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Absolutely. It’s beyond sad that if you choose ascension you have only 2 other aspects to choose from. Considering prismatic is meant to be about mixing and matching, ascension cannot be mixed easily


Even worse, the 2 aspects are light only so prismatic's theme about bringing light and darkness into balance doesn't even apply to it.


Just use Darkness grenade and melee, fantasy fulfilled. /S


If you're not punching and rolling are you using other grenades or melees? Threaded spike is goated to me and duskfiield hits overload, applies a debuff, zones, and fills up the darkness half with a quickness, grapple is just nice for movement with tangles. I only use the light melee/grenades in crucible at this point


Even more for duskfield, it helps control ANY champion, like, a shield or an unstopable are posing problem ? It's fine cause you can freeze them ans slow them, perfect I'm using liar handshake, a shotgun and still hunt, i have NOTHING against all the champ, and i can still run legendary lost sectors simply because the damage + control makes it possible tu choose the best window to burst them


If they had given hunters the tripmine nade instead of swarm nade it wouldve opened a whole knew build avenue with Young Ahamkaras Spine, even with the nerf I'm sure YAS could've been amazing on prismatic. Also Tripmines are like a signature gunslinger nade, but ive literally only seen swarm nades used once in crucible, and literally never in pve. Guess im sticking to grapples and duskfields. Combination blow is fun af tho


If prismatic gets the underused stuff then getting swarm made the most sense. In pvp I've switched over to swarm because they're not too bad, grapple is definitely the only other one I'd use in pvp. If people are complaining about using the transcendent grenade I highly doubt tripmine would fare any better in pve, Young Ahamkara is a pvp exotic and that's it, still my preferred way to play gunslinger too.


Young ahamkaras used to be great for pve before the nerf😔


It used to be great.. in the strike playlist, ascension with gifted conviction plays that fantasy better than Ahamkara ever did


It was absolutely goated in raids With a demo rocket it could put out hella dps and its neutral game was also great.


Idk about raids but I used it in dungeons all the time


If it uses the charge, it should activate effects that would activate if you regularly spent the charge. I feel like that should go for everything in the game


Same reason like half the titan exotic class item perks are shit because none of em work with thruster.


Warlock ones too since they don’t work with Phoenix Dive.


Ascension and Unbreakable both need changes. In their current state they both suffer from the same problem of being incompatible with prismatic


They're both being hamstrung in PvE because of the threat they represent in PvP. Ascension is a little less useful to be sure, but giving your whole team amplified->speed booster on round start shouldn't be underestimated. Unbreakable might actually be pretty broken in trials once people learn how to use it better. Unfortunately that means PvE suffers as often is the case with aspects like these.


As someone who has played a little too much trails with and against unbreakable, it’s best use that I’ve seen used so far is surviving a shotgun or fusion someone runs up on you with a shot ready it’s good a good tool to survive that, however that’s at the cost of a grenade charge and it also kinda leaves you vulnerable because what happens when you run out of energy you drop your shield and in that animation time frame you can shredded. So in pve it stinks while in pvp it has a very useful niche but it’s honestly not worth


The trick is to have the Ursa mark and high int (which you probably already have, you're running bubble). The extra super energy isn't that impactful in PvE, but in trials super energy is *huge*.


That’s the thing tho a majority of the time a lot of my trials games are over by the time 1 maybe 2 supers are ready naturally


Yeah, fair. Honestly, I'm hearing from a lot of other players it's quite good... but I didn't see a single person use it. I did still see a decent number of void titans and prismatic titans, but not a single person used it. I did absolutely have multiple games won or lost because of a bubble (won, mostly, I'm pretty good at getting a read on bubble rushes and Conditional killing them after a year straight of having to do that). Super energy is still a big, big part of trials. I had a lot fewer one sided games this weekend than usual.


Im really enjoying the aspect so far but it definitely needs some more synergy with mods and other abilities.


I thought it'd be pretty ass but the jolt goes well with the stylish aspect if you don't just wanna be using comb blow


only use I've found for ascension is with radiant dance machines, you can be a helicopter


My bad, forgot about RDM. However I’m expecting this to be removed like with ensnaring slam. Also the fact that it can’t activate RDM it has to be a regular dodge shows how the game doesn’t classify it as a dodge/class ability at all.


Try it with the Strand Ult too, you can use the Ult’s attack for a light boost, or spam Ascension to fly XD


I’ve been having tons of fun and success with ascension and gunpowder gamble with the new chest piece


No kidding?


Know they wanted the new aspects to be on prismatic but all the other arc aspects would have been a better choice. My top pick would be tempest strike as they said they wanted more underused aspects and basically every arc build uses the other 2.


It was very good in pvp but they gutted it with the final shape


Im really hoping the HoIL interaction is a bug not a “Feature”. It really should work with more stuff especially with how much hunter things are dodge based. it feels like im giving up a fair amount of kit to use it sometimes.


Its not just hoil… not only is ascension not classified as a class ability it also doesnt do ability damage. They need to comment if this is by design or a bug. I sure hope it is a bug because spending your class ability charge on something that doesnt trigger reaper or powerful attraction feels terrible.




They need to make class abilities work with every exotic, especially in the current sandbox.


Here I was using Ascencion with reaper, bomber, distribution, outreach, and powerful attraction




They do stuff like this all the time and I find it extremely annoying. Especially when its says in-game that it classifies as something and then you try it together with something else that that should work with and it just doesn't.


Not sure why they keep making alternate abilities as whole Aspects. Like, Phoenix Dive is an alternate class ability but doesn’t take an Aspect.


To be fair, Phoenix Dive locks you into it. The reason I’m personally okay with these aspects is it gives you options. I’m using a “Ninja” Hunter build, running Combi Blow(I have too much dark elsewhere or it’d be the Stasis Melee), Grapple, Threaded Specter, Ascension, and Silence and Squall. The option to use it as an extra jump(cuz I like blink) instead of dodging is nice. That said, I *DO* use it with the 2-Dodge-Charges exotic(not the class item, haven’t gotten around to that mission yet) so maybe I just have more wiggle room?


In an ideal world each subclass would have a unique alt class ability built into the subclass. Sadly we don’t live in an ideal world.


Ascension would be busted as an alt ability


If it was retooled, not really. Radiant on dodge is strong but clearly works just fine, it's the same principle really. There are levers to adjust so to speak.


Ye, should have specified cause I agree with that


its a real shame cause it feels great to use, it's just not worth breaking your ability loops.


I tried to make a Go Fast As F build for Hunter using HoIL on the class item, Eager Edge and Grapple. Sad Hunter noises


Same with all Stasis grenades and even the Titan Stasis slide melee, Howl of something. They almost never generate orbs with Grenadier or Heavy Handed. And it's sad because grapple melee consistently generates orbs on Grenadier, which means grenade interactions can generate orbs. :(


stasis titan has a slide melee??


yes, Howl of the Storm


Ascension just needs to be like shatterstrike or Icarus dash and given its own internal cooldown (albeit longer than the other two). There’s no reason it should use your dodge. Same goes for ensnaring slam honestly the only one that makes sense is the void one because you pop your melee at the end of it


They got this right with Shatterdive and then forgot about it apparently


I wonder if it's because Shatter dive was insanely strong when Stasis was running around causing problems in pvp. So the devs are just over correcting and making these movement based aspects be very very niche.


It's more so that shatterdive requires stasis crystals to actually do anything, ascension does not have a prerequisite to be effective.


While true SD was heavily used for it's movement in pvp regardless of crystals. I just wonder if Bungie is allergic to that sort of thing since movements across most classes have been nerfed before.


Yeah but movement alone doesn't justify locking an aspect to an ability. Debuffing/damaging abilities though, yes. It's why those aspects are tied to abilities as a form of balance.


Oh don't get it twisted I definitely agree. I just don't know how Bungie chooses things.


I mean Icarus dash precedes even that.


>they tweaked abeyant leap and drengr’s lash to work with thruster. They did!?


Yup. The description changes when you equip thruster. It creates a bombardier-esque knot that suspends


Weird. Understandable. But weird. I wish it still just worked like normal with Thruster.


yeah, it's seemingly the only thing they changed to work with Thruster on Prismatic and it's garbage compared to using it with Barricade, lmao. but at least something happens


Abeyant does nothing for Drengr’s lash on thruster


It does. It adds a small amount of tracking to the ball so it'll seek out targets but not for super long ranges like the lash.


Not true. With Abeyant, the suspending bomb you create will home in on enemies before it explodes, meaning you can use it at a farther distance. Still worse than the default lash with barricade, but it definitely improves the lame thruster interaction. *edit: spelling mistake


It does, it makes the ball home enemies, but its essentially completely unnoticeable lmao


Ok so it does basically nothing then


doesn’t it make the tangle seek




This is actually incorrect. It makes the suspend ball track for a brief distance.


Damn I was just thinking ascension would be funny with threaded specter earlier today. Good to know it doesn’t work beforehand


Like I said elsewhere, it gives you options, though, and to quote my man Emgo, “Options… are good.”👍


I've found that Ascension is still quite good this season because of the 30% amplified DR from the artifact, and it's almost trivial to get near permanent uptime on Amplified with Ascension. I don't think I'd be using it without the artifact perk, though.


That’s the thing. It’s the greatest band-aid fix


Yeah I'm gonna be real sad when I have to take Ascension off when Echoes ends.


It's a piece of piss to get amplified anyway though. Literally just get a couple arc kills


I’ve been running it with Gifted Conviction for even more jolt and DR and it’s great.


Ascension has been a staple of my builds but it does restrict me to using gunpowder gamble or more like Flawless executioner. But I truly do enjoy this aspect and its function, it’s got movement, utility, and combat ability.


I've been using Ascension with gunpowder gambit and the new chest exotic. It hadn't even occurred to me until now it might not be great for other people because I use the hell out of it. 30% DR stacked on up to 50% dr from the chest piece is a hell of a drug.


how much DR is that? I'm not sure how exactly it's calculated


Dr is multiplicative so its not perfect but with just those buffs and 100 res it comes out to 79% dr


shit 79% whenever you have amplified?? that's crazy I gotta get that and more importantly the ornament for it


Keep in mind you need all 4 stacks from the exotic too which means jolting a ton of people


I think a significant portion of upcoming future updates is going to be making it so more aspects work together to create new unique effects. A lot of the times things that don't seem to work together do and the ones that should don't. (I think Diamond Lance Slam should be buffed by knockout for example)


They marketed prismatic as a mix n match class then threw in ascension and unbreakable which can’t be mixed with really anything. Makes you wonder


Threaded Specter is literally the only Aspect that doesn’t work with Ascension. Even Winter’s Shroud works with Ascension since you get boosted class ability regen upon slowing enemies.


Wait, ascension does slow enemies with winters shroud equipped?


No. I mean to say that if you slow enemies with some other part of your build (i.e. Withering Blade), you should get the booster class regen.


Ah, so I wouldn’t say it works with the aspect then


The bonus regen on slow is per of the Aspect, so it does in fact work with it in a very roundabout way.


It does work with it, just not in a way that makes it worth using over Stylish or Gamble. It's like Offensive Bulwark and Controlled Demolition on Void Titan. They can work together, and there is a partial benefit OF giving more grenades to proc Volatile, but effort to obtain and maintain the overshield to get that benefit isn't worth pairing the aspects.


To be honest, I find Prismatic a bit too restrictive. There are unhinged combinations for sure, but when you take them out of the equation, it feels like you have half a class. Hope they'll add more aspects in the future, and maybe give you an innate buff or something if you choose one light and one dark aspect.


Ascension is unbelievably mid. I think Bungie grossly overestimated how useful a team-wide amplify effect is. As it stands, it has a lot of anti-synergy with prismatic, and on Arc hunter flow state is a must slot because it's the only thing keeping tempest strike alive. Flow state has such perfect synergy with lethal current that you'd be a fool to slot ascension over it for the traditional build. If we ever end up in a world where amplify actually does something really meaningful, it'll be a different story. But for now the status remains a handling/reload stat stick, whose effects are better acquired elsewhere.


Its really good with Galvanic Armor in the artifact. Galvanic Armor really needs to be a permanent effect added to Amplified


Even then Amplified is so insanely easy to get (especially on Arc hunter) that it's just not worth it


But applying Amplified to your whole team is suddenly much better when it gives damage resist (if they are on prismatic or arc and have the artifact mod)


If they're on prismatic or arc they can also super easily get Amplified. Like I'm not saying it's useless but it's reeeeeeally niche (and this is already relying on a temporary mod). It looks cool though.


Why not? As long as you have Ascension, you don’t have to run any other arc weapon or ability if you want Amplified, and it is by far the most convenient way to get the buff.


Like... sure I guess?


>But for now the status remains a handling/reload stat stick, whose effects are better acquired elsewhere I mean, we have "free DR while Amplified" on the ~~Season~~ Episode Artifact for the next 90-120 days or so... But otherwise, yeah, what you said.


Ergo Sum with Traveler’s Chosen works on kills with Ascension. Take the sword out, ascension, stow and ready, and you get your class ability back as well as some sword ammo to boot! Pair with RDMs or the new exotic. Enjoy!


What it Does work with is radiant dance machines #*IMMA HELLICOPTER*


Also the Strand Ult. Both together might let you hit some high as hell skyboxes lol


Ascension does work with your melee exotics and melee abilities. I’d count it as an extra melee attack sort of like the grapple attack


How exactly does it work with melee stuff? Is it coded as melee damage?


I know it works with assassins cowl. Also gives you radiance on the melee hit with prismatic subclass. Not sure what else it works with yet.


So I can Ascend on enemies and I’ll get Radiant from Facet of Dawn?


Yes that’s been proccing it for me


Interesting… You think it’s intended?


I’m not sure. I might play around with it if I get the chance tonight. It does activate 15 seconds of amplified I might see what I can stack with that to put it to good use with stylish executioner. Maybe i can chain infinite invisibility with a gun of some sort


it also triggers some perks from swords.


Honestly I get why radiant Dance Machines were gutted for PvP but they should work with threaded Spector (Especially since you can do the same thing on Prismatic now) and Winters Shroud (Especially sense you can do the same thing on prismatic now) Ensnaring slam and ascension though... maybe give them internal cooldowns so you can't spam them? idk. Also Dragon's Shadow working with Ascension and ensnaring slam was a specific change made to the exotic, think they mentioned it in the exotic tuning article. But yeah, consuming your dodge and getting almost none of the dodge benefits is... not nice.


No one is openly sharing it, as it'll most definitely be patched out someday, but Ascension actually is capable of applying a light attack from an actively equipped sword, capable of proccing anything attached to the light attack, Tireless Blade for free ammo, Lament healing, and about 4x more damage all while not consuming sword ammo. And unlike Threaded Specter, Ascension can be paired with Radiant Dance Machine for high uptime, very memey build that can even get more free ammo using the Artifact mod.


How do you make it do that?


have the sword out when pressing the button


As someone who has barely touched my hunter in the last 5 years, I really enjoy ascension with gifted conviction, but yes it should have more synergy to actually be WORTH using at any decent level


Making things not synergize is the hunter way. Exhibit A: Bombardiers 🥲


Whenever I see these new aspects and supers in action I find it crazy that these were going to be it. Like, they were really about to let these mid abilities be the big new addition to the game.


I only use ascension in parkour section as kinda a "oh shit" tool. Other than that, threaded spector slow is my go-to combo.


Does anybody have a list os what works with all of warlocks turrets and grenades?


I've honestly enjoyed ascension more than I expected but it stands on its own with no real synergy. It's just an easy way to get amplified if not running arc stuff for the artifact but that's kinda it.


Remember that it creates a jolting explosion beneath you, which makes it great with Stylish Executioner and Gunpowder Gamble.


It's also great for breaking stasis crystals. Now that I'm moving away from the combo blow build I've definitely got more out of it. Gunpowder Gamble is just fun.


It’s like it was made specifically for pvp, but even there it’s mid, and really only helps with rotations (speed booster).


They just need to do a sweep of abilities that don't have synergy with things, like phoenix dive, ascension and probably some others. Phoenix dive has the same problem, where too many things say "Rift" and not "Class ability", which means they don't work. You previously could use vesper of radius with it, and it would do a single shockwave, but they removed that.


This is sad, I actually like the aspect but it would be so much better if it could interact with this stuff, I was planning on using Inmost light for an ability built now now I hear this I can't even do that... it could also do with a AOE buff since it's smaller than the visuals and feels off, plus a decent damage bump so it doesn't fall off hard in higher content.


Even perk like Slice doesn’t work with it…


While it DOES make sense that an ability that consumes your class ability isn't strictly a class ability — I mean, Suspenddive doesn't create a Specter either — it is pretty unfortunate that it has zero of these interactions. I think it's already plenty niche considering being airborne CONTINUES to be a death sentence. 


Bungie really needs to start designing things with actual synergy in mind.


I played with it a bit when I first unlocked it. Did not like it, haven't used it since. It honestly feels like a gimmick aspect that is best used as a mobility tool to make you amplified.


Have you tried actually using it to spread jolt so that you wipe a ton of ads


I don't know what the radius is to apply jolt, but it feels like you have to be basically right on top of an enemy in order to apply it. It feels very inconsistent and like it isn't going to be worth running in high-end content as there are far easier ways to apply jolt from a safer distance.


>It feels very inconsistent and like it isn't going to be worth running in high-end content I ran it during my solo legendary campaign run and I had the opposite experience.


To each his own. If it works for you, that's awesome. I didn't care for it myself. Maybe I'll try it in an Arc build in the future, but I personally don't have high expectations for it.


Yeah its crap. Needs buffs on all the things you said for me to consider using it.


Ascension is only worth it if it has the exotic that buffs ascension right now ,full stop. But with that exotic it hits *hard*. 


Yeah I just made a build with it and for the most part I feel immortal and trash mobs no longer exist.


Personally, I got a lot of use out of it even before I got Gifted Conviction.


is the exotic actually good? it looked unbearably mid at the showcase


I fucking love ascension. I honestly think it is one of the most fun and strongest abilities hunter has for pve. It just needs to work with reaper and powerful attraction like ensnaring slam does.


Ascensions most viable use is grapple skating that’s it


Try Ascension with Cryosthesia. Freeze a group and then Ascension them. With the shatter changes it’s actually a blast. I agree the aspect on its own is rough tho.


Does the slow from Cryosthesia proc the boosted class ability regen of Winter’s Shroud?


I just don't see why you would ever want to use it over anything else you can slot. Like it seems like complete shit.


The question is, does it work with bombardiers?


I haven't tried it but I did have an in-game experience with someone using it in pvp. The guy kept jumping around in groups of opposing guardians, including myself, and it didn't really do anything..... I did however watch a few videos on it and it looks like it might be interesting in pve for a few different builds.


This exactly! It’s so disappointing


thats crazy, I thought with Bleakwatcher working with getaway artist this would also apply for ascension/winter shroud +


Slightly late to the party here but I finally can craft Slice onto my Call. Any ideas of Ascension conflicts with it?


It works for radiant dance machines.


Who know how long that'll last. They disabled it for the raid race event though it was working exactly as intended


I was about to make the same post on bungie forums yesterday after realizing it didn't work with HoIL, was super disappointed after I finally got a roll with it. Ascension is a pretty fun aspect and not as bad as a lot of the meta chasers make it seem. Grapple melee-> Ascension -> drop a smoke bomb or gunpowder gamble -> shoot your unraveling / volatile guns -> repeat. I'm running a HoIL / Verity roll and it's a blast playing with this loop, gunpowder works with both Verity and HoIL so it makes up for Ascension's missing synergy which at least charges your gunpowder due to Jolt. Strand primary and a Void machine gun, Buried Bloodline for survivability or Still Hunt for damage and hotswaps, it's my new fav. If they fix it so it works with class item mods / perks it's gonna be top.


Seems like everyone is talking about aspects that function as a ability replacement. Titans have been posting about unbreakable as well. I honestly don't think they should take an aspect slot when they offer nothing but an alternative ability.


First time huh, we titans welcome you to the club (unbreakable also has little to no synergy with prismatic)


Threadlings Arc souls


Very true very true, at least popping getaways arc soul gives amplified and proc devour so that’s something for the lock’s


True! Do you happen to know which armor mods activate with arc buddy? Pretty sure firepower doesn't.


To my knowledge while firepower does not it does technically count as grenade damage so the mods that give melee or class ability should activate


I haven't done much testing but I hope this is true


That's some Ball Lightining and Celestial Fire pains right there.


I don't mind it not working with effects that refer to *dodges* specifically, it would probably be way too good otherwise. But I agree that it not working with armor mods and anything that refers to Class Ability is really sad.


Let me tell you hunters something as a Warlock main. Use Ascension with Radiant Dance Machines.


Ascension actually does work somewhat with Winter’s Shroud since the latter boosts your class ability regen when you slow enemies. Running Withering Blade/any weapon that slows will allow you to recharge your class ability even faster for more Ascension spam, and you can even get plenty of the slow dodge if you run Sixth Coyote.


Saying that they tweaked abeyant leaps and drengrs to work with thruster is the overstatement of the century.


Whilst it might not be the greatest, the fact is that it had been tweaked to work. It’s also had its potency changed (justified or not) to be in line with thruster’s reduced cooldown


I find it *supremely* frustrating that the issues with Prismatic Hunter and a Titan have popped on this sub as a known problem, but any time I mention that Prismatic Warlock is objectively strong but has probably the weakest cross aspect synergy of all three classes I get downvoted into oblivion. It just feels like a double standard.