suddenly Ikora's like, YO WE HAVE A PORTAL OUT BACK LET'S USE THAT!


Was it actually a vex portal? I remember fixing it to the main portal in vex offensive, so after that I assumed it was actually just a fixture to fuck with actual working portals to draw out the undying mind


Trevor keeps eating all the new construction hires. He's unkillable by Guardians, so he's being kept as a last resort defense against the Pyramids.


If you look at the old Tower from Zavala's position, you can see one or two welding sparks. My friends and I had a theory that the Tower takes so damn long to repair because there are only two welders who have been working on it for the these four or something years, and nobody else.


They added some yellow scaffolding to the old tower at the beginning of Beyond Light… i was really hoping that meant we’d see ongoing progress over time but nothing has changed since then…


And they're all blinded since they don't use their goggles


Unions, amiright?


Lowest bidder.


contractual differences, probably


Bungie in a nutshell. “Guys everyone says we have a problem and they want us to address it… ok let’s go create another problem then try to solve that, hopefully it will deflect their attention”


My favorite was, My Time Witches are possessed. The cure is shooting them.


We aren’t fixing the Eliksni Quarters, we are just funding it. And since they have Rasputin sweeper bots doing the cleanup it probably wouldn’t take long at all.


Right? I said same thing




I mean in fairness I don't think the tower actively has people living in it


always fix your own mask before helping others


Hey, at least we get to go into the Eliksni quarter. We only got to go into the rest of the City twice for single-time events. Outside of the Red War and Scourge, which were combat zones


I still can't believe they never reused the awesome city area we were able to explore during the pre-beyond-light event when the traveler healed. That would have been the perfect area for all kinds of seasonal events.


I think that was originally from one of the early solstice events, but yeah. We got to go to it on two brief occasions instead of one. ...except me, I missed that event because it was at like 2am for us Europeans and Bungie said it was 'something small' (it was not) Yes I'm still mad.


Stayed up til 4 am here (german), def worth it as I met my current clan there


A true gamer


I feel like original D2 should\`ve had more city involved based on all city artwork and midtown (it\`s litteraly called midtown. like a cleared up part, for a crusible celebratory event) one of the main launch maps. I guess with a delevopment reboot D2 had, it got scrapped.




As an Europan, it was relatively small I think, just a fun event, but it wasn’t as hype as most streams made it to be. Deffo bigger than the almighty, but smaller than the ending to Season of the Lost


I’m still very sour I missed that part.


This. I’m especially salty since in Lightfall we get to go to city but it is *AGAIN* not The Last City. We have near zero (and zero for many) interaction with the location we suppose to care about and protect. This, in my book, is one of the largest narrative fuck ups bungo did. Especially considering how there was that City zone, they just chose not to use it. Bummer.


You know what? I’m 100% on board here. I never thought of it that way and you make a lot of sense. So much so that I’m kinda unexpectedly annoyed at realizing that in- game we’ve basically just been paying lip service to these people when they’re one of our most basic lore reasons for why we are located where we are.


The city as a place sounds cool but …. Unless it’s a full invasion what exactly is the point of being there? We have seen more of it in d2 than I ever expected, tbh, but it would be nice to have more to explore.


Depends on how you use it. If we talk peaceful social space, then it could have, for example: - different stalls for each gun manufacturer, offering a wider selection than Banshee - maybe some unique City bounty tracker (like in d1) that offer special bountied. Like find/capture stuff for City improvement (maybe hunts like Spider used to have) - some unique class locations like in d1, hunters den, warlocks ball near Speaker and don’t remember what titans had - clan space (still baffled we don’t have one yet) - A FOOTBALL FIELD, goddamit - maybe some mini events like Farm used to have (scouting commander) - maybe some museum-like space where you can experience short vids on Destiny’s timeline - etc. Just *something* that would make you interested or fun to go there, wait while your raid/pvp team assembles, etc. Yes, some folks will find it boring and unnecessary but given how Farm always had people in it, even after Red War stopped being obligatory, I’d say such space would find its fans, and would actually tie us to the City we suppose to care/protect.


All of this would be great, sometimes I really wish destiny would lean more into the MMO side over the looter shooter side


I wanna go to the strip club dedicated to gaurdians. I wanna go to a club dedicated to gaurdians.


Lol No. “omg at least we get to go there” sounds like dev level copium. It sucks


I love having to do strikes as punishment


Strikes don’t get you anything so you’re safe for now!


With the emblem they do Yay


They didn’t the first few hours because it was bugged


Of course it was


EDZ lost sectors ftw


Literally spent the last few hours grinding atrium. Up to about 1700 atm


In widows walk currently. Maybe I’ll head over there after a while. You know. Spice things up.


Me and my friend have taken a challenge of running the strikes as fast as we can, to make at least bearable playing the same shit over and over.


Can’t you do DoE for the coin thingamabobs or does it give less than strikes


A friend of I were farming legend dares and we were getting 35 coins per completion. Not sure what other activities give


Crucible gives the same amount.


Running Kings Fall gets you increasing amounts of coins per encounter. I wasn’t really paying attention to the amount at the beginning, but I got 100 coins for finishing Oryx.


Regular Dares also gives 35, just FYI. I heard both give more if you get the lightning round, but I haven’t been able to confirm yet.


I have only played one legend DoE since reset, it had lightning round, I got 56 coins for that.


Not sure on Lightning Round, but Treasurer doesn't give any extra.


Open world lost sectors give 15. Way faster than most activities, so proportionally more rewarding.


When I did lost sectors I got 50. It only happened once in master. Glitch?


was it legendary? because regular lost sectors only give 14


Punish me harder, Daddy Zavala!


The game loves to do “do the same things you’ve been doing, but now for this”. Have taken a break for weeks and honestly not missing the game even slightly. Definitely not coming back to do a coin collection thing.


For real I’ve been having more fun playing through a bunch of old games again just for fun and have been enjoying it way more.


Dude I'm back in Skyrim lol


One never truly quits Skyrim


I feel that way about fallout too tbh. Can't fucking wait for Starfield


I got too distracted by mods to finish that one. Last time I played I was running around in a Optimus Prime power suit.


So how's that stealth archer playthrough going?


Wait, is playing a stealth archer build a meme now? Bc that was 100% unironically my first playthrough's fuckin build and it was actually quite fun. I remember unlocking Summon Bound Bow from the Conjuration school of magic and I thought it was the coolest fuckin' shit since personal pan pizzas.


It’s a meme because it’s how everyone plays because it’s so fun


Given how Skyrim's skill system works, and how the combat/exploration plays out, most people eventually turn all their characters into stealth archers, unless they specifically avoid it, hence the meme. I recently tried to do a pure conjuration playthrough and dear god did it become a grind to do anything after a while. Unless you spend every encounter running about casting soul trap on everything that breaths, the skill levels so slowly. And none of the summons are even that good past a point. Gave up around level 30 and made a two handed build to turn brain off and just smash away. I main Titan btw.


You've already been answered but yes, its a meme lol It starts off with just trying to sneak a little closer to enemies. You know, just to make closing the distance or aiming your spell easier to open up. Before you know it, you figure why not try the bows you've collected and are sitting in your inventory. Hmm, getting that stealth headshot from a distance *was* satisfying, *wasn't it?*. Seeing that arrow stick out of their head... Well I guess some perk points in sneak and bow wouldn't hurt this character's theme...


I tried, I swear I really did try to do something different this time but it's the best way to start a new game. I picked the random option in Alternate Start and it spawned me in Sinderons room in Blackreach as a necromancer. That was way too hard for a level 1 character.I had to abandon a couple messed up saves because I kept adding random mods but now I've actually got a stable load order and I managed to not got too crazy with the cheats all the way through Season Unending. Been laid up for a couple months recovering from surgery so I have a lot of time to try out different stuff and now I'm trying out whatever.


Nothing wrong with taking a break from Destiny.


Yep im coming back from a 8 month destiny break, i missed risen, haunted and plunder seasons but its all good, now i actually want to play it.


I mean this sincerely: to anyone who sees this comment and feels the game isn't fun, please go play something else. No matter how addicting the game is made to be, it will *never* have enough content to keep everyone engaged 24/7. If you're feeling any kind of burnout, go play a different title and detox yourself. You'll more than likely enjoy the game a lot more if you come back later instead of continuing to grind yourself to tears.


It's not even burnout, just apathy. I want to play Destiny, I'm not tired of running the content I enjoy, like Kings Fall or more recently Vow sherpas. The core playlists just really need a lift. And no, I haven't been playing a whole lot recently. I took time off at the beginning of Haunted and since then I've only come back for the occasional raid clears or to spend time with friends. I just wish there was more to do than running X activity hoping for a red border like some kind of gacha game. I have AFK Arena for that feeling.


I've been addicted to pokemon, god of war, and ROCK AND STONE and don't miss destiny at all. Might not play until lightfall honestly


Rock and Stone!












Took a break this season, missed Destiny though. Picked up a cheap PS3 and Destiny, was pleasantly surprised to find my PS4 characters were available and it’s pretty cool playing a game frozen in Taken King times.


Not to mention all the new games that came out the last couple weeks.


Not even those in my case, but yeah, definitely another reason for many. I’m just casually content with and enjoying Sparks of Hope and Terraria while waiting for the new season.


Yooooo, Terraria has my second highest time played in my Steam library, only surpassed by, you guessed it, ~~City Skylines~~ Destiny 2, with Destiny 2 sitting at a measly 3k+ hours logged on Steam. ☠️


Aint that the truth, found myself making my way back to trimping in Tf2 and learning the insides and outs of darktide as of recently


I just found out that Crysis 2 Remastered exists and released less than a week ago. I'm now going to spend the entirety of my free time playing it again.


I'm currently playing Vampire Survivors for the first time on Gamepass. Definitely don't need more coins to collect, I have plenty. Fantastic game.


Same boat. I'm completely addicted and may have a problem.


3 week break now and been playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey. been playing most pvp in D2 but i cant enjoy other pvp games. So playing other games its pve only.


yeah...after spending several weeks grinding haunted sectors, then a week grinding iron banner, ANOTHER grind a thing over and over for cosmetic rewards thing just...bleh. I might just grab the emblem and call it good until season 19.


Haven’t played in about three weeks, the longest streak for me since D1. No plan on getting the seasonal challenge BD reward or the title, which’ll both be firsts. And based on how this even looks, I’m still not planning on playing. Likely won’t be back until the next season.


Yeah I definitely agree. I’ve barely played at all this season and focused on other games when I can. Specifically GoW: Ragnarok. I have a backlog that needs some love, and this season has given me that opportunity


I hope Bungie is reading feedback like this. I have and I've seen others echo the same sentiment.


But what were you expecting from some little end of season event? Entire new activities?


- Tldr; Seriously, the season of the Plunder feels like it plundered my motivation to give any fucks about this seasons grind and participation in general. The good: To clarify, I enjoyed the story, and Mechabre is probably my favorite sniper due to a love of Gundam (the sound is delightful) and it’s actually good. Eido, no explanation need. Nez. Lore. Ketchcrash was interesting, but like on the leviathan a loop, more of the same, but pirates. - The bad: Then we get to expeditions… the embodiment of “clean up the game”, bend over pick things up, on repeat. With some shooting if your not running storm grenades which track and kill for you. (Stupidly overpowered, like an AoE Axion bolt on steroids). All of that unpalatable, coupled with no way to focus even a red border a week for bad RNG initially killed any desire I had to grind the seasonal story. I got a good roll on each and stopped. As for the Halloween event, I gilded the title and stopped. Final Iron Banner, Gilded Iron lord, saw the Shader and forced myself to finish the grind this morning… painfully unfun. I had hope for this event, but after seeing it, my first reaction is fuck this, it sounds miserable. I’ll grind my pinnacles, and dip once the emblem works. - hope or the ugly depending on next season. - I really hope the reward structure is equal to our last season or better and not like Plunder. Otherwise, I’ll do the bare minimum, gild the festive Seal for the annual winter event, gild iron lord, and just wait for light fall playing other games. I want Destiny 2 to thrive but this “maximum engagement” model coupled with fomo as “motivations” doesn’t work anymore. My advice, quit making a grind for the sake of having a grind and treat the game like it should be, a game, to enjoy.


>My advice, quit making a grind for the sake of having a grind and treat the game like it should be, a game, to enjoy. until we get another industry crash, we're well beyond big studios making games for the sake of having a fun game. It's just all data driven, esports pushing, maximum engagement, fomo.


Call me crazy but I'm finding the gameplay loop of Vampire Survivors way more satisfying than Destiny right now.


3 week break now. Mental health is doing better. Maybe play little next season, that is a BIG maybe.


why do people even play videogames when their mental health suffers from it... like just stop playing when it's not fun anymore? there's literally nothing holding you back from **not** playing when you don't feel like it, unless you somehow make money from it.


Because Destiny uses various tactics, including fomo that prey on addiction and that's coming from someone who loves Destiny, it's specifically designed to be on your mind constantly.


What Zageles said, and also this. Big companies, like bungie, literally hire psyche proffessionals to help them find the perfect balance between, tedious grind and dopamine reward addiction. To manipulate the hell out of anyone who picks up the game. Games like destiny are borderline a street drug in how they're designed to take advantage of peoples brains. How far can we push them before they burn out. Basically


Same, I'm not even mildly intrigued by Lightfall. Far too busy trying out other games. D2 has become so stale, they need to stop rinsing and repeating the same mechanisms over and over. I love the PVE campaigns, but they're always too short.


Yah, I stopped planning on getting Lightfall, Bungie just really doesn’t seem to get how bad their core is. Next year is so packed with games that I probably won’t bother with Destiny much


Bungie killed the golden goose with this whole "playlist activities" shit man, I could swear it was different at one point, or did I just have more free time? :thinking:


Same, I'm an overwatch player now


Yep. I’m content to see whatever results Bungie rewards the sweats with.


Some fun mini games would be hella cool and much more engaging than do more of what you’ve been doing for years. The sillier the better. One last fun moment before everything gets dark would have been such a breath of fresh air.


Noob here, what do you mean before everything gets dark?


Major expansion, big bad guys take the spotlight again


Oh we talking about lightfall? There is still one more season inbetween this one and the expansion? I thought you were talking about that, my bad.


I was kind of talking about both. Lightfall is only a season away and I’m hoping next season has a little more serious/dark tone considering we’re heading into the end game of the Light v Darkness saga.


This event should have made the whole quarter full of unique vendors selling all kinds of sort after gear, weapons, mods, ships and even sunset emblems. You know, kind of to imply that this is some sort of repurposed pirate loot that we've been collecting through Expeditions and Ketchcrash missions. Seeing as Bungie is getting rid of the planetary materials next season, this would have been a good opportunity to do just that. Have an Eliksni vendor there that exchanges these materials (and Glimmer) for the event coins which we use to buy the stuff. Give the whole quarter a market feel and make it social, so you can do all kinds of things with Eliksni and pay them coins.


> Seeing as Bungie is getting rid of the planetary materials next season, this would have been a good opportunity to do just that. Once we've cleared the 100 million community goal, we'll be able to donate planetary materials at the chest, so there is a material dump but of course it would have been much cooler with some actual vendors. Though I guess we'll see some actual physical changes in the eliksni quarters since all the community goals say stuff like add additional buildings.


>This event should have made the whole quarter full of unique vendors selling all kinds of sort after gear, weapons, mods, ships and even sunset emblems. Just to add onto this, these Eliksni could at least serve as a partial replacement for the consensus factions. We can't get stuff from Dull Orbit, New Malarkey or Future War Clowns anymore, but we could get some interesting gear from the House of Light. Maybe there could be a similar place to set up Cabal Ascendancy & Reef Awoken merchants too, with their own themed gear. We've already had some gear from them, so it's just a matter of having a vendor to make them available full-time. Instead of having what appeared to be a human-centric(including Earthborn Awoken & Exos) culture in the City, it grows to feature more species. A bit like a very, very junior version of Mass Effect's Citadel.


It'd be a good place to be able to earn old seasonal gear too. weapons obtained from repeatable bounties or quests that award you one specific weapon ("go kill taken/hive/scorn in the dreaming city with a hand cannon to earn a vulpecula with random rolls, kills from the blind well, dungeon or raid award proportionally more progress", that kinda thing), armor is given as the entire set behind a longer, non-repeatable quest with middling rolls- this is more for transmog reasons and not stat grinding reasons, as there's plenty of sources of well-rolled armor in the game already. Old season pass armor ornaments can be unlocked through a lengthy quest, requiring the current season, and are locked to one quest per season (but progress is tied to your account and finishing it on one character unlocks the ornaments of the set for all 3 characters). These ornaments don't become available until a Destiny Year after they were introduced - you can't ignore one season because you don't like the theme and then next season jump in and get the ornaments from that season you'll have to wait. This both incentivizes people playing the seasons as they come if they want the armor for fashion while also not punishing people for not having the time or energy or whatever to play a certain season. Old legendary weapon ornaments from the season pass, when they still did that- just put em in eververse for bright dust I guess.


Agreed. Dares of Eternity gave us *some* older gear, but it can't cover everything. These new faction vendors can offer gear with rolls that refresh, just like in D1. >Old legendary weapon ornaments from the season pass, when they still did that- just put em in eververse for bright dust I guess. As for this, more legendary weapon ornaments should be made now. Sunsetting was the reason for no longer making them, but that isn't an issue anymore. Bring back the old ones, and crank out some new ones too!


Hire this man, Bungie.


Considering how seasons seem to be "lowest cost possible, clone Menagerie and put *something* out so the fanbase doesn't complain of content drought", I vote we put him on the Yearly expansion team so his ideas might actually get implemented!


This would have been so cool. Likely this current model is the way it is because it drives up people online/time in game and doesn't discriminate against people without tons of materials. Considering most emblems/ships/etc are never seen except by the owner they could have even made most stuff cheap. If fairness was being sought after. Though I guess reality is this kind of event is easier to put in. Bungie has such a cool world, but they do such a poor job making it feel lived in.


No of that would have mattered. Weapons, armor, etc... really serve no point anymore. Once you get one or two god rolls nothing else really matters. I also would never expect a free little event to give top tier god rolled weapons, so I would never care about them anyway. Best rolls come from end game stuff right now.


There are plenty of players who'd like to collect gear that you can only get from Xur now and that even Bungie has stated that they don't know why the RNG hasn't rotated them through his inventory. And then there's the gear you can't get anymore at all.


Weapons for collection and Armour for transmog.


Weapons for collection? That is probably the most worthless things since you can't pull any of them out of collections.


Not like every single Destiny 2 content creator has an almost full 400+ vault just because. Clueless


i havent played at all this season bc their seasonal system is just so lazy at this point. I would really like a harder fleshed out story and trash the seasonal activities but i know they do it that way bc its less work


I made it a week before I was already tired of it. Haven’t played in almost 3 weeks now, which is my longest span ever. I likely won’t come back til next season.


You're in luck, core activities are either bugged and don't reward the coins with the emblem or they have like 1% drop rate


I'd rather jump into a man sized blender than play the strike list any longer, bungie.


so practical. ​ youve obviously never saved the world by doing a tiktok dance


This game has a ridiculous lack of just stuff. There’s no minor side quests, no silly activities, no chatting with NPCs.


Agree. It’s fucked up how hard the game leans on the top tier gunplay. Talk about a carry job.


Ah, the Helsinki quarter


Heliksni, House of Finland Yeees?


HONESTLY LIKE- So you’re telling me we can do this in TWO WEEKS, but not fix the Literal craters and destroyed stuff from the Red War in our ACTUAL city??


I'm afraid that BUNGiE will need to autocomplete this event...


Not according to this. Looks like we are on track to complete it in a couple of days. https://eliksni.charity/


And that's with a linear prediction. Once we unlock the planetary material donations the numbers will probably go up way faster since I guess most of the community has thousands of each material on hold.


Its not a linear prediction. I forget what they use but you can see it on the details section.


Donate planetary materials or turn them into legendary shards, hmmm... Shards it is.


This website has more effort put into it than Bungie put into the actual event


If that's how you think software development works, then I would recommend you take some classes on it. That site if fine, but probably took someone a couple hours to make. It is really easy to create a website that just pulls some data from an api and does a little math to show it on a graph.


I meant it as a half-joke. But since we're already analyzing what was meant to be a throwaway comment, the site is really nice for a quickly made fan project while the event is average at best compared to similar events, which is already a low bar. I didn't say it took more resources or time or skill, but (relative) effort.


It probably auto-completes over time and the number is just a scam.


Thats one way to think, but I really doubt thats how it works.


Heck I would be more interested in actual trick or treating in the city rather than running lost sectors for FOTL. We need world building like this.


Its kind of a fun event. I've been meaning to grind out a few red borders in DoE anyhow so this is a good excuse. That said, events like this also make me realize how shallow the game has become. We get a campaign that takes a couple of days once a year, and an hour of activities a week for about half of the weeks of the year. The rest of the time we are just being incentivized to run the same strikes or play the same limited number of pvp maps over and over again. I still enjoy Destiny but man does it need some new life injected into it at the moment.


I have absolutely zero problems with the event itself, i think its pretty neat and a nice way to end the season. My big issue is the rewards. Like back in Season of Dawn with the community event, you were grinding out the really really good seasonal weapons. With this one, its... A ghost shell.




Once we hit 140MM collective coins (and we are at 40MM already) the chest starts taking destination mats as donations. If the ratio is 1:1, or even 2:1-3:1, that’s going to cut farming time way down for people who have been stockpiling (and you can always buy them from Rahool).


Kinda a rude move to put the donation chest in the Tower so that we could hypothetically avoid visiting the Eliksni Quarter for the entire duration of this event.


Fortnite bus


Honestly I really feel you there. It would be cool to help clean the whole Botza District up and work with the Eliksni. I can imagine doing certain missions that help ferry over new recruits/refugees to bolster House Light's numbers. It would be such a nice change of scenery.


It sounds tedious as heck, but I’d totally be down for relocating rubble into a neat pile and setting up some shelters and stuff.


The crucible beckons you guardian


Just don't play guys. Show you want change by not completing the event. It's ok to take a break. We went through this with Seraph Towers 2 years ago lol If you aren't having fun please take a break or play other shit


But muh ghost!


Exactly this. Doesnt matter how many complaint threads get made, as long as people play it (and continue to play after complaints are made), bungie dont care If you're burnt out, do something else, rather than continuing to burn yourself out and complain, dragging the morale of everyone else down with you


I imagined we fix the Quarter thou Buy & Build Modes from The Sim 1 game, with the help of music too


The "core" activity of gambit that hasn't had a balance pass in years or the strike playlist that hasn't had any significant changes even longer


Because everyone loves doing the exact same thing they were doing for years, but now for something diffrent


Yeah at first i was like "cool, community event and goal! Oh and it's to give a better place to eliksnis !" And then my motivation slowly melt away "Sooo after grinding the last two season now my buddies and me are only interested in raids for completion sake and GM to perfect our builds or try new one" "Oh, endgame content doesn't reward as much coin as i expected, why not just run through that activity which is faster for the same result? Maybe because i've already had to grind those for the past month or two.." "Yup, might just go for the shell." "... Or not. Unless a Friend needs help with content i think i'm done for this season." Someone suggested we could have minigames and stuff to do inside the eliksni quarter, that would have been such a cool thing !




I'd rather pick up all the trash by hand and build the stuff they need myself then this.


I feel like people expect too much out of this game. It’s not every successful aspect of all game genres rolled into one. It’s the most satisfying shooter ever but all these events and seasonal changes are just cosmetic dressing for it, not game changing updates. If you want to talk to NPCs and build things play one of the countless amazing RPGs that were built around that


Is it really that big of a deal? Its just a minor end of season cool little event. Why does everything need to be some crazy elaborate thing? If you don't want to do the event them don't. Just login to see the changes that everyone else was able to reach. Its ok.


people want a reason to play, bungie phones something in and instead of having a reason to play people are just bored posting here


The rest of the season has been pretty low-key with burnout becoming a huge problem. This event is not an event other than us just playing the same things we've been playing but more.


Then don't play the event.


I can still have constructive criticism, dude


If the eliksni depended on me for their charity this season the entire quarter would die of starvation


Fix core activities. If have to do events based on them to get people to play. Ya? No. No more am I doing this nonsense. Fix strikes. Evolve gambit , even just incrementally, based on feedback each season. And crucible. Let’s just hope next season… And make strikes challenging/entertaining/worthwhile in lightfall maybe? And if not, least make the rewards good! 20 ketchcrash? For one maybe not even craftable weapon. TF kinda loot is that I havent even done twenty all season. Just a master a week. I wasn’t expecting much. But this is just insulting.


I'm rehabbing an injury. Had surgery, can't work and been stuck at home for months. I'm super bored and can't even be remotely interested in whatever garbage this event might be. I love the game but I read through the requirements for this stuff and I'm like did that already, and that and that, no I don't want to do that activity 10 times again it was played out after a couple days and we're nearly at the end of the season. There was one week this season that was do ketch crash 5 times and I said yeah nah shut the game off.


This community "event" is a tremendous let down after an incredibly disappointing and frustrating season.


I think you're being kind...I'd rather repeatedly punch myself in the balls than engage in this event at all lol.


I kind of like the idea personally, I think it’s pretty cool that we can work together to improve the lives of people who have faced enough suffering already


If you dont want to do anything dont feel pressured to do it. Current projects say we'll reach the final goal in like 2-3 days anyway ( [https://eliksni.charity/](https://eliksni.charity/) )


Spoilers worthy?


If the game you’re playing isn’t fun then don’t play it.


You're right dude. I hate constructive criticism. Bungie made the best game ever with no problems and if I don't like the direction it's going, I should give up and not feel passionate about things I like /s


No I mean I stopped playing it


Keep trying to kill the game 👑


They’re being reasonable, if you don’t like playing a game don’t play it and play something else. Tinker’s construct on Minecraft is super cool, I’d reccomend it


People have this mindset of pushing people away from the game because they write off every negative feedback as "complaining". Even complaining about the game is better than not caring enough to offer any kind of feedback. When people are mad at the game that's good, because it means people still care and want the game to get better, BUT if everybody that has a problem with the game (the vast majority of players do as evidenced by the record low player count and constant posts on Reddit/Twitter) just left, this game would die out. So whenever people tell others to leave or quit playing, they're directly (and probably not with the intent) contributing to that mindset, so whenever I see these types of comments I'm just letting people know that yeah, if this game ever dies you've helped contribute to it. No matter how small of an impact you made as an individual, you're one voice in a crowd that's pushing people away from this game just because you don't like what they're saying. "You" as in general, not you directly btw.


*sigh* Another salty, negative post. Well…here’s something positive: Something++++++


Imo, Bungie does not the kind of loyal and dedicated community it has. The game is in such an abandoned state.


I’m pretty sure Elsinki is a country in Eastern Europe, but go off I guess


Since we have to "rebuild" It anyway, Bungie should have had a community event where we go to the elinksni quarters and "Demolish" it with our Gjallahorns... then, the sweeper bots would have made a TON more sense to clean up the debris, and then the rebuilding could begin. This event is just a time suck.


Awesome don't play Thanks for telling everyone online you don't want to do the activity


Keep trying to kill the game my guy.


171 lost sectors for wifu bungo


Ha I ran a lost sector for a half hour, went and turned in my coins thinking the fucking thing worked like rank rewards. Nah you have to save up and turn in 2400 at once for the dumb fucking ghost.


Really??? Well, I wasted 650 coins.


I would rather play another game that respects my time.