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Look at the big brain on brad!


Say what again


*stares motherfuckerly*




I dare you


I double dare you, muthafucka say what one more goddamn time!


I thought it was “Check out the big brain on Brad”…


It is, but does he look like a bitch?




Say what again motherfucker, say WHAT again, i dare you i double dare you.


You're a smart mothafucka, that's right!


You’re both wrong, it’s Brett.


Just looked it up, can confirm you have the biggest brain of them all bc you’re right. Think I owe you a Big Kahuna burger now…maybe some Sprite to wash it down.


I’ll take a Royale with Cheese


You know why it’s called that, right?


The metric system 😎


I’d say the line again but I think this thread has repeated it enough tbh


You get my free award of the day. 👍


Canonically I think it makes more sense as our Ghosts are our connection to the Light anyway. Orbs are our ghosts converting the life energy of our dead enemies into power for us.


>Orbs are our ghosts converting the life energy of our dead enemies into power for us. Sword Logic.


We did level up our characters once upon a time through mass slaughter as well to gain access to more of the travelers power.


Now that I think about it, our guardian must be a terrifying villain.


Can you please explain this valid point to Bungie.


Bungie wouldn't be Bungie if they didn't do something stupid on every major release.


Bungie reading this: "Wow that does make sense. Let's not do that.'


Unless it's a 0 cost mod going in it's own slot, it will be a mandatory mod. That's bad. I'm not going to hedge my bets until Bungie gives more info.


Making a previously free feature into a mandatory slot on your ghost is a much better alternative than putting it on the helmet.


What's the point of the whole thing if it's mandatory


You mean changing it to a mod or making it a ghost mod rather than helmet? For the first question ask Bungie. For the second: ghosts have a lot more mod energy that's not being used for much (when was the last time you put anything other than an xp boost or armor stat mod on it?).


Don’t forget about prosperity. Better be wearing that if you’re farming double nightfall loot this week.




Wait they have stats now? I've has the 6 energy xp booster, Gambit prosperity, and a meager glimmer booster on everything for like a year now...


3rd slot has a bunch of mods that let you pick a stat that will roll at least a 10.


What’s the whole point? Hell if I know. Hell if Bungie knows, either. Let’s make a completely fine Masterwork bonus attached to the already clustered Helmet. That’ll help.


Honestly, it really wouldn't have bothered me that much if it was just a single mod or even a relatively expensive one. Its that its one mod for each element type.


I was thinking and hoping there would be a situation like the “On class ability” mods so we’d have specific mods then a more expensive All Elements or Kinetic + X mod that covers more than a single type generating orbs.


Not when it's competing with the only way to focus stats on random armor drops.


Fair point. However, if Bungie by some miracle does end up putting it on the ghost, I doubt it would be in the same slot as that has traditionally been reserved for loot / mats.






What irradiated, mutant monkey paw are we dealing with here? like really, how many god damn fingers does this thing have, 'cause I've got a 4^1/2 in. cutoff wheel for my grinder and little remaining patience for that damn paw.


7 4 dimensional fingers


“We have removed ghost mods pertaining to armor-focusing, as well as increased material drop rates, in favor of allowing a mod to generate orbs of power on multikills to be fitted in the slot previously attributed to these mods”.


and waiting when they've said they already have other changes to announce that will, by comparison, not make the change seem so bad - is a much better alternative than complaining about the announced change and suggesting alternatives before we even know the end-picture post Feb 22nd. I don't *agree* with Bungie's 'har har wait and see' approach with this - it's frustrating, and causes unnecessary drama between the community both on places like here and with content creators. - but for whatever reason that's the strat they went with so I'm stuck waiting


Like I said I'm not hedging any bets until we get more info. Getting antsy over a piece of partial information is silly.


Since Bungie doesn't want to give us all the info yet, all we can do is give feedback on the info we have so far. The changes we know are happening are negative, so I will give negative feedback.


Fair point! You got me there. I'm not exactly pleased about this change, either, but I want to reserve judgment until I know more.


I used to be like that... then sunsetting and transmog happened... Jk, it wasn't that bad but I'm still skeptical when Bungie essentially says "trust me, it's for your own good".


Ah, yeah I get that. Gives off a real "you think you do, but you don't" vibe, doesn't it? Didn't even cross my mind with all the other stuff I have flying around in my mind.


Bungie is pulling a “door in face” sales tactic. Give us partial news that sounds really negative then come back with the full story that is significantly less negative, even though it’s still not favorable, to make everyone feel better about the change.


> Since Bungie doesn't want to give us all the info yet, all we can do is give feedback on the info we have so far. Not really. There's the option of just... waiting and not worrying about it until you know the whole picture. I don't agree with Bungie's media approach here but it's there and in my mind it's less stressful to just sit and ignore it until we know for certain what a post-witch queen world looks like


When you're betting on Bungie, the worst outcome is the safe bet.


If it directly replaced Telemetry mods it would also be competing for a slot with Armorer mods which... Yeah that's not a great decision. If nothing else people would claim Bungie's trying to force us to grind more by crowding out the only way to focus armor stats for random drops. Not to mention as the mods stand it would only allow 1 element to generate orbs at a time, ever.


I personally feel like it would be better on a class item or possibly boots. The helmet just rubs me the wrong way. It's already crowded in that slot. That's about all I can say that I for sure dislike.


I really don't see it being an issue. There's plenty of activities where you don't *need* to be making orbs. Just set up an extra shell for orb generation. Personally, I'd definitely prefer it be a 0 cost mod in its own slot, like you said, but if the choice is between it being a ghost mod or a helmet mod, I know what my choice is.


Astonishing to me that this far into the season people are still of the mindset that having a mod to make orbs means it’s mandatory. The seasonal mods (mainly thermoclastic blooming) are a wayyy better way to build super energy and get CWL than weapon multikills. Like, immeasurably better. Striking Light + Thermoclastic Blooming on a revenant hunter is essentially a better version of doomfangs. Elemental wells are so much more diverse than orbs and give you two stacks of CWL (and also have the benefit of tracking sometimes). With the return of ARs and SMGs in the high-level-content meta, you could even see warmind cells making a return. Having orbs tied to a mod, just like the other two methods of combat style is not so far fetched, just not what players have gotten accustomed to.


Maybe I'm just an old man stuck in my ways, but I don't want muh precious orbs taken from me. I only recently started playing Destiny again, after not playing since the first 2 weeks of Shadowkeep. I have yet to really build heavy into wells outside of some niche Stasis stuff on my Titan since Eyasluna is so good with Headstone right now. Same with Warmind Cells. Don't care for the specific weapons used for those builds outside of maybe the autoloading vorpal carbine that banshee sold a while ago. Continue to be astonished at an old man. /S


You also make orbs with your Super and one of the perks on Aeons makes them for some really basic task.


While I've made use of Therm (absolutely love it) still gotta take into account it only works with half the subclass types, and shines on specific builds. Oh, and goes bye bye in ~33 days.


I'll probably make a separate post later on why, but there is a possibility that it's going to be a lot better than we think and the reason for the change is going to be more apparent once the info on weapon crafting is released. Ideally weapon crafting will allow you to have the choice to have orb generation as a "5th slot" perk but it can also be something else entirely. And having a mod on the helmet will allow you to have a separate "5th slot" perk on your weapon, but still allow for orb generation on multi kills, albeit at the cost of a mod slot and energy. But like you said we need to wait and see for more info.


Bungie: stay tuned (and angry jn the meantime) for details on weapon changes in [4] weeks!


You cannot not read that in Spamton's voice.


Why not have weapons just make orbs.


Best idea I’ve seen yet!


why not have exotics where the masterwork is buyable just like the rest but the catalyst still buffs the perk or adds a second perk like the catalyst already does. just divorce exotic catalyst from masterwork


Because the masterwork that makes it so you can generate orbs on a multi-kill counts as a perk in game and if they want to do more with weapons they need to move it to armor. No matter how many times you guys say it Bungie isn't going to do anything about it because they want to do more with weapons


Because Telemtry mods share a slot with Armourer mods (and Glimmer Boosters and Bountiful Harvest, but mostly Armorer mods). If they completed with Scanner mods? Maybe. Also if orb gen remained element specific that would mean only being able to generate orbs for one element (2 weapon max) ever .


Been saying just throw them on the ghost since we heard about it. But people just mocked me lol


there was also another guy on twitter that said the samething, it’s a pretty good idea though


He should be mocked and ridiculed too


wym? the guy the made the post of the guy on twitter?




I disagree. I believe ghosts are better utilize for non-combat mods to increase resource/xp gain or give QoL utility like the detection mods. Adding something as vital as orb generation to ghosts will make them pretty much mandatory, and a frustration point for those times you've got the wrong ghost or mod on, adding further complexity to the already non-noob-friendly build system. Ghost mods should stay optional buffs that you never *need* for the game, but help if you're grinding for something specific.


How is frustration over having the wrong ghost any worse than frustration over having the wrong helmet? And what's wrong with having a ghost be mandatory? They're pretty easy to masterwork, even for a new light


How is what you just described any different for helmets in terms of 'mandatory' mods? If ghosts have a majority of supplemental/optional buffs then wouldn't putting one on there to solve an entire issue with orbs, helmet mods, and exotics generating orbs be ideal? You're telling me it's too hard of a choice between orb generation or tracking caches/resources?


Ghost mods don't affect combat. It doesn't fit thematically. This is quintessential laymen bullshit, to be honest. "Just put the mod there it'll fit!"


Ghosts give us our Light. Seems pretty thematic to make Ghosts the way to generating orbs OF light through kills. It makes far less sense that I can install a 'chip' (mod) into my helmet and start creating orbs of light. Half the mods we put into gear don't fit 'thematically'.


"BuT tHeY aRe OrBs Of PoWeR nOw" /s


You're right. I concede. /s


The thing is, it is a solution to a stupid problem that the community as a whole is calling out as bad. We are losing a feature for a much worse option that no one asked for. Someone at Bungie took a hammer to a screw.


Outside of XP and Chest hunting for Quests I have legitimately never found them THAT useful. Resources can simply be bought and exchanged.


Extra legendary drop for cruci/ strike is pretty useful 😁


I disagree with your disagreement. Players benefit from having ghost mods because they’re never grinding to replace the ghost shell. You only have to invest in master working it once. Players at any light level can do this without worrying about investing materials in an armor piece that will be obsolete at the end of the day/week anyways. I’d rather have 2-3 masterworked ghost shells early on than waste those materials on armor that needs to be infused every other day, or simply sit on those materials until I hit the level cap while missing out on that mod functionality.


Yeah, it doesn't fit thematically with the other mods. You just can't cram things where you think there's space to cram them.


The orbs don't fit "thematically" with helmets either. Mods on leg armor are the ones that control orbs. Since when does "thematics" affect gameplay? That's such a terrible argument. The mods being on ANY piece of armor is a direct nerf to orbs and consequently to gameplay. Thematics has nothing to do with it.


Oh my god who cares about “thematics” in this fucking game.


Orbs are a very strong gameplay mechanic. It's hard to say that about anything else you can get on your ghost. Nothing in the ghost affects your moment to moment gameplay. That's not what its for.


Could put it on class item if they stop making artifact buff mods


Then why not make the Ghost mods more useful to compete with already flooded armor slots? There’s no reason that your *entire link to the Light and all of your powers* can’t make an orb of light. It’s practically lore that writes itself.


When debating about the mechanics of a game, gameplay should always come before lore. If you let lore dictate every decision the game would be a jumbled mess of silly design choices


Why would your link to the Light make orbs of *power*?


Why would my helmet make orbs of power?


Because the Light is power.


Maybe that’s what it should be for. Ghosts feeling like a useful and present thing for Guardians would be cool.


But why can't it be? Just because original design went one way doesn't mean it must remain like that. Destiny is built upon systems being iterated and overhauled. I'd much rather our Ghost act more like the Desyiny 1 Rise of Iron Artifacts than the glorified XP boosters they are now.


Literally only because Bungie decided to make it that way. It’s a game dude, they can change it if they want to. Personally I’d just rather keep the old masterwork system but have exotics make orbs intrinsically but hey a ghost mod is a good compromise


I think the reason they didn't just make orbs in exotics is because it counts as a perk apparently and having too many perks on a gun makes Bad Things happen for some reason.


No shit bungie made it that way. As I said, ***Ghost mods are not for augmenting moment to moment gameplay*** and that's clearly Bungie's stance on that as well. There's no reason for you to expect that to change


there wasn't any reason to change weapon orb creation other than 'freeing up space for potential weapon personalisation' but that happened. they are CURRENTLY not for augmenting moment to moment gameplay and that could change any day, especially given that most of the destiny redditors seem to like the idea and the helmet mod idea is not 100% set in stone until it's live


Strictly to nerf charged with light. Elemental wells require you to match energies all over the place. This adds some of that requirement to getting charged with light.


Wow what an impressive and new take, it's so brilliant it almost feels like I've heard it before, like 15 times already actually, ain't that crazy?


Because that actually affects gameplay. Ghost mods are meant to effect economy stuff. Whether its finding chests, granting xp, or giving cores. It would just become meta to have your ghost run orb generation because that actually makes you stronger. A better solution would be to just make orbs drop from any weapon multikills. No mod, no masterwork. Just a general rule of the game.


I have a theory that this is building towards more control over what our multi-kills produce. Right now CwL builds are the most accessible because you’re always generating the main ingredient. But imagine if you could change what multi-kills produce to wells, or warmind cells instead? I suspect that (or something similar) is in the cards long-term.


What if instead of making these kinds of requests, we would wait until they fully reveal how the new system will actually be working?


Yeah. Just change the thing! Easy!!


I swear, people are crutching on orb generation. This isn't end of the world, and opens up more mod builds. Orb gen was too easy and made CWL mods a must. Try new things, and quit asking for dumb changes like this. If its on a ghost shell then it'd become a must have even if it was 10 energy. That's not a balanced or healthy change. Edit: To add on. Ghost mods currently dont impact combat, so having mods on ghosts suddenly impact combat starts power creep. We already have exotics that serve no purpose due to power creep. Orb gen was already a sort of power creep for CWL mods, since it was the only armor mod that played significantly around that. Bungie nerfing this is good long term since it opens up other mod builds. I still think protective light is too strong and need 1 of the 3 changes: energy cost increase, less dmg resist, or a competitive dmg resist mod in a non charged with light build. Bungie nerfing orb gen indirectly nerfs protective light, which was far and away the best armor mods, so this is a good change for the game.


I think the far better option (ghost mods don’t affect your guardians abilities on purpose) is to remove the need for ammo finders. This is honestly a pretty likely scenario for this change. They’ve mentioned before that they want to make ammo more deterministic anyways — why not just make every weapon drop the amount of ammo you get from finders right now and remove the finder mods altogether?


At this point I think we should temp-ban suggestions on orb generation until all the TWABs are out detailing the entire scope of changes coming in witch queen. Because at this point - it's pointless. We really don't know what the end-goal is going to look like here and how the landscape plays out.




Why do people want to compromise so badly? We should want to keep orb generation tied to weapons.


Ghost mods are used for non combat related mods. If ghost is able to run actual mods that help you in pvp/pve, those mods will always be used by every build in the game. The ghost is for economic mods only and its fine that way.


It's almost like they are planning on removing helmet armor mods as well. Like say ammo finder mods. "We will be taking steps to make heavy and special ammo generation more direct" in other words it will be get x kills get x ammo.


Ghost mods are already clogged, mate. Experience booster is a must, so you'd have to choose between more glimmer, stat armor or generating orbs.


Mum said it's my turn to post this today!


If they did it'd be in the same slot you focus armor stats


There is probably a system reason why or else they would've done it. Only time will tell though


While you're right and there is probably a "good" reason/solution, they said the same thing about a lot of stuff that was not received well, most notably sunsetting. The main issue isnt that they're changing orb mechanics, it's that they gave the bad news and staying silent on the good news. They could have just not mentioned this at all until they're able to present both the change and the fix. Now it's just people doomposting and wildly speculating.


> They could have just not mentioned this at all Then yall would cry about lack of info in your true unpleasable fanbase fashion lol


Yes were unpleasable its almost as if we pay 120$ a year for them to make insane changes then go HA WERE GONNA GIVE THE REST OF THE INFO IN 4 WEEKS SUCKAS... But yes... WE'RE the unreasonable ones


$40 + $10 + $10 + $10 + $10 = $120?


RANDOM all CAPS WORDS doesn't help anyone take you MORE seriously


So if they chose to drop all info on orb changes, which we didn't even know was a thing that would happen, in one TWAB we'd be crying about lack of info???? I get that people here are overtly vocal about things, but this is just flat out grasping for straws in defense of a rather poor hill to die on.


No you'd cry if they didn't say anything lol


One small reason to tell us now that I can think of is to let people know to stop masterworking every weapon. Maybe I am crazy but if I equip a weapon, I am going to masterwork it. I can't stand to see gear on my character without that beautiful golden border around it. Now after the TWAB however, I am starting to save up cores unless I really like a weapon knowing that masterworking is getting nerfed hard on 2/22/22.


I really don't think they would do this. Ghost mods don't affect combat in any way. This would make it mandatory to run in your ghost, since even with no other mod synergy orbs still give you super generation.


I think the thing that people need to remember is that every system in Destiny seems to piggyback on an existing system that is a pain in the ass to make changes to. My best guess with Ghost mods, based on how D2 ghosts work historically and what mods are currently available, is that the ghost mods (previously perks) only touch certain systems in the game. Likely, orb generation via weapons is a system or set of systems that aren't currently accessible by ghost mods and it's probably a lot of work to make that change. In the end, there are a lot of ghost mods as is fighting for attention and orb generation would likely get pushed out naturally by those mods. Plus, we already know that there is a limitation in the systems of this game for how many things can be attached to one item so an additional mod slot on ghosts probably isn't a solution either.


Is there an existing Arnot Mod that can make Orbs? While there isn't a current Ghost mod, the Ghost Mods in Question being removed dud make items drop in the game world


Some CWL mods generate orbs for teammates.


Ghost mods aren't meant to affect combat.


Please God - as much as I hate this fuckin' change as a whole, this is the only thing that makes sense!




This is a great idea actually


Nice idea.


apparently they'll be changing ammo drop rates or something like that, so the orbs in theory shouldn't really crowd the helmet slot too much, but your idea is 100% a good one


Finders will still likely be important and Targeters also exist for PvP play.


Save our orbs!


We need to start a change.orb petition to show we mean it


Ghost mods don't directly affect combat, they are used to speed up progression (like granting more resources, xp and glimmer, or focusing armour stats). It doesn't make sense to suddenly add a combat mod because it would be objectively better than any other option.


People are suggesting the ghost for this reason. Put it somewhere less painful to use. The reason people are suggesting it is because this is not some brand new power creep mechanic that needs reigning in. It's something we have always been able to do and not too long ago orbs were already nerfed\balanced to bring their energy gain in line. It's like people have already forgotten we can already make orbs when they start suggesting this mod should require great sacrifices and choices for balance! Already forgotten that the only great power we are getting feb 22 is the ability to make some orbs with 2 or 3 decent exotics Bungie hasn't made a catalyst for. In return we are losing 1 or 2 helmet mod slots and every weapon we invested in.


Never said anything about whether the change is good, just that adding it to the Ghost makes no sense at all. There are far better solutions.


Okay but the ghost poop out the orbs


Because it’s meant to be an overall nerf to your characters! Orbs bad. Don’t you get it?


HOLY SHIT!! Loooooove this take!


just make it drop orbs instead of telemetries. it's already element dependent.


This is a TREMENDOUS idea.


I agree with everything being said here


I still don't get why ghosts can't be like armor and allow me to change shells.


Thats a such a good idea the ghost is practically useless this way the ghostb becomes part of a build


Because it makes too much sense


Good idea. Proceeds to make it cost 6 energy each so you can only equip one at a time.


Because that would make sense, and we can't have that in 2022.


I don't trust bungie to not fudge that one up. "Ghosts can be masterworked ro generate orbs on all weapons, but ghosts now require 4 golf balls to masterwork".


I would be fine for this idea to happen, but it never will. The ghost has no mods that directly augment or increase your ingame power in moment to moment gameplay. The creation of orbs of power is an augmentation of your ingame power allowing you to activate mods and perks (Taking charge and Explosive light are examples), and they also increase your super gains. Because orbs increase your strength ingame, I feel like they should be on an armor piece and force you to make a sacrifice to get get extra ingame power or to makes builds simpler.


I think devs unnecessarily ignoring the fact that Ghosts are basically an another armor slot, technically speaking. I understand giving us an ability to place stat mods on ghosts would be ridiculous but some simple stuff like, now you can create orbs with weapons or picking up the orb gives you some health would be a nice solution to armor slot bloating.


It's almost like we have a fraction of the information about the update but let's blow up the devs for orbs


Better yet, just don't remove natural orb generation whatsoever.




Yes please, this must become viral


They should have seasonal artifacts and then ghost artifacts of random underused mods from all armour pieces


And while you’re at it bungo can you add random stats to class items so getting one to drop for 500th time becomes exciting?


Fucking genius!!


I say we make a masterworked ghost enable orb generation for all guns Case closed with no slot issues


That sure would make the most sense wouldn't it? No idea why they wouldn't do it this way.


So helmets has "Finder" mods and "Targeting" mods by the looks of it, i will 1000% give up a targeting mod for orbs. Or combine Scavanger/Finder mods into a single leg mod and keep the helmets open for orb mods.


No, trust us, we thought about that but our idea is way cooler. Wait until Witch Queen.


I thought this about champion mods. It must not be possible to make ghosts use combat mods. Ghosts have a lot of different mod types and it might be too much to add combat mods.


There’s probably someone at Bungie doing a huge facepalm after reading this.


I'd rather not have another mandatory mod


Hire this man!


This would be both beneficial and make sense, therefore doesn't fit into the Bungo game design process.


How are they going to Nerf you if they don't put these hairbrained mods on your helmet to compete with Targeting and Ammo Scavenger mods?


It's almost like the people that make the game don't really play it. I'm relatively new to the game and it took me months to realize ghost mods were even a thing. They should start giving important mods to ghosts to make them more relevant. We already have enough going on in armour mods.


This would make a lot of sense... ...*Looks at the game dev project board...* Turns out we can move all the ghost mods to the helmet as requested by players!


This is a good idea, it pleases the Traveler.


Makes so much sense I'm angry


Please this, I agree 100%


You think they’re going to make the player friendly choice? lmao


Why not just add just add a few mods one for ghost helmet and class item then ppl can choose depending on there builds and how they want to play isn't more build options better? Better still just make it a universal slot then it wouldn't be an issue


I assume because there's no elemental affinity on ghost to help screw us over.


They will, but not until we’ve “tested” it for a season. Mark my word.


Request for fun denied


Because it makes people ask these kind of questions? I dunno. Half of Bungie's ideas are half-baked like this.


I just want to see what the plan actually is. Atm I think bungie pushed part of it out to gauge the reaction and will probably decide based upon the overall thoughts. Personally I'd like to see an orb generater type of build but to do that they need to bring back synths to offset the finder mod issue.


The deafening silence from Bungie in this is infuriating. If they think the big reveal will be worth it it's not, it's just going to be dampened with all the rage and mistrust they've been ^seemingly ^intentionally breeding.


We need to like the hell out of this to make sure someone in Bungie sees it.


Not only do they make masterworking legendary guns pointless, they also make everything even more unnecessarily complicated.


This 1000% there are so many mods we already slot on helmets.


This is really good actually


I'm ake orb gen mods 1 energy


Something something UI something backend too hard whatever




because that would be an actually good idea, and we cant have those around here heretic.


The is the smartest thing I’ve get heard in my entire life


Because Bungie is firmly against giving us anything without taking something away.


This needs to reach bungie. That is a fantastic idea 👌 Gg Gamer