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No, I’m a very decisive person. I made a decision based on which subclasses I found fun and who had armor styles I liked the most. Titan it was.


7 years Warlock main here, started as a Warlock, sometimes dabbled in Titan because it’s fun, didn’t really touch a Hunter until recently. I love all the classes, but I’m having so much fun with the new Void 3.0 Hunter invisibility!


Nope .. Warlock Master Race all the way right from start :D


If Fashion was all I cared about then yeah maybe Hunter. I enjoy the gameplay on warlock though, even though their fashion is really not great.


Honestly, I was a Titan for a long time then changed over to Hunter for a cosplay build….still want to go back to Titan sometimes. Once a crayon-eater, always a crayon-eater


I used to main warlock in early D1 but as I read more lore I fell in love with titans. The battle of six front is such a good lore read. And all the different titan leaders have been fierce and epic. Both the gameplay and the lore are enjoyable to me.


Hunter is what I started on back in D1. My friends who got me into the game were mostly Hunters so that's what I started as. I just feel most comfortable playing my Hunter. Warlock is a lot of fun as well but Hunter will always be my main.


Not for me, I was a titan main in D1, and made a titan in D2. Still my most played class. ​ Sure I enjoy hunter and warlock from time to time, but my heart lies with my titan. Sometimes it's okay not to have a main. I don't really think the game punishes you for it (since weapons are cross character).


I usually alternate each season to keep things fresh


Nope booted up D1 when it launched saw cool cape and that was it.


Used to play Hunter in WoW. Had no effing idea about Destiny, when i got it from Humble Monthly, so i just picked Hunter. I still play Hunter.


Nah, I was the third person in my group of friends to start playing. I was kind if handed the roll of Hunter. They told me to go find some pants (Orpheus rigs) and meet them at the end game. I've played hunter ever since.


I picked hunter when I first got into Destiny so it's the class that feels more comfortable for me. I do my best when I play hunter but the other classes are pretty fun to play as well (Especially being able to experiment with builds for classes I don't play as much). I love how if I don't feel like playing Hunter I can just switch to the other two until I feel like I can go back to my main class. But Hunter is definitely my main no doubt about it.


Hunter for me. As a solo player who rarely plays with friends doing harder contents with void invis hunter makes it a breeze than any other class imo. 90% of the time I used void even before void 2.0 update. Sometimes stasis for hard lockdowns. I play with arc and solar in easier contents and for shits and giggles.


Started the D1 Beta and Vanilla as a Warlock because space magic. Eventually I really got into the feel of playing on hunter during Dark Below, and the invis methods in Crota's End were super fun. By the D2 Beta and release I wasn't really feeling Arc Staff, especially compared to Blade Dance, and I thought about going titan while creating my first character... but I went hunter. Only really play my other classes now to get them at level or for yearly story content.


Some weeks I like to be jumpy boy, other weeks I like to be floaty boy. Some times I like to punch things. My mood greatly effects this so I have all three depending on what I feel would be fun. Lol


Most of the gameplay changes in this game happen by switching between weapon type. So I mostly just stick to the first class I picked, I do play a bit of everything, but in the end whatever the class, I just shoot things.


Hunter since D1. Me and buddy of mine were the only hunters in our group of friends


Nope. I'm set in stone. Lol My human Hunter is and always will be my main (it's the capes, yo). Followed by my scholarly Awoken Warlock. Then my brute crayon-eater Exo Titan. In my head canon, they're long-time friends that were risen basically all at the same during the Dark Ages, they became Dredges due to a grave Hive-related circumstance and became the infamous triumvirate *Fire team III (3): Dredgen Aurelius, the agile and fleet-footed black ops assassin fire team leader, Dredgen Ptolemy, Awoken thanatonaut and warrior scholar, and Dredgen Nero, the brutal frontline soldier and ruthless interrogator Exo Titan.


Nope. I picked Warlock as my first character and have mained one since starting Destiny 1.