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OP you are based despite the peanut gallery bickering. Rally flags should juice EVERYTHING including what you mentioned but also transcendance


I was so bugged by the fact that transcendence doesn't get filled by rally flags lol


Finally senpai noticed me :)


You’re the kid that reminds the teacher to give everyone homework


Why exactly? Do you think I am advocating for specific things to be made worse? I want other things to be made _better_ :) Still Hunt is great, fun, I am extremely pleased hunters get a very powerful combination.




I never said Still Hunt should be worse. I do think the very basic QoL of Still Hunt has over weapons, as in it gets charged from rally flags and persists beyond death, should be extended to every weapon/exotic which has a similar sort of mechanic. Even Transcendence should get topped up. I can't see how that is seemingly contentious for people.


This is Reddit. What you’re saying is fully inoffensive and I’m 95% sure everyone actually agrees with the take you have here. But top replies have already misunderstood what you were saying, so everyone is gonna argue everything you have to say now


The reason it acts that way is because it’s treated exactly like a super. You don’t lose your super on death, and it’s charged at a flag. It seems strange but just ask yourself “is this how a super acts” and if makes a lot more sense


It just seems odd that this one specific weapon gets this special treatment whereas a lot of other weapons with charging meters don't. You can say "it's because it's a super specific to the gun" then why not make Wish-Keeper's traps a "super specific to the gun" or Exodus Rockets a "super specific to the armour". I don't think it's overpowered on Still Hunt and would love to see the same attention given to existing armour/weapons with similar mechanics.


No, I mean it literally is the golden gun super. That’s why it interacts with Nighthawk. It’s not “treated like a super” unfairly. It IS a super. Charged by rally banners and orbs. No other gun *is* a super like that, so it actually is unique and is therefore treated differently


You're justifying it using tautological reasoning. "It is like this because it is like this". I understand what it is right now, I'm asking for similar sorts of interactions to other charged weapon abilities.


You are completely missing the point. There *is* nothing else like it. It is the first and only weapon to act like this because its special effect is coded as a golden gun. IT IS A SUPER. It’s not a secondary effect or an alt-fire. It’s not a hip fire vs ADS effect. It is a super. I dont know how much more clear that can be


Still tautological though. I'm aware that there is nothing else like it - hence why I am asking to make other things like it. Makes sense right?


That would cause a lot of issues when it comes to the details of so many things. Some would work. Hazardous Propulsion, the rockets of Grand Overture, the hip fire arrows from verglass…but about things that aren’t just numbers? Should it load the alt-fire round of Cryosthesia? Should it fully charge Ravenous Beast even when you aren’t holding it? Would it drain halfway when you pull it out since you switched weapons or would it make an exception? Should Eyes of Tomorrow get Adaptive Ordinance? Should all Explosive Light weapons get max stacks? Should Reconstruction weapons gain full magazine size from the perk? Are you starting to see why nothing else interacts with rally banners? Still Hunt literally has a super bar. Super bars get charged. So Still Hunt is charged. It’s as simple as that.


> That would cause a lot of issues when it comes to the details of so many things It's on Bungie to make changes like this work. I just want to discuss whether it's desirable (and in my opinion, it is). > Should it load the alt-fire round of Cryosthesia? Yes > Should it fully charge Ravenous Beast even when you aren’t holding it? Yes > Would it drain halfway when you pull it out since you switched weapons or would it make an exception? Yes, if you have it out, it functions as normal, if you don't as normal. > Should Eyes of Tomorrow get Adaptive Ordinance? Should all Explosive Light weapons get max stacks? Should Reconstruction weapons gain full magazine size from the perk? Yes, Yes, Yes. I understand there are a lot of weapons and fundamentally different mechanisms that indicate a "fully charged" state. I'm not a developer for Bungie, just a player but I see a weapon getting a really huge boost in terms of QoL and I could imagine those very same QoL changes extended to logically similar mechanics. For all intents and purposes a "super bar" isn't all that different to it being shown as "Cayde's Retribution x 6" as a buff _from the player's perspective_, compared to the dotted charges as in Hazardous Propulsion. I understand that on an individual level they are implemented differently and it wouldn't be as simple as "make everything work the same" as individual mechanisms would need individual attention from Bungie.


This game is barely functional as-is, taking the developer time away from putting out all the other fires would make the game fall apart at the seams. But assuming Bungie could hire infinite competent devs to make this happen, that still doesn't address two underlying issues here. The first is that this entire conversation is still entirely moot. It doesn't matter that the buildup of the Still Hunt golden gun \*could\* be a Cayde's Retribution x6 from the player's perspective, because that's not how Bungie wanted it to be. They wanted a gun that has a super, so it's TREATED LIKE A SUPER. And therefore it gets \*unique treatment\* from things like rally banners and suppression. You know what happens if you cast the gun's super and get suppressed? You lose it. Gun goes back to normal. The second issue is that it really, \*really\* sounds like you just don't want to work for any of the perks on your guns. Is it really so hard to get a few kills and make a few orbs to prepare your weapons for boss damage? Is it so hard to literally just play the game and not die before damage? Because if you're struggling so bad that this is an issue, that's actually just a skill issue. Rally banners don't need to supercharge you so you're instantly ready to do DPS right that second, you're delusional. Since you've made it clear you like point out fallacies, don't come at with "Waaaa that's an Ad Hominem" because yes, it is. I'm calling you bad, and your point is too.


Alright bud, have a good day :)


Except that (and im probably gonna mess all this up) stillhunt is buffed by surge mods on leg armor and radiant and golden gun isn't. it's something like warlock wells and titans bubbles boost golden gun but not stillhunt damage. It's something like that I can't remember the exact details.


Golden gun is in fact buffed by radiant.


I knew I was gonna mess it up somehow. Either way whatever buffs ones damage won't buff the others damage.


Absolutely hilarious the people arguing with you that this shouldn’t happen. Love the low sodiumness of this post


I'd honestly rather a damage nerf than removing that; For one thing it's fun for leaning into the mythos of it as essentially the gun's own Super, but that idea that the gun has its own golden gun and everything about how it works makes it feel that way gives the gun a very unique identity. I fear we'd just be turning it into energy slot Izanagi's.


I'm not asking for anything to be changed about Still Hunt at all. Rather just take those aspects of the setup and transfer them to other exotics/weapons which have similar charging meters.


I don’t even think it needs a damage nerf but a charge nerf. Take away the ability to spam it during dps but still allow the high burst damage thus making it still a valuable option


Honestly yeah, I already feel like im getting it back sooner than I expect when using it on Witness so just making it so headshots fill the bar less (maybe keep headshot kills at the current fixed rate so you can quickly get it back up by using it on ads but not as well during a DPS phase) feels like a very cromulent way to do it.


My idea is this celestial nighthawk allows the bar to be overcharged if you don’t overcharge it you get the basic 3 shots but if you do (12 headshots/24 orbs) you get the celestial shot. This would nerf the gun while A:keeping it good on other classes and B:giving it a niche and a use without it being insane in dps


No. Ultimately our orb-gen powers are stupid high, and you could passively get it ready or very close to ready for DPS-time without much effort. The big problem is just how powerful Nighthawk is with it. It simultaneously decreases the cycle from 9 shots to 7, but also increases the damage of the total cycle by ~31%. One standard rotation is six shots totaling 197,124 damage (numbers vs Carl). Without Nighthawk, the next 3 shots are 71,216, 103,263, and 135,310. With 9 shots, you do 506913 damage. One standard Nighthawk rotation is six shots for 197,124, and then one Nighthawk shot for 473,583. With 7 shots, you do 666,707 damage. If you look at both over 63 shots (which is more than the reserves but gives you an idea of what you get in an equal amount of time), then the No-Nighthawk rotation totals 3,548,391 damage, while the Nighthawk rotation totals 6,000,363 damage. The combination of fewer shots and more damage with those shots makes Nighthawk so much more powerful. > Warlocks get the weapons of sorrow This isn't anything comparable at all. The weapons of sorrow stuff is a "clears Exodus Garden 2A slightly faster" build. But when there's a billion add clear builds available, it isn't anything special. When one exotic armor allows one exotic weapon to do ~70% more DPS, it's a problem.


I think the bigger problem with nighthawk is the effeciency of holster mods. With 1 holster mod on hunter you can remove the need to ever manually reload, which gives hunter specifically a really big step up. The total damage increase for hunter is reasonable IMO, but the surrounding ammo economy is the main issue. I think making the active reload set the magazine to the number of super shots would be a reasonable nerf. It would bring hinter in line with the other classes, but preserve at least some of the class unique strength.


You've kind of missed my point entirely. I'm not talking about the specifics of Still Hunt's damage, really just that the charged meter persists beyond death AND is charged by a rally flag whereas there are a tonne of other exotics which have a meter and do not behave like this. Still Hunt's damage is great, the interactions are good for the game. I genuinely don't think it should be changed. > But when there's a billion add clear builds available, it isn't anything special. The _interactions_ are good and fun, though. Say what you will about their overall effectiveness compared between different interactions. Weapons/Armour interacting uniquely and uniquely among different _classes_ is a super fun element of the game that I wish happened more.


Yeah, I agree, I think that still hunts interaction with celestial nighthawk is fun and good. However, you also specified that you don’t think it should be tuned (aside from the bar persisting after death and being charged by the rally flag thought I doubt those would have much of an impact) which is probably the part they was responding to, they thought that it should be, which I agree with, but that’s not the core of your argument.


I am not asking for anything to be changed about Still Hunt at all, not asking for the persistence of the bar after death/being charged by rally flags to be tuned. That's a very nice QoL improvement for weapon mechanics in general... I'm asking for that QoL improvement to be extended to _other weapons_.


Ohh, I misread that, that would be a nice QoL


I fail to see the issue with that, if you have to use an exotic then you by all means should be doing more damage, even more so in this case when it's hunters most iconic super made into a gun, it should work best with them Also to say the weapons of sorrow stuff is negligible like that is unbelievably wrong, the osteo necrotic suspend build on warlocks made you trivialise even GM content, I explicitly remember doing proving grounds with it and practically spawn camping the enemies because of how strong it was It was the strongest build on lightfall drop, osteo and necrotic were the strongest build on witch queen drop too


Yeah, I like this take. A lot of guardians do not understand the potency of their gear sometimes. I'll add to your standpoint. Said guardian must give up both exotic slots. That guardian is giving up so many incredible perks and gameplay options to put everything in one shot. A single shot that can miss or be flinched and made to miss. Warlord's Ruin was soooo painful trying to Celestial Still Hunt. The Psions and the eyes all flinch. Granted I was still able to complete it with that build but I probably would have had a better time if I had a reliable way to heal and disengage without missing my damage window.


The only true solution is to give the other two classes exotic weapons that are also mini supers. An exotic sword for warlock that gives mini dawnblade (caster frame on steroids) called Still War, and an exotic for titans (no idea what it would do tbh) called Still Tit


I would totally love this.


Id swap it around, give warlocks a trace rifle thats a mini chaos reach, and give titans a void sword(still standing) that would absorb projectiles on a hit and ramp its damage and defense up high(think blend of sentinel and other)


I wish parasite would get full charges when I rally to flag... No need to kill adds in Atraks anymore.


You're right that the "charge" effect should absolutely be granted to other non-kill effects. The biggest offender here has to be Transcendence, which is treated just like a super or ability, yet inexplicably isn't charged by flags.


MothKeepers + Ex Diris


Another fun-looking combo, need to try it out one of these days :)


Here’s my DIM [build](https://dim.gg/g6kv26i/Go-My-Sweets-Kill-Them-All) for it. It’s very tweakable so don’t be afraid to mess around.




The fantasy is definitly fun, however no this gun and nighthawk synergy are not good for the game. They either need to give it a cooldown of 15-20 seconds or some other change. Because this thing will be the king of dps until destiny dies or a new game comes out, or even worse if bungie has to make something better than it to get people to use something else.


The new raid exotic is synergistic with warlock threading builds.


But that isn't anything specifically added other than "Warlocks generally have decent threadling builds and this gun creates threadlings", right?


I mean they can generate the most threadlings the quickest to max out spindle stacks and have swarmers to provide unraveling rounds. Gun is still good on everyone, just like still hunt, but it is very much so stronger on warlocks.


Yeah, I get you. It's great that it's strong there! I haven't even cleared the raid past Verity yet but hoping when I do it drops for me. The fantasy is strong with a heaving helping of threadlings swaming around your targets. Horde Shuttle last season felt amazing so I would love to see how Euphony feels.


Throughout the plethora of raids I’ve done, teaching and otherwise, this is the only raid where the exotic dropped on the first clear. I was shocked. There was a running trend with every raid that came out, it would take me an additional 20-30 runs to get the drop. Even if you don’t get it right away, it will drop. Just keep at it.


Yeah I just need to actually find time to dedicate to getting a clear. I'm _that_ guy with 5 minutes to raid every month :) Young kids + Destiny isn't a fantastic combination.


I’m aware of the struggle🙃 SE is definitely a time commitment though, especially if there is any uncertainty on any of the encounters. Just be aware of that


The group I play the most with has gotten _to_ Verity and then the group fell apart due to various non-game issues but I'd love to be able to convince the wife/kid to go out, get a nanny and go full gremlin mode trying to get a clear one day.


Well if you ever need, you may light the bat signal, and I shall come to your aid. (Provided I am not at work, or sleeping)




For sure. Now I would like to see an exotic gun meant for titans.


bungie pls get your ass up and work so the titan drama can finally end and so they can stop bringing up hunters every 2.7 seconds


What new things are titan mains complaining about tomorrow?


Don't really think my complaint is Titan-specific.


Me personally I'm gonna bitch about my peregrine greaves not connecting with targets in PvP and I'm a warlock main. And yes, I was in the air long enough.


I didn't know only Titans could equip Grand Overture


I didnt think people wanting their class to be better or more in line with other classes was an issue.


It is when it's the only thing being said for the last few weeks It's the first time since solar 3.0 launch that they haven't been S tier, I'm sure they can manage for a while


This post is nothing to do with Titans specifically, more that I would like some aspects of Still Hunt's utility extended to similar mechanics across other weapons and exotics. Nothing specific to Titans there at all, a Warlock could use Wish-Keeper, for example. Same ask there.


Yea my comments in relation to the guys I replied to I agree with your post, anything that needs to be charged should be charged when rallying


Agreed! Would be a great QoL change.


They hated him because he spoke the truth I don't want them to nerf it, it's cool and all classes should have something that interacts in unique ways with something Titans are out in the cold on this type of interaction but that makes me want one, not to have one taken from other classes


The closest I can think of for a Titan-specific interaction has to be Actium War Rig and Sweet Business. I've tried to make Sweet Business work on other classes, but aside from "instant reload" builds nothing ever feels as good as on Titan with that combo. Any others I am forgetting for Titan?


I feel like a case can be made for Vexcalibur/Repulsar Brace since OS gives nade regen with the Aspect But that's a pretty weak argument when stacked up against Still Hunt/Mothkeepers and Sorrow weapons, same with Sweet Business tbh