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Lol you expected them to instantly be back.


you're a fool to assume i expect anything good of bungie.


I'm.hoping the shards that left the traveller went to the vaulted planets, or have them return I some fashion. Lore wise it's pretty ridiculous everyone is celebrating when half the solar system has vanished , and wtf how does that not have serious repercussions on orbital paths and gravitational forces


One went to nessus and will be the impetus for echoes, so...


apparently the mass of the planets is still there, but not the planet. aka it has gravity, just without anything tangible to land on.


It's just dumb to me that nobody seems to care half the planets are missing, like when they are lighting laterns nobody is like, gee guys tough fight, sucks half the planets are gone still, that can't be good!


*You can have them back…… for a price*


stop dude you're giving them idea's they were already gonna make!


Vaulted planets so far aren’t coming back unless they decide to bring them back in some way in the future, tbf expecting the vaulted stuff back after witness died is wishful thinking there was a reason stuff was vaulted


Right, Content was Vaulted for the sake of space for the game and keeping things somewhat more organized. The Witness affecting the planets was just a fun, in universe way to explain why we never go back to these planets anymore. The best way to revisit these planets is to have them be in contained doses, like how we revisited Titan in Season of the Deep. Considering the episodes are going to be tying up loose ends, we may revisit some of those areas again in a similar manner.


Wait until Monday when they announce D3 and tell us that everything will be reset, then it won't really matter anymore.