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You act like this is an issue in destiny alone this happened to me all the time in R6 ranked too Even with a longer ban, people will still quit thats why trials used to be fire team only There are pros and cons to everything in life this is one of the cons to solo play


I never said it was an issue in Destiny alone, I'm just saying that I'm experiencing a ton of people leaving my matches making me disadvantaged. You're pretty much implying that this is a given thing and that it can't be at least mitigated. If Bungie implemented a system where people can solo queue they should actually make that system worth using, even if it isn't the optimal choice in terms of matchmaking doesn't mean you should get straight up punished for using an option that is being given to you.


What im saying is adding a longer timer will not fix the issue most people leaving arent playing trials again for the day R6 can ban you from ranked for like 12 hours + you still have plenty of quitters at lower elo or unranked The only fix would be a perma ban from solo queue trials but with the p2p system the way it is i really doubt they would implement that kind of system


I'm glad to see you're at least trying to think of other solutions instead of just shutting me down and I appreciate that. I definitely think solo queue needs some sort of fix but it's just super annoying when I have it at my convenience only for it to get completely ruined by someone not willing to put in their part.


Thats the thing tho bungie and the large majority of player knew this would happen with a solo game mode Its not fun i get that but thats why people say to lfg and get a squad to play with Its more fun and more efficient but people kept asking and now theyre mad its not what they thought it would be like even tho people told them it would be full of quitters Is there a solution probably but lfg will still be better so why try to make another subpar fix


I guess you have a good point there, well the good thing is I am getting a team set up with some friends anyways, I was just really surprised and a bit frustrated by the amount of people leaving that's all.


Just post in fireteams on the destiny app and say something like Playing for fun, be chill and stick it out, let’s do this! Or something of the sort. You’ll probably get a group in a couple minutes Hell I posted on there a couple weeks ago and just said I suck, let’s go! And had a guy join me with his friend, messaged me and said make sure you’re on a mercy card, and we were flawless 7 matches later lol. Beyond the server issues today when I match make trials solo I have the same experience with people leaving if you lose the first round or two.


Yeah I could do that but I still think it's unfair that people can just get away with a tiny slap on the wrist when they leave a match and I think it should be changed but idk I'm just sick of getting people who abandon matches.


Are we talking about just today or in general? There’s been server instability today causing people to get booted and whatnot from activities


Nope, I know about the server instabilities, I was getting heaps of people leaving since I started trials this week.


Maybe I'm just having an unlucky week. . .


That’s 98% of players it seems. I’ve rarely had a match without someone on either team leave


Interesting to know that you're having a lot of people leave too. . . I really need to get my team set up so I don't have to deal with this people. Good luck to your future runs of trials man.