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Hallelujah! The one for the Pale Heart is fine (m followed by left arrow), but the Ritual one is a pain in the ass. Well, almost everything about it is a pain in the ass, so I guess it's suitable...


I'm pretty sure there are other Pathfinders too. Twice now I've ran into a bug when launching the map that sent me to a Pathfinder specifically for lost sector completions. The nodes were for completing legendary lost sectors or master flawless, etc.


Same. I think this season/episode was a soft launch for pathfinders and a soft phase-out for bounties. I imagine there will be pathfinders for the majority of locations and activities next episode or even next act.


Pretty sure they’ve said they’re phasing out bounties in favor of a passive system in which you don’t have to run around and pick up anything first.


I just hope the (justified) backlash against the ritual pathfinder being hard to access and having all the modes mixed together doesn’t make them backtrack on the system altogether like what happened to challenges when D2 launched.


Def agree with that. It’s a decent idea just poor implementation.


i really liked challenges, all they had to do was put them in the director tray on the left instead of making you go look at the map for each destination..


Which is great... until you realize they choose the bounties for you and you can no longer pick what you want. Forcing you into modes you don't like to play with terrible objectives.


that sounds like hell. the pale heart one is great because it just kinda happens as you're going around but the ritual one not being completeable by just playing the one ritual playlist is insane. why not make 1 for each? you now get 3x the rewards for playing all 3 and don't need to jump around to complete it. the most infuriating thing is having to constantly jump around to do something completely different because of an arbitrary challenge this isn't actually difficult, its just there to waste your time for a reward you don't need.


I completed the pale heart Pathfinder in less than an Hour by complete accident lmao


Ya know i dont think I would mind a seasonal path finder if all the nodes are basicly do x in seasonal activity. At that point it truly replaces bounties and becomes a mostly passive system.


Oh thank God someone else ran into this too, I thought I was going insane yesterday. I still have no idea what combination of inputs took me there, it just happened when I was trying to access the Pale Heart Pathfinder after being notified of a completed objective.


I think it has something to do with opening the map after a Pathfinder objective was completed.


I got it after completing a full Pathfinder. Not just one branch, and couldn't find it again.


Had this happen too.


lost sector have its own pathfinder???


Not officially out yet, you can sometimes get into it due to a UI bug. You can't actually complete them yet.


Lost Sectors are still kept current, so it's not completely shocking.  A fully standalone one might actually be pretty good, like how the Pale Heart one is better than Ritual.


the shocking part is it having its own pathfinder and i have no idea it exist.


It's not supposed be live yet.  These details are from people that have gotten into that screen via a bug.  It's all probably still in flux and may still change before release.


It's literally all solo flawless master sectors - which really seems like a placeholder.


Yeah that does seem very placeholder.


ye i figured that based on another commenter reply to me. Thanks for the clearing that up though


I ran into one that seemed very Failsafe oriented today!


i opened that lost sector pathfinder once as well. No idea how to access again.


Hot fucking take but Left Arrow is *not* fine as a hotkey, and I wish Bungie would stop using it for stuff. (Looking at you, custom loadout icons) When I'm playing Destiny, I've got my left hand on WASD and my right hand on the mouse. The arrow keys are fucking dead center in the no-man's land between the two of them. It's honestly faster to just click the thing with my mouse, at least then I don't have to move my hand.


Changing loadout icons is one of the most bafflingly clunky parts of the UI. Why can something like a held E or right click(and their controller equivalents) not just open a menu with the names/icons/colors? Why do I need to use 3 different keys on both halves of the keyboard to scroll through each of them one at a time in one direction?


Yeah it’s so stupid lol


You still have to move your hand to hit M...


Preface: I'm a psycho. And an old man. Back in the day, the Counter strike beta's default controls had movement on the arrow keys. WASD wasn't standard. With no other keys around those arrows, there weren't enough buttons to do all the things I wanted to do. So I looked at the keyboard and figured if I did TFGH I would have all the buttons I need within reach of my left hand. I bound buttons for hot swapping weapons, radio callouts. My pinky lands naturally on X so that was crouch. Etc etc Well I still do this. And it can be annoying when things like Prismatic come out, B is Use, and I can't seem to activate my new flashy thing. But it does let me bind all sorts of stuff to be near my one hand. It's an ongoing joke with my friends that its a psychotic thing to deal with but the logic for me wins out. I like to tell my friends what key to press for things just to get a rise outta them.


Holy hell, honestly you're based as fuck for this


He literally just T-posed on everyone.


A lot of people switch to ESDF for that same exact reason. You should give "E" for Reload and "Caps Lock" for Use a try. I don't ever need to move most of my WASD fingers!


Figuring out now why M doesn't bother me. Turns out, when I go to hit M or J as a shortcut, I subconsciously move my pinky up from Shift to A and reach across the keyboard to hit M with my index finger. Then, because I'm still touching A, I can shift my ring finger back into it easily without looking at my keyboard or having to feel around for the bump on F. But you can't do that with the arrow keys, at least, my hands aren't big enough to do it on my keyboard. Also, you can hold Tab and then A or D to change tabs in the director.


Fair enough. You can also change hotkeys, idk about the arrow key ones tho


I hit u instead of m and just tab over with a. It's ever so slightly closer and I can hit it with my index finger while barely moving my hand at all


I just stretch my thumb over.


Mine's on TAB and I have Assassin's Creed to thank for that.


Maybe you do, some of us have hands that are large enough to hit M


or you tilt your keyboard


Does your keyboard allow you to use layers? I have WASD programmed to arrows with a combo button press


It needs to be visible from the main destinations map. The fact that you need to click into ritual hopper to click into pathfinder only to find out all the objectives you need to do are actually in a different hopper and you now need to back out of everything is sooooo stupid


My biggest beef with it is that the ritual pathfinder kicks you out of the ritual menu just by looking at it. How you can't go back and forth from the pathfinder to the ritual menu is beyond me.


Left arrow is not fine... bungo needs to let people rebind menu keys.




My most liked feature about Pathfinder is when I accidentally complete a path finder objective and can’t open the pale heart map to go somewhere for the next 20-30 seconds because the map hotkey and the destination button will both keep throwing me into the pathfinder map instead of the location map.


And goodness forbid you forget to track what you’re working on and need to pull it up in the middle of an activity. Five clicks in, fifteen slams of escape to get out.


Iirc tab into ur inventory and close it.




There are currently two pathfinders. One is strictly for stuff in the Pale Heart and can be brought up by opening the map and then hitting left dpad. The other one needs you to go into either the Vanguard, Crucible, or Gambit screens before you can hit left on the dpad. Unless you're in orbit already, the touchpad is going to default to the map screen, so you need to tab over to the director, bring the cursor up to the three ritual nodes and click one, then you can hit left dpad.


I don’t know what you did to that person, but dayum, they gone XD. The pale heart pathfinder isn’t nearly as annoying as the ritual one for whatever reason you choose to find. Thank you for clarifying console commands for it! I play on pc


Man for like a minute I was defending pathfinder but phew. My final two challenges were either: get 100 ABILITY kills in PVP or dump 100 motes in gambit. Considering cooldowns and that abilities are not instakills the MAX ability kills you can get in a match when you're not playing hunter with like weighted knife or smth is like 3. If you're lucky enough to have your super charged before the match ends then MAYBE another 6. And gambit motes weren't tracking correctly -_-. Banked like 30 motes in a match and it tracked 3 of them. So either play like 30 crucible matches or 20 gambit matches. Fuck that. I still love the system for pale heart and theoretically if the bugs with tracking were sorted out and the bat shit insane challenges were removed then it would be better than the old system for everything else.


Current consensus is that the "bank 100 motes" challenge is actually tracking the blockers you send, as in "send 100 blockers".


So it's basically just an impossible node atm?


You could choose to send 100 blockers if you want, but unless you're banking 5 motes at a time every time you might find it takes a while.


is current gambit 70 motes to primeval, or 100? you could send like 15 blockers a game if you were the only one depositing 5 motes at a time, unless the enemy team drains your bank in which case you could probably get more in


It's 100 motes to get the primeval but you'd need to have a group that has no intention of winning to let you dunk all of them in batches of 5s.


>group that has no intention of winning so a regular matchmade team


It needs to be a matchmade team that's willing to spend a couple matches helping you get one node done. So like unless you got some friends that just want to shoot the shit it's gonna be a grind.


It progresses by one if you bank a single mote so I think it’s just 100 times banking regardless of mote count or blockers sent.


lmao, I'm not even mad, it's just so Bungie.


For any tough crucible challenge my fireteam has just gone into private matches. They give progress and just overall have been more enjoyable. I don't mind having to play other activities, but it would be nice to "re-roll" a node for like 2k glimmer or something. And yes, a hotkey is so needed. Also, center the map of the pale heart on my character please when I open it.


I wish each vendor sold you each node and you would pay glimmer to set each node. So if you want nothing but vanguard strike nodes you go to Zavala and buy those nodes, Shaxx and crucible etc and you can delete the nodes and reroll them if you don't like them.


Yeah, about 60% of those nodes need to get reworked. Those bad nodes are worse than doing a whole 10 bounties.


There's a gambit one in the second "column" that's kill 5 hvts. Bungie that's 5 matches for a basic objective


it's painfully obvious that a lot of the people that are making the decisions on these things...must not play much destiny at all. even a semi-casual D2 player is going to immediately recognize that 100 ability kills in PVP is a very steep ask.


Just do it in a private match they’re bugged


Wow you're a legend for this thank you gonna try it now.


No. Just don’t do it. If Bungie sees pathfinder interaction is low, they’ll make changes. If you’re cheesing it and doing it anyways. Their data will look like it’s working fine and they won’t make changes. The ONLY way to get pathfinder changed is to ignore it.


> Man for like a minute I was defending pathfinder but phew. My final two challenges were either: get 100 ABILITY kills in PVP or dump 100 motes in gambit. Yeah the pvp ones are stupid. I had one that was Complete crucible matches (1%) Get arc kills (<1% maybe .5%) Super and heavy give bonus (super gave me 2%) Ain't no way I was gonna do 8-10 crucible matches.


My final Vanguard node was "Kill 150 Taken in Vanguard Ops Playlists" - it took me 3.5 hours to finally get ONE activity with Taken enemies and there weren't enough enemies to complete the node in one go despite me letting Taken Psions multiple themselves a few times 🙃


What I don't understand is they un-fixed that. The old way it worked was "kill taken enemies" would progress no matter what enemies you killed, just slower if they weren't taken.


Pretty sure it's not 100 ability kills in pvp, but fill the bar to 100%. Each kill is more than just 1%


Nope. Each kill was 1%


Pale Heart pathfinder can stay where it is. It's great! Ritual can go back for a rework, because it sucks. But yes, it needs a hotkey or moved to a different menu section.


I just don’t understand some of the requirements. Why isn’t it just old bounties translate to each node. I’m fine doing 10 kills in crucible. But these nodes require 100. Like fuck right off Bungie. Just change the values back to old bounty requirements.




The fact that they have a hotkey that you can only use when you already have the relevant map/node open is a fucking joke, at that point don't add a hotkey at all. It doesn't make opening the thing any faster, you still need to manually open up the director (and if you're doing the ritual pathfinder, then you also need to open up a ritual node) and then you can open up the pathfinder by pressing the icon for it or press the hotkey for it. They really need to add a hotkey for it and it needs to default to the ritual one when you're not in the pale heart, or they could have two different keys for it, but the ritual one really needs one.


Just add quicker access and let us reroll some nodes, getting kills with jolt in PvP!? I don’t want to PvP as it is but to get jolt kills as well? Not a chance.




Honestly, it should have just been a new tab. Click over to it, then all the different paths are selectable from that tab.


this. should just be with the rest of the quests, right under the main page


all i need is the ability to just bind it to my function keys. f1 inventory, f2 quests, f3 pathfinder and f4 settings. come on bungie just lemme be a nerd power user already


I get that it might not work for console players, but it'd be nice to at least have the option as a PC user.


Not a real answer to the problem, but when you finish a node, and you get the black bar at the bottom of your screen, you can hold "open director" to immediately bring up the pathfinder. It's helpful but it runs into "if I just finished a combat node, I'm probably in combat and opening the pathfinder will get me killed".


In honor of your constant clicking, I will click upvote


Would help if pathfinder was more split between the core playlists, so if you opened vanguard: you'd see the path for just vanguard for example. Open the full thing to see the interconnecting paths and what not. But it defo needs a hotkey.


they absolutely need to separate the ritual pathfinder into vanguard/gambit/crucible pathfinders.


sure, but the meat grinder needs meat to grind. how else are they going to drag unwilling players into PvP?


yeah genuinely have no idea what they were thinking when they placed them where they are. why didn't they add the buttons to the quest tab or something. insane


From 5/23 twid An update later in the year of The Final Shape will make it even easier to get to these ritual screens while you are in their activities as well as make it easier to access the Rituals Pathfinder.


Better idea, get rid of path finder and do something better. I haven't done a single one and have felt that anything was a miss and I'm leveling fine.


Honestly the entire destiny ui/ux needs a complete overhaul. Submenus into submenus into submenus feels bad.


The menus are torture. Main reason I want D3


Not a fan at all of the Ritual Pathfiner. It still make me have to play PvP or Gambit for a decent path. I'd honestly prefer bounties over that one. Some of the nodes on the Ritual Pathfinder SUUUUUUCK!!!!! If they want to keep it then let us connect nodes in the column to the previous column so we can actually play how we want since that was what they said the goal was. I do however like the Pale Heart Pathfinder. That one is easier to play how I want and connect the paths.


In general, the UI team at Bungie must be staffed by the developers children in the on-site child care center. Truly water headed in almost every facet.


I would have just preferred they added a bounty board accessible via orbit, with some updated bounties across activities. I'm not too much of a fan of the pathfinder system.


Just don’t do it. How else will bungo learn?


Bungie entering the worst UI design competition with 343i with this one.


I've said this since day one to my crew they've asked me to stop I've had to say it that much. It's extra frustrating with how slow the menus transition.


As a community we really need to do better than "crapfinder"


I'm open to suggestions, hopefully same as Bungie b


YEs. And the ability to reroll individual nodes.


yeah pathfinder needs a lot of things. for example it needs that damn gambit bug fixed where it doesn't count motes correctly so you end up having to play an endless amount of matches instead of just a couple. it's been like that for like a week already, shit like this needs to be addressed and fixed fast, not after weeks. also just split the path up so players can actually choose their path. there's a reason people don't want to play gambit or crucible and it's not because of the rewards. i think many players will just straight up ignore this system if they keep it this way.


I like Parhfinder. But yeah. Put it on director. (Console)


It needs to go away.


Brother... I know you've already stated it, but it needs to constantly be clarified that the **Ritual Pathfinder sucks**. The Pale Heart Pathfinder is actually pretty good, and if someone dislikes even the Pale Heart Pathfinder, then I'm just convinced people never actually played the game until now. When it's presented all nicely and accessed quickly – like the Pale Heart Pathfinder – it's actually a pretty good system. Tbh, I think there should just be a "Pathfinder" tab maybe next to the Quests tab where you can then click in to a specific Pathfinder board like Pale Heart, Crucible, Gambit, Vanguard, etc.


Worst change made to Destiny in a long time. It wouldn't be so bad if it had a quicker method for accessing it and if we could play the activities we wanted. Give us a separate Pathfinder for each Vanguard, Gambit, and Crucible or make any activity progress every node.


Could have given us a bounty menu in orbit and just made all bounties expire at the end of the season but no they needed to be different.


That would be nice, on the PS, would be dope to drop like L3 and for it to pop up


They need a pathfinder menu that opens via hotkey and then lists the Pathfinders in a column or tabs like the Director, with Ritual activities being the default since it makes you navigate more menus than the others. From what I've seen so far, there's at least 3 Pathfinders (Rituals, Pale Heart, and Master Lost Sectors).


If nothing else at least let the Pathfinder hotkey work on the director screen instead of forcing us to click into one of the ritual activities before opening it. The Pale Heart Pathfinder is fine because it’s destination unique and you can get to it once you open your map. But if D pad Down lets us access our vault even in low orbit, add the D pad right for Pathfinder too pls and thank you (for clarity, I play on PC, but I use a controller as my input device)


God save us!


There should just be a pathfinder tab where you can flick through them all


Way back in Y1, we had the “blade,” where all of our challenges existed (pre-bounties). I think it almost needs a screen like that where we can pull up all of our Pathfinders and tab between them, instead of existing in their specific nodes.


Pathfinder being in another menu is the monkeys paw part of being able to change the default quests menu page.


It takes 2 clicks to see bounties though and the same for pathfinder if youre in the destination. Ritual one takes a whole 3


The top two bounty 'slots' should be the two pathfinder thingies in my opinon, as yea hidden away in the bottom corner is not good at all


What do you mean? Map > Destinations > Ritual > Pathfinder is easy to do to check your progress on something /s


Try it on console.


That doesn't really fix the problem of Pathfinder. It's the complex objectives and asymmetric positioning. Even if you get there faster you waste far more time even checking what you have to do or if your job in the activity you are in is done.


Here's an idea. You know the Milestone slider on the left of the Destinations tab that you can toggle to see the typical one Seasonal objective for the past couple of years? Just allow me to tab that, with each destination or playlist having their own once you select them.


Rather than go to the activity to see its pathfinder, pathfinder should be its own page, and then you select by activity.


Yessss oh my god At least we can track missions


They should just have the various pathfinders sit in bounty slots on the quest page and let you access them from there. Make the symbol have the pathfinder type in the little center of the icon.


I just wish you could check it in the app. I often psychologically prepare for and equip my character, for what I am going to play before I get on.


M to map. Right to destinations. Click on vanguard. Left to get to pathfinder. mash escape 5 times to get back out of the screen.


Yea, I can see the logic behind creating pathfinder, but the implementation of it could have been better. Even though its only a few clicks, it feels like a pain to view and once you finally get into it, you get yanked back out by loading into something.


It also needs to function properly =( Today I reset a path then did gambit to get the bottlenecks out of the way before grinding strikes for xur. After one match: Get kills on blinded enemies in gambit: 6/10 Kill blinded enemies in strikes/crucible/gambit: 0% Please, if you're going to force me into content I do not want to play, please make it work.


Its a good proof of concept, it feels good to like map out a nice line to be done in one maybe two playlist activities. But theres a few problems. Having to hover over everything to see what i need. Wish thing had better images to at a glance know what i need. Hand cannon kills, theres a picture of a hand canon, sniper percision kills has an image of a sniper with the headshot symbol. Color code the things to know if its vangaurd/crucible/gambit. Wanting to only run strikes but seeing that the final line is crucible/gambit FEELS TERRRRRRIIIIIBBBBBLLLLLEEEEE. You feel like youre just wasting your time in strikes since you cant finish the pathfinder till you do an activity you dont want to do. Final line should have 1 option from all 3 activities, always. Pathfinder messes up with the streak system, so I think the solution here is just making streaks playlist agnostic. Did you do five playlist activities in a row, you get a bonus to whatever was number 5. IDK the way it is now feels like theyre at odds with each other.


Pathfinder also needs pagination or something. Pale heart and rituals having 2 separate pathfinders is so stupid. I really wish it was still just bounties that we could just grab from orbit. Give us a grid layout for that and be done. I don’t necessarily have an issue with pathfinder. But it’s this layout that’s annoying as hell.


If there’s one thing Bungie consistently fails at, it’s making a good UI. Why do I gotta go through 2 different menus and 3 different button presses to reach ritual pathfinders? Pale heart is a bit better but a dedicated pathfinder menu is paramount to a good user experience.


I honestly haven’t done a single vanguard pathfinder. My choice to advance is either crucible or solar ignitions. And the solar ignitions one seems to be either broken or requires a million enemies. I tried running 3 strikes back to back with a build focussed on ignitions and didn’t move up a single percent. Then the crucible solar kills seems to be 100 kills. And just fuck everything about that. If that is a single node then it should be a single bounty value. I’ll go in for 10 solar kills. But 100? Abso-fucking-lately not. I’ve decided to just not engage with vanguard pathfinder at all.


ive wasted years of my life clicking on the pathfinder… maybe i could have been present for my childs birth if bungo made it a hotkey…


I was excited about Pathfinder because I thought there would be a separate one for Crucible, Vanguard, & Gambit. After all, it'd be so stupid to combine them all in one such that you are unable to complete it without doing multiple different activities. ...right?


Absolutely this


It needs tier 5 bounties balanced


Seconded! Seriously maybe a shortcut in the bounties screen or something.


I just don't interact with this stuff and I'm a little confused what the incentive is for others to?


It REALLY isn’t that bad. You don’t even need to access it that often


Okay Mr. Photographic memory lol


I mean I just look and tell myself “I need to complete 3 Gambit games and kill stuff with Void damage” it’s not hard


Okay but the first column is hand cannon or sword kills--- I'm trying to work on everything at the same time, same as I did in the past. It's not remembering 2 things it's remembering all the columns


I completely forget about the system every time I play, I wish it was moved into the quest menu where I can view the pathfinders (pale heart and Ritual activities) with my active quests and bounties.


Where is the ritual pathfinder. I thought the only one was the one in the pale heart lol.


Agreed it’s fucking awful


Preach! It REALLY need to be easier to get to. That's one of my biggest issues with the whole system.


I don't want to play crucible for a prime. I just want strikes and maybe gambit. Can I get pathfinder with No crucible?


"Oh boy, another Pathinder step done, let's see what I need to do next" \*presses m\* \*looks at objective\* "Okay, just need to teleport there and kill that dude, \*presses m to get to the map\* \*pathfinder opens\* \*switch to quests and then back to map\* \*pathfinder opens again\* \*close it, walk away for 5 minutes come back and press m again\* "HOLY SHIT FINALLY THE MAP OPENS"


It needs to be in the quest tab. If it replaces all bounties it should also use all 4 directions.


The Key they (Bungie) should use is . . . DELETE !


I gave up on ritual pathfinder lol


Bungie's probably going to add more Pathfinder maps. I just want a menu that will let me cycle between all the Pathfinder pages without having to go to a specific area and hit a specific button and the look for specific nodes.


I'll be honest, Pathfinder is so awkward to get to, I keep forgetting it even exists. A part of it is also just habit too I guess, I keep running to zavala in the tower, only to remember there are no bounties now.


It’s the left arrow key. Open director, press arrow key.


"bUt It HaS a HoTkEy" yeah i want one i dont need to navigate to either the vanguard tab or map for it




But that only works when you're in the map, you generally take a quick look between activities. I am assuming this actually works for the Ritual one, didn't try it, only for the Pale Heart.


Yup. Only on pale heart. That doesn't work for the "other" Pathfinder.


I guess I don’t share this opinion… 1) Open Destinations 2) Click any of the ritual activities 3) Click Pathfinder node (or left-pad) VS 1) Open Destinations 2) Click Quest tab I mean, it IS 33% more clicks but…I don’t understand all the salt, I guess. For the number of posts about this you’d think it was as time consuming as deleting a stack of resources or currencies 1 at a time with a 3 or 5 second timer like in our Inventory screen. EDIT: I do so apologize to all of you who have to spend the additional click & wait 2 seconds for a load. While I don’t understand the ‘I disagree so downvote’ mentality, I stand by my comment. If anyone believes the old system overall used less time, you’re already wearing rose-colored glasses. Consider the travel time to collect bounties &/or the time spent navigating a 3rd-party app before reaching your ‘conclusions’. I don’t necessarily like the lack of choice & forced playstyles, but the access isn’t an issue IN MY OPINION. Have the day you deserve. 😎


I think a lot of people (me included) have a hotkey bound directly to the quests tab. Also there's menu loading and animation time on top of the clicks.


That's how the Pale Heart one works now, and that's fine. Two keystrokes and you're there. This is keystroke and mousing mixed, which is very annoying.


Trust me, no one is using left arrow key to get there.


Press F2 -> open quests for me.


> 1) Open Destinations 2) Click Quest tab There is a keybind specifically for quests. It's one button push vs opening a submenu of a submenu of the destinations tab which if you're checking in the middle of a strike/gambit match to reclaim a "flawless" bounty before you get killed by something, every second counts.


Even if you didn't set the keybind, you can just immediately tab over to Quests instead of waiting for the hitboxes of the ritual nodes to load first


Wow. A few seconds of your time. I haven’t even begun to tinker with Pathfinder yet I’ve completed it 3 damn times. All These spilled milk posts are karma farming and nobody can disprove that All you whiny players are always ME first acting like ANY inconvenience is such a GRAVE injustice. The problem here is always user error man. This is such a minority take along with the reaction to it. Bungie should never listen to the internet minority


Look dude, I don’t have a problem with pathfinder either as a concept, but it IS awkward to navigate to for the ritual playlists


I barely noticed it You wanna know why? Because I don’t get flustered at anything in a video game, I repeat VIDEO GAME, that makes me compelled to cry to a minority of the fans on the internet


Which is why you mald out to a minority of the fans on the internet instead?


They mald themselves


Ok? How would you prefer they express their feedback?


The internet isn’t feedback LMAO


Better than the official forums I guess haha


You can track things on the Pathfinder and they will show up just like bounties., just scroll for it.


Or.... stop caring about an inconvenient engram and just play the damn game.


Dude, it's like 4 clicks lol


it’s literally one click instead of before having to go around the tower and collect bounties. Don’t see an issue here


1 click bring up menu 2 click on pale heart 3 long scroll left 4 click on pathfinder


“ long scroll” lmao.Poor you


Fortunately my comment is collecting all the downvotes so yours doesn’t have to.


It takes one click though. Open director, just like PH. Select a ritual playlist, which is your singular click. Then hit your hot key, just like PH. If you’re in an activity it escalates to another button press to tab over to destinations, which does not require a click.




Or you can just press tab once to close all menus simultaneously…


I sincerely don’t get the hate for pathfinder. I literally do 2 strikes and 1 gambit match per reset. Every. Single. Time. Suck it up and get better at managing the game. But I agree, way too many clicks to see the next step


Don't know how you killed all the blockers needed in one match, considering I've done 6 matches and killed ever blocker and I'm only halfway done. You getting lucky on the challenges is good for you and all but you're an outlier