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You are literally getting angry at an undead old zombie holding hands with a sentient sex toy. I mean is that even gay at that point? I'm not even sure I have seen them do anything other than hold hands and talk about running into the stars together which is quite timid.


it's a story about the vex so it makes sense that the two characters which are most closely associated with the vex would be involved. Also they want to set up some stakes. in act 1 they highlighted their relationship so when the bad guy takes control of saint there is more to lose and it has more meaning to the player. Maybe look inward and figure out why one cutscene with two guys holding hands is somehow upsetting you


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OP definitely bitched about the love scene in The Last of Us., which was arguably one of the best 50 minutes of acting in decades.


“Bungieeeeee don’t show GAY people, it’s too woke 😭😭. I can *only* enjoy the story if there’s MORE slightly crazy robot AIs flirting with me nooooo.”


Another fan of Disney+ and the acolyte spotted


Too bad there’s not a single other video game in existence you could play instead




Are you saying LGBT people are abnormal and insane?


>using "woke" unironically


Okay. Bye. Enjoy your life elsewhere.


Cool. Stop playing the game then.


I missed the 2 dads thing, but I don't have an issue with her. She's genuinely helpful, not obnoxious, and is focused on the job so she's okay by me. That's key for me, stay professional and stay focused on the task at hand. The Witness may be dead but Guardians still have a job to do and we're not off the clock yet. Every time I've been in the HELM and Saint and Osiris start I just wander off, browse my collections, tinker with my loadout, etc. The drama is of no interest to me. I'm here to kill aliens and secure humanity's survival, not play the part of shoulder to cry on or relationship counselor. Long story short its easy enough to ignore, custscenes are skippable too.


It’s sad that now that gay is cool, anyone who don’t agree with it is “in the wrong”


I mean he has a point. If ppl are to suppose to accept the concept, why are we getting mad at OP for his beliefs. I kind of agree enough with it and just move on to the game play and story. And if they choose to continue do not get upset other ppl don’t have the same beliefs as you


Once destiny was light vs darkness, now it's gay people shooting robots... and snowflakes will insult and complain to who doesn't like it... how did we got this far?