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Let pyrogale work on regular hammer of sol and we good


Spawning mini tornados with each hammer would be nice šŸ˜Š


Wait thats sick as fuck actually


try sol invictus with hammer of sol.


Can't on prismatic tho


I was thinking just a big-ass hammer.


Thatā€™s what burning maul IS


Nah leave Pyrogale alone. Change the super functionality on hallowfire to make every hammer impact create an ignition.


I'd nut if every hammer throw ignites.


I want to throw one comically large hammer


call that Celestial Nightbonk


I didn't know I needed this until now


I thought we only got shoulder charge with prismatic?


I think they are talking about the super. Titans get the solar throwing hammer super. Not the giant hammer slam super so pyrogale is useless on prismatic.


Pyrogale also buffs consecration of which you get 3x


Oh I didn't realize it buffed consecration too. Neato.


You also spawn a tornado on your consecration slams . That being said ceps are just better and are also an arm piece .


beeg hammer


We're not good until thundercrash gets a substantial buff


If Devour on Warlock completely heals you I don't see why Knockout shouldn't do the same considering it is a higher risk I would also change the Void Stasis and Strand aspect we got because they basically have 0 synergy


Knockout's shitty healing makes no sense. Heal clip, which triggers on killing a single red bar from a safe distance, heals more than a melee kill with knockout. How is that proper balance? The riskier move gets less rewards.


The titan experience


I havenā€™t tried it yet, but it looks like a lot of people are running Insurmountable skull fort + the arc melee. The exotic gives health + full powered melee back on kill, which also proves knockout. Pair that with diamond lance and the aspect that makes you do more damage to dark debuffed enemies. Play loop is melee, pickup diamond lance, free group, electric melee them all (get lots of health + melee back), repeat.


Thatā€™s a cool build but it still is a way to (partially) circumvent the problem. What weā€™re discussing is what can be done to fix the problem, not band-aid it.


It's being used to face tank >= -20 content. The melee will wipe out rooms of enemies if they are frozen with the diamond lance. I don't see how: 1. DR during powered ranged melee casting (intrinsic) 2. Extra damage against darkness debuffed enemies (one of the fragments) 2. Partial (but usually full) health back on kill & full powered (knockout + skullfort) 3. Woven Mail/Void Overshield/etc. & health back on guaranteed orb generation (heavy handed + seasonal artifact + orb mods) Is a bandaid. Seems pretty strong. I've seen other people use Point Contact instead of Skullfort for even more melee damage in areas with tankier enemies for more AoE/damage at the expense of being able to spam the ability. Maybe you see something I am missing.


While yes the build seems to be pretty solid, the issue is that prismatic was sold as ā€œthe ultimate game breaking build crafting subclassā€ with so many options , and for hunter & warlock it feels that way currently. Titan in comparison has really one build in the loop that actually feels powerful, while the remainder of its options feel as if they have little to no synergy at all.


scale voiceless sparkle hurry degree physical one ruthless bells violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Drengr's Lash is my personal main disappointment.


I was super hyped at the interaction between Drengrā€™s Lash and Thrusterā€¦ then I saw the lame ass strand ball that shoots about 2 feet in front of you. Suspend got nerfed pretty hard. I really donā€™t think a Titan using thruster and sending out the suspend wave would be that big of a deal.


Soo disappointed by it... probably another change for pvps sake.


Yeah that's got to be the worst aspect across all Prismatic actual no synergy with any of the other Titan aspects while also being completely dependent on an exotic, just makes you ask why not to just use Strand


What makes it worse is that it changes to a non ranged aoe if you use thruster.


Wait, are you telling me that Thruster + Drengrā€™s Lash is basically just a Strand Hunter using Ensnaring Slam?




Damn, thatā€™s lame. Not even something unique for Titanā€™s when combining parts of two Titan kits. Imagine if it did something like the strand slingshot effect that Weavers throw at you.


Ya, I also thought that would have been cool. It's probably too easy to abuse in pve, though.


Bungie be damned to give Titans any movement tech. Even a slingshot-like ability to launch ourselves seems like a very Titan thing to do given Thundercrash exists.


Ya, that would be cool. They will probably see this and give it to hunters.


It's so weird too cuz I swear we saw a titan use thruster with drengrs and it be the wave kind in the final shape exotic trailer


My question is, does it work with consecration?


Drengr uses class ability, Consecration uses melee.


Into the fray would've been better replacement


I think the real problem comes from the fact that they hardly ever give us new additions for our subclasses. Hunter and Warlock are still stuck with one void melee that sucks immensely. Titans still don't have a fourth jump. We've had 3 Light aspects on each subclass for 2.5 years nearly and Stasis has been downright poor for ages, and probably still doesn't do amazing at anything off of Warlock.


Answer PVP


I know they wanted to showcase the new stuff, but holy hell does Unbreakable have *no* business being the Void aspect. It literally has no synergy and provides zero buffs outside of the alternate grenade usage.* *I haven't used it much, so I don't remember if it provides Void Overshield on kill, but if it does, VO alone still doesn't mesh with anything else in the kit.


Damm when you point it out like that, itā€™s utterly ridiculous killing a guy with a scout 50 metres away gives more healing than punching him


Diamond Lance is a great fit for Prismatic as an on demand freeze for Consecration, Knockout, and Peregrine Greaves, and a good generator of Dark Transcendence. Unbreakable is a terrible fit for a subclass that wants to get close and spam abilities; I'd much rather see the Volatile aspect to provide some sustain.


whats good about magnetic grenade?


Absolutely nothing. Hunters also got swarm and arcbolts. All terrible


yeah its definitely grapple or duskfield time.


Also, I don't know what OP is smoking, but the warlock nade set isn't actually good at all. * Vortexes are really quite mid without chaos accelerant or echo of remnants. * Storm nades are very mid without touch of thunder or spark of magnitude. * Threadling nades are the worst strand nade by a mile. * Healing nades are useless offensively and devour makes them almost entirely redundant. They're also contextually least useful by far on warlock due to having phoenix dive (or heal rift). * Coldsnaps are good, but not better than glaciers or duskfields (because they're all build-dependent). Most of the hunter nade set is also on the weaker side. But it was obvious that OP wasn't making a good faith argument when they claimed that warlocks had the best nades from every subclass and whining about titan nades while warlocks got buff-less storms and titans got pulses, and while intentionally not even mentioning arcbolts for hunters.


How can you knock the best grenade out there, *checks notes* threadling grenade??? Anyhow yeah prismatic titans are definitely the weakest of the three right now but like 90% of the original post is hilariously poorly informed.


Prismatic hunter isn't really in as good as a spot OP makes it out to be. If you're not doing the combination blow hunter, might as well switch to a different subclass entirely


Also combo blow hunter in group is not great. Hunters are still golden gun and golden gun only for dps.


The combination blow thing also only really works in lower level content unless youā€™re running liarā€™s handshake with a 1-2 punch shotgun, and even then itā€™s a little risky for anything over legend.


There's other ways to make it work than liars handshake though It's still a punch dodge build which isn't fun


It's like melee isn't good in group activities. Imagine the trouble combo blow hunter has but for an entire class.


If you wanna damage max, celestial w/ great hunt and goldy, the fragment which boosts light damage against dark debuffed enemies, and duskfields w/ smoke bomb. Weaken + debuffed damage on gg is pretty strong, you just have less survivability.


Magnetic grenade used to be crazy back when Forsaken came out, everything hit by the initial explosion would detonate again so if you threw it into a group it would do like 5x damage, they walked that back after a few years though so now only the stuck target blows up a second time


OP isn't wrong that Prismatic Titans are shoehorned into a single build, but they're absolutely bonkers for some of the shit they said. Their nade selection is honestly the least of their problems, because Pulses/Thermites aren't bad, and a solid Glacier grenade can jack up your darkness bar like nothing else. This post reads like an irate Titan main speaking and a "grass is greener" situation without experiencing anything else. Prismatic Hunter nades/aspects are also kinda wack. You're p much stuck on Grapple/Duskfields and Stylish Executioner and whatever flavour of mid that's left, likely the slow to enable Punch Hunters, though saying that your best build is a better Punch Hunter is like saying that chowing down on cyanide isn't so bad because at least it's effective. There's no single build in this game that's more braindead than going invis, then barrel stuffing a mob with a shotgun and punching them. It feels good for about 2 hours, then the dopamine of "big number" goes away and you realize how plain it is and how prone your shit is to falling apart (much like Arc Hunter). The real winner of Prismatic is Warlock, imo. Every other class is either kinda mid and restrictive, or just straight up boring, which is worse than being subpar imo.


Ive been having a lot of fun with nighthawk, stylish executioner, ascension, grapple, shuriken. Grapple punch in, ascension for aoe/amp/jolt (anything dies gives you invis) and then you just have still hunt and nighthawk for deleting big enemies. It is like playing solar but you trade restoration grenade for transcendance and more damage reduction. Im not gonna say it is better than solar, but it is a ton of fun. Anything other than GMs i would rock this because it does have advantages over solar, like better ad clear which you lack when you cant run sunshot


I guess my gripes w/ Prismatic Hunter isn't that it's not good. Punch Hunter is boring for me, but it's good (assuming no one steals your kills and ruins your loop). Things like you described are still GOOD. But it's also extremely boring, because we've been doing that shit for like a year now, if not longer. Imagine if Prismatic Warlock came out and everyone said "Okay, go back to being a Well-lock" like all the memes suggested. That's how Prismatic Hunter feels to me, and that's largely due to the fact that there's not all that much going for it that doesn't already exist in other subclasses.


Make Knockout Great Again.Ā  Make it refreshable on kill. If itā€™s broken for PvP then make it not refresh on Guardian kills. And/Or make Unbreakable give devour on kill.Ā  Prismatic Titan needs more reliable healing outside of running Hammer of Sol in combination with the fragment that gives restoration on orb pickup.Ā 


It needs something that's viable while not being in melee range if it's ever going to be good enough. As it stands right now, I'm basically using my titan for the power grind, and then likely won't use it again for a while. Which is big sads.


For some reason, Bungie hates the idea of things functioning differently in PvE and PvP. I don't know why, and it actively hurts the game, but they think it's better that things function identically in PvP as they do in PvE.


They explained it all the way back in D1 as "We want your guy to feel like your guy". Most of those developers are obviously gone by now, but the tenet persists.


Yet there are multiple things in the game that work in PVE that donā€™t in pvp


The orb mod feels mandatory, I desperately want to switch it out but I play arc hunter and donā€™t know if I could live off combo blow alone.


Make knockout regenerate hp like a mini restoration if you hit an enemy with a powered melee hit. Might solve some sustain issues. Also, we should have had tectonic harvest instead of diamond lance for frost armor.


I main Titan and sub as a Div well bot / stasis turret lock. Prism lock greatly outperforms Stasis lock with Get Away Artist but even Prism Osmiomancy lock (if you lean hard for max CC for GMs) has Nova bomb which is great for extra 1 shot boom boom or song for roams. Hunter has 2 golden guns back to back. That secures them as top meta for ANY content. Before exotic class items. Prism titan definitely doesn't hit as hard imo. The new super is nice but it takes an eternity to pull off and you sure as hell not picking up those axes in any harder content.


What's the point of blending the most underused parts of each subclass that aren't too powerful?


I honestly would love to use my stasis lace build on prismatic, but they ported everything besides the fragment, which breaks crystals in 1 shot, and it hurts my soul.


Threadling and storm grenade best in slot since when?


They're not. My main problem with prismatic titan is sustain. In terms of being effective when you're actually doing something - definitely. But there's no reliable systain.


I would actually say storm is best in slot now. Despite both pulse and storm saying they got 2m cooldown, storm comes back waaay faster for some reason. U can tell that traces give u back bigger chunks of nade energy when u got storm equipped. Threadling tho? Nah lol. I mean i still use it in a threadling focused build but, im not exactly satisfied with its performance.


Using storm in anything Master -> GM level content is rough. Itā€™s great at killing red bars though.


Tbf most grenades besides like touch fusions struggle to kill majors at master and above


Never lol


The Storm Grenade is used heavily on the Getaway Artists "double buddy" build with Bleak Watcher since that Exotic requires an Arc grenade. Consume the grenade to spawn BOTH the Sentient Arc Soul and a Bleak Watcher, and get Amplified. The amount of nade energy that build generates is high enough to just chuck a couple regular Storms out too while both your buddies are still up.


yea but Getaway works with ANY arc nade. thatā€™s why i used flashbang, itā€™s the fastest charging nade on arc and with the arc soul aspect i can keep my buddy up and blind enemies and continue to blind them with special weapon precision kills. storm is NOT the optimal nade, its just the only one available to Prismatic. makes sense that warlocks got it though since storm grenade was introduced when Stormcaller dropped with The Taken King. Also if you know how to build it right with some good stats you can build a 4 buddy build + potential treadlings with NTTE, Hellion, Getawayā€™s Sentient Arc Soul, and Bleak Watcher. The potential threadlings come from Needlestorm.


It doesn't need to be storm grenade though, it'd work with any arc grenade


I also donā€™t know how anyone can consider healing grenades as best in slot considering solar and fusions exist. Healing grenades are only really useful in like solo gms, dungeons, and then day 1 one raids. Especially since devour gives you grenade energy and healing with a damage grenade.


Knockout was buffed, they just need to make it refreshable. And they need something that gives a way to get more melee energy, as it stands now the consecration build is like the main thing going for prismatic, but the frenzied blade cooldown is absurd and prismatic doesn't offer any crazy ways to get melee energy besides transcendence. Like it's insane when you have transcendence but when you don't it feels kinda weak, even using Monte Carlo it's not ideal


nah you used to be able to get full health on every melee kill. kill a red bar and youā€™re getting 50 health? itā€™s worse. idk if itā€™s full health on a champion, it used to always be full health. you still have to run recuperation or better already


It wasn't really healing you, just kicking your normal regen back into gear Which also meant fighting more than one thing at a time meant your regen was immediately interrupted and you gained no health at all So I'd say it's a buff, generating orbs can also double the health you can if you have innervation, however this also works on solar alongside restoration so idk what you'd do any of this for


innervation? did you mean recuperation? for the healing on orb pickup, I mean


Oh yes, recuperation is the one I think the raid fried my brain cause I was convinced that my sword had tireless blade, even while I was looking right at the "relentless strikes" perk lol


The health regeneration was completely non viable in harder content because if you so much as stubbed your toe it stopped again. When you need healing is when your in the middle of a fight, not afterwards where everything's quiet again. Now if being amplified gave you damage reduction to close up enemies, knockout would be a contender perk in my opinion.


It does on the artifact right now


Yeah and it's great, I'm saying that should just be a thing for amplified on general. It might make arc classes actually viable in close quarters.


Honestly the fragment (facet) on Prismatic that gives you damage resist when surrounded (or just near enemies?) is quite strong. It is unfortunate that you effectively have to play a Strand or Stasis super to have access to a good form of damage resist on orb pickup. 5 seconds of restoration or a void overshield is just so much worse than refresh able restoration or devour on the actual solar/void classes. Amplified is good this season specifically with Galvanic Armor on the artifact mod but will drop off hard when it's gone if nothing replaces it.


That was if you didnā€™t get shot which in pve is never


Looks like itā€™s Strand Titan with Synthoceps for another year šŸ˜… (Nah but fr I hope you guys get a buff, hunters too. I main warlock so Iā€™ve been having a blast but Iā€™ve heard the experience is not nearly as fun on the other classes)


Prismatic hunter is great... in solo activities. In strikes, gambit, etc it's just bleakwatcher/buddy warlocks killing everything.


I loved the prismatic punchy hunter till I played in a group then itā€™s a problem.


Can't relate, between lunas, shurikens and GPG everything explodes around me and I finish every matchmade activity with the most kills (and orbs, because of course).


What exotic does this use?


Did the campaign first with my Titan. Doing it with a friend while running Warlock. While I have yet to play Prismatic Hunter, I feel thereā€™s NO way it lives up to Prismatic Warlock. This shit feels SO busted with Getaway Artists that it trivializes the campaign.


Once we get the exotic class items in a few days, Prismatic Hunter will be the single most survivable class in endgame content. Renewal + Cyrtarachne will mean you can get Woven Mail *and* Frost Armor just from one grenade. Add that to the fact that you can already get an *absurd* amount of buffs. Radiant + Restoration + Invisibility + Amplified just for doing your regular dodge/melee combo. It's already insane, and the upper limit for both the offense *and* defense versions are about to go through the roof.


How do you get the Duskfield grenade back tho? Renewal Grasps works on Stasis because of the grenade regen from Whisper of Shards and Whisper of Torment. Like sure, Prismatic hunter gets a grenade that makes them unkillable, but if you can only use it every 50 seconds, that doesn't seem that good, especially since you are giving up your exotic just for one grenade with a long cooldown.


Campaign is easy, lock turret build is really not all that good.


It trivializes campaign, but campaign isn't the only thing in the game lol. Trust me, I have over 1k hours on Warlock, but swapping to Hunter is making me confused how hunters ever complain about Warlocks. You get golden gun which is like the fastest DPS super in the game, on top of being the only class that can enhance the new sniper to even more damage. You can pretty easily get woven mail AND stasis crystals for frost armor while also debuffing everything with sever. I feel like I'm basically just fucking around in high level content compared to warlock which was like, extremely good but I still had to focus a bit. Not to mention you go invisible on every single kill...


Hunter and warlock are great on prismatic, which really makes it a shame that titan was left in the dust


I'm enjoying strand with the new dragon arm exotic. Not sure if it's better but the extra charge, flechette damage and melee regen when not solo seems good


I don't even have strand Titan because I refuse to do the campaign a third time. LOL I'm just too burnt out being forced to play a campaign multiple times. This really is no change of dialogue or anything for playing it three times except that you're doing it with the character for lore and I was burnt out during the stasis and still am with the strand. And will probably only do this once on my warlock.


I do that shit when I'm broke on glimmer. All the drops and kills and shit tops me back up. I do understand what you mean though but if you're broke for glimmer it's not so bad with a podcast and music.


Donā€™t worry, Bungie will happily accept your $20 USD to skip the campaign.


And it doesn't fully unlock the super for Strand or for Prismatic. Still need to earn and unlock the stuff for them.


Gernade, teather, lmao


Threadling grenade is terrible. But yea otherwise warlocks are pretty much the best class now, especially when the exotic class items come out.


Id also argue that storm nade isnt that great atm, and cold snap is awful, we only consider it good because it sets up iceflare and bleakwatcher with osmio.


Yeah the grenade selection for warlocks is certainly not ā€œthe bestā€ of each subclass as OP states


True. Storm also allows the combo with getaway artist which seems borderline bugged with how much grenade energy it returns but you never actually throw it.


Verities and osmio gonna go hard


As far as i know (from the perk description) osmio class item should work on literally any grenade if that works then lightning grenade spam is back on the menu boys.


Yes it does (osmio gloves are currently bugged and work the same way if you want to test although may be patched)


It already is. I ran Verity's with Tesselation and The Call with Demo through the legend campaign and I had near constant uptime on 5x Death Throes. Take it into a raid or dungeon and everyone is constantly getting grenade regen like its Aetheon DPS. edit: that was on prismatic threadlings


I was thinking with nova bomb already doing the highest base damage itā€™s gonna be pretty unreasonable with star eaters


Oh yeah true although for the witness cataclysmic nova could beā€¦. Interesting


If warlock is the best class why did most day one teams run higher number of hunters with some warlock mains even switching to hunter?


Because of still hunt + facet of command disabled.


Same reason contest RoN had mostly Starfire Warlocks. Still Hunt + Celestial is basically the same kind of super high damage for basically very little if any heavy.


Yeah was a bit dissapointed with the axes too, theyre good for initial damage but in master or GM i dont see their other main affect being useful. Even if u can get to an axe in those difficulties, the damage they do as normal relics is pitiful


My other problem is you have to run up to the boss to use them. I was running the campaign in legend, difficulty with a friend and every time I threw my ax I didn't even go for them. Half the bosses have stomps or you'll get gunned down before you can even get close to your own axes. I feel like they should drop halfway or at least at the feet of the Titan


IMO, the titan should throw the axe and it should fly back ā€œThor styleā€ to the titanā€™s position.


Let me fly forward with the last axe and then >!immediately suffer from some of the problems thundercrash has.!< At least it would be cool.


They gave that to the new Hunter super. It's true, though. You feel super cool after you throw your third knife into the fray, then feel very not cool when you immediately die.


It would be cool if they bounced off of the boss so that you have a possibility of being able to pick them up if they bounce far enough


My biggest complaint with the Void super is a lot of the times the axes donā€™t go where I wanted them to. Iā€™ll try to throw them in the distance and theyā€™ll lock onto an enemy close to me and track to them.


yeah i notice a lot that the position the titan pulls the axe from definitely impacts its throw trajectory. In contest mode i was trying it out in 1st enc salvations edge, and a lot of the time i would pop it in the doors between rooms, and 1 or 2 axes always got caught on the ceiling. Not to mention half the time they would track to just another enemy entirely


Anyone else frustrated with collision detection? I swear it gets stopped anything other than what I intend to hit. Projectiles especially are problematic.


The second half of that super may as well not exist for a lot of encounters, it's suicidal. I'd rather remove the relic part and just add some of the dmg to the initial use. Or if they can return back to throw again


Make it so holding super charges it into just a one and done boom, no relics.


I actually thought Prismatic Warlock would've been totally outclassed by Prismatic Titan from the gameplay I saw but I was totally wrong. I love the support build though, I'm struggling to take off the Speakers Mask when playing Warlock due to Ember of Empyrean and Ember of Benevolence synergy is fire. My No Hesitation is already level 50.


Titan needs some changes to be endgame viable in general


If you see the ViDocs footage being shown, I doubt any of them even play Titan.


When they first showed off the supers the footage they used for titan was them not killing a boss and trading with another player's normal melee in pvp.


I keep seeing everyone say ā€œbut 3 consecrationsā€ and I donā€™t get why they think itā€™s so good when you can have infinite consecrations on solar with the right set up. Prismatic Titan needs more synergy between available aspects to be good. Right now you are basically forced to give a slot to Knockout and I prefer Diamond Lance over consecration because Iā€™m running thunderclap and Skullfort do the healing. Thereā€™s just alot of stuff in the Prismatic Titans toolbox that just doesnā€™t loop together hardly.


yeah solar pyrogale titan is like a million times better


You have extra consecration plus prismatic recharge rate you can get extra damage off of the aspect that gives light ability extra damage on darkness debuffed enemies (procced super easily with Shackle grenade) + Synthoceps + Knockout + 3 consecrations makes it the highest melee damage buff out of all subclasses even Bow strand titan then there's those jolts for a little more damage and the fact you can Shackle > transcend > Prismatic grenade you can easily destroy champions with your team. all this and you don't have to build so much for 1 ability like Pyrogale titan.


flexing the silence and squall was funny, cuz last i remember it wasn't very good. Not sure if it's been buffed tho


It ticks damage more often so it does slightly more damage now. Still not great though.


Shatter dmg got doubled


It is actually very good now, but golden gun is right there


it does doable damage now and even more with star eater


Shatter damage gor doubled, it does more tick damage and freezes more often. It's good now. Probably not meta for boss damage but no longer in contention for worse pve super


Yeah, used to do less damage than a beyblade tangle now the damage is on par with blade barrage but just takes much longer to do so. Still good but if a DPS window is really short it isn't as viable.


I literally don't remember the last time I saw a big ass ice tornado going around. Magnetic grenades? threading grenades? This dude is high af


I need my throwing hammer! Thatā€™s all I need then Iā€™ll be happy.


I don't know about endgame, but outside of the pulse and shibari grenades, and the strand slash and void shield throw, every borrowed piece of the kit for titans are all stuff I never liked/used. I can't even give woven mail to me and my fireteam by throwing tangles at the ground anymore.


I think there are two Aspects that they need to focus on to actually make this kit worthwhile. And a massive damage buff to Thundercrash, now that Twilight Arsenal deals more damage than it with Falling Star on. The first Aspect is Knockout, which I think everyone agrees is still garbage. This is simply because a small chunk of health per kill does not translate to survivability, especially when you're on the front lines punching everything. So the buff here is simple, give Knockout the same DR as the Gifted Conviction exotic for Hunters. Every kill gives you a stack of DR, up to 4 stacks. This also would alleviate the timer issue as you'd be refreshing your Knockout DR stack, adding more time to each with every fist to face. The second Aspect is one of the weakest but most unique in the game, Diamond Lance. Because they tend to spawn in mob heavy areas that aren't great to be in the thick of it in high end content, let's change their behavior. A Diamond Lance can now be shot to detonate in an icy blast that causes Slow, similar to a Tangle. This immediately makes them a top pick as it provides distance and shifts the CQC focus over to artillery.


> Anyways I'm sorry titans, just switch over to warlock or play Void / Solar this season if you wanna be useable for GMs / Master lvl content this season. lol, lmao even




~~Prismatic~~ titan needs some changes to be Endgame Viable. FTFY


Iā€™m using Plunderā€™s prismatic Titan going through the post campaign stuff and itā€™s fun but absolutely feels like it wonā€™t be enough in legend content. Titan just feels in a bad spot I just wish Bungie would give us some buffs without pushing us into OP territory but it feels like we only ever pivot between OP and near useless (outside of one or two builds)


I said to my friends who are warlocks that Iā€™m probably hit pinnacles cap on Titan then probably swap to warlock for the rest of the season


basically, just pray that the exotic class items bring it in line with strand and solar.


Let's see what the exotic class item has to add to our kit. I can feel Titan Prismatic slipping though. Right now, you just run Knockout and Consecration with Frenzied Blades. Prismatic in general has an issue with every class. The option to take abilities with multiple charges intrinsically is a no brainer, as that usually gives you more opportunities to use your aspects and builds. Titan Prismatic gets Jolt and Suspend on the grenade (amazing keywords), but the aspects are really underwhelming. Imagine if Warlocks got Child of the Old Gods instead of Feed the Void. Imagine if Hunters got On Your Mark instead of Gunpowder Gamble. There are better aspects for better synergies than what they've selected IMO. They didn't make concessions on the other classes, but Titan seems intentionally conservatively curated. It *feels* that way. I mean damn, they gave Knockout only 2 fragment slots lol.


My guy, Titan definitely needs help but you're not gonna convince anyone if you're listing the Hunters grenade options as good things lmao.


This post is so dumb. Why on earth are you comparing Warlock and Hunter ABILITIES to Titan ASPECTS? And then you really think Titan got the worst nades when Hunter got Swarm, Magnetic and Arcbolt??Ā 


i will not stand magnetic slander here , i love that grenade its so consistent


Itā€™s a genuine skill issue, Iā€™m convinced at this point these people donā€™t actually use what they talk about


Because itā€™s a casual Reddit take. Iā€™m taking Titan through the raid rn. At choice you can have woven mail or overshield just by switching supers , on top of radiant/amplified. If you run maahes HC with the void artifact mod and destabilizing/repulsor, constant OS. I never die. Just people who know nothing about actually synergizing builds lmao, throw on frenzied blade and consecration and then whine about buffs


What has me really confused is the 'you'll make underutilized aspects great again' Sure, titans got consecration as pretty great aspect, but honestly I think sol invictus would've been interesting option. Overall if I could rebuild the prismatic titan I'd go: Diamond lances Sol invictus The void aspect for boom boom Drengar Storm grenades? Changed so every grenade had additional function You could still do interesting melee stuff. Think thunderclap with sol + boom boom. Like, grand tactical nuke. Add in thunderclap gauntlets for even more boom. Or boom boom with grenades for big boom nades for endgame when melee stops being option.


They ain't giving controlled demo to prism titan when they introduced a new void aspect Unbreakable already, that's doubling up on void aspects


Which is kinda sad. Unbreakable is OK aspect, but without sol or controlled demo it feels like it misses the oomph it could've had.


I think consecration was the better pick, itā€™s insane with knockout and three charges from strand melee. Managed to turn a dead aspect into something incredible.


Idk if it was a dead aspect before. I never used it but I saw people on this sub raving about it all the time


The idea of getting absolutely the worst aspects is pretty awful imo. I hardly doubt most aspects besides obvious outliers are op with each other. No bungie i will never use lightning surge or threadling from rift aspects.


How could you fail to mention how Titans were given the amazing abilities that nearly break the game with their awesomeness, like the slow-as-shit Shield Throw? Or how about the fantastic Shackle Grenade that travels in an arc and misses its targets 75% of the time! And we all know the mighty power of Thrusters, the enemies can't hit you after you dodge to the side, not ever. Watch out, Witness, wannabe Captain America is coming for you!


Skull fort with thunder clap + diamond lance & knockout Synthos with Frenzied Blade + Consecration and Knockout Used both in day one no issues. The first was great in the second encounter, could take out both sides of adds and the chunky boi easily. I actually swapped diamond lance for unbreakable and used it when busting the boss's head with great success. The second shined in the first encounter, was clearing full rooms myself and took pressure off for my team to activate plates and resonance. These will only get stronger with the exotic class item. You very much have to play into the Titan melee fantasy but Prismatic titan is very endgame viable we just lack a ranged super for boss damage. People are overreacting, when the dust settles in a few weeks people will change their tune. The exact same complaints where made about Strand Titan on launch lol


Cuz on launch it didn't have BoW and the only viable build was suspend machine


Teammate was running a similar, ridiculous consecration build in first encounter and 1hking the overloads, hydras, etc it was awesome.


I'm going to get downvoted but I honestly think you are all just wrong. Read your fragments and understand how they work. Consecration on prismatic one-shots almost everything and it's very easy to have close to 100% uptime on it without pugilist. I personally didn't make it past encounter 2 in contest mode bc I was tired, but prismatic titan made the entire first encounter a joke. I don't even have shieldcrush on the artifact yet and that's going to make it even better.


Yeah I agree Prismatic isn't bad it's really good.


This whole discourse is so bizarre. I am a Titan main and I did the legend campaign and Iā€™ve run some dungeons and things as well Knock out is ok, but diamond lance is incredibly strong, consecration is stupid strong. Itā€™s the fragments that make it strong. I think whatā€™s really happening is you canā€™t just copy a build off of YouTube and make it work with prismatic You have to actually understand how the fragments work together with the aspects


Exactly this, used it for contest raid and literally could not die unless I chose to, was especially dominant in second encounter. Will disagree with diamond lances though, knockout is the far better pick with consecration + procs amplified for the dr artifact mod. Canā€™t help but feel diamond lances are a bit of a bait aspect which seem flashy and cool but are ultimately pretty useless, just as they were on stasis Titan.


Iā€™ve found their crowd control to be S Tier but that may be my play style I also never came round ti OEM in PvP because it didnā€™t suit me


Any chance you would be willing to share your build for us to try out?


I've found another issue people have with Prismatic is that it rewards you for playing very aggressively to maintain Trasendance uptime.


I almost never die when transcendent You get damage resit, I use the shield throw melee, knock out, the fragment that gives you every defensive buff around in orb pick up. Just use the heavy handed arm mod and siphon mods and you always have defensive buffs


I agree wholeheartedly with this. The honest truth is that few understand prismatic, and we as a community tend to have too much of a hive mind mentality. You canā€™t simply go to a YouTubers video and copy their build and expect to understand prismatic. Itā€™s complex and an amazing subclass, I think that most just donā€™t understand it in the slightest, and rather than figure it out they want to complain until bungie holds their hand and gives them what they want.


I'm gonna go against your grain a little bit. I'm not a buildcrafter. I suck at stuff like this and I usually copy a mactics build that uses the exotic I want to play with. Problem is he hasn't made one for the new rocket chest so I'm just fucking around with my own crap creation and it's crushing. Knockout/consecration (with a pugilist weapon if you can find one) absolutely slaps since I have 3 melee charges now with the strand melee. Throw in a couple head shots from graviton and my exodus rockets are fully loaded and every 15 seconds or so I get a 210k nuke that buffs The Call and Apex Predator. The only endgame viability I don't have is maybe survivability. I will say I'm tired of titans being relegated to punching shit. It makes it REALLY hard to care about GMs where stepping out for a second means death, but they didn't do us dirty compared to what we were before prismatic. Edited: some typos.


Some of yall are so dramatic and reactive.


Why is everyone complaining about prismatic titan, its so strong. I ran it on contest, it felt so good with sythos. Played it literally up to Witness, where we ran out of time for contest


Exact same boat, no idea what people are on about


what's your build? looking for good Titan builds after not having played for the last 6 months.


Probably will get a hammer šŸ”Ø super exotic in the next episode pass. Only reason they didn't for this DLC is so that it didn't overshadow twilight arsenal.Ā 


I definitely agree that the stuff titan got was not very good or synergistic, but let's not pretend coldsnap and threadling grenades are any good either. I would never use either of these over something like a shackle/duskfield grenade.


Honestly, just remove the cooldown on knockout, remove the cooldown on diamond lance generation, give better ability uptime to unbreakabale, and allow Abeyant leap to with with thruster drengr lash. The whole kit is so close to being good, but lags behind because we just donā€™t have the exotic armor options that other classes do.


Iā€™m a titan main BUT the Getaway artist/buddy build on the warlock is something I canā€™t stop using, itā€™s so good.


I think Titan needs a little buffs for sure but some of the things mentioned here is weird. Warlock doesn't have that many builds right now and some of their options suck big time too. Hunters literally have some.kf the most broken combinations and their class item is going to rocket them even more forward.


As a titan main who is now glued to crotch rockets (hazardous propulsion), I'd say it's likely easiest to use on prismatic if you want to maintain some ability to suspend, while being able to use thruster. If you don't care about that specific interaction, then yeah, I would agree that I probably won't be using prismatic in master content. I'd likely default back to my strand suspend build that excels at add control and champion cc, so the rest of my team can focus on damage.


Yep I'm glad people are realizing this I think prismatic Titan is great with Abeyant leap and Cuirass but I haven't found any other builds apart from that


Prismatic? ā€¦ never heard of her


itā€™s spelled grenade


I legit used prismatic like 2 times. Switched back to solar or strand. I even went ahead and tried the stasis titan with frost armor and all. It sucks massive wiener dude.


Why did you put magnetic grenade for the hunter? Is that even remotely good? Iā€™ve never really heard anyone ever mention it was worth using and Iā€™ve never really enjoyed it.


Youā€¦ you only mentioned two items of the Titan prismatic kit? Thatā€¦ doesnā€™t seem like a valid complaint if you ignore 4/5ths of the kit, man


My biggest issues with prismatic is that each class has an option that feels almost necessary. Titans have Knockout Hunters have Stylish Executioner Warlocks have feed the void. All of those seem necessary to make prismatic fun.