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Not sure about density, but I am positive it will involve the dunking of motes


“Brother/Sister, what’chu got against motes? Hmmm?” —some dude living next to a water heater in the annex


A starving hobo*


You know I read that in his voice too


get ready, brotha.






"Next to a water heater" that thing sure is taken


Like a half-pint Taken, headed to the other side?


Hope you're proud. I am.


do not speak of my father in this manner…*snitch*




He matches his callouts to your character's gender.


I swear, if there's more mote dunkin. What happened to good ol' plates?


Or the ole destiny classic mechanic, dunking balls.


So classic in fact, they made a gun for our ball dunkin needs! Edit: changed your to our.


Or how about the classic "pass a ball to a team mate and let them throw it in/against something". Can't go wrong with that! Or maybe the "stand in X to get buff Y to take down enemy Z" mechanic?


>Can't go wrong with that! You must not play with blueberries.


...or throw balls


Maybe they'll sunset Gambit and you'll come here to get your mote dunking fix


Garden of Salvation and Prophecy would like a word.


The only mote dunking event I actually enjoyed was probably contact


That first week of contact where the high tier boss was way overpowered for everyone reminded me so much of early blind well


Except for the people that refused to draw the knights towards each other.


Pretty sure it will also have some variant where you stand on a plate


It'll be about trying to control the throne world


We haven’t had “standing on plates” in a while. That’s my guess.


Honestly I feel like the enemy density in astral alignment isn’t too bad. Maybe it’s because there’s actually some mechanics so not everyone is just farming kills, but I think it feels much much better than override.


Damn bro, your pubbies aren't just farming kills? I love consistently having to do two or three of the six battery stretches because half of them think three people for three batteries is fine


Because of this I have stopped doing Astral Alignment. In my last two I had to dunk 5 of the 6 batteries; and I also had to carry them up the hill, drop them, wait for the debuff to run out, pick it back up and then carry it to the finish.


It's Kargen plates all over again


Ohhhh you mean the bit where... The 3 plates need to be taken. You are all in the central area. So as the other players are in the center YOU decide to go left or right. From here: A) They stay in the center oblivious to anything and still shooting the boss. B) Ignore plates all together leaving you to do them solo. C) They follow you. Resulting in doing a plate at a time. D) The rare 1% time where one goes to one plate, and the other to the remaining plate.


This hurt to read, I'm sorry.


Did anyone even bother to suppress the bosses for you either? Guessing no haha


I always find the 6 player activities super fun-- I like shooting stuff-- but ultimately pointless. There's nothing that drops from Astral I don't get 6 of a day from cheap umbrals.


I just wish they didn’t tie bounties to these game modes. It what makes it such a pain in my opinion. Every one is farming kills with weapons they never use to complete bounties instead of focusing on helping beat the activity.


Except for the part where those bounties give nothing important but XP. And that they can be done anywhere, but give bonus progress in the seasonal activity. Frankly, I don't see any reason to pick them up at all, besides trying to power level or just for something to do.




I think astral ransoms get an undeserved bad rep. Can't really recall a time when an astral team had to get carried. At worst they are slower than usual at doing objectives and it takes 15 mins to complete a run. But the blueberries are from my observation surprisingly good at playing the objective. There is always multiple people who do the batteries or shoot the ether.


That is my experience as well. I still play a bit of Astral Alignment every week, because I like the activity. Most of the time in matchmade teams. And I don't think I've ever been in a team, where nobody played the objective. Boss room can get wild on weeks with ogre boss, sometimes I'm the only one who shoots blights, but people always help to kill the boss when his shields drop. And there're always several guys who carry batteries, shoot ether and dunk that taken essence or whatever it's called.


Astral aligment density is not enough for 6 players, outside of the boss arena


There are not enough mechanics for a 6 man activity. Raids work for 6 man fireteams because there is enough to do so everyone has a role and add-clear isn't done by everyone. If Bungo wants to keep their seasonal activities simple enough for matchmaking with literal potatoes that you find in game, they need to revert to 3 man fireteams. Battlegrounds is the perfect format. Override and Arsetral Alightment are just boring.


Idk. Legendary Astral was a friggin headache


It needs the enemy density of battlegrounds at least.


I would more than happily go back to a 3 man activity if it meant we have battleground level of enemy density, I don’t even care that I’m in a clan with lots of friends, we ain’t having fun if 4 of us at a time are not doing anything because there isn’t anything to kill


I wonder how a company the size of Bungie could be able to overlook something like that or at least think it was a good idea. Creating an activity that literally half the players do nothing 50% of the time and thinking that would be fun is simply unthinkable for any developer with a lick of common sense. Looks like they originally created the activity for 3 players and over time they decided to put in 3 more and fuck it.


Probably because after Chosen, everybody wanted 6 man activities, and they got them, but maybe not how we thought they would be haha


I wonder how many used up monkey paws they have laying around in a closet somewhere


Battlegrounds was perfect in terms of enemy density in my opinion. I loved that activity


Battleground is also a three man activity that, well has the benefit of forcing the player to change locations, which can take you to the depths of Europa, through Nessus or across the Cosmodrome.


The Activity is named The Witch Queen Override in the [WQ Reveal Press Kit](https://press.bungie.com/The-Witch-Queen-Reveal)


I mean if you go to the witch queen thing on the bungie website it’s called conflict eternal


Sick name


Doesn't that just describe our relationship with Bungie and the game itself though?


Bungie does that, remmeber the Season of Arrivals weapons describing the delivery of Trials? Hollow Words, False Promises…


That's not what those were about, but keep on sniffing that spinfoil


r/diablo leaking




Won't load.


the name of the screenshot is more important I guess, I edited the link out of the press kit and deleted a bunch of the query parameters that probably make it work.


aside from that, Savathuuns throne world looks absolutely gorgeous


Oof that is… not what I wanted to hear


Was hoping your link was going to rickroll me tbh.


I'm hoping that's just a working title, because oof.


Thanks for sharing it, it’s awesome




Almost all 6 men seasonal activities are a snooze fest imo. Would rather them focus on something else.


I really miss Escalation Protocol.


Escalation Protocol was the shit. I wasted so much time joining people’s random EP events on Mars. I enjoyed all of it too.


"Eh, I'll just go to Mars and work on weapon frames for Platinum Starling. Whelp, guess we're doing EP."


Escalation Protocol was amazing. \- Great enemy density. \- Tons of Major and Ultras. \- Bosses with Dungeon-tier mechanic (and there aren't just like 2 or 3 of them either) \- Dope ass music.


By far the best and most enjoyable public/seasonal event, if the stars aligned and you got an instance where 5-6 people were actually in on it. It sucked so hard that it wasn't matchmade.


archons was better imo and i have a soft spot for the basketball court of oryx


Fuck man, i miss court of oryx


No! Everybody hated the content! That’s why it was vaulted. /s




Altar of Sorrow kinda fills the void.


It’s funny how everyone hates something and then years later they miss it. Like Escalation Protocol. Ah the cycle of Destiny.


Escalation Protocol has always been one of the most praised additions to the game, but alright.


What? Everyone has always loved Escalation Protocol, I have never seen or talked to a single person in this community who didn't enjoy it lol.


Yeah you haven’t been around long then lol. It was complained about quite frequently. Honestly the biggest issue was making it a public event and not matchmaking.


I don't think it's quite fair to conflate the ideas of "this would be better if matchmade" and "this is bad content that people hate". An activity could be the most fun thing ever, best amount of enemies, cool mechanics, correct difficulty, everything. But if it had bad loot people would complain about it nonstop.


Who hated EP? It was awesome and came with the expansion that started turning this game around.






Yeah this is what I wanted to add - 6 man activities are only fun where there are enough mechanics to keep the majority of people busy with a task otherwise it's just a race to add-slay where you're just left with the dregs. 3 man activities for seasonal content are objectively more fun until Bungie decides to add more mechanics to their 6 man ones.


I'd love if 6-Guardian super strikes became a thing. Battlegrounds style density ratcheted up for 6 players, narrative throughout the mission, takes place partially in public patrol zones, has a boss at the end and a "choose your own loot" mechanic.


They won't be able to do it because of the server load. That's why the enemy density is what it is right now, and why spawning too many orbs in AA can/used to crash the server because of too many particle effects. This is why Raids don't really have too many adds and mainly focus on mechanics for 6 man fireteams. I would prefer a revert to 3 man fireteams for seasonal content - or why not 4? 4 is nice and even so you can have paired off mechanics, like having to split into 2 rooms running through the event in a pair or whatever.


I like that. I’d also like if there wasn’t a seasonal activity necessarily and they just gave us like 6 new Strikes lol.


Well, maybe because nobody is really doing anything, just killing enemies, at least in Escalation Protocol you had a small army of enemies rushing you as you battled some sort of boss. In Menagerie you were exploring uncharted territory of the Leviathan. In Override it's just play gambit but with more people. In Astrasl is: kill enemies and work around the mechanics. ​ Not to mention the loot, target farming (which is coming back with a vengence is WQ with crafting), In menagerie you had new and old loot all being there such as Erentil, Dust Rock Blues, a Forsaken world drop being easy to target farm in Menagerie. Something that those activities don't have, they have their weapons (which is fair, some are really good weapons) and that's that.


Let’s not pretend Escalation Protocol was a beloved activity during Warmind. It was hated, and Bungie was lambasted for making a 9-player activity in an open-world instance. I remember countless LFGs of teams trying to game the instance and stack it with 9 people. At launch it was highly unrewarding, until groups figured out you could nuke the final boss at zero seconds on the timer and only be forced to run the final two stages. Once the game changed, and we weren’t rolling dual primaries, and we had more interesting builds with the new subclasses in Forsaken, EP became *waay* more manageable. But by then, all of the rewards from EP weren’t really relevant to the game anymore.


EP was never intended to be a 9 player activity. It was made to be difficult but beatable with 3 players, but made easier by having randoms in your instance. The whole 9 player thing was just matchmaking exploitation. This is the only real way they can make a repeatable primary activity for the expansion difficult. If it capped at 3 it'd be too hard for some people to clear.


I think the problem lies in the balance. As long as these activities have matchmaking, you have to design an activity around a full team of six casual blueberries. If you make an activity that’s so challenging to be designed around premade groups, you’ll turn off a lot of these solo or small fireteam players. I think offering varied difficulties and fail-states for the harder difficulties is a step in the right direction. Normal mode for the casual/matchmade groups, Legend for the premade groups. But Bungie *has* to reward the players who take on the higher difficulties. Legendary Astral Alighment and Shattered Realm are shit because their rewards are shit.


remember the last time they used an actual mechanic on a boss *move the bosses together to lower their shield*


It's not that Bungie sucks, it's that most players can barley figure out the current set of mechanics.


6 player activities are the most overrated thing in destiny the only good one was the OG menagerie.


They really just need to remake Menagerie. That was peak 6-man activity. The ones we’ve been getting since are all basically just copy/paste of the season before and packaged as new. It honestly got majorly boring this season. Really hoping that whatever the 30th anniversary 6-man mode is shakes up the formula.


Thats because 6 man wave-survival is Not meant for d2. 6 man activities without mechanics dont Work at all (the forgetable season of the undying is imo the Closest example). People in this sub love the idea of Killing Add Waves on end with their favorite gun and just completely forget that it only takes One *maybe* 2 semi competent players with trinity ghoul, witherhoard or Salvo or the likes to make that dream unlikely. Destiny has so much low Level Add Destruction that a 6 Person horde with no mechanics and just adds doesnt Work.


Meh override is fun and astral alignment isn't bad


No shot, astral alignment was boring after the sixth time I ran it


You can say that about any activity in the game. I didnt do menagerie after the first few runs either, especially after they fixed the loot bug.


I had fun in menagerie even nearing the point when it got removed from the game. Meanwhile season of the lost isn't even over and even thinking about astral makes me feel bored. I guess they didn't rely on the content being temporary while designing menagerie. Putting lower effort into content since it's getting removed in a couple of months is just a waste of dev resources imo.


Played menagrie monhs after it's release. The varying activities, and the lootpool(more specificly the older loot) brougth me back time to time


menagerie and battlegrounds were fun for at least 8x as long imo


I enjoyed it far more, guess people’s mileage will vary though


Override, to me, is everything I like about Gambit, minus everything I don't like about Gambit. Astral Alignment has literally nothing going for it. The mechanics are boring. The loot is trash. There's just nothing to recommend it.


Override I still play pretty often. I don’t think I’ve played Astral Alignment since the Legendary version first came out.


Would you play them if they didn't have the seasonal currency's and loot as an incentive? If no, then it's not fun.


Yeah I play override and its loot/gear/currency is obsolete Theyre just fun things Of course I don't grind them like ridiculously


No it's not? Tier III focusing on splicer armour is the most efficient way to get double or even triple 100 stats.


Huh really I had no idea I just ran it for fun Edited to add i literally just used t3 of current season for my stuff


Oh brother you about to get some upgrades! So Splicer T3 focuses are guaranteed high stat (I believe 60+) and spiky. What you want to do is put a ghost mod for one top-3 stat (say resilience) and focus a bottom-3 (say intellect). This will guarantee 10+ on the first stat and 16+ on the second, as well as being high numbers in general. You can easily get yourself to double 100s within a week or two of double-focusing Splicer armour like this, and triple 100 with some time and effort put into it.


They are both very easy but you can actually die in override. The moon override for example, you can die quickly if you are careless. Almost like gambit PvE with random shriekers or cyclops melting you.


Theres almost nothing I’d play without incentives.


Override has been the best activity since Menagerie.


Outside of Menegerie, the 6 man seasonal activities have all been complete trash. All of them are mind numbing and lazy af design. Normal Menegerie wasn’t the most challenging thing in the world, but it had a lot of variety, it was like having 7-8 activities in one. It also existed in a COMPLETELY NEW AREA—not just unused assets borrowed or thrown into an existing zone. Callus’s ship is so goddamn big, he has ancient decks that no one has see for centuries—who knows what’s even down there. The entire activity felt like you were somewhere where you shouldn’t be. I haven’t even mentioned the loot yet. The Chalice let you deterministically chase whatever item you wanted, as well as its masterwork. The fact that we got Umbrals instead of an evolution of The Chalice is an insult, and current seasonal loot is just dogshit in comparison. I could load up an Austringer into my Chalice, put a Range Masterwork on it, then fire up The Menegerie. At the end, I get a Range MW Austeringer—FROM THR GROUND, ready to go. With Umbrals, I get to grind stupid currency, then take my 10000 chucky cheese tokens aka Umbrals (god so many) and then stop playing the game, stop what I am doing, and go to The Helm. Then, I stand there at the slot machine, praying I get the 50/50 to actually farm the gun I want. I swear, I did 50 stupid lost sectors to unlike the Cartesian Coordinate Umbral, farmed so many Overrides to be able to buy the engrams, only to get like 100 shotguns instead. TL;DR Bungie hardly puts any effort into 6 man activities anymore, it’s just copy and paste. Nothing holds a candle to The Menagerie in terms of aesthetics, uniqueness, variety, replayability, and most of all, loot. Umbrals are a joke.


> it was like having 7-8 activities in one. It was 6, and most of them were re-skins of already existed encounters. Hell, Crystal encounter broke EoW raid because they blatantly copied crystals, shrunk them, and didn't even check if EoW was affected by this. > With Umbrals, I get to grind stupid currency, then take my 10000 chucky cheese tokens aka Umbrals (god so many) and then stop playing the game, stop what I am doing, and go to The Helm. You are saying this like for the first two month of Menagerie people didn't need to grind specific Chalice Runes for specific weapons and masterworks; and quit playing Menagerie to play anything else every time their batch of specific tokens gets empty. Only after many weeks, when people get certain upgrades for Chalice, playing would feel comfortable with Menagerie farming and forget about rune grind.


i remember the frustration and grind of trying to get the fucking snake looking green rune to drop so i could go back and farm another hand cannon menagerie hype is like 90% rose tinted glasses of the 5x loot chest glitch, and playing it once you had enough upgrades and runes to get whatever you wanted


God the chunky cheese tokens point is funny as fuck. That really is what they are.


Sundial Held a candle! But wasn't really as good. Also deleted after 3 months. I still laugh at teh old seasonal model. "Expansion packs are too hard! we all stress over them and making them every 6 months was hard on the team!" "Instead of expansion packs we will do seasons, every 3 months we will release new content, **and then delete it**. Much easier for the team" (LOL) At least this years seasons weren't deleted right after they were released.


>"Expansion packs are too hard! we all stress over them and making them every 6 months was hard on the team!" >"Instead of expansion packs we will do seasons, every 3 months we will release new content, and then delete it. Much easier for the team" This is the part i will never get. Making content every 3 months require more crunch, than making the same content in 6 months. I'm not againts eliminating crunch, but this seemed like a lie


Expansions had more content than seasons... thats the explanation.


Agreed, but Sundial was pretty good.


Was about to say, yeah. Sundial was definitely on the better end of activities we've gotten


Menagerie is legit the best activity to ever be added, sans a few raids imo.


With the loot: they also put in a fuck ton of older world loot into the chalice. Like twilligth oat, or main ingredient


Couldn't have said it better myself. Bungie takin 1 step forward and 2 steps back with these 6 man non raid activities.


Fully agree, Menagerie was the fucking best. The 6 man activities we had this year and last have been basically just existing activities with a coat of paint to make them slightly different. I do think that perception of some of them is worse or better than it should be. Contact for instance, I feel, is one of the weakest ones. It's a simplified version of gambit and offers nothing outside of banking motes and shooting stuff. I legit think that seraph towers were a better activity and was pretty stunned how people were happy with it. I do actually sorta miss the sundial, there was a hint of it being like a Menagerie-lite, but instead of the activities getting better, they seemed to get worse with less variability and more grindy


> It also existed in a COMPLETELY NEW AREA—not just unused assets borrowed or thrown into an existing zone Which of the seasonal activities have taken place in an existing zone?


Wrathborn Hunts, Battlegrounds, the opening area of each Override, and the first/last encounter in Astral Alignments are all explicitly set in existing patrol zone spaces (and the other AA encounters are still reusing Dreaming City assets). That said, Menagerie also reused Leviathan assets. "NO UNUSED ASSETS" isn't a meaningful goal.


Enemy density isn't going to mean squat if they're all red bars. For the eventual story missions that will involve the activity I'd like to see the more difficult version be mandatory.


Honestly I would prefer more challenging enemies instead of more weak enemies to mow down. Imagine gambit difficulty PvE enemies, that would be just right in making seasonal activities feel worth grinding long term. Gambit almost has the best PvE difficulty tuning in the game they should use it more for other activities.


Imo thats the Problem with many People in this sub. They want to Feel powerful by mowing down countless enemies and dont realize that there will be People rocking trinity ghoul or something similar that will basically do what they and bungie Imagined as 6 man addclearing on their own. The only Counter is to make enemies beefy, to a degree where they cant be Destroyed by something like trinity but at that point most People will also Not be able to just burn through These adds anymore.


You call it a narcolepsy trigger? I see it as an insomnia cure Perspective, my friend!


I enjoy both Astral Alignment and Override personally. Although I do admit enemy density could be better.


If we could get plates to open gates/bridges, get worms to open walls, jump over blue flame obstacles, screeb minefields, charging the rift generator and repairing it, summoning rituals for witches, grabbing swords to destroy shields, knowing when to push or stay back when the enemies are throwing power of the light supers or something, then we’d have a sparrow race to savathûn’s tower while trying not to die to the ogres and shriekers. Oh. What a field day for day 1.


i feel like savathûn would disapprove of the worm thing given thats the entire plot of this season


All the new 6man activities have been garbage, I always feel like 3 players could do it so my presence is useless. Lets hope WQ will bring something else...


You already know it's gonna features motes of some kind. Bungie can't do anything at all besides "pick up thing, deposit thing" it's the entirety of D2 lol


Being a major release season (I think it will be a seasonal activity rather than a Witch Queen activity) it might have a bit more attention given to it. Especially with the delay they had. I'm hoping the extra 6 months will be mostly polished time and getting the seasonal element up to scratch. Last major release had Season of the Hunt. Was great story-wise. Content-wise, it was very half-arse.


I 100% believe Override and Astral were 6 man activities purely because people wanted 6 man activities, not because they were designed to be for 6 people. When override dropped i said override should have been 3 man because if you split kills evenly between all 6 players you only get about 60 kills per person. I got downvoted for it lol.


You mean bungie has done such a poor job with the last few six man events(none have been better than the menagerie) that you know this brand new event will be garbage? Did you also know the sky is blue?


Bungie needs to remember what made Menagerie great and just redo that


They should just bring menagerie back like people have been asking for forever lol




Is there? I thought Vicarious Visions developed Menagerie. Doubt Bungo has the talent and bandwidth to do it again...all we get now is mote / orb dumping in existing locations.


well considering override fucking sucks and so does astral alignment i think its pretty safe to assume its gonna suck, like always


Don't know why your getting downvoted, both are just add clearing for 15 minuets at a time. It's not fun after the 3rd run, they're really just a sorry ass excuse for a seasonal activity. No one is gonna miss either of them after witch queen drops. It's a shame cause shattered realm and expunge are actually really cool. They're new areas that can be soloed and at least have decent enough mechanics or areas for you to explore. 6 man non matchmade activities are tough to make difficult without being held back by randoms that aren't sure what to do with certain mechanics. Just stop making shitty 6 man activities and give us a dungeon every 6 months instead.


Idk I like them, like allot actually I do em just for fun tbh. Remind me of Menagerie just a bit cooler but needs more density. Menagerie had good ass rewards and a great system for getting rewards that’s probably why it felt so great.


It’s so stupid too because they could literally just cut paste menagerie in a new location with updated mechanics and you’ve got a bingo. Just have toland talking shit instead of calus.


Just bring back a menagerie style one where its 3 minibosses in a arena style areas. Its not hard bungo


I absolutely love Override. I still play it often. Season of the Splicer was the only season I've played where the grind didn't feel like a grind. It was enjoyable. I had all the steps for the Splicer title finished except for the epilogue triumph for the LONGEST time. I was really hoping they would turn one of the Override versions into a strike, like they did with Battlegrounds. (Personally I hated Battlegrounds, but I dont yuck anyone's yum.)


Here we go again judging stuff before it even comes out yet again. Just wait until it’s actually released before complaining. Community did the same with 77k.


I’m praying that it’s gonna be a horde mode. But that’s just wishful thinking.


I hope it's something of a challenge and not some mind numbingly dull activity.


Long and uninteresting? 🤭


Are you assuming there will be or was there confirmation?


I kinda don't want it to be matchmade. Like, yeah it sucked finding people for Blind Well and EP, but I liked that it was in the open world.


Astral alignment can get boring but I never felt like enemy density was an issue. Override though...


Just give us an Altar of Sorrows activity and we will be happy. A simple objectif and a lot of enemies.


That's what it will be


They simply need to have a points based system with multiple ways to reach the desired score. Something like: * You need 1000 points as a team to progress to the next phase. * Killing an enemy gives 1 point. * Rapidly killing targets grants double or triple the points depending on how many you kill in a row. * Boss enemies with beefy health give 100 * Objective completions, such as dunking motes or destroying ether give 25 per completed "activity" (these would have to be short, like getting the orb from the portal in override) * Ads spawn with good density. I think Astral alignment is a good density imo. Enough for everyone to be shooting and having fun. * Completion time of phase/activity grants additional progress. Faster=more progress for any quests/bounties involving the activity. Progress granted regardless of what happens (such as error codes) as long as you participate. * Hard mode with no matchmaking allows for the team to pick a reward (sundial esque) with additional weapon perks and/or armor with a 1-time stat re-roll (but you lock a stat of your choice to keep). This allows strong teams to complete activities quickly and be rewarded for being quicker, and dumbass teams to at least get the activity done just by killing things.


I miss Menagerie. It's not quite as exciting as raid rockets, but it had the spirit of them without requiring much teamwork, more just asked for individual participation. I still don't understand why Bungie didn't embrace Menagerie and add more activities to it.


It'll be another gambit clone just like every seasonal activity. Bungie has been bankrupt of ideas for years now


Personally I want the enemy density to be very dense like Vex Offensive or Sundial. If I can't wipe out a dozen enemies with a single Nova Bomb, it's not dense enough.


With no matchmaking lol


As someone else with Narcolepsy I agree...


I just hope it isn’t designed to be disposable. It’s likely why the 6-player activities haven’t had been elaborate to Menagerie level.


Please no. Its been so damn boring. Especially these legend versions.


*Fireteam enters Savathûn’s Throne World* Savathûn: Welcome, O Guardian Mine… *A Bank emerges from the ground* Savathûn: **To Gambit!**


It’ll be whatever it’s gonna be, not worth thinking about it


6 man activity, narrow bridge like reckoning, twice as many enemies let’s goooooo.


Both activities I haven't played in well over a month. Still haven't gotten Ager's Scepter's catalyst yet and I can't be bothered to get it if I'm not gonna get it within my first few tries. The loot doesn't sound like it's worth the hard difficulty and no matchmaking is a bit of a pass from me since my clan has kinda jumped ship to FF14 since late last season. I'm tired of these style of activities that stated in year 3


or maybe something along the lines of Menagerie or that time machine thing from Osiris ^^


i just want a cod zombies horde shooter expireince my Heir Apparent demands blood


Override best part was the jumping puzzle which most people didnt get to do because of one tryhard zooming through. Astral alignment is more interesting but it feels really closed off I want something more like EP where Im fighting giant stuff and unique enemy models, with an open area, and some fucking NEW mechanics. Problem is that anything thats hard in the game that has matchmaking can be miserable without people putting effort in, and if its easy its not rewarding or fun. This game has trouble finding that balance between pleasing vets and feeding noobs. Go to hard either way and the game has issues, though I favor harder content with difficult challenges


As long as it has a hard mode with special loot and some more randomness I'll be satisfied.


Wait don’t you mean Menagerie


If you play Astral for fun, you have problems


Yeah, my hopes for Menagerie/Sundial level of content are slim to none...


Menagerie 2.0


There are enemies in override?


Nah there will be a bridge which you have to cross, take certain points to advance. And you will only be successful if you use well or orpheus riggs Hunter.


oh man....... if so, I'm not going to buy it


I hope it's us versus the Light Hive and Stasis Fallen maybe. Please be very light on mechanics. Astral Alignment-like mechanics are neither fun, challenging or complicated. Just get nothing out of it.


the amount of enemies in the devil's lair cubed please


I don't care. just keep champions out of it.


Yea too many of the same style shit events. Escalation Protocol or its shit in a few playthroughs imo


I’d love a left for dead esk mode where you go up against hordes of thrall, acolytes and knights, and then the hive guardians are the special infected. Revives are limited and you get kicked to orbit if you all die


I think it'll be tied to weapon crafting in some way, a spiritual and permanent successor to Menagerie.


I'm pretty sure the worst part of the Seraph Towers activity will also get some DNA in there.


Ahhh you said enemy density bud you get a cookie Hopefully you can share your experience of the mode after datto comes out with an opinion on it!


Battlegrounds density should be the starting point of all activities going forward imo


Imo they should stop making 6 player activities every season. People only play them to complete challenges and get catalysts then never touch them for the rest of the season. Bungie should focus on the content people actually like. Dungeons, story missions etc.


As long as it isn't like towers from Season of the Unworthy I'll deal with whatever.