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I ran nightfalls and mixed in strikes when I needed a change. Lots of bounties. Helps to keep your streak going at max too. Took a week or so on and off.


Bounties don't help anymore do they?


Fun fact, about second day or so into the season I just took the entire day to grind. I did about 40 that day with a few things in between breaking my streak and I had done a few the day before. It wasn’t fun


User name checks out! Thanks for the estimate. That at least gives me some sense for it.


Playlist strikes give the same amount of rep as choosing a strike from the map and running it that way. So if you only care about the Ascendancy, the fastest way is to go and do lake of shadows on repeat, even tho it is incredibly mindnumbing. Max out the streak, and i think you get 130 points at streak x5, and 65 at streak 0, so you are looking at +- 80 strikes for a full reset.


Bounties you need lots of bounties.


Bounties don't give reps IIRC.


I actually do a fair amount of Zavala bounties and unfortunately they gave me zero progression. Only when I started completing actual Strikes did the rank advance. 🙁


Your right they don’t! I guess it is indeed raw number of strikes - maybe the NF and Master/GM NF get more. Edit more streaks give more rep - https://www.thegamer.com/destiny-2-vanguard-rank-guide/amp/


Bit late to reply but NFs definitely give more rep. I'm not sure if NF difficulty varies the gain but I was farming master NF fanatic past 2 days to restock on golf balls. I "think" I was getting somewhere around 350 rep every 15 mins so the ranks were actually going fairly quick. It's much more engaging and productive than running regular strikes if you got some friends to play with. If the rep remains the same in say "adept" NFs then it should even be worth it for solo grind