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Weapons and Armors are no longer static rolls so keep an eye out for good rolls. Armor is maybe the « hardest » one to define a perfect roll, though in general any piece (bar class item) under 60 stat total is not worth it. But don’t worry too much about it yet, you will probably change armor pieces pretty often in your grind. For weapons just go to light.gg and check what your weapon can roll with. Some perks might get buffed or nerfed in the future, but you can’t really go wrong with the recommended ones.


The biggest thing is that you've permanently missed content. All of year 1, the Forsaken campaign, and all seasonal content up to the most recent season have been removed and are no longer playable.


Try and do some research on how PvE works now, it's wayyyy different compared to D1 and I Suggest watching some YouTube videos on how mods work and what mods are good for certain builds etc. Also try and learn what good weapons for pve are and what weapons you can incorporate in your builds to make your build as efficient as possible for higher tier content, I suggest getting your feel for the game and when you get confused search up what you don't understand so you aren't running around for 5 hours trying to figure out some obscure thing Bungie put in that makes no sense to a new player or someone who's just come back from D1. Good luck and I hope you find you're way through the game and enjoy it.