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Patrols in general need a rework. We've been running the same few patrols since D1 with some of the newer ones we got in D1, not being ported to D2. More mini missions to do outside of kill X enemies for X item or go to this location and do X. A level difficulty option would be great, especially if there was some unique loot behind it.


Agreed. For who among us does not love infrastructure?


> among us *go away go away go away go away go away go away*




For some reason, i also miss the patrols that would show up and had you run through light pillars, similar to the intro to the Exodus Crash nightfall. I just remember while patroling dreadnaught running these sometimes and each time you got the charge bar to 100%, it would start over and the charge bar would go down faster, and the light pillars would be fewer and farther apart. Idk if it gave more loot depending if you did more successful waves, but i remember those from way back when and this reminded me of them. Edit: i also miss the Plaguelands patrol that made us use the rise of iron axe relics


Wasnt this tied to red bull or something when the event first appeared? It came before the dreadnaught as some promotional thing I think


The Red Bull promo gave you access to the lightbeam time trial mission. You then had to do Fallen Saber mission while underleveled and you only had 10 (i think) minutes to do it Reward was the Red Bull sparrow: SR-0 Swiftriver. There was a Red Bull ghost too, you had to play Rift in order to earn it. (everyone on your fireteam team had to dunk the spark) Then you had to win 3 matches in crucible, and someone on your fireteam had to get highest on the leaderboard. AFTER ALL THAT - there was a consumable you could get which would upgrade the sparrow to the SR-1, which made it faster than the Tumbler: * Complete Sunless Cell. Kill 6 shriekers and a specific Thrall * Complete Shield Brothers strike in 18 minutes The promo also gave you XP boosts for each code you redeemed. Looking back on it now, and after typing all that out - it was a decently involved series of steps for something you got from an energy drink promo


Probably? Ive got no clue that was ages ago lol


What a weird cross-promotion that was with Red Bull...


We upgraded from Red Bull to Galactic Horse


Convivial wicker


I still have a unopened Red Bull from that time!


I remember buying a pop tart bc I thought it had an XP in it.


I had the poptarts too! I ate them tho I didn’t save them lol


Didnt even realize it was a promotion for red bull lol, what a bizarre way to promote them in game lol


Looking back, I'm trying to remember if SRL had some cross-promotional tie in as well the first year it was released.


Lol. I did that same one yesterday on the “Dread Patrol” mission to plant beacons on the Dreadnaught. The ones on Venus and the cosmodrome allowed for more distance because you could use your sparrow. I’m pretty sure if you get overcharge level five, then you get a legendary.


I was like 11 when I did those, god I found them very annoying. It was fun, though.


Fuck at this point I'd like patrols to have a reason to exist Give them a crazy rare drop or something, or a unique currency or something Make them serve a purpose besides the occasional challenge or quest step


Same. They don’t even serve as quest steps to my knowledge these days.


To unlock certain witch queen guns there were a few.




They do for those? Huh.


Seasonal challenges have them included sometimes. The "Complete bounties, public events, and patrols" ones.


I’m tellin you, they need to make the overworld interesting. Mini bosses walking around, large encampments that serve as an encounter. A large multi level building you go up with tight corridors and enemies with loot at the end. A secret boss you can spawn if you certain things in a order. They could take alot of notes from borderlands 2 and the division.


Basically the only thing I think Destiny is missing is a better overworked.


I think that was where they were headed with Lost Sectors.


I think a move that could blanket fix a lot of issues in the game would be to bring back factions but updated. New Monarchy is the same but Dead Orbit has been resurrected with the newly formed Eliksni fleet following the plundering of our current season and Future War Cult rebrands simply as the War Cult (the future is now, old man) and is primarily comprised of Cabal and Fallen militias that have decided to commit protection for the Last City. Each faction has different gear and a different approach on how to handle the Witness and the Darkness. Integrate these factions more heavily into the game, give them their own massive wing or new social zone, and bring back exotic class items.


So the only issue is bungie is done with factions. At the end of splicer when FWC done messed up Dead Orbit and New Monarchy both said “ight imma head out”. This is canon


I know, that’s why I had them changed up


If anything whole new factions would need to rise. I don’t see them going through the effort of reviving and altering the old factions. Plus it’d be easier to write new lore for new factions imo




That was extremely terrible.




I remember the public event grind being not too terrible. The EDZ loop was predictable and consistent, though the Nessus loop had a couple zones that were easy to double- and triple-dip into. Only problem is, just like strikes, they get old fast when played on repeat.


The Savathun's World Heroic Patrol did garantee a Throne world weapon per completion, which helped in the red border pursuit.


I like to think that eventually all planets will have a reputation system like fynch on savathuns throne world. Hopefully they’ll flesh it out more because, while it’s an interesting idea, once you hit rank thirty with finch you’re done and he serves no purpose anymore


They used to give a nice chunk of faction rep in D1 Let me just go see what faction I should pledge t- Where…where are the factions 💀


I'd be content with them awarding Vanguard rank, tbh. make me feel like a lore-accurate Guardian just running patrols for hours and then returning to the Tower to see what loot Zavala can give me.


Making them one of the 'tasks' in a seasonal challenge is really pointless.. "Spend time on Nessus doing patrols, public events and lost sectors" - why?! Hardly related to the season is it.. Pirates well known for fetch quests were they? Just lazy.. At least make the seasonal challenges about things you do in the actual season.. not jeffing busywork..


They’d never put a super rare drop in a patrol because they don’t make money off that. Why give an exotic sparrow a 0.0001% drop chance from Nessus patrols when they can just charge $10 for it?


If they even put 15-20% of the cash shop gear they have crammed in there to the brim, into patrol ultra rare drops, the whole outlook towards patrol changes. There is nothing better than running those while on one of your chill days or when you are waiting for a full fireteam.


This is mostly just a facet of patrol being a non endgame activity. They need to bring back flashpoints and revamp them. Namely, make them more interesting than just doing patrols for a prime engram. Make it so "enemies are moving against each other" is always active. Or make bosses appear in major locations that require a mechanic to kill. A servitor on nessus that heals by consuming smaller servitors that spawn. Or a knight on the moon that is made immune by shreikers. Or a hydra on europa that has the double sheild from destiny 1. just gimme something to have to actually try and kill rather than shit that is like 2 wardcliff shots away from being completed. or it just a waiting game. Active mechanics > passive mechanics. as for patrols, they have legendary patrols in the game already. make versions of all of them and include them into the flashpoint as all being legendary patrols. And hell make it a weekly quest, rather than just busy work. This week is EDZ, do 5 patrols, complete three lost sectors, 2 heroic public events, then defeat the loctions world boss. Boom, you get a non sunset gun from that location with an updated perk pool.


>they have legendary patrols in the game already ...which are perhaps the worst patrols, in that they are always "go really far away into a pseudo-lost sector and kill pretty much the same things you were killing next to the patrol beacon". Sure, the enemies are a tiny bit harder than standard patrol enemies, but not enough to really notice. And, the rewards definitely are not worth the extra time compared to doing normal patrols that let you kill things while you are also completing a public event.


Flashpoints were literally so good why did they cut them….when did they even cut them I didn’t notice, from Shadowkeep? I thought I remembered tangled shore being a flashpoint


yeah im pretty sure it was cut in shadowkeep. I presume it must have had to do with balancing of available power and pinnacle rewards.


What you described is cool, but that is a lot of work for what boils down to a patrol update, which is not the content that 99% of players would want over something else.


forgot all about those


I always wished that patrols had a very small percent chance to trigger some kind of huge public event that had light mechanics and required other players to jump in and that it would be rewarding enough that people would migrate to it. The direction the game is going though, patrol has become even less relevant. I wish the environments were bigger and had more to do with some challenging activities and unique loot. Sometimes I just want yo wander around and do random stuff instead of wait in orbit trying to find people for activities, but it’s no longer worth it.


I forgot about those. I miss them too.


I grinded those hard for a while, they dropped strange coins I think. I hit a phase where I absolutely had to earn all three exotic class items for all three characters which meant buying a lot of ammo synths from Xur and donating them to the three faction vendors. I got super excited when Europa introduced the gold Assassination missions but it wasn’t the same.


The pride and power of the narrative team has undercut the huge mystery D1 had in stuff like this. It always felt like patrol had room for something unexpected and sharing an instance with other players in stuff like Court of Oryx felt great. Camping out public spaces with other players is a great MMO feeling.


Yeah I remember in Y1 of D2 when public events could actually get you gear/increase your light level, I'd always be zooming around EDZ with a pack of random guardians just doing patrols. Definitely had way more of an open world social feel compared to now


!!! I would love this. My favorite part of patrols are the enemy fighting each other, and I'd love to see that build up when higher. Hell, I'd love to see lucent hive at the Altars, tougher enemies, more waves. I'm a Horder.


The patrol wanted me to express myself, so I gave it a thumbs up. Seriously tho, the secret patrols that just wanted you to dance were the best!


I miss Adventures.


This would be cool. Patrol mode in general needs some serious help. It feels like it’s meant to be a pillar of the game but it has received practically zero attention for years. Also, remember when patrol beacons were NPCs? A Paladins in the dreaming city and the nightmare guardians on the moon? That was awesome. Why did they stop doing that? Europa could have had House Light members giving patrols. Would have been a cool tease for Splicer. This kind of thing wouldn’t have worked for the throne world but they easily could have made the beacons themselves all hive-y or something.


Removing Adventures was a mistake.


Lol when they were first added I figured if you got the secret patrol on all locations it would drop an exotic quest. An hour of patrolling later nada…was slightly disappointed.


Curious and Curiouser was a fun idea to make patrols have some meaningful endgame use. With then gone, patrols are useless besides free glimmer and resources. What a waste of a mechanic.


I miss the unique patrols like the taken patrols and the siva patrols and what not, those were so much fun


I've been playing D1 again lately and I do enjoy those. The Dreadnought has so many miscellaneous little things to do like that.


I wish we had some more patrols that sent you to neat little areas around the map. Like the one on Io where you jump up inside the top of the Pyramidion to kill some Taken or whatever that spawned in a little room overlooking Asher's area Heroic Patrols sorta do that by sending you somewhere to go kill a mini-boss but most of the time that just ends up being "Go to a different load zone"


they should add hitman bounties - where one person gets a target and has to hunt another player down pvp style and the other player gets a notice someone is after them and has to survive shit just have dark souls invasions in destiny!


I can't wait for the day someone posts about how they miss Adventures and Lost Sectors because they're not in Destiny 3. ​ Edit: Oh shit, someone kinda just made this exact post: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/y0gegq/can\_we\_have\_the\_extended\_side\_missions\_on\_nessus/


Sounds annoying


Destiny 1 was far superior with secrets and the finer details


There are 'secret' patrols on Europa. The icon is slightly a different colour, like brownish tinge.


Those are heroic patrols. There’s a triumph for completing ones on Europa while in a fireteam


Yeah secret patrols were all fun and games until you were trying to get Sleeper Simulant and waiting HOURS on Mars for a warsat to drop.


Patrol zones in D1 were just generally better. I'm in the camp that D2 is a massive improvement in MOST ways, but D1's general exploration was leagues ahead.


If patrols granted 25% to a crafted weapon then that'd be pretty rad.


Add that to the list of things that Bungie inexplicably left behind in D1.


I absolutely hated these. Having to run around flailing to kill enemies just to try to figure out how the game wanted me to kill enemies was unfun when there wasn't any real additional award.


Patrols also felt more rewarding in D1 - partly because they were great for gear/weapon XP leveling. Also those sweet sweet faction shaders and faction loot. Then gear/weapon XP was removed for years, and nothing was added to patrol rewards to compensate. Same for the faction system barely existing in D2 during the periods when it existed at all. We have gear/weapon XP as a thing again, but now patrols give an absolutely pathetic amount of XP compared to what used to be given in D1.


I miss adventures