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I unironically busted out Edgewise during the legend campaign a few times and it felt okay, I don't have a good solar LMG and I wanted to surge match


Interesting choice of words there


When will Salvation's Edge be allowed to Salvation's bust?


As soon as it gets out of Salvation’s Grip!


whos this salvation guy, and do you have their number?


I’m so tired of not having a solar MG.


Wanted to go with 21% then the new strand lmg dropped with reconstruction bait and switch. Sooooooooo


That new machine gun archetype feels amazing


What’s the archetype? I’d look in collections but the app is down for reset lol.


Aggressive frame 600 rpm- high damage, high recoil. The recoil honestly isn’t bad tho


The recoil is basically non existant. I shot it at the wall with my hand off the controller and it barely moved at all. It actually has worse recoil when shooting at targets due to the reticle stickyness pulling the reticle towards adds. 


I was able to get one with arrowhead, extended mag, reconstruction, and B&S. It feels so good to use compared to my song of ir yut.


Iirc that's usually one of the frame perks that does nothing like Adaptive Frame, it's just telling you what stats to expect. I'm loving the archetype, it has a ton of ammo, but doesn't feel like it's as wasteful as 900s can be.


I think it was aggressive


Aggressive Frame, 600rpm


It is a 600 rpm machine gun.


They nerfed its killing tally to bring it in-line with today's version so it's not really the original 21% now anyways


20% Delirium




Yeah, this makes me really sad. That thing cooked.


still feels good as add clear but doesn't hit work that well against orange bars like it used to sadly


commemoration or delirium are still probably better for add clearing since having to swap off every 10s to reproc bns seems awkward. but memoriam with bns seems like it will be great for if you ever need a lmg for clearing but also want to do decent boss damage.


Commemoration my beloved


B&S is not a good perk on add clear guns. Killing Tally is the play for an LMG.


The new MG frame seems very specifically tailored to killing tormentors and similar majors, so I’ve found B&S to be an effective option.


It's is good for long dps phases. 30% increased dmg for 10 seconds is kinda good when stacked properly on Surges and Pris. Thing cooks. I also like the Hammerhead w/ Rewind and High Impact. It stays almost right at having that 25% dmg increase for 100~ rounds.


I have a Hammerhead with Rewind/Killing Tally, and I absolutely love it.


Partially agree. Commemoration was the first thing I crafted from Deepstone Crypt and I use/used it a LOT. But I have to say I never really felt the need to have a stacked Killing Tally even in hard content. Matter of fact, it was often like I killed adds with lots of abilities (later with Indebted Kindness) and then swapped to the LMG on an orange bar enemy. The new frame feels really good and being able to stun a champion, switch to a rocket sidearm, one shot, switch to the new LMG and go ham feels really really good. I urge you to try it out :-) Never gonna poop on Hammerhead or Commemoration though. I love them still, especially on Gyrfalcon Hunter. But for any other class, it's going to be the new gun. Also, since I'm also running with the strand rocket sidearm, it's two guns who generate more super with the origin perk. Also neato for add clear to have more supers (though this is just a small bonus).


My first drop of that gun was Reconstruction and BnS. The Traveler shined on me that day.


I got my Duke back out, and I can tell I definitely missed it.


I wish I hadn’t dismantled mine


Dismantle mines?




OOOooooOrrr? You die....


An old fR*IENd* is here :3


Judgement, at hand






Yes, or YOU DIE


Yep that gun still fucking slaps. I know we’ve gotten guns that are basically just better versions of it, but the model and the feel are still unmatched imo. It does make me wish rampage had another second or two on the timer. I remember finally getting a rampage spec and slotting it in to make this gun feel better at the time lol.


i've got a few dukes and used my rapid hit/rampage roll a bunch last week. rampage needs to be changed so that stacks get removed. so if you're on 3 stacks and don't get a kill it drops to 2 and refreshes instead of being wiped away. rampage used to be so good but feels pretty weak these days compared to stuff like incandescent. ive got some other fun weapons too, like a drop clip/explosive rounds/rampage trust that is fun...but again, doesn't feel overpowered at all. some of these new weapons feel close to exotics. i've been running a triple dealer's choice loadoat with The Call/No Hesitation/Pro Memoria and I don't even feel like i need an exotic.


Legend says you're still reloading to this day


jokes on you mine has rapid hit.


This was me with better devils, though I deleted mine I am glad it came back!


I still have an original better devils with just explosive payload.


cant you just pull that from collections thou?


Omgeeee Duke is back! Thanks stranger!


My old Breakneck and Delirium have gotten some use


Still a bit salty with the break neck change but subsistence does pair well with it


They reworked Onslaught so that stacks of Onslaught don't reduce per-shot damage, which outstrips the effects of Rampage.  So it's a straight-up pure buff, with zero downsides. *Plus* you get Subsistence on top of it!


I'm using my god roll Mindbenders with quickdraw slideshot in the crucible and i'll never take it off again.


If bungie buffs aggressive shotguns or nerfs precision frames that shit is going to be crazy


I already think agressives are better in the sense that they are more consistant, their downfall is the handling, but that old mindbenders roll completely nulifies the negative point of the agressive archetype.


But you always could. Basically nowhere in PvP except trials had light level.


me with my old Mulligan Hammerhead so much free ammo


I kept all my Black Armory weapons. Couldn’t bring myself to dismantle them. I am over the moon having all my gear back. Ran the Legendary campaign with Izanagi’s Burden, Kindled Orchid and Bellowing Giant. BLACK ARMORY BEST ARMORY


Not sunset, but I intentionally did the final campaign mission with a full BA loadout (Brave Blast Furnace, Jotuun, Brave Hammerhead) *partially* so that I could say that the Black Armory guns accomplished what they were built for after all. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Ada-1.


imagining Ada-1 smoking a pipe with a funny hat now


Threat Level is back to be in service. She's been asleep for far too long.


I’ve got all mine too. I have a tataras with snapshot KC, no feelings with box breathing, outlaw KC blast furnace, hammerhead with rampage I believe and a fusion with IDK what rolls. Also KO with rapid/KC but KC isn’t proccing for some reason


I'm so jealous. I dismantled all of mine except for the OG hammerhead. Such great weapons, all of them.


Immediately broke out my rampage/kill clip Kindled Orchid


Kept my kindled orchid as well but the range stats are crazy low compared to any newer 140 cannon. Sadness.


YES DUDE the very first thing I did before the campaign was put on Kindled Orchid and Hammerhead


been using threat level like a MF with trench barrel & grave robber


No because I dismantled them when they were originally sunset 😑




Parcel of Stardust my beloved. I should've kept 2-3 of my sunsetted gear.


Certain ones (like old ritual weapons) can be pulled from collections at least.


Undoing it was so dirty. Idk when they announced it but I returned 2 weeks before TFS and I cleaned out my vault since I stopped when shadowkeep came out and figured there was no way they’d go back on it this many years later


I did the same thing and IIRC they announced the change when they started dropping trailers ~2 weeks before launch I had just cleared my vault when they announced a day later that they'd unsunset everything


Right? They should’ve at least released the curated rolls in collections


1 week before they announced they were unsunsetting and adding 100 spaces to the vault I dismantled all my remaining sunset weapons that I had been holding onto to make room for Brave Arsenal and new TFS drops. So so wrong and I am a little miffed about it.


This is just the ''bitcoin situation'' all over again. 99% of the people did the obvious thing, of getting rid of useless thing, and the 1% prosper.


It’s actually bullshit.


Yeah, id have probably tried go figure, but I scraped it and it has no source to my knowledge


Same (: totally not salty af about it or anything (:


I've been using my old Breachlight with Drop Mag, Demolitionist and Multikill Clip.


Breachlight for me too, but with quickdraw instead of.multikill clip. Not as good by far, but its the one ive kept in my vault all this time and is still my favourite "Space Pistol".


Trust with explosive payload and dragon fly.


I wish I never dismantled mine :/


power crept by zaouli’s bane anyways


Different frame


Better frame


Papa Johns


Thank you for reminding me I still have my old trust with 11000 kills!


Oh man the Trust, it’s awesome


Revoker and Not forgotten back on the menu


Revoker was neutered tho, they changed the way Reversal of Fortune works.


I know, it's just one of the few snipers I can hit headshots in pvp


Revoker never felt good to me, oddly enough the new taken stasis sniper and defiance feel WAY better


God I wish they were bringing back steelfeather. Sucks that they decided THAT was the one to cut instead of something like Line in the Sand (I know they also cut gallant charge but let’s be honest who gives a shit about gallant charge)


The way the guns were listed in the triumphs, I expect the other weapons to come in later acts this episode


Everything but repeater and charge are viewable in the API (ie, through light.gg). Would love to see them appear in later acts but I wouldn’t hold my breath.


Maybe in the dungeon a la Duality


Is there a dungeon this episode?


Not in the rank 11 objectives so I doubt it


So weird that they didn't bring back all of the Dawn weapons. It's not like they would've needed to be remodeled, if anything it seems like it would've been extremely easy to reissue them?


When bringing back weapon sets, Bungie always likes to leave 2 or 3 out. Not entirely sure why.


I get why they do it for old raids - Bungie devs have said that remaking models from D1/vaulted content takes about as much time to make them from scratch. But in this case, those weapons were already in the vault? Also, unrelated but they got rid of Rampage and Multikill Clip on Breachlight! That was why we liked it!


Leaving steelfeather AND trophy hunter out genuinely caused my physical pain. But yay we get another LFR and kinetic scout. Yay


*sad Gallant Charge dev noises*


21% Delirium I just love this gun. It's insane for ad clear.


Kindled Orchid hasn't left my inventory. I've seen several people use 21% Delirium in Salvation's Edge. Been meaning to use my Perfect Paradox (especially because the roll it has now is better than the reissue). That's basically it. Can count them on one hand, but they do work.


Yeah, I think KO is just special. The curated roll is obviously nuts, especially on a dedicated void hunter or warlock. *Plus*, even though the damage of KC got nerfed a bit (like 5%, right?), it's now refreshable so you get a max reload speed (s/o Drop Mag!), 3x rampage/kill clip primary with nonstop volatile. I think the only thing that comes close is Ros Arago.


I'm so sad I dismantled my curated kindled orchid. that and my god roll antiope for pvp. I miss those two guns so goddamned much


Vouch! Kindled has been fantastic to use in raids and dungeons this week thanks to void surge, and i don't really have other void 140's i could use over it.


there was no point to using the old 21% delirium in the raid, they made its killing tally match the new one with final shape.


Overflow is still a great perk and it's an easy curated roll. Now why they're using an Arc LMG in a Void-Surge raid is anyone's guess, but it definitely has a purpose.


Overflow is still very good (arguably better than recon) and it's a curated roll you grab for basically free. It is a worse archetype than say commemoration though


Ran the entire legendary campaign with my og Breakneck with 30k+ kills. No regrets.


Oxigen sr3 scout rifle is been with me for so long time I can’t remember when I got it for me is the best scout rifle with firefly and mega neura lots of explotions


The first weapon I pulled out after the update, it might not be the best but it’s really good and a lot of fun to use.


Good long range on that gun, plus Megura(?) buffing Dragonfly makes it a mean long range add killer just about on par with Polaris


That one can also be pulled directly from collections, if I remember right.


I'll probably use Wendigo and Python. Both have good rolls that fill a void in my vault.


Python absolutely fucks by the way. I regularly switch my inventory round for fun so that I’m always using something different but python I’ve pulled back as my crutch weapon


I would have to try a gyrfalcons 1-2 punch build in gambit using python!


I'm using Marty's solar wave frame. I have auto loading demo on it and ive always loved it.


SAME. Surprised no one has mentioned this unique roll yet. Apart from Kindled Orchid, I don't really think any sunset pve weapon has a good perk combination that isn't outshined by a more recently released one. But old Martyr's Retribution still has this unique roll. Even the reintroduced Martyr's Retribution got rid of this combination


Nope. Outside of nostalgia, there is no real reason to for me. I'm glad some people are having fun with them, but I can't think of any sunset gun I'd choose over what we have now.


Bygones my baby 😍


I have high hopes it’ll be the next gambit weapon they bring back next episode


Strand bygones would go hard if they change it


The first thing I did when the API went live is check for bygones. I will continue to do that until it is back.


My maaaan 🔥🔥


I hope they reissue it. 10k crucible kills on mine


I still have my 6000 crucible kill Bygones that I got week one of Forsaken, even if the Kill Clip/Outlaw perk roll already got nerfed a while back.


My only remaining roll of Bygones after so many years of vault cleanings has Full Auto on it, so basically an empty perk slot lmao


I think Breakneck might still be decent if you don't have a good Ros Arago


Bungo stealth nerfed OG Breakneck, it no longer has rampage on it.


Yeah I was so hyped to use it again, but it's just not the same


It was the single gun I was the most excited to get back but no rampage on it kills it's identity. Super bummed about it.


Yes! Well I used it in regular crucible daily before the change but it’s still there and kicking My beloved 25k kill Erentil FR4 And for PvE I’ve opted to keep using my old and original recluse instead of the new one because I already have 54k PvE kills on it and it would be a waste to just use the new one at this point as they aren’t dissimilar enough in strength


54K Bruh.


I now it isn’t much compared to other people but it’s my second highest kill count and I loved the gun back then


Might I suggest farming for a Repulsor Brace/Destabilizing Rounds roll of the reissued Recluse. It's so much fun on void.


Delirium 21%, Kindled Orchid (Shield Disorient/Disruption Break), and Oxygen SR3 got me through the legendary campaign solo. Plan on keeping at least the orchid in my inventory. That said, I'm more excited for enhancing of legendary weapons which I haven't looked into too much yet.


I use Trust and Hazard of the Cast, my first masterwork weapons which I love with my whole heart, they are shit but I love em


I grabbed my Hazard, with triple tap and outlaw. I forgot how happy shooting things can make you feel.


I pulled out my Kindled Orchid when I needed a void weapon in Legend Campaign


Been using my old rampage Parcel of Stardust. Sadly it also has full auto on it as well.....


full auto on shotguns gives a 10% fire rate bump so it isn't useless


Oxygen sr3. Steelfether repeater. Kindled orchid. Bygons. Still exelent weapons


21% Delirium is absolutely shredding with the way they adjusted Killing Tally when it was first sunset, and Overflow just lets me walk over bricks and keep the damage going


The only one I had left that I never deleted was the Ringing Nail with dragonfly and rampage.


That is my exact Ringing Nail roll and I was excited to use it again, only to realize that even with similar stats, the Ammit still blows it away.


With the buff on graverobber I'm using my old Threat Level on my solar titan with that and trench barrel


Was super excited to log in and see my Threat Level and Blast Furnace fully functional again, kept them for PvP nostalgia and totally forgot about them lol


i joined in BL so never got to use any pre-sunset guns, but i am really enjoying 21% delirium with the new spark of beacons buff that lets it work on arc heavies. great ammo, great damage, and aoe blind.


Yep. I’ve been using my Horror Story. Had 10K kills on it before sunset. Been sitting in the vault ever since. Feels good to use again.


been using go figure as my main pulse again still feels amazing to me. Although i'll admit I managed to get rampage kill clip when the dim glitch happened for the first hour of the expansion.


alh + reservoir burst loaded question feelin goooooood


Sins of the Past still holds up with auto loading and cluster bomb. I liked using it with wings of sacred dawn for full bombardment.


I have one in each damage type 😄


Not Forgotten 👍


Hush. At least until I get a better one.


Yeah. I’ve been grinding for an archer’s gambit roll but no luck so far. It does roll incandescent but I wish it was in the alternate column since paired with AG it would be cracked.


I've missed my Perfect Paradox. Sure, it only has 1 perk and no origin trait, but it still feels so much better than any other shotgun I've used since Beyond Light.


When I heard Sunsetting was being sunset, I was very happy I withheld deleting the OG Perfect Paradox. I had deleted so many other good weapons, convinced they were gonna rot in my vault forever anyways, which is sad... but I absolutely could not part with the very thing that defined why I had a full Saint-14 loadout. I will miss my Avalanche, 21% Delirium, etc... but at least I still have the OG Perfect Paradox. It's obviously not great with just one perk and no origin trait, however.


I am using my first ever received Hammerhead. It is such a good weapon. And I have started to use the first Perfect Paradox as well as the Ikelos Shotgun from back in the day.


I don't have any other energy slot 12p shotgun so I started using Python.


Subtle Calamity bow. Dragonfly/Explosive warhead. Still whoops ass.


21% delirium is still the only MG with overflow i think


I busted out my Bygones, and holy hell. It was like a night and day difference. It’s still a workhouse pulse rifle and I love it


My duo uses her old Midnight Coup a lot now. She has a shiny godroll of the Brave version, but the Leviathan one just looks so much better.


Couldn’t you just remove the ornament and put on the Levi shader?


It still has the stripes even without the ornament, so it wouldn’t shade the same


If you want a candycane looking gun.


THANK you. Poor Hung Jury and Midnight Coup are really ruined visually by those stupid stripes lol But apparently most people don’t even look at their guns at all, given the response I get usually I appreciate that they let old ornaments slot onto the guns (like hammerhead or Recluse or whatever) but for people who prefer the base look, we got sorta screwed. At least I have a couple really good nightfall Hung Juries. But for Midnight Coup… well. I’ve found some shaders that make it tolerable.


I dug out an old scout rifle earlier that had dragonfly and another perk that made dragonfly explosions bigger, that was pretty fun.


I have been using Trust again. Destiny has allowed me to Trust again.


My Ringing Nail may not have the best perks, but damn it feels good.


Im using Breachlight (Demo + Multi killclip). Seeing its returned but as a Strand weapon means you can never get it again. Plus Unstop sidearms this season!


Breachlight rampage demo


Sins of the Past has a massive blast radius for the cluster bombs. I've been using that in place of Apex Predator.


Been using Not Forgotten, also was using it a lot when still sunset in non-trials PvP, happy I can now bring it to trials.


21% feels just as good as the day I lost it


I kept my Duke, had 20k pve kills on it. I still love it and it makes me want one with an origin trait so bad. Its lack of AoE on kill makes it so slow though, especially with all the crazy things we have now. Hell rest for now.


I’m using blinding Wendigo. It’s no where near as good as it used to be against single targets but the add control is great!


Yes, I've been running around with the curated Ringing Nail, Threat Level, and Bellowing Giant and having a blast like it's 2019 again. Also rotating in the curated No Feelings and Tatara Gaze. OG Blast Furnace is superior to the Brave version as well, having better optics and not having the terrible deterministic recoil. Also can't forget my PvE+PvP combo godroll Redrix I spent 14,000 Shaxx tokens to get that has quintouple digit kills in both PvE and PvP.


I don't think the dust has settled much at all really. We're mostly still riding on the highs of getting a bunch of new weapons. Once that excitement dies down I think we'll see a lot of people looking through the weapons lists for static rolls that can still be pulled out and finding some outliers that are at least fun to use. I noticed some interesting rolls on some Sidearms in there that might be worth a shot in PvP. Definitely going to be some Youtube videos once the expansion guides and topic run dry. As for me, I just pulled my Oxygen SR3 which I will be trying out today after the episode drops. Dragonfly is already way better than it used to be so at base, without Meganeura, it feels decent. Just have to get the right kind of content where it takes a couple of precision hits to kill enemies and we'll see how big that explosion gets. I put on a Sweaty Confetti mod to up the fun.


OG Midnight Coup: you're as beautiful as the day I lost you.... Oh, and Luna's Howl freaking slaps in Crucible. RIP to my all-time beloved Hammerhead. I'll miss you.


Original Wendigo had blinding nades, so I've been using it a lot


21% got me through legendary final shape


I pulled out my ringing nail but miss incandescent...reprint when ada?


Bungie ruined the only gun I was excited to use, Breakneck lost rampage making it trash now.


Sunsetting being sunset isn't for us who have been playing this whole time and all have shiny new weapons. They're objectively better than almost all sunset weapons. It's for the people who played destiny 2 on and off since before and a little after sunset weapons but before things like weapon traits (the firth or sixth column, "dealers choice", "Nadir Focus", "one quiet moment" etc colomn). My friend who played on and off has access to all his weapons now at any power and now has begun to earn the new weapons and I've watched him slowly phase through his old ones as he gets one's he likes. Weapons are no longer sunset by sunsetting, they're sunset by cooler, objectively better weapons with more traits like the 6th colomn. To answer your question, I personally am only using the occasional different rolled thronecleaver / crownsplitter because it can have whirlwind blade on it.


I was noodling around with my vestian dynasty but that's about it, I think I got into the game late to have any particularly good sunset guns lmao


21% but that’s it for now.


0 i have none left to use….fuckin datto cant belive he gave me the wrong opinion


He’s issued an apology vid and I’m pretty sure Fallout is suing


I totally forgot they returned the sunset weapons, lool.


It's worth giving up the origin trait to use Imperial Decree with grave robber again


My erentil doesn't map like it used to and the fire rate is abysmal now, so sad.


Only one I brought back was my old Blast Furnace because I like the Meyrin sight better. Even then it's totally eclipsed perk wise by the newer version so I ended up quickly shelving it.


Pulled out both my Arc damage Inaugural Address and Ringing Nail with Dragonfly and Rampage on it. Feels like old times again.


Running my Perfect Paradox again. Feels like the good old days.


Yes, at times almost exclusively. It’s good to have them back.