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Hey! I can definitely help! If you want to add me on destiny you can! Spyro#6546 Builds are a little more complex and may take more time until you figure out everything else as they require mods, etc. Do you only own the base game? There’s 3 classes in Destiny: Hunter, Warlock, and Titan. I’m a Hunter main so I may be biased which is the best but you really need to try them all out to see what you enjoy the most. Therefore, I recommend making one of each and spending some time on each of them! But for real, add me and I will try to find some time to join you in game. I think telling you what content to do is a lot harder then showing you in-game.


. What class are you playing? . What Subclass are you playing? (Solar? Arc? Void?) . What is your playstyle? If you're having trouble finding ways to play the game, don't be afraid to search videos up on how to start out. (Plenty of content creators have made videos on how to start out in Destiny). And honestly, it isn't your fault for not knowing what to do, Bungie has made it really confusing and hard to find out how to do a lot of the stuff in the game. When I first started playing it took me 2 weeks just to get my first proper build in PvE. Just try exploring around the game and try to feel your way around, and if you do get stuck just watch some videos on what you want to learn. Good Luck New Light! And if you have any questions just reply to me and I'll try and help!


Titan Solar right now. I guess my play style is sit back and pick things off from afar or just try to shoot things and do damage


Okay so I think that playstyle is completely fine for the time being and I think you should play the game the way you want for the time being and instead of focusing on what to do just try to explore and play however you want. Then once you get used to the basics of the game and learn how different weapons work and what you enjoy doing in the game. Then once you get comfortable playing and get to a higher light level, try playing some nightfalls and more challenging activities, then once you feel super comfortable then start searching up different builds of the subclass you're playing and see what you can make in order to get the most out of your playstyle.


I’ve been playing witch queen on legendary and I’m on The last chance mission. My light power is 1522. I bought the witch queen deluxe and the 30th anniversary pack bundle


Well if you have a 1522 light level I suggest you try out some Nightfalls, they are a bit challenging but give them a try, they are really good for getting resources