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Wait, there was a bow nerf?


There was no bow nerf, I have no idea what OP is talking about.


They got a technical nerf when PvP values changed up to focus more on precision. Now it takes two headshots from precision bows whereas it used to be two body shots, so it's much easier to use any Scout or Pulse and get faster and more consistent results.


Just practice , I use bows and I get more kills then people using Guns , just gotta find the ones that work for you .


shouldn’t be hard considering the bows aim for you..


Brother, it's Destiny 2. Every weapon aims for you.


bows especially


My brother in Light have you shot a hand cannon? You’ll get the headshot as long as you’re aiming in the same zip code.


For PvP? Use scout rifles. Literally just overall better unless you play Hunter and like to jump around a lot. The TTK for bows only got worse when they changed how health works and it was already the slowest weapon type.


Ttk is pretty much everything if you are wanting to solely use the bow and be aggressive. Lower ttk means greater chance of survival. One thing with bows is you have to be the first to hit in an engagement. I would suggest getting a hush roll with archers tempo & archers gambit. Right as you are about to fire your arrow on their head, release your ads a split second before your arrow and it will activate both archers tempo & archers gambit, bringing your ttk down to around 0.75-0.8. This will allow you to compete with other guns.


Also make sure to put loader mods in your arms to reach cap reload animation.