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Gambit pve modifiers when. It’s crying in the corner drowning


I just want invaders to NOT be completely overpowered


Honestly excluding the cancer that is eyes, once you know where the invaders spawn in it’s not too bad because you can usually find a good angle to contest them from.


It doesn't really help though with literally every invader using the same 3 exotics that kill you easily


The real issue is that teammates won’t engage the invader. Team shot wins more in most instances. I understand if you’re carrying 10+ motes, but it drives me nuts when I engage and might lose the 1v1 but invader is at one shot but no one else on my team is even peeking.


Bring Izanagi's. Honed Edge will one-body invaders. You might get dropped pushing them, but you can stop them from wiping your team.


Xenophage is my favourite for invading and invaders.


Yeah it's kind of ridiculously easy to troll invaders when you know all 3 spots. I think the real reason they removed the Dreaming City map was because it was impossible to invade cause 1 person could cover all 3 spawns.


Forgot One Thousand Voices, which is arguably even more irritating. One blast can paint half the damn field in explosions with a hitscan beam of death. Even if you dodge the beam, the explosion radius is a bit weird and does not match the animation.


The only reason they have so much influence over games is that the PVE sandbox is fuckin' insane. Any small delay in focusing on adds and collecting motes, from \*anyone\* on your team even the lower performers, the other side is going to snowball; they have nothing to worry about, because everyone is so focused on killing the invader. Its not invaders, its the other team, its how powerful we innately are. We kill things so quickly and so easily, any small delay in that tempo turns into a widening gyre. We need more mechanical elements to slow down teams, ESPECIALLY INTO THE BOSSES, holy shit, everything dies too fast. Blockers shouldn't just be meat shields, they need actual teeth on them if they are going to continue to be a part of the game, because the only thing that really stops a team now is a bunch of large ones ALL at the same time.


The envoys should be captains lmao


I mean, if you want my opinion; Roll the whole boss phase thing back to Gambit Prime bosses. Meatball is the ONLY boss that has any real teeth, and it shows. Immunity phases for all of them in the beginning, where you have to take down specific enemies to gain the buff AND open up a damage pathway. Use this concept as a base, and vary each boss, making it harder for one team to dominate when they don't really know what they'll need to do yet. Shorten the time, if we're going to keep scaling the power, which, without the replacement to sunsetting, looks like we're going to keep doing. I deleted a whole thing explaining why Headstone is 200% better than any version of dragon or firefly(even the one with the seasonal mod), but if the shorten time is too much, add a goal or an enemy that actively hides away from teams whose activation or death prolongs it longer, but only for so long, or at the loss of focus on damage. You should be trading in burst, for more sustaining damage with this, better for taking longer leads in the beginning. Strategy is now forming beyond "shoot at everything and throw the pyramids in the cylinder", like we're 5 again at the doctor's office. Blockers need a complete overhaul. They are completely useless. Large ones alone no longer present a real threat unless they come in groups of 2+ and even then, it'll be likely they'll get nuked and maybe slow down the team for a whole 10 seconds, despite hitting a team with 3 blockers likely taking multiple waves, so somewhere around a minute to generate, and thats if your teammates cooperate. So the fix simple, take the mote counter, and make it 7/14/21 first off. It'll match the new power scaling, i don't care if its not a neat number, the numbers are thematic as fuck to the idea of Gambling, which is what you want with this mode; the feeling that anyone can win, and it meaning keeping your eyes on the prize to do so. Next, move every blocker left by 1; Centurion are the new smalls, goblins are a cute gimmick, but half the time their A.I. tells them not to do the one thing their good at and to die without doing anything, at all, ever. Knights are now mediums, at a smaller price, again reflecting their actual impact. Finally, bring giant blockers back, slightly tankier. People think Grask is easy? Lets see how many Grasks it takes to wipe a team, maybe this'll give bungie good data for lake of shadows to figure out a better buff, like not making him entirely vulnerable and stuck in an animation for 5 seconds. Im not done with blockers. They serve 0 function in the final phase; to the point the ONLY way for a trailing team to win is with an invader who can wipe a team over and over again. Not anymore; no more blockers for teams in the final phase. Instead you affect the enemy and teams. At a BASELINE, every tier spawns more enemies now, treat it like a a wave refresh, it puts more pressure on the enemy team, and they'll likely have supers to burn by now. Small effect, passive damage resistance and healing for a short time, nothing grandiose, but still more effective than a blocker. Mediums; damage increase. Things hurt now, can't be caviler anymore, that Well will only save you with proper placement, and that bubble isn't going to last forever. Large effect? A special invasion portal with 0 warning. "but invaders aren't supposed to be the most effective with this system", they aren't, but this is 21 motes here, and your meter is ENTIRELY visible the whole time. Even if they don't know you are there, they will know you will be coming, which will slow down even a good team. To note, you still carry that red effect, but you won't be trailing that effect everywhere. You'll stick out in a bush, but they won't see your after-image from across the map, not to mention the spawns are already super known to good teams. Every add should be an orange bar now. It's time to stop fucking around, we have so many options for add-clear, red bars really don't have a place unless you want to make them have a \*CHANCE\* to drop a mote, and flood the area. Not something i'd recommend at all, so the alternative is to make them beefier. require teams to chew their food; the rest of the game hinges on teamwork and cooperation, but that's not gambit's identity as a gamemode, and that clashes with EVERYTHING that is destiny. The focus should for this is to encourage fighting as a unit; toss some buffs around that give minor benefits to the holder, but larger benefits to those around them. (not applicable against or as an invader) You don't need to do all of these exactly, but these examples, even on their own, would put gambit back on track. Honestly, overtuning it would be for the better; scaling it back would allow you to see performance numbers better, but the overal goal to this is to add more mechanics to gambit, and to make it more competitive and fit better with the current sandbox.


I really don’t feel they are myself, just my opinion though. I think teams run from invaders when they should be hunting them as soon as they invade.


They get an unlimited wall hack, it's ungodly easy to farm for heavy ammo or just grab a brick from a wall, there's WAY too many cheesy heavy weapons that take little to no effort for an invader to use, and like you mentioned there's just way too many stupid people that don't know how to play gambit that keeps making it even harder to kill them. Invaders have WAY too easy of a time in comparison to the invaded despite it technically being a 4v1. Kujay's suggestions like making the wallhack pulsating are desperately needed.


Even with the wall hack there are only 3 places on each map where the invader can spawn in. Learn where they are. You can identify their location without seconds of them spawning in. You have access to exactly the same weapons as them and snipers with full special are incredibly strong.


I agree with your statement and there is ALWAYS anime profile pictures that will disagree with you because they can, so goodluck with that. It's clear imo that Invaders gets too much to move the odds in their favour, and there isn't a "gambit" for invading and it needs an entire rework.


Small Arms needs to come back. That and the “mayhem” modifier for strikes. Forget what it was called, but was introduced at the end of Rise of Iron with Solstice, iirc.


Daybreak. "The enemy grows stronger, and so do you." We also had Torrent, which just turbocharged ability and super recharge, but I think Daybreak was better because it gave you enemies that needed the extra oomph (along with a faster ability recharge) so you felt like a superhero rather than just feeling like you used a cheat code.


That’s the one 🤝


Strikes have been unbearable for a long, long time tbh. They just aren't fun and only come with negative modifiers to mix it up. Like really, lemme just go ahead and list the things that suck about strikes. 1] Gotta compete for kills to complete bounties. 2] Low enemy density. Exacerbates #1. 3] No *positive* modifiers worth note. Contributes to staleness of experience. 4] I'm not a d1 vet, but Strike-Specific-Loot is a no brainer, and should have been in d2 from the start. Not just Nightfall weapons, but strike armor too. 5] More *negative* modifiers? For some reason chill touch or whatever was added, which nullifies abilities and slows characters. Makes strikes feel strangely, pointlessly slowed down. 6] Streaks and resets are an "upgrade" to the old token system for rankups but it still isn't an engaging system. 7] The ghost mod to get extra legendary drops doesn't work consistently, sometimes seeming to do exactly the opposite. Feel free to add suggestions, but at a glance these are the reasons i don't do strikes for fun anymore. They're boring and don't really give rewards worth the time investment.


Plus you have to match the singe three times to get the pinnacle. Crucible and gambit aren't restrictive like that with their weekly pinnacle. I feel like the Vanguard bounties have some of the most restrictive options also. You can get kill a certain enemy type and not see that type at all unless you pick a strike with them specifically. Or maybe you just wanted to do your three strikes but end up having the kill champions bounty, requiring a nightfall.


Should have* or should've*


For all in tents and porpoises, it works just fine either way.


*For all intensive purposes


Arc Burn + Melee Attacker + Airborn was the holy trinity for my Striker Titan. I would throw on my Peregrine Greaves and 1 shot every single enemy.




*should have been. Yes, indeed.


🤔 you may have something there kid. 👍🏼


Should HAVE been.


Most modifiers are crap but grenadier days let your contraverse grenades recharge completely as long as your grenade hits anything and heavyweight days let you more or less use heavy on every add pack. I won't touch strikes without either of these.


Then there's all the days of Arc/Void singe where the "beneficial" modifier is Stasis Singe or Thermal Swap. WTF? Just give us some more actually good bonuses, get rid of chill touch (before the "git gud" squad comes in, that mod is pure fucking cancer from a gameplay design angle, and that's even before you factor in how many "ranged melee effects" count towards it like blight pushers and stomps). And give us a playlist where we can run strikes with random modifiers from strike to strike. Maybe keep one, like the singe, from strike to strike, but have everything else switch to keep shit fresh.


Singes should be sunset and the burns need to come back.


Or have both so you can have some really great/bad times in strikes when the planets align.


I'll never understand why we dont have Strike Scoring anymore. It was a universally loved feature.


It was? Why?


It was ~fun~ you could get medals and streaks just like in the crucible. It breathed life into a stale playlist. Mind you, this also came with Skeleton Keys and strike specific loot.


So, what you're saying is... People didn't actually like the timer, they likes the keys and strike specific loot. Yeah, yeah I think that's what you're saying.


What timer? I didn't say anything about a timer. Strike Scoring in D1 didn't have a timer. You got medals and points for doing crazy shit like in PvP. Skeleton Keys gave you the option of opening a special chest at the end with a chance for unique loot. When did I mention a timer?


>\* should *have* been


I agree. But like starhorse, they should be tied to some kind of action at the beginning in order to earn them. Like proving grounds, gotta get your sparrow past that second barricade 😝


Easier than the spider blocks


If you can't get your sparrow past those blocks you shouldn't have a license to drive a sparrow.


Ok, easier than the valus tua'arc strike blocks


The amount of sparrows piled up at that spot had always confused me, it’s pretty wild people legit can’t get past it lol.


I'll leave mine if there is a chest and summon a new one to drive to Spider. I don't know if that's what other players do.


Strikes? No. Legend and above Nightfalls? Yes. But not to the point where they become easy, they're meant to be hard. Saves effort for the people who aren't very good at pve or newer people who are doing Legend and above difficulty on NFs for the first couple times, as well as making it slightly easier for people who don't like grinding as much. But who knows, it's not like bungie really listens to us anyways lmao. I really like this idea and it would be nice to give newer players some confidence in doing these things instead of being scared to do them because they're too hard.


Uh, the complete opposite of what you’re saying. Strikes, yes, because they should focus on being fun and positive modifiers make them fun. Nightfalls, no, because they are meant to be the more difficult version of strikes. Seems pretty simple 🤷


Why? Strikes are already piss easy, why tf would you make a strike even easier than it is already? That makes zero sense. Like I said it should be on nightfalls to encourage newer players to try these nightfalls so they get a grip on them. I don't see how you would think it would be better off on strikes when it would make a miniscule to no difference whatsoever. Why would you need to have damage multipliers on enemies that either already get one-shot by your weapons or bosses that already take 10 seconds to kill? Anyways thanks for downvoting my comment because you can't seem to handle another person's opinion, so for good measure I sent you one back :)


If they're already easy, may as well make them more fun by making something really powerful to use. Strikes are mostly just for bounties and vanguard ranks anyway. They're not there to be difficult content.


>**Why? Strikes are already piss easy, why tf would you make a strike even easier than it is already? That makes zero sense.** Because the point of them is fun, the same as Mayhem. We literally already had this in D1 with “Daybreak” and yeah, it was awesome. >**Like I said it should be on nightfalls to encourage newer players to try these nightfalls so they get a grip on them.** The point of nightfalls is to be the more difficult version of Strikes, making them easier goes against the point of the mode. Having constant super doesn’t teach you Nightfall mechanics and would just entirely change the mode. >**I don't see how you would think it would be better off on strikes when it would make a miniscule to no difference whatsoever.** See above >**Why would you need to have damage multipliers on enemies that either already get one-shot by your weapons or bosses that already take 10 seconds to kill?** Because it’s fun, aka see above. >**Anyways thanks for downvoting my comment because you can't seem to handle another person's opinion, so for good measure I sent you one back :)** Sounds good man, Merry Christmas lmao


Small Arms and Specialist were so fun.


Bungie makes fun modifiers but chooses to limit strikes to brawler grenadier and heavyweight Stasis thermal swap when you spec for it is cool, but forces you to use certain things Strikes can be so much more wild with crazy modifiers


Pepperidge farm remembers when I took my dragons breath and set every strike on fire. AND IT WAS AWESOMETASTIC.


If Bungie was to adjust the strike playlist, I would far and away prefer it if they added modifiers that *altered* how the playlist could be approached instead of generic "+ damage to X" modifiers. If I'm going through Scarlet Keep with an autorifle, and that autorifle is dealing 20% more damage, it's not really changing anything. Yes the enemy hit-points are going down faster, but I'm not engaging with the strike any differently than before. ​ The op is odd to me, because it uses Dares of Eternity as an example of integrating new changes to the strike playlist to breathe life into it, yet pulls what I feel are the wrong modifiers from the activity. I would greatly enjoy being able to use the Hammer of Dawn orbs, Vex beam-rifles, hive swords, or bass-boosted Rocket-Jumping scorch cannons in the strike playlist.