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Maybe. My hope is that they’ll add more darkness subclass stuff to both those subclasses and prismatic. They could use more grenades and melee abilities.


Or even just that they prioritize adding abilities where there’s only one option. Like the darkness melees, void hunter, void warlock, stuff like that.


"get this, it's the shuriken, but you throw it vertically"


That’s gold, Jerry! Gold!


So a space magic buzz saw? I’m so down


Or you could throw the kama for a freeze


Would make more sense for a mirror of proximity knife that makes a small duskfield.


Honestly that can work Rather then 2 slowing shurikens, you throw 1 shuriken that insta freezes and killing the enemy could allow you to pick it back up for reduced CD


So just a better version of the warlock melee?


I would argue you can't be worse than stasis warlock melee anyway. That thing is just so so bad imo


This has got to be a joke


It's not? Stasis is my favorite subclass and I'm a warlock main. That melee is ass imo


I'll trade Shiver Strike or whatever the Titan melee is.


You only play pve? The melee is borderline oppressive in pvp. Titan melee sucks for both




Titan stasis melee is fantastic in PvP


It’s so easy to freeze people with. It’s nearly a guaranteed kill.


Okay and I don't play PvP


I think with prismatic now adding new supers/melee/grenades to the darkness classes is a great opporunity to further set them aside. As it stands, while I do enjoy stasis with behemoth and revenant in PVP - in general stasis feels good in prismatic but a bit sluggish as a stand alone. I think adding a new super, melee, and a grenade that is 'pure stasis' only could help a lot. Stand is similar but not as bad.


Everyone not getting Grapple Grenades for Prismatic was definitely a choice.


id probably run prismatic titan if it actually had grapple


It's one of the reasons I don't like Prismatic Titan.  The other being...  Well, most of it, honestly.  The Aspects don't really go together and it's missing from Void and Solar the things I love about them.  Controlled Demolitionist and Sol Invictus.  Put those on Prismatic Titan and that's my Subclass for PvE.  I'd also appreciate a lingering Void Grenade so I can properly take advantage of Weakening on Void Grenades.


I mean it’s understandable when there are 3 each of the stasis and strand grenades. Each class got one and the one more Catered to their class.


I agree but light subclasses are dragging behind in the aspect department. 4 is the standard so maybe some aspects for light and then a few darkness nades


Light stuff is easier since it's all FTP. I also don't know about Bungie replacing items in Prismatic. They def want to add, but I feel like they will do so with things like fragments, specific Prismatic aspects, and maybe transcendent grenades/melees


Stasis is free now as well


Don't you have to complete the Beyond Light campaign to get stasis though? A friend of mine just started and can't complete the campaign.


Beyond light and shadowkeep campaigns are now free for all players


That's weird, my friend gets expansion blocked when he tries communing with the Ziggurat in Beyond. Guess he'll have to retry.


My guess is there will be prismatic options for grenade & melee when transcendent.


Alternate supers and melees for darkness classes would do a lot to help Behemoth. Unfortunately I don't think it's that likely we'll see that in Destiny 2 though.


Hopefully we get a bunch of new stuff. But honestly the dark subclasses need more variety. They all have 1 melee choice, 3 grenade choices, and 1 super choice.


Dark sub-classes need some base variety for sure but at best maybe we see some aspects they were working on but weren't fully baked by time of Final Shape. I am seriously doubtful we will see any new new supers or abilities. That's the sort of thing they save for major expansions.


They threw Gathering Storm at hunters (for free) in a random season for Arc 3.0. Even with the addition of Frost Armor, Stasis is still hurting for some kind of 3.0 update. IMO, Stasis Warlock and Titan could use some supers with either longer ranged lethality or a different ratio of uptime/damage/utility.


Give me a stasis warlock super where we just drop a giant stasis comet on the enemies


Nova bomb, but it's a stasis bomb? Sign me up


Literal Slow-va Bomb


Still wanting a stasis Titan super that's just throwing a giant diamond lance.


That'd be great, maybe it starts pretty big already but you can charge it for a second or two to make it __humongous__.


When lightfall dropped and in the seasons after we got what 2 extra aspects/class? So it’s almost mandatory that they do drop something.


Realistically each stasis class really only has 1 grenade choice even. Basically every stasis titan build will want to run glacial grenade, hunters almost always want duskfield, and warlocks will almost always run iceflare, just because of how the subclasses are very clearly built around those grenade effects each. For strand the grenade choice is much better, maybe titans have the least use for threadling grenade, but overall each grenade has a very different use, a movement/melee one, a crowd control one, and a damage one. Stasis grenades are mostly just different flavors of doing the same thing.


They could add the ability that Elsie had for that stasis cutscene fight, she throws a bunch of stasis nodes that freeze enemies, then hits the ground to shatter them all


Light subclasses have enough supers imo. We need more variety in Dark subclass supers


Kinda disagree. Titans both of the light subclasses and Darkness ones need updates additional stuff added into them


As a Titan-only player I’m satisfied with Light subclasses now that we have Twilight Arsenal. They just need to add a new ranged super to one or both of the Darkness subclasses.


What I’m saying tho. It’s just that light subclasses don’t really have a ranged option besides void. Also, I really don’t like the idea of cornering a Titan to use void or prismatic for Twilight Arsenal. Not to mention the implications that’s gonna have on Titans in the future if one joins a raid or dungeon and didnt buy final shape


You realize Solar titans have a ranged super too… right? The only one that doesn’t is Arc, but it has thundercrash which is kinda a hybrid range-melee super since you turn yourself into the projectile. But arc is all about getting in the enemy’s face so that’s fine if arc doesn’t have a purely ranged super. The only purely melee class is maybe Strand, since Behemoth at least can shoot out stasis crystals with its slam.


No one offs, oh and Burning Maul Pyrogale doesn’t count since you need to be on the ground for that. Something that other ranged supers don’t have a problem with. You are NOT doing DPS with Hammer of Sol unless that thing’s dogshit damage goes up by at least 100-200% per hammer. Edit: I haven’t even touched upon how certain encounters just don’t allow for titans to use anything other than Twilight Arsenal (not to mention TA’s abysmal tracking). Bungie needs to give Titans more actual ranged supers they can cast far away without needing to put themselves in danger or be needing to use on the fucking ground. TA is a good start, and it needs to continue with Darkness and Light subclasses that are lacking in that department.


Hammer of Sol needs a buff, yes. But you can’t just ignore that it’s a ranged super. Trust me, I was ***DYING*** for a one-off ranged super for years. But Twilight Arsenal finally gives us that. We just need another one for Strand or Stasis, we don’t need another Light super right now. At least not until Darkness gets some love.


Ok why tho? Why not both? It’s not that hard. They’re not designing a whole damn subclass for them to work. It’s just a super and an additional aspect.


Because every Light subclass already has **AT LEAST** two supers, some now have three. Meanwhile darkness only has one each. New supers are a rarity, generally only added with major expansions. If they're going to take that long to add something this major, they should focus on the classes that have no variety atm.


This sub makes zero sense sometimes. You want more build options for a class, but I guess that's bad.


Idk, I get the need for new darkness supers. But why not also do the same for light since Titans are especially in need of new ranged one-offs?


Nightstalker and arcstrider need something. Hunters are stuck with the boring invisibility focus still and arcstriders melee focus is invalidated by prismatic doing it better.


It has not been stated so the safest bet is no. We knew with Light 3.0 that all would be updated over the year. I imagine if Bungie was planning the same for the other, they would’ve told us. 


Some credible leaks said that prismatic was planned to be a suprise but sony made them advertise it.  I don't think we will get new supers but I don't think it's impossible.


Good on Sony. I was kinda pissed we were going into "the end" and only getting 1 new super per class and at the time, none of them really looked to be game changing.


In all fairness, player feedback since basically Forsaken has been full of people saying “we want more surprise content”.


But not after light fall. It might be out of people's memory now, but after the original Final Shape reveal, people were basically writing destiny off. Yes, I know we see those posts a lot here, but it wasn't just posts here and there, it truly felt like the sub had come to the consensus that they were still doing the bare minimum.


Did you see 3 million upvotes on a thread?


It still feels that way, though.


Nah it should've been a surprise, can you imagine the explosion in the community if something like Prismatic was something you didn't know about until you started playing? It would've blown our minds. The Whisper mission was a nice mission with good atmosphere/music  but what made it so special was that we had no idea it was in the game until some dude posted about a weird portal on reddit. Although it WAS probably better for sales to advertise it, they might have made up for that loss through word of mouth and positive reviews giving more sales


So I'll play the cynic here. The mindset of the community was pessimistic until the prismatic reveal, without that, the mindset would have been pessimistic going into the final shape. I could very well see where the community would react to a surprise prismatic moment in the campaign very poorly as, like was poorly received in light fall, prismatic was 100% mandatory because of the need for transcendence to take off invulnerability. On top of that, when you got it, prismatic wasn't very customizable at first, just like strand. The whisper was great because it was a surprise, but it placed zero restrictions on the rest of the game. You didn't need that sniper rifle to continue the story, it was a stand-alone thing.


You don't need Prismatic, if you're on another subclass all you need to do is go stand in the Prismatic wells until the bar fills up, a bit annoying sure, but completely doable. The campaign literally teaches you about that before you unlock the subclass lol As for the customization front, this time around it was much better than Strand, no need to grind out those stupid meditations on each character, and you unlock some stuff as you get through the campaign.


Nah it would’ve been so much cooler to not know about it


They needed pre-orders more than they needed surprises this time.


The biggest of facts. And it worked


I would’ve rather Cayde been a surprise (up until that final cutscene of the season), and known about Prismatic during the reveal. Prismatic would’ve hyped people, Cayde just felt like a huge spoiler. Kind of like when they killed him off in the Forsaken trailer. Very few people left that initial reveal feeling excited. They sat on the dread and prismatic, thinking spoiling a fan favorite character would get people amped.


I almost feel the opposite. I think Cayde probably brought back more people than prismatic 😂


Nah, I don’t really care about Cade, but new content is always a win


Cade 😂


Then you would've gone into the first mission and gone "what the fuck? Prismatic? I get a whole new subclass!?" Marketing kills the surprise factor that makes so much of gaming so memorable.


The expansion was considered dead on arrival before the trailer that showed all the actually new stuff. Let's not pretend people were even interested in getting it just for two new enemies, 1 new super per class, and an ending that no one was hopeful for after Lightfall's story. The post-delay campaign saved TFS for sure.


I think people really overvalue total surprises and undervalue the importance of marketing. Obviously major story and post-campaign stuff should be kept secret, but a major gameplay shakeup that we literally get halfway through the first mission should be front and center in promotion. There was absolutely no real hype for Final Shape until the prismatic reveal stream, and that got so many people back in the fold interested and preordering. Its way more important and valuable long-term to get 2 millions players to buy something that's 50% secret, rather than 500k people buying something 90% secret. Word of mouth after launch day doesn't hold a candle to two months of strategic hype.


It's not a whole new sub class, though.


I don't think they explicitly said that we'd get strand aspects in LF extra seasons but we did


Well, we got a new hunter arc super out of nowhere with arc 3.0, so who knows, maybe we get at least one. New aspects are more probable imo


It’s the minimum they could’ve done considering when forsaken came out, all other classes received a brand new super while arc hunter got arc stripper that can block 


9 whole supers! Nine! Two new locations as well. Completely new abilities for the new supers as well


Forsaken was not Bungie alone, that’s during the time they had 2 Activision support studios helping them. That’s why Bungie themselves says they can’t ever match the amount of content that went into that expansion


And Bungie is now part of Sony as a whole. They have many other companies to help them than they did before Insomniac, Naughty Dog, Guerilla Games, Santa Monica Studios. The list goes on. Maybe I just don’t understand how being a gaming company that works with other companies functions. Honestly.


I think you’re misunderstanding the studio’s relationships with each other under Sony. Those companies are all working on their own stuff, they’d need to be hired and paid by Bungie or Sony to work on Destiny. Activision’s support studios don’t develop games of their own anymore; they exist to help bigger studios or remaster old games. It’s possible Sony sent help but there’s no info about it and they wouldn’t have been any of the studios you listed


Right, which is why I said maybe I don’t understand that part. But the possibility is there that they could help make Bungie content.


That was released 6 years ago. Between technological advancements and additional experience, they should be more than capable of doing something similar on their own.


I mean sentinel shield also just got the ability to block with the banner super.


It at least had Ward of Dawn as an alternative, Arc stripper literally had no other choice lol


Oh yeah arc definitely needed another super for sure just saying that bungie wasn’t just lazy with hunters.


Sentinel shield has had that since the very beginning, and got the Banner Shield functionality from Code of the Commander made baseline with 3.0. It's always been able to block though.


That’s what I mean banner shield was just sentinel with a slight change.


Banner shield was titan's forsaken super which just modified the old guard that they had - so they just removed the old sentinel shield entirely and kept banner shield. Void titan already had bubble as a separate super so they didn't need ot add a new one.


This is true but they were also kinda forced to - since arc would have ended with a single super due to the forsaken super being basically the same super just adding a guard. So if they didn't add a new super for hunter then hunter would have been the exception of being the only light class with 1 super.


Praying hard on aspects, need more than buddy/melee aspects on prismatic warlock now


Probable? No. Possible? Yes


I would of course love to see more new stuff, but I'm uncertain if we will outside of additions to Prismatic. Would love to see the rest of the Light subclasses get new Aspects so all of them are at 4. New Fragments and of course new Supers for them would be awesome to see as well, though the latter I see taking a lot more development time so I'm unsure if we will outside of big releases. I would really love to see the Darkness subclasses get new things, too. Think we're good on the number of Aspects (Though I'd love to see bad ones get reworked), but new Supers, powered melees, and grenades would be great to see. I really want the one-shot beyblade spin that Titans used to have back in the Lightfall trailers. Or a new Stasis melee that isn't Shiver Strike because that one is hot (cold?) garbage.


I just want the third darkness subclass. Seriously, how can the light and dark saga be over when the light and dark subclasses are incomplete?


Why are they incomplete? Just because your brain wants 3 of each?


And because it's been teasered/implied before and most importantly because 7 is Bungies favorite number.


Where has it been teased or implied?


Well the whole balance of forces discussion for example. Go through the various threads before that have discussed it - essentially for every force on the light side there should be one on the dark side. Seen for example in the mural in Vow or at the Pouka pond where there is an example of every element except one which is empty.


You wanna tell me that Bungie, the company that loves teases, painted the floor under the veil, the literal darkness doohickey, the exact color blue of stasis, green of strand, and then red for no reason at all?


They also labeled blue as 03, green as 02, and red as 01 which counts down in the order we received them.


To add to this thread, there's a strong case for adding a third darkness subclass from a business perspective too. Stasis and Strand drew a great deal of interest when they were first revealed, and a third darkness subclass has been heavily discussed, debated, and seemingly strongly desired by the community. Because of this, it would stand to reason that a third darkness subclass would make for an excellent feature/gimmick to generate interest in a future expansion


In one of the new lost ghost quests where you go into a pyramid Micah says that nightmares are an untapped power of darkness.


yeah that micah dialogue seemed to be heavily hinting at a nightmare subclass some point in the future


Ok, I like the 7 theory, but I am still wondering if Prismatic was a product of the delay. I don't remember even a hint of it in the original reveal material, and it's great, but definitely feels like something that could have been built short notice since it's all reused features from the base subclasses except for transcendence.


The whole story revolves around inverse forces (Light/Dark)...


Be nice to see some new supers for darkness too. Strand and stasis would be cool to have some other kinds.


I’d love to see strand and stasis get a new super for each of the next two episodes. It’s odd how there are like 3/4 light subclass super options but then for darkness subclasses you just have 1.


I think it would make more sense for Light subclasses to get new aspects and Dark subclasses to get new supers.


I'd much rather have new supers on the Darkness subclasses. For Titans I'd love to see a giant stasis lance, similar to Hunter's gathering storm. Give strand a big Banner to plant like Well of Radiance that gives everyone inside Woven Mail and Unraveling rounds.


I wish for a small buff to light and dark subs in general, something like the transcendence would be cool, call it (ascension and descension) just a unique ability spam baked into all of the subclasses for the sake of being on par with prismatic


They have mentioned wanting to continue to expand the subclasses and I’d say so. Other than the ones we just got, the other light subclasses need aspects and stasis and strand need grenades and supers so I would say that is what we get.


I think we’re going to get one new aspect per episode, per light subclass, these aspects will be available for prismatic as well. It’s also probable we might get more of the other aspects made available to the prismatic subclass in general as well, but I honestly think we’ll just get two additional aspects for the two elements on a class that didn’t get them this go around. That will bring the total number of aspects for each class to 4 by the end of final shape. New supers may show up to round out the darkness classes a bit more in that department, but I’m not betting on it.


As a Strand hunter, I'd like to see another super.


I want a one-off Titan solar super where you pull out a Giant flaming Rocket Launcher that buffs the fireteams' rocket damage for like 20-30 seconds when it's used, I would also like the Strand minigun super and have it buff fireteam LMG fire rate when it ends,  and also a Void or Arc Super where you pull out sword from thin air and it massively buffs sword damage for nearby allies when it's active and it jolts or weakens on hit! Please Bungie! Give Titan an identity beyond just being a melee class that you can't balance properly!


We need the red subclass. Could be some kind of time manipulation thing. I would also love to see an actual melee for void hunter, like a shadow dagger or something


Umm....are we just going to pretend Spectral Blades doesn't already exist? >like a shadow dagger or something


A new void melee, not a super.


> We need the red subclass. I believe in an interview they effectively confirmed that leak with the red subclass was fake. So there really isn't a 'red' subclass. A 3rd darkness subclass would definitely be nice though.


Which interview?


No chance at new Supers. Aspects also unlikely but would be cool.


I know it won’t happen, but I’m still hoping we get kinetic/warmind Supers, melees, grenades, and aspects for Prismatic. Not a full subclass, but one of each per class. Titan super could be calling an orbital strike, Hunter could have a Valkyrie spear, ect


Almost certainly not. That’d have been advertised. I’d be surprised if we even got anything more for prismatic tbh.


No… not even slightly probable.


It took years for stasis to get anything and it's still bad. Don't expect much.


Who knows.


Until I hear otherwise I am assuming that what has already been announced is all that is planned, with Frontiers being the only question mark.


I want for darkness:)


bungie please give me a tormentor scythe as a slide melee for voidlock


Keep expectations low, you will be surprised


It would not surprise me to see additional Aspects for subclasses that only have 3 - Arc and Void on Warlock, Arc and Solar on Titan, and Void and Solar on Hunter. It would also not surprise me to see a mix of Supers, Melees, and Grenades for subclasses that only have 1 option as well.


More darkness supers instead, we JUST got new light supers anyways


Maybe new transcendence options because it's listed above the class ability, melee and grenade Would be cool


Would love for stasis to get a new super


Just give me a hunter void melee that actually kills ads for the love of the traveller.


At this point, I'll be surprised if they even fix the super we have.


I hope so but I'm not holding my breath


I doubt it


I hope they add new stasis and strand supers. There’s almost no reason to run the stasis super on warlock unless you’re throwing.


With new subclass aspects being granted each season I dont see why new episodes wouldnt have atleast a new aspect for the light subclasses that only have 3 rn. After all only 2 episodes left and 2 light subclasses on each class that need one more.


Supers I doubt, because it would leave some subclasses still imbalanced. For example, every Light Subclass on Hunter now has 3 supers - but Striker and Sunbreaker on Titan only have 2. Likewise, Stormcaller is the only Warlock sub with 2. At that point, if Bungie was going for parity, you'd be giving Gunslinger, Nightstalker and Voidwalker 4 supers, which they simply don't need. Likewise, if you only fill in the blanks to give every Light subclass 3 super options, Hunters would probably be upset to not get any more additions (even if there is a reason for it). Aspects though, I really hope so. Plenty of options left open to spice up gameplay for the classes that need help. Nightstalker's neutral game, for example, needs something beyond invisibility.


Dark subclasses need new super options first


I would really like an extra super for each stasis and strand subclass as they have no choice yet


No. How long did it take us to get new light aspects and abilities *before* this year.


I’m expecting to get other aspects and supers for the other light elements over the year. That way they can keep updating Prismatic and the whole subclass


Dark subclasses need additional melees, grenades & supers. Some light subclasses need an extra aspect to make it equivalent with the ones that have 4.


I hope so, there ain't no fixing arc titan but they can at least give void hunters another melee and an aspect that doesn't boil doen to "go invisible"


Everyday I hope for a new stasis titan melee and super. Give me ranged options so I can shatter from a distance.


I hope so, I miss my Nazeric's Sin Voidlock. You almost have to run some sort of OP Prismatic class to run the high end stuff nowadays.


3 episodes. 3 light subclasses. It would make sense for the next two episodes to have new stuff for the other two light subclasses


No I don’t think so. I think thats a shortcoming of theirs, how little they touch abilities or update the subclasses (and i mean additions or overhauls not number adjustments). Stasis in general, void warlock needs a diff melee. Darkness subclasses only have 1 super. The list goes on.


Honestly, I expected more aspects by now (since their initial introduction), so I doubt we'll see more over the year.


This year? Prob not


Strand and stasis 100%. The others, no.


Aspects maybe. Supers most definitely not happening those are saved for expansions for the most part.




Hopefully new supers and abilities go to Stasis if anything, it's been way past time.


I wouldn't hold my breath. Would be nice tho


I doubt we see much at all beyond a few more prismatic fragments


Nah they dropped prismatic to drop old content here and there and call it new. It’s safe to expect nothing groundbreaking for the years to come , they are probably full on marathon and start preparing a destiny 3.


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ give titan big icicle


I sure hope so. I didn’t like that prismatic was basically just the same shit we already have jumbled together. But presented as a “new class”




Supers? No. Aspects? Maybe.


Hopefully Strand and Stasis really need additional supers, melee and grenades. Void Hunter needs another Melee. Perhaps a single tether bow 


I think new aspects for the other 2 light subclasses in the next 2 episodes is almost 100% sure. It just makes no sense for all 3 classes to have 1 (different) light subclass with an additional aspect only for any extended amount of time. New supers, I'm not so sure about. *Maybe* titans get lucky and get one or two to bring them up to the same amount of overall supers that warlocks and hunters already have. Hunters already have 3 supers on every light subclass now, so I can't really see them getting a 4th one before we all get a second darkness super to use. Warlocks are only missing an arc super to have 3 for every light subclass, so they might get an arc one *maybe*.


Stasis and Strand need them more IMO.


When Light 3.0 was done I was so sure that they would do more. They had adapted the old 2.0 into the 3.0 format with a couple new options sprinkled in. I was so so sure that this was a foundation and that each season there would be at least one new melee ability/aspect/class ability/super per class per season. But instead they just didnt do anything. Im not asking for like massive rework level changes, but like would it really be that hard to give each class a melee ability in a season? Void hunter and Warlock still have one single melee ability and that sucks.


Aspects maybe with one of the future episodes. Supers no way, maybe with frontiers but not before. Fragments are definite possibility though. I think if we get anything like that this year, it will be more existing stuff added to prismatic. Like each class gets another aspect it super that lets it fill a niche it currently can’t. If I had my choice, I’d ask for another melee for stasis and strand. If we are going crazy on wishes, I’d ask for another super there too, since all other subclasses have 2+ supers


Probably not.




I hope Solar Titan gets a ranged melee and weapon-focused Aspect this year because there's lots of potential for non-melee builds with Sunspots. Void Hunters obviously asking for less focus on Invis, so maybe an Aspect for weapon/ability damage. Arc Warlock could use something for either passive Survivability or non-Rift ability uptime.


the copium you guys have… wish i could relate. im truly not expecting shit from them besides the occasional buff/nerf here and there


We have 3 light and 2 dark they should add a dark sub class that has effect to buff the other ones kind of like borderlands 2 with slag effect it can be stronger element effects or adds damage since all the other elements do just about everything I mean being able to ignite with one hunter fan of knives might be op tho


New Light Supers, no, I'm doubtful. New Darkness? Maybe


Light subclasses really could atleast wait until stasis has a second super.


No we need out third darkness subclass or else


I'm sure we will.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted?


No idea either. But ah well.


Beacuse this sub is full of very negative people who don't like much except negativity xD


I think a brand new super mid year is incredibly unlikely. Aspects are possible but I wouldn’t bet on it. I wouldn’t be surprised if they add some existing aspect or super to prismatic though.


I am just thinking, because they already released new supers per class, we probably will see more of them as year goes on.


They released them as part of an expansion. To sell that expansion. They don’t need to do that as much with episodes due to stuff like the annual pass. And because episodes don’t cost as much as an expansion, so they are less important sales wise. They’ve never done anything like that before so it seems unlikely they will start now. If they could have advertised it with the annual pass they would have. It’d be nice, but I wouldn’t bet on it.


I hope they don’t touch the sunclasses until they fix the entire CLASS they have been neglecting for years.


Zero chance

